Q..R – Glenmore Surnames
This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginning with Q or R. The information was gleaned from Danny Dowling’s notes as well as old newspapers etc. For the convenience of readers links to other surname pages are provided below. Women are usually listed under their married names.
A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z
This page was updated on the 8th of Aug. 2024. Reddy
George Quinn (c. 1878-1949) native of Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 7 Oct. 1949, p. 8]
DEATH OF G. QUINN—Mr. George Quinn, whose death occurred in hospital at Thomastown, was a native of Glenmore parish. He had been out of his health for a considerable time past. Deceased who was aged over 70 years, was uncle of the Quinn family, Fahee, Mullinavat, and the Hayes family, Bigwood. Interment took place at Glenmore.—R.I.P.
Patrick Quin, of Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Patrick Quin, of Rathinure, died on the 28th of July 1906.
Anastasia Raftice (c. 1858-1938) of Davidstown, Glenmore (Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 2nd of December 1938)
DEATH OF MRS. A. RAFTICE–The death has occurred at her residence, Davidstown. Glenmore, of Mrs. Anastasia Raftice, at the age of close on 80 years. Deceased, who was a popular inhabitant of the district, was widow of the late Mr. Patrick Raftice, who died in 1925. and mother of The Misses Raftice. Davidstown. to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. The funeral to Glenmore was largely attended. Requiem Mass and Office were offered up in the local church, of which the celebrant was Rev. Wm. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore. The other clergy present were:—Very Rev. Canon Brennan. P.P., Ferrybank; Rev. J. Carrigan, P.P. Glenmore; Rev. M. Doyle, C.C. Slieverue: Rev. P. Hally. C.C. Ferrybank, and Rev. Jas. Brady, chaplain, Belmont. Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery.—R.I.P.
James Canon Raftice, Parish Priest of Mullinavat [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
James Canon Raftice, P.P. of Mullinavat died 29 July 1911.
Jack Raftice, of Rochestown, formerly of Davidstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 16 December 1969]
Jack Raftice was married to Kate Gahan of Rochestown. He was the son of Robin Raftice and was born in Davidstown, Glenmore. As a young man he emmigrated to the US and went to San Francisco where he work with Laurence and John Forristal, of Ballyverdeen, Glenmore. They worked on the docks and Jack could not stick it. He went out into the country (3 or 4 days out by horse) from San Francisco to work for a farmer.
He started work at 4 a.m. and worked until 10 p.m. working with a team of horses. The team consisted of four horses pulling a double sodded plough. The fields were 5 or 6 miles long. Breakfast was at 4 a.m. and if he was 5 minutes late his breakfast went to the dogs and he got abuse from the farmer. He worked there for four or five years. He earned £60 per year and saved his money because there was no way to spend it and no Mass or meetings to attend. He was only able to get into the City once a year. He came home the 1890’s with about £300. He was a big able man.
John Raftice [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Raftice died in September 1905.
Robin Raftice, of Barkstown, Mullinavat [DD Notebook 2, inteview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore, on 16 December 1969]
Robin Raftice of Burkstown and _______ of Davidstown Glenmore got married and lived in Davidstown. Robin was the first of the Raftice family to live in Davidstown. Robin and his wife had the following family:
(1) Paddy Raftice was called Pod. He married a sister of Tom Mullaly, of Ballyverdeen. He was home at the farm in Davidstown.
(2) Jack Raftice was married to Kate Gahan of Rochestown, Glenmore. She had a farm of about 40 acres where they lived. They had no family. The farm is now owned by the Walshes of Rochestown.
Nicky Forristal asked Kate Raftice née Gahan why she wouldn’t sell her farm in Rochestown and have a bit of pleasure in life. She replied “I’d put it up for auction only I’d be afraid that damn Conn would buy it.” Kate died before it was sold. Her sister in Waterford sold the farm, and it was bought by Laurence Walsh of Rochestown.
Nicky Forristal noted that there was also a family of Gahans in Ringville, (Slieverue).
The Reddys of Gaulstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore on 18 January 1970]
The Reddys of Gaulstown originated in Ballinaraha, Glenmore where Paddy Reddy lived and in 1970 was owned by the Forristals of Ballinaraha. They had 25 Irish acres of land. The Reddys were in Ballinaraha for along time.
(1) Jim Reddy, in Gaulstown, was married to Judy Grant.
(2) Tom Reddy, in Ballinaraha home place. Unmarried.
(3) Nell Reddy also in the Ballinaraha home place and never married.
(4) Dick Reddy married Katie Delaney, or Newtown, Glenmore; they lived in Waterford.
(1) Jim Reddy and Judy Grant, of Gaulstown had the following family:
(1a) Jack Reddy, in Gaulstown, married Margaret Hennessey, of Ballilogue, Rochestown, Glenmore.
(1b) Paddy Reddy, got the Ballinaraha home place from his uncle. Nver married.
(1c) Mary Reddy died in Gaulstown, aged about 30. Mary never married and is dead about 50 years.
(1d) Bridget Reddy married Jack Forristal, of Ballinaraha. They had 1 son and 4 daughters.
Dick Reddy, of Robinstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 17 January 1970]
Dick Reddy, of Robinstown was married to Ellen Carroll, of Tinerany, Rosbercon area. They had two sons: Mick Reddy and Tommy Reddy. Tommy Reddy died at about 12 years of age whilst going to school. They also had three daughters: Peg, Eily and Mrs. Barron.
Dick Reddy (c. 1880-1958) native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Kilkenny People, Sat. 29 March 1958, p. 6]
Late Mr. Dick Reddy—The death occurred at his residence, Tory Hill, last week of Mr. Dick Reddy, a native of Kilbride, Glenmore, he lived for many years in the Tory Hill district where he was a popular figure in farming circles. Remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Friday last and were received by Rev. J. Murphy, C.C. Funeral took place on Saturday to the family burial ground after Office and High Mass. [The death register for “Richard Reddy” (farmer) provides that he died on the 18th of March 1958 at the County Home. He was 78 years old and a widower.]
