From Danny’s Glenmore Photo Album 3.0 [updated]

The photo featured today was taken about 1970 by Danny Dowling (1927-2021) of Glenmore Village, outside the then parish hall (the old boy’s school) just inside the wall. Two of the depicted men at the back have been identified. Back row: the on the far left is Eamonn Jones, of the Village, and the man on the far right is Michael Hoynes, of Ballybrahee, Glenmore.
If you can identify any of the other people in this photo please post below or email As people are identified we shall update this page as we do with other photographs. Thank you for your assistance.
[Update 24 May 2022, 19:32–Since the post went up this morning a number of readers have helped identify some of the people in the photo.]
Back Row, Left to Right: [1] Eamonn Jones, the Village; [2] –?–; [3] –?–; [4] –?–; [5] Mickey Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown; [6] Johnny Mackey, of Ballycroney; [7] Pat Dowling, of Cappagh; [8] Michael Hoynes, of Ballybrahee.
[Update 28 May 2022–Thanks to several readers we believe the people in the photo include: (back row left to right) [1] Eamonn Jones, the Village; [2] Paddy Mackey; [3] Mike Whelan, Ballywairy; [4] Mick Murphy, of Jamestown; [5] Micky Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown; [6] Johnny Mackey; [7] Pat Dowling Cappagh; [8] Michael Hoynes of Ballybrahe. (front left to right) Packie Morrissey ? and the child on the left is believed to be a nephew of Eamonn Jones. The little boy in front of Pat Dowling is Danny’s son Pat Dowling.]
Third in from right
Johnny Mackey
3rd from right looks like Johnny Mackey Ballycroney. I could be wrong