Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

The First Death: Building the Railway Through Glenmore

The railway extension line from New Ross to Waterford began in August 1900 and by February 1901 newspapers were reporting on the drunkenness of the railway labourers or navvies as well as injuries and a death. Surprisingly, in the same article where it was reported that two navvies suffered severe injuries the editor of the Waterford News & Star opined that the best course of action to tackle shebeening and drunkenness by the navvies was to put a well managed pub into Glenmore Village.

See our post of 3 June 2024 regarding the setbacks the railway encountered, the recorded feelings of New Ross leaders regarding the project, and the published list pf proposed compensation to people in the path of the line from Rosbercon to Balyverneen, Glenmore.

Danny Dowling (1927-2021) stated that there were two pubs in Glenmore Village until the then parish priest forced them to close circa 1870. Glenmore Village did not obtain a pub until 1963. See our post of 8 May 2023 regarding Glenmore Village losing its dry distinction.

Tremendous Drunkenness Among the Navvies

The Waterford News & Star (Fri. 22 Feb. 1901, p. 8) published the following article:

At the Petty Sessions,… District Inspector Mercer, Piltown, Prosecuted one Mary Fokes, alias Russell, a New Ross traveling huckster, with selling intoxicating drink without a license. The prosecution was brought under the 3rd section of the Licensing Act of 1872, and for the defence, Mr. John B. Colfer, solicitor appeared. Sergeant Stapleton proved that the navvies working on the Railway line at Glenmore were lately more drunk than ever, and that Mary Russell’s movements amongst them he suspected that she was conveying them lots of stimulants.”

On the fourth of the present month he ambushed the defendant with a pony and car arrived on the scene, the navvies regaled themselves with porter, and he saw money pass. The car contained several dozen of full and empty bottles of porter and whiskey. John Power, navvy, deposed to having purchased three bottles of stout, and paid six pence for them on the occasion, where Mr. Colfer remarked that they were dirt cheap.  Mr. Mercer pressed for the full penalty, and said there was tremendous drunkenness amongst the navvies.

Mr. Colfer ridiculed the D.I’s statement as to all he drunkenness amongst navvies being attributed to Mary Russell. He confessed that he never heard of sober navvies. He submitted that the defendant was ignorant of the law…, however the court imposed a £5 fine…”

Dry Glenmore

The editor of the Waterford News & Star then stated, “Those who like navvies are determined on obtaining drink will surely succeed somehow in their intention, and the persistent refusal of the licensing authority to grant a license between the bridge of Ross and the village of Slieverue, a distance of nearly 12 miles, covering a populous district of country serves as a strong inducement to the carrying on of such illegitimate drink traffic, and much Sunday debauchery as well as on Monday.”

“The granting of a publican’s license in the parish of Glenmore to our mind would raise instead of lower the morale of the district. It would be waste of time to argue the superiority of a well conducted public house where good drinks would be sold, over the prevailing shebeening in noxious intoxicants carried only in stealth all over the district, particularly on Sundays and holidays.”

“There seems to be a basis of old standing against granting a license for the sale of intoxicating drinks in Glenmore. It dates from the time that faction fights, when there were a couple of badly conducted licensed houses in the village, and of course in the time of Sunday selling, and it would appear that forty or fifty years ago, the abuses had become so glaring that the authorities felt bound to abolish the then publican’s license.

Since then applications, all without avail have been made for new licenses, consequent on the fears and apprehensions given rise by the sandals of two or three generations ago. The writer, however, thinks and believes the majority of people in Glenmore will agree that the time has come when the ban of half a century ago ought in justice be removed” (Waterford News & Star (Fri. 22 Feb. 1901, p. 8).