Edward Reddy, Rahard, of Mullinavat [Article in Munster Express on Friday the 4th of May 1934]
Business Announcement–As will be seen by our advertising columns Mr. Edward Reddy, Rahard, Mullinavat, has opened a knacker business. In the centre of such a large agricultural area, the new enterprise—the first of its kind in South Kilkenny—is sure to meet with success.
John “Jack” Reddy (C. 1882-1961) of Gaulestown, Glenmore [Obituary in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 March 1961, p. 9]
Death of Mr. John Reddy—The death has occurred at his residence, Gaulestown, Glenmore, of Mr. John Reddy at the age of 80 years. Deceased, who was a well known figure in the farming life of the district, was husband of Mrs. Margaret Reddy, do, and father of Mr. James Reddy, do; Mrs. M. Merrigan, Kilbraghan, Rosbercon; MRs. H. Maher, Slieverue; Mrs. N. Grace, Kilbride, Glanemore and brother of Mrs. Bridget Forristal, Ballinarahan, do. Interment took place at Glenmore after Office and High Mass; of which the celebrant was Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P. do. The attendance, both at the removal of the remains and burial included many relatives and friends from the local and adjoining parishes. R.I.P.
James Reddy of Kilbride, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Michael Power, Busherstown, Glenmore on the 9 May 1969]
Jamesy Reddy of Kilbride was married to a sister of old Tommy Connors of Ballyfacey. Jamesy Reddy had following children; (1) Pat Reddy in home place in Kilbride. Never married. (2) Dick Reddy, married in Baunagelogue, Bigwood. Had family. (3) Mary Reddy, died unmarried at the age of about 24 years.
James Reddy (c. 1847-1933) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 17th of November 1933, p. 7]
DEATH OF MR. J. Reddy—Another esteemed resident of Ballyfacey in the person of Mr. James Reddy passed away on Sunday morning last in the City and County Infirmary, Waterford, after a protracted illness. Deceased had been a week in hospital, but the end was not entirely unexpected. The late Mr. Reddy, who had attained the fine old age of 86 years, was a familiar figure in the district and was a close friend of Mr. Martin Phelan, who died on Saturday. Both were old neighbours who. enjoyed a life-long acquaintanceship.
He was an industrious and competent member of the farming community and his kindly and jovial disposition endeared him to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. The remains were removed from the Infirmary at 4 o’clock on Monday evening for Glenmore, and the burial took place, on Tuesday morning after Office and High Mass.
The chief mourners were: Mr. Rd. Reddy, Farnogue; Mr. Patk. Reddy, Kilbride (sons); Mrs. Rd. Reddy (daughter-in-law); James and Johanna Reddy (grandchildren); Messrs Patrick and George Connors, Ballyfacey: Messrs Culleton and the-Misses Culleton, Kilbride, etc. (relatives). Deceased was also a relative of Rev. Patk. Culleton, U.S.A.-R.I.P.
Johanna Reddy, of Gaulstown, Glenmore [Marriage announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 2 May 1941, p. 8]
WEDDING BELLS—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church on Tuesday morning last of Mr. Denis Maher, Ballyvaring, Slieverue, and Miss Johanna Reddy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reddy, Gaulstown, Glenmore. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Brennan, C.C. Mr. Denis Grant, Rathpatrick, was best man, and the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Reddy.
Breakfast was subsequently partaken of at the home of the bride, where a number of guests were entertained to an enjoyable repast. The bridegroom is only son of Mr.William and the late Mrs. Maher, Ballyvaring, and was a popular member of Ballynountain junior tug-o’-war team. Both are well known and esteemed in their respective districts, and their numerous friends with them many years of connubial bliss.
Margaret Reddy née Hennessy (1886-1970) of Gaulestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 April 1970, p. 41]
Death of Mrs. M. Reddy — Mrs. Margaret Reddy, Gaulstown Clonmel(sic) who died in the County Hospital, Kilkenny, on Thursday last, was a native of Ballylogue, The Rower, being the last surviving member of the Hennessy family, do. Aged 84, she was widow of the late John Reddy, Gaulstown, who died in 1961, and mother of Mr. James Reddy, do; Mrs. Nellie Grace. Kilbride, do; Mrs. Hannah Maher, Cloone, Kilmacow; Mrs. Mary Merrigan, of Kilbraghan, Rosbercon; mother-in-law of Messrs. Bill Grace, Denis Maher, D. Merrigan, Mrs. J. Reddy, and grand-mother of William, John, James, Madge and Alice Maher, Cloone: Mrs. Stasia Barron, Campile. Co. Wexford; Mary, Margaret, Alice and John Grace, Kilbride; Richard and Teresa Merrigan, Kilbraghan. She is also survived by three great-grandchildren.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Friday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Saturday morning after Requiem Mass, celebrated by Rev. P. Madigan, C.C, do., who also officiated at the graveside.
Mary Redy [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mary Redy died on the 1st of March 1910.
Mick Reddy, of Robinstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 17 January 1970]
Mick Reddy, of Robinstown was married to Mary Meany, of Robinstown. They had 4 acres of land there. Had 2 sons Dick Reddy and Jim Reddy.
Mary Reid née Culleton, native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 27th of April 1989]
MRS. MARY REID–Mrs. Mary Reid, Garrygaug, Mullinavat, who has died, was sister of Mr. John Culleton, Kilbride, Glenmore, and of the late Mrs. Bridle O’Neill, Slievecorrig, Tullogher. She is also survived by her husband, Tom; sons. daughter, brother, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Interment took place in Templeorum Cemetery after Requiem Mass.
Bridget Rigby [no townland provided] [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Pat Cody on 21 November 1955]
Pat Cody himself heard, when a young man, Bridget Rigby keening in Doherty’s of Moulerstown at the wake of Tommy Doherty (brother of the present Mike).
Michael Rigby ( -1971) of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Death notice, Irish Independent, 29 Sept. 1971, p. 24]
Rigby (Ballyveria, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny)—Sept. 28, 1971, at Ardkeen Hospital, Waterford, Michael Rigby; deeply regretted by his sorrowing mother, relatives and friends, R.I.P. Remains will be removed at 7 o’c this (Wed) evening to Glenmore Church, Requiem Mass at 10:30 tomorrow (Thursday). Burial immediately afterwards in adjoining cemetery. (Editor’s note–Michael Rigby was the son of Dan Rigby, of Ballyveria and his wife Catherine Phelan, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore. After the death of Dan Rigby, Catherine married Michael Tobin. See, T family page for Tobin, Catherine née Phelan.)
Michael Rigby, of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Article in the Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 25 Jan. 1834, p. 2]
A few nights since the windows of Michael Rigby’s dwelling house at Ballveria, in the parish of Glanmore, were maliciously broken and a stone flung into his bedroom. Rigby says he is not aware of having done anything to cause this attack on his house.
Michael Rigby (c. 1790-1841) of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Murdered in 1841 in Kilbride, Glenmore]
For information on his family see blog post of 24 July 2021.
For information regarding the murder trial see blog post of 21 July 2021.
For information regarding murder and arrests see blog post of 18 July 2021.
William Rigby, born in Ballinacrea, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview in Waterford in 1974 of Miss Kathleen Rigby, Castle View, Kell’s Road, Kilkenny]
William Rigby was born in Ballinacrea in 1884. He left Ballincrea a young man, and he served in the Royal Navy in the First World War. He afterwards returned to Kilkenny and lived there all his life. He was married in Slieverue Church to Annie Walsh of South Lodge, Carrick-on-Suir. William Rigby died on 29 March1965.
He had one brother Richard Rigby who lived on the farm in Ballincrea. Richard Rigby never married. He also had sister Mary Anne who was married to John Hynes of Aylwardstown. She died aged about 30 years ago. The families of Rigby in Ballincrea included: Margaret Rigby who married Robin Irish; another married a Flynn and the third married an Ahearne.
The Roche family of Ballinacrea, Glenmore [DD Notebook 5, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore in 1973]
The Roches of Ballinacrea, Glenmore had a farm. One sister married old Johnny (Villy) Kennedy, of Rathinure. Another sister was married to a Mullally and was the mother of Jim Mullally, of Ballinacole, Slieverue. Their brother owned the farm in Ballinacrea. He gave years in America and returned with a lot of money when he was an old man. He gave the farm in Ballinacrea to his nephew Jim Mullally, of Ballinacole, Slieverue and a lot of money to Mrs. Statia Roche of Rathinure.
Anastasia Roche (c. 1868-1945) of Haggard, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 7 Dec. 1945, p. 6]
GLENMORE DEATH—The death occurred at her residence, Haggard, Glenmore, On Wednesday of Anastasia Roche, sister of the late Jas. Roche. The interment takes place at Kilbride today (Friday) after Office and High Mass in Glenmore.—R.I.P. [Editor’s Note–The Death Register provides that the deceased died 5th Dec. 1945, aged 77. Her sister-in-law, Katie Roche, was present at her death.]
Betty Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Betty Roche of Rathinure died on the 17th June 1907.
Bill Roche, of Ardbeg [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Bill Roche, of Ardbeg, sailed to America about the 19th of August 1907.
Bridget Roche née Walsh (c. 1874-1964) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 Jan. 1964, p. 10]
Mrs. Bridget Roche—The death took place at her residence on Sunday last of Mrs. Bridget Roche, 4 Presentation Row, Waterford, She was aged 90. native of Rochestown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, the late Mrs. Roche was wife of the late Michael Roche, who was for many years employed as gardener at Mount Sion C.B.S., Waterford.
She was mother of Messrs. Thomas Roche, Manor St., Waterford; Michael Roche, Griffith Pl., ad Patrick Roche, Glasgow; Mrs. P. Kennedy, Johnstown, Waterford; Mrs. Margaret Grant, Griffith Place, do; Mrs. A.W. Webb, Wiltshire, England; Mrs. M. O’Brien, St. Patrick’s Tce., Waterford and Mrs. R. Parrott, Pearse St., Dublin. She was sister of Mr. Laurence Walsh, Canada and Mr. Michael Walsh, Manor St., Waterford.
Sympathisers were present in large numbers when the remains were removed to the Church of the Holy Family, Waterford, on Monday evening and again when the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon for interment in Glenmore. Requiem Mass for the repose of her soul was offered up that morning in the Church of the Holy Family.
Catherine Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 1 Feb. 1946, p. 6]
DEATH OF MRS. C. ROCHE—We regret to record the demise of Mrs. Catherine Roche, Haggard, Glenmore, after an illness of some weeks’ duration. Deceased, who was one of the best-known residents of the parish, was widow of the late James Roche, who was widely known in the district as a competent bonesetter, the art of which is still being practised by members of the family.
The late Mrs. Roche was mother of Messrs. Larry, James (of the staff of Glenmore Creamery), Patrick and Matty Roche, Haggard, and Luke Roche to all of whom the sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended. Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore Parish Church on Saturday morning, the celebrant of the Mass being Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., do.
Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery, amidst very manifestation of sincere sorry, and presence of a large and representative concourse of relatives and sympathisers. The attendance included members of the agricultural, business, sporting and social life of the area, as well as members of the Glenmore L.D.F. and the local athletic club, of which the Roche family are prominently associated. The family was one of the largest seen in the district for a considerable time—R.I.P.
Edward Roche (c. 1864-1937) of Ardbeg, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express, on Friday the 2nd of July 1937]
FOUND DEAD IN FIELD. Mr. Edward Roche (73 ), farmer, of Ardbeg, Glenmore, County Kilkenny, was found dead in a tillage field. He was a well-known footballer in his early years.