Serious Injuries at the Milltown Cutting, Glenmore

After advocating for a pub the newspaper then reported on two very serious accidents that occurred on the Ross and Waterford railway line under construction. “The accidents, though two miles apart, occurred almost at the same time. At the Milltown cutting, within 3 miles of New Ross, a man named Power, who belonged to the locality was the victim of an embankment slip of a couple tons of earth. Power’s body was badly crushed and one of his legs broken. He was conveyed by the ambulance car to the Union Workhouse Hospital, New Ross” (Waterford News & Star (Fri. 22 Feb. 1901, p. 8)

Serious Injuries at the Carrigcloney Rock Cutting, Glenmore

“The second accident took place at the Carrigcloney rock cutting, and where a navvy named Roche unknowingly approached a part of the cutting where an explosive was just set, and one of his limbs was just severed from his body, while his body and head suffered terribly. The doctors in attendance decided that an amputation of the limb was necessary to prolong his life, but Roche would not assent to the ordeal and was sent to the Waterford Union Hospital. It is considered that his case is a very serious one indeed” (Waterford News & Star (Fri. 22 Feb. 1901, p. 8).

Death of Patrick Roche (c. 1859-1901)

Our research in the death register has revealed that Patrick Roche, a 42 year old married, labourer, residing in Glenmore, died on the 22nd of February 1901 at the County and City Infirmary of Waterford. He died “from the effects of injuries accidentally received on the 19th of February whilst blasting.” An inquest was held into his death on the 28th of February by the Waterford Coroner, Edmund Power. We believe that Patrick was the first man to die during the construction of the railway line through Glenmore.

The Munster Express reported that Patrick Roche was injured on Wednesday the 20th of February. He was engaged in blasting a quarry at Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny. “His injuries were very serious, and he was at once conveyed to the County Infirmary, where it was deemed by the doctors necessary to amputate one of his legs. He, however, succumbed to his injuries on Friday at 3 pm. His remains were removed to his late residence on Saturday evening. An inquest was held at Mr. David Cant’s public house, Johnstown [Waterford City], on Thursday last. Mr. Smith, D.L., Head Constable Alen, and acting sergeant Teese watched the case on behalf of the police, and Mr. D. Dunford, solr. was present on behalf of the contractors (Pearson & Son, New Ross).” A jury was sworn (Munster  Express, Sat. 2 March 1901, p. 5).

The Evening News (Waterford) provided additional details. Evidence was given by Michael Connolly, who was working with the deceased at the time of the accident, to the effect that the deceased, whose business it was to set the charge and ignite it, returned after putting the fuse to it, bit as there was no explosion, and thinking he had not set fire to it, he again returned, and just as he was within a yard of the place it exploded (Evening News (Waterford) Thurs. 28 Feb. 1901, p. 3.)

After hearing the evidence of the widow, Mr. Bannett (engineer) and a labourer named Walsh, employed on the extension; also Dr.  Kelleher and Head Constable Allen, the jury found that the deceased died from the effects of the injuries of an accident received whilst blasting on the New Ross and Waterford Extension Railway at Carrigcloney, and that as deceased was inexperienced  blasting, the company should compensate deceased’s widow for the loss she has sustained, and they came to the conclusion that an experience person should be in charge and see that the proper time should be given before the men should return to the place of blasting” (Munster  Express, Sat. 2 March 1901, p. 5). According to the New Ross Standard, Patrick Roche was from the north County Kilkenny (New Ross Standard, Sat. 23 Feb. 1901, p. 5).

James Power (c. 1854-1920) of Jamestown, Glenmore

The New Ross Standard, identified the other man injured, named Power. He was James Power of Jamestown, Glenmore. He was badly crushed by falling earth from the Forrestalstown (sic) cutting rather than the Milltown cutting (New Ross Standard, Sat. 23 Feb. 1901, p. 5). James Power survived his injuries and was found still residing in Jamestown, Glenmore in 1911.

We believe that the injured James Power, of Jamestown, was married to Catherine Purcell (c. 1861-1945). The couple married on 3 October 1886 at Glenmore. James was a labourer and son of John Power (farmer) of Jamestown. Catherine was the daughter of Edmund Purcell (labourer) of Forrestalstown (sic). At the time of their marriage James was 34 and Catherine was 25.  In the 1901 Census Catherine was living in Jamestown, Glenmore (aged 35) with her children. James was not present, but he may have still been in the hospital. In the 1911 Jamestown Census he gave his age as 60 and Catherine or Kate said that she was 50. In 1911, James was employed as an agricultural labourer. The couple are buried in Glenmore, and their headstone provided their dates of death.

Please send any corrections or additional information to

Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh

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