Edward Roche (c. 1864-1937) of Grogan, Davidstown, Glenmore [Article reporting on inquest in the Kilkenny People on Saturday the 3rd of July 1937, p. 4]
The complete article on the inquest of Edward Roche (found dead in his field) is provided on the obituary page accessed via the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
Sr. Eily Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore [Note in the Munster Express, Fri., 28 Sept. 1945, p. 6]
ON VACATION—Sister Mary of St. Edward (Miss Eily Roche) Good Shepherd Convent, Angers, France, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ed. Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore, was home on a short vacation recently.
James Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 1 Jan. 1937, p. 3]
HOME FROM THE STATES—Messrs. James Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore, and Patrick Kelly, Rathlikeen, Mullinavat, have arrived home from the U.S.A. on a holiday. Mr. Kelly has been 22 years in America, but was home four years ago, as was also his friend, Mr. Roche.
James Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
[First Entry] James Roche, of Haggard, and Kate Aylward of Ballyfacey, were married on the 7th of February 1906.
[Second Entry] Luke Roche, first son of J. Roche and Kate Aylward, was born on the 5th of July 1907.
James Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2 Interview of Mrs. H. Dowling on 28 December 1969]
James Roche, of Haggard, was the son of Luke Roche and Biddie Aylward. James Roche was married to Kate Aylward who died in 1946 at the age of 68 years. James Roche and Kate Aylward had the following family:
(1) Luke Roche, married in Mooncoin;
(2) Jack Roche;
(3) James Roche;
(4) Larry Roche;
(5) Pat Roche;
(6) Matthew Roche and
(7) Catherine Roche, died as a result of burns from falling into the fire at the age of 5-6 months.
James Roche (c. 1854-1940) of Haggard, Genmore [Blog article]
James Roche, of Haggard, was featured in our post of 25 September 2022 as he was a famous bone setter.
James Roche (c. 1888-1964) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Irish Independent, Wed. 8 April 1964, p. 22
DEATHS—ROCHE. (Weatherstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny) –April 7, 1964, at St. Columbas Hospital, Thomastown, James Roche, deeply regretted. RIP Remains will be removed this Wednesday evening at 7 o’c to Glenmore Church via New Ross. Office and High Mass tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:30 o’c. Burial immediately afterwards in adjoining cemetery. [Editor’s note: James (Labourer) died on 7th of April at the County Home at the age of 76. He was a widower.) 1964-76= 1888
John Roche [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Roche, the eldest son of Michael Roche and S. Kennedy was born the last week of April 1906.
John Roche, of Ardbeg [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Roche, of Ardbeg, died on the 4th of September 1908.
John Roche, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, DD notes]
John Roche, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore married Catherine Kennedy, of Rathinure, Glenmore, on the 1st of March 1834. Witnesses: Patrick Roche and Catherine Murphy.
John Roche (Martin) [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Roche (Martin) married on Wednesday the 10th of February 1909.
Mrs. John Roche [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. John Roche died on October 23rd, 1918.
John Roche (Patt) [called Johnny Paddy] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Roche (Patt) [Johnny Paddy, of Scart, Glenmore] died on the 10th of November 1918. [He was the father of Patsy Paddy Roche].
Johnnie Paddy Roche, of Scartnamore, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore on 21 February 1970]
Johnny (Paddy) Roche, of Scartnamore married Katie Gahan*, of Weatherstown, Glenmore. They had the following family: (1) Anne (Paddy) Roche married Martin Forristal, of Robinstown. (2) Patsey (Paddy) Roche in home place in Scartnamore. Married to a Cashin of Co. Waterford. (3) Jimmy (Paddy) Roche in Gahan’s place in Weatherstown which he inherited from his uncle (Peter Gahan). Jimmy (Paddy) Roche married Ellen Doherty, of Forristalstown, they had no family. Both were dead by 1970. (5) Ciss (Paddy) Roche***** married Tom Forristal, of Rochestown and they lived in Waterford. They had no family. Both were dead by 1970. Tom Forristal worked with Morris the coal merchant.
[Corrections dated 27 June 2020: Paddy Brown –John Roche, of Scartnamore, was baptized on 15 Aug. 1854 the son of Patrick Roche and Bridget Roche née Forristal. John Roche married Catherine Phelan* (some records Whelan). John Roche died on 10 Nov. 1918 and Catherine Roche, née Phelan died on 23 Oct. 1918. Their daughter Anne Forristal** née Roche erected a headstone in Glenmore Cemetery. Another daughter, Catherine*** married Thomas Forristal on 11 July 1921. Catherine Forristal née Roche died on 2 March 1923 resident of 28 Morgan St., Waterford. Her widower, remarried on 21 Feb. 1928 to Sarah Foran].
John Roche (c. 1874-1938) of Ardbeg, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri 1 April 1938, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. JOHN ROCHE—The death occurred at Waterford Infirmary on Tuesday of Mr. John Roche, Ardbeg, Glenmore at the age of 64 years. Deceased, who had not been in robust health for some time past, had been in hospital for three weeks. The late Mr. Roche was brother of Mr. Thos. Roche, Ardbeg, and was a well known local farmer who enjoyed widespread esteem.
The remains were removed to Bigwood Church on Wed. evening at 2 p.m., and the funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends from Glenmore and adjoining parishes. The coffin reposed overnight, and on Thursday morning Requiem Mass and Office were offered up, the following priests being present—Very Rev. Canon Brennan, P.P., Glenmore; Rev. J. Comerford, P.P., Mullinavat; Rev. L. Coughlan, P.P., Rosbercon; Rev. L. Loughrey, S.T.L. C.C., do; Rev. W. Brennan S.S., Glenmore; Rev. M Doyle, C.C. Slieverue; Rev. P. Hally, C.C., Ferrybank; Rev. P. Nolan, C.C., Tullogher, and Rev. J. Brady, chaplain, Belmount.
Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery in presence of a good attendance. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. T. Power, Ferrybank.
John “Jack” Roche (c. 1874-1962) native of Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 6 April 1962, p. 13]
Death of Mr. J. Roche—The death occurred on Thursday of last week of Mr. John Roche, Ballymountain, Kilmacow, at the fine old age of 88 years. A native of Glenmore, he was husband of Mrs. Roche, and father of Martin, Frances and Nellie Roche, Ballymountain; Patrick Roche, Lower Newrath; James Roche, Naas, Co. Kildare; Wm. Roche, England; Mrs. Evans, SLieverue; Mrs. Delahunty, Fahee, Kilmacow; Mrs. Fennessy and Mrs. Oakley, England, and father-in-law of Mrs. W. Roche, do.; Mrs. P. Roche, Lower, Newrath; Mr. Wm. Delahunty, Fahee; Mrs. Denis Oakey, England; Mr. Douglas Evans, Ballinamona, SLieverue; Mr. Thomas Fennessy, England, and Mrs. James Roche, Naas.
He was brother of Mr. Michael Roche, Presentation Row, Waterford, and of the late Mr. William Roche, Haggard, Glenmore. He is also survived by a large number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Jack, as he was more familiarly known, was a well-known figure in the district, and his demise, though coming in the fulness of years, was learned with sincere regret amongst his many friends.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Friday evening, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on Saturday morning, after Requiem Mass, in presence of a large attendance of relatives and friends. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore.—R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Messrs. T. Power and Sons, Ferrybank.
[Editor’s note: The civil birth records provide that John “Jack” Roche b. 7 Nov. 1874 at Ballyvoole, Inistiogue to Martin Roche and Margaret Lannan. The Inistiogue Parish Register provides that Jack married Josephine Hennessy in Mooncoin on the 14th of November 1933.]
Kate Roche (c. 1854-1941) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, 28 February 1941, p. 8]
DEATH OF MRS. K. ROCHE—The death occurred at her residence at Coolnaleen, Glenmore, on Saturday last of Mrs. Kate Roche, after a protracted illness. Deceased, who was aged 86 years, was widow of the late Edward Roche, Coolnaleen, who died some years ago. She had been ailing for a considerable time past. The late Mrs. Roche was a familiar figure in the locality, and was regarded with esteem and respect by a wide circle of friends. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Bigwood on Monday. Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, officiated at the graveside—R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Mr. N. O’Neill, Sallypark.
Kate Roche (c. 1860-1941) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Article Waterford News & Star, Fri. 3 Sept. 1943, p. 5]
“WILL, Mrs. Kathleen Roche, late of ‘Ardbeg,’ Coolnaleen, Co. Kilkenny, deceased. Will any person having or knowing anything of a Will made by the above named deceased, who died on the 22nd day of February 1941, please communicate with the undersigned Solicitor at once. A.J. Baldwin, Solicitor, 34 Dame St., Dublin.” [Editor’s note: The death register reveals that Kate was 81 when she died in 1941, a widow, and her niece Mary Grace was present at the time of her death at “Ardbeg.”]
Katherine Roche, of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Katherine Roche (Martin), of Ballyhobuck, was born on the 2nd of January 1908.
Laurence “Larry” Roche (1909-1965) of Haggard, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 Feb. 1965, p. 18]
DEATH OF MR. LAURENCE ROCHE—The death occurred at St. Patrick’s Hospital, Belmount, Waterford, of Mr. Laurence Roche, Haggard, Glenmore, at the comparatively early age of 55. Deceased, who was a member of a well-known farming family, was a prominent athlete and won many prizes and championships for weight throwing at various sports meetings in Kilkenny and adjoining counties. Larry, as he was more intimately known, was a man of splendid physique, standing well over six feet, and was of a quiet and affable disposition. He was son of the late James and Mrs. Roche, Haggard, and brother of Messrs. Jack, Pat and Matty Roche, do.; Luke Roche, Tubbrid, Mooncoin, and James Roche, England.
Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore Parish Church of which the celebrant was very Rev. William Brennan, PP, do., and the funeral took place subsequently to Kilbride cemetery. The attendance included representatives of the various clubs in the parish, including Glenmore Athletic Club, with which he was associated for many years. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P.
Luke Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Mrs. H. Dowling on 28 December 1969]
Luke Roche, of Haggard married Biddie Aylward, of Parkstown Glenmore. They had about 70 Irish acres of land and had the following family: (1) James Roche married Kate Aylward, of Ballyfacey. James was over 80 when he died in about 1940. He was a bonesetter; (2) Bridget Roche never married and died in her 60’s about 1939 or 1940.; (3) Statia Roche never married and died in her 75th year in 1945.
Luke Roche, of Haggad, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 15 April 1938, p. 8]
FARM PURCHASED—The farm containing 40 acres, with dwelling house attached, at Tubbrid, Mooncoin, owned by Mrs. Dungan, has been purchased by Mr. Luke Roche, Haggard, Glenmore, at a satisfactory figure. The sale was completed by Mr. John Phelan, Auctioneer, Waterford.
Margaret Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 Sept 1947, p. 8]
WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church of Mr. Wm. Walsh, Cappagh, and Miss Margt. Roche, Rathinure. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Rd. McGrath, C.C., Glenmore. The best man was Mr. James Walsh, and the bride was attended by Miss Brigid Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown. Following a reception, which was attended by a large number of guests, the newly-wedding pair left for Adare, Co. Limerick, on their honeymoon.
The bridegroom, who is attached to the staff of Glenmore Creamery, is a popular figure in sporting circles in the district and Secretary of Glenmore Athletic Club. The bride, who was employed in England for some years, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roche, Rathinure.
Margaret Roche née Long (1911-1992) of Rickardsland, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard, Thurs. 20 Aug. 1992, p. 20]
The death of Mrs. Margaret Roche (née Long), formerly of Rickardsland, Glenmore, occurred at her son’s residence Tinneranny, New Ross, after a short illness. She was buried in Glenmore after Requiem Mass celebrated by Fr. Lar Dunphy, P.P., assisted by Canon John Carey, P.P.
A native of Guilcough, Tullogher, she was wife of Thomas Roche who predeceased her by three years, and mother of Billy, Jamestown, Glenmore; Edward, Haggard, do.; Martin, Tinneranny; Mary Connolly, Rocklands, Ferrybank; Hannie Fortune, Cathedral Sq., Waterford; Peggie Reid, England; Biddy Meagher, Ballybeg, Waterford; Kathleen Brennan, Kilcohan, do, and EIly Culleton, Kilbride, Glenmore. She was sister of Mary Ryan, Miltown, Glenmore; Eilie Forristal, Horeswood, Campile and of Johnny Long, England. She is also survived by 34 grandchildren and a great grandchild.
Mary Roche (c. 1863-1941) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, 10 Jan. 1941, p. 8]
DEATH OF MISS M. ROCHE—The death has occurred at her residence at Coolnaleen, Glenmore, of Miss Mary Roche, at the great age of 78 years. Deceased, who was one of the oldest inhabitants in the district, had been in feeble health for some time past, and her demise, coming as it did in the fullness of years, was not entirely unexpected. During her life time she enjoyed the esteem and respect of all classes in the district, where she was a familiar personality. Her entire life was typical of that of the ideal Christian, and she passed away with a piety and happy resignation which were most edifying. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Kilcolumb, Glenmore, in presence of a good attendance of sympathisers.—R.I.P. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Nicholas O’Neill, Sallypark.
Mary Roche née Grace (1882-1962) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, 19 Jan. 1962, p. 11]
Mary Roche née Grace was originally from Forristalstown, Glenmore. Her obituary is available on our obituary page which may be accessed from the home page by clicking on the Roots button and selecting obituaries from the drop down menu.
May Roche (c. 1918-2001) of Scart, Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 12 Oct. 2001, p. 29]
The death took place of May Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore at the Community Hospital, New Ross. Her funeral took place from Power’s Funeral Home, Ferrybank to St. James Church, Glenmore on Sunday evening. Her Requiem Mass was celebrated on Monday at 11 a.m. by Fr. Dan Cavanagh P.P. and assisted by Fr. Liam Barron P.P. Mullinvat. Burial took place afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Michael Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Michael Roche, of Rathinure, died the 23rd of April 1911.
Michael Roche (1877-1962) native of Haggard?, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 4 May 1962, p. 14 ]
Died in Waterford—Mr. Michael Roche, 4 Presentation Row, Waterford, whose death occurred at St. Patrick’s Hospital, do., was a native of Glenmore, and had been employed as gardener at Mount Sion, Waterford, for many years. Deceased, who had attained to the fine old age of over 80 years, is survived by his wife, four sons and five daughters. He was brother of the late Jack Roche, Ballymountain, [Mooncoin] who died a few weeks ago, and sincere sympathy will be extended to the family on their sad double bereavement. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Glenmore.
[ 1911 Census: living on Presentation Row, aged 33, married for ten years to Bridget (aged 36) children: Mary (9); Martin (8); Margaret (6); Thomas (3) and Michael (1). Civil Marriage Records–On 10 Sept. 1901 Michael Roache, of Haggard, Glenmore (Labourer) married Bridget Walsh of Rochestown, Glenmore. Michael was the son of Martin Roache (farmer) and Bridget was the daughter of Thomas Walsh (farmer). ]
Pat Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 4th of March 1993]
LATE PAT ROCHE–The death took place over the week-end of Mr. Pat Roche, Haggard, Glenmore, after a brief illness. Funeral from Power’s Funeral Home to Glenmore Church on Saturday evening and Requiem Mass was celebrated at 11 o’clock on Sunday and burial took place in Kilbride Cemetery in the family plot afterwards.
He leaves behind him his youngest brothers. Pat will long be remembered for his devotion to the parish. Together will Paulie Fitzgerald and the late Bill Walsh, Cappagh. They ran the Glenmore A.C. Sports in the parish each year for over thirty years. His funeral Mass and burial was attended by people from all walks of life.
Patrick Roche, of Scartnamore, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Patrick Roche of Scartnamore died on the 8th of February 1908 at “Raheen by being run over by a train.”
Patrick Roche (c. 1860 -1910) of Scartnamore, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Sat. 12 Feb. 1910, p. 5]
Tragic Death of A Glenmore Man—On Tuesday a young man of the “farming class” named Patrick Roche, of Glenmore, met with a terribly tragic fate on the railway line at the Kilkenny side of New Ross. It appears that the deceased had attended the New Ross fair, and on his way home took to the railway line as a short cut. He was overtaken by an express train, knocked down and terribly mangled. We have been informed that the lifeless remains were first seen by the driver of the mail train was Waterford some time later, and he immediately pulled up the hand.
The remains were taken up and conveyed to a suitable place pending the Coroner’s inquest at which a verdict of accidental death was returned. [Editor’s note–Death register provides that Patrick Roche (Scartnamore) died on 8th Feb. 1910 at Raheen. He was a 50 year old bachelor, labourer. Certificate received from D. Walsh, Coroner for South Kilkenny inquest having died of injuries “accidently received.”]
Patrick Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Patrick Roche, of Rathinure, died on the 20th of June 1910.
Peggy Roche née Fitzgerald (?-2004) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, 27 Aug. 2004, p. 20]
Late Mrs. Peggy Roche—It is with great sadness that we record the death of Mrs. Peggy Roche née Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore which occurred at Waterford Regional Hospital recently. A quiet and gentle woman, Peggy had been in poor health for some time. She was predeceased by her husband Willie Roche in 1986 and her sister Nellie Irish in 1987. She is survived by her sister Molly Doherty, Forristalstown, Kitty Irish, Mount Swan, Nicholastown, Her uncle John Kirwan, Robinstown, nieces, nephews and a large circle of friends. Her remains were received at Glenmore Parish Church by Fr. Dan Cavanagh P.P. Glenmore, Most Rev. Martin Drenan DD Auxillary Bishop Dublin. Fr. Pat Comerford PP Slieverue and Fr. Jackie Power, OSA, St. Augustine’s New Ross.
The offertory procession at her Requiem Mass the following day reflected the various interests in her life, a rose for her love of flowers, a silver tankard for prize winning barley growing, the Glenmore Millennium Magazine reflecting her interest in historical and local affairs, her gold Pioneer pin and certificate representing 50 years membership of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association. During the ceremony beautiful music wand singing was rendered by Berry Dalton. At the final part of the Mass Peggy’s nephew Garret Irish gave a moving tribute to Peggy’s life and times. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Peter Roche (c. 1929) native of Rathinure, Glenmore [Article in The Advocate (New York) Sat. 30 Oct. 1954, p. 6]
Peter Roche (right half-back), Kilkenny, Age 25, Height 5’, 8”, weight 170 lbs.. Born Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny. All Ireland Junior championship with Kilkenny 1948; County Minor selection 1946 and 1947. Leinster College championship with St. Kieran’s 1945 where he starred at full back from 1944 to 46. Represented Leinster against Munster in All Ireland College anal 1945. A good defensive player with quick hands and fine courage. Now resides in the Bronx.
Thomas Roche (c. 1875-1960) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 29th of April 1960, p. 11]
Death of Mr. Thomas Roche.—The death occurred rather unexpectedly at his residence, Coolnaleen , Glenmore, of Mr. Thos. Roche, at the fine old age of 85 years. Deceased was one of the best-known farmers in the district, and was an esteemed and familiar personality amongst all sections. He had been ailing only a short time, and the news of his demise, though coming in the fulness of years occasioned feelings of sincere regret amongst his many friends and neighbours.
During his last illness, he was attended by Rev. J. Murphy, C.C. Glenmore, and Dr. Keogh, Waterford. He was husband of Mrs. Mary Roche, Coolnaleen and father of Mr. John Roche, do and Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Ballvclare, Ferbane, Offaly, and father-in-law of Mr. Michael Walsh, Headmaster, Ferbane Vocational School, and Mrs. Margaret Roche, Coolnaleen. He was also grandfather of Anthony and Michael Walsh, and Patricia and Eilie Roche.
Office and High Mass for the repose of his soul were offered up at Bigwood Church, the celebrant being Rev. J. Gallavan, C.C., Mullinavat, and the other clergy present were: Verv Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore (presiding); Very Rev. W. Dunne, P.P. Kilmacow; Rev. D. Hughes, D.D., C.C. Slieverue; Rev. J. Murphy, C.C. Glenmore; Rev. B. Mullan, C.C. Tullogher; Rev. Rd. Ryan, C.C. Kilmacow; Rev. J. Dunphy, Chaplain, Convent of the Holy Family, do., and Rev. N. Carrigan, Chaplain, Belmont. Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery, in presence of a large attendance of relatives and friends from over a wide area.—R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Messrs. T. Power & Sons, Ferrybank.
Thomas Roche, of Rickardsland, Glenmore [Notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 10 Oct. 1952, p. 6]
Left for England—Mr Thomas Roche, Richardsland, Glenmore, and Mr. Patrick Dunphy, Ballyverneen, do, left on Monday last for Bolton, England, to take up employment.
Thomas Roche, of Rickardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Thursday the 22nd of June 1989]
THOMAS ROCHE–The death has occurred in Waterford Regional Hospital of Thomas Roche, Rickardstown, Glenmore, who was predeceased by his sister, Mrs. Mary Doyle, Coolnaleen, by about three weeks. Popularly known, he his survived by his wife, Margaret; his family Billy, Jamestown; Edward, Haggard; Martin, Tinnerany; Mary Connolly, Rocklands; Eily Culleton, Kilbride; Hannah Fortune, Waterford; Kathleen Brennan, do; brothers: Martin, Haggard; Jim, Coolnaleen; & William, Dublin and sisters: Josie, Haggard; Catherine, Muchlinabro; & Peg, Mooncoin.
Interment took place in Glenmore cemetery after requiem mass of which very Rev. L Dunphy, P.P. was celebrant.
William Roche, of Haggard, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
William Roche, of Haggard, married in the middle of November 1910.
William (Bill) Roche, native of Glenmore [Obit in the Irish Independent, 12 June 2013, p. 54]
The death has occurred of William (Bill) Roche, Blackrock, Dublin/Glenmore, Kilkenny—Roche, William (Bill) Blackrock, C. Dublin and formerly Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, June 11th 2013. Peacefully, in St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Beloved husband of the late Peggy and loving father of William (Bill), Matt, Martin, Ben and Cyril. Sadly missed by his sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, extended family and friends.
Removal this Wednesday evening, June 12th, from St. Vincent’s University Hospital Mortuary to the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock arriving at 5:30 pm. Funeral on Thursday after 11 am Mass to Deansgrange Cemetery. House private please.
Rochford’s of Ballinlamy, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Dan McCarthy (Maria Deady) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore on 8 February 1970]
The Rochford family had farms in Ballinlamy and Ballyfacey, Glenmore. They lived in Ballinlamy where James Murphy lived. There were three siblings: (1) Philip Rochford; (2) Jim Rochford and (3) Mary Rochford who married Michael Deady, of Tinlough, Kilmacow. Neither Philip or Jim Rochford married. They are buried in Glenmore and have a headstone over their grave which is situated near where Wattie Power, of Jamestown, is buried.
Mary Rochford and Michael Deady had the following family:
(1)Margaret Deady was the elder and married Ned Murphy of Ballinakill, Mullinavat. The Rochfords gave the farm in Ballinlammy to Margaret Deady Murphy.
(2) Annie Deady married Jack McDonald of Ballinlammy (where Aylwards have now). The couple had no family. Jack McDonald died in Honaston(?) and is buried there. Annie is buried with the Deadys.
(3) Patrick Deady lived in the home place in Ballyfacey. He was married to Anastasia Fitzgerald, of Ballyveria. Her farm in Moulerstown, now occupied by Michael Cody of Weatherstown and the Doherty’s of Moulerstown. She was only married 6 or 7 years when they had to leave the farm and go to Ballyveria owning to illnesses, fever etc. They couple had two children, Maria Deady and ____ Deady.
(4) Tommy Deady died young in his twenties. He had red hair.
Mary Rochford (c. 1909-1949) resided in Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 2 Sept. 1949, p. 2]
Death of Mrs. M. Rochford—The death occurred at her residence, Ballinamona, Slieverue, of Mrs. Mary Rochford, at the comparatively early age of 40 years. A native of Clonroache, Co. Wexford, deceased was wife of Mr. James Rochford, Ballinanamona, and mother of James, Denis and Michael Rochford. The family had resided at Aylwardstown, Glenmore, for some years until last June, when they were appointed to the tenancy of a new Co. Council house at Ballinamona.
She had been in failing health for some time past, though the end nevertheless, came rather unexpectedly. Sincere sympathy will go out to the bereaved husband and three young sons in the very sad loss they have suffered. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Clonroache on Monday—R.I.P.
[Editor’s Note: Mentioned in blog post https://glenmore-history.com/rabbit-trapping-in-glenmore/ .
John Rockett (c. 1879-1901) Slieverue Village [Death notice in the Munster Express, Sat. 25 May 1901, p. 5 ]
Mr. John Rockett, Slieverue, who died on Monday. Mr. John Rockett was only 22 years of age, and had recently passed a brilliant Civil Service examination. The funeral took place on Wednesday, and was very largely attended, the uncle of deceased, Rev. Fathher Rockett, P.P., Rathdowney, Queen’s Country, being the principal priest at the burial service. Deceased was nephew of Mr. W. Dunphy, D.C,, Kilmacow. A very large number of priests from all portions of the diocese attended the funeral, and office and High Mass were celebrated at Slieverue Chapel before the funeral.
John Rockett (c. 1879-1901) Slieverue Village, [Newspaper correction in the Munster Express, 1 June 1901, p. 5]
Through a typographical error in the report of the death of young Mr. J.J. Rocket, Slieverue, it was stated the deceased was nephew to Mr. W. Dunphy, D.C. It should be Mr. W. Rockett, D.C.
Michael Rockett (c. 1876-1966) publican of Slieverue (Article in the Munster Express, Sat. 9 April 1921, p. 5)
THE REWARD OF BEING TOO OBLIGING—Robbery at Slieverue. On Friday of last week, just as the family were retiring to rest, a band of masked and armed men raided the residence of Mr. Michael Rockett, Slieverue. Knocking at the hall door, they demanded admittance in the name of the military, which was opened by Mrs. Rockett against the wishes of her husband. Four masked men rushed in and, placing revolvers up against Mrs. Rockett and her two daughters, demanded in the name of the Irish Republic, the money which was collected for the dog licenses.
On being informed that the money £11 was sent away two days before that to the C.P.S, they sternly demanded that it be paid over again to them at once or they would raid the house. Mr. Rockett demurred and was refusing to give way, when Mrs. Rockett beseeched him to do so. After obtaining the money the raiders decamped. The raid is universally condemned by the people of the locality as a disgraceful outrage on a respected family, and the greatest sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Rockett. The former was only obliging his neighbours by forwarding the dog tax for them to the Clerk of Petty Sessions.
John Rowe [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Rowe 25 May 1855.
Rev. John Rowe [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Rev. John Rowe was ordained a Priest at Whitten on Monday the 10th of June 1878.
Mary Rowe [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. Mary Rowe, died 20 September 1877.
Mary Rowe [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mary Rowe, alias Kirwan, died 8 September 1884.
William Rowe [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
William Rowe died 29 March 1876.
William Rowe (c. 1848-1932) of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore [For details see our blog post of 8 May 2022]
Alice Ryan, of Glenmore Village, postmistress [blog post of 24 Nov. 2019] See, The Glenmore Post Office: Its Rise and Demise. See [blog post of 3 July 2022, Glenmore Post Mistress Alice Ryan née Cody (1918-2009)
Dick Ryan of Ballycurrin, Glenmore [DD Notes 10, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward, Ballyfacy, Glenmore, 12 Feb. 1967]
Dick Ryan of Ballycurrin, Glenmore was born in Guilcogh where present Wat Ryan now lives. His father was John Ryan a sister of Mrs. John Joe Walsh. Dick Ryan of Ballycurrin died on Ash Wednesday 7th February 1910, aged 78 years. Dick Ryan’s wife Mary née Hartley died in May 1922, aged 82 years. Their son John Ryan died in ?
Elizabeth Ryan (1902-1933) native of Cappagh, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Friday 28 April 1933]
GLENMORE WOMAN’S DEATH IN AMERICA. The death occurred recently at her home, 444 East 196th St., New York, City, of Miss Elizabeth Ryan, a native of Glenmore, and daughter of Mr. Patrick Ryan and Anastatia Merrigan. Her whole life was devoted to religion and charity; she was a member of the Little Flower Guild; and during her illness had the consolation of being visited frequently by the Rev. Vincent J. Ludinger, assistant pastor of St. Pius’ R. C. Church, 420 East 145th Street, New York.
Miss Ryan was an employee of the Hotel New Yorker, and was held in high esteem by her fellow business associates. A Solemn High Mass of Requiem was offered for repose of her soul in the Church of St. Pius. Three priests read the Mass, with the choir singing, and the organ playing appropriately. The church was crowded with relatives and friends. Six pall-bearers carried the beautiful casket to the hearse, and more, than twenty-five coaches and two open cars, laden with flowers, followed the remains, which were laid to rest in St. Raymond’s Cemetery.
The chief mourners were: Mr. Thomas and Denis Ryan (brothers), Mr. Michael Ryan and family (cousins), Mrs. Fenton and Patk. Cody (relatives). [Editor’s note–Birth Cert…”Lizzie Ryan, daughter of Patrick Ryan and Anastatia Ryan née Merrigan was born on the 28 March 1902 at Cappagh, Glenmore]
James Ryan, of Guilogh, Tulogher [DD Notes 10, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward, Ballyfacy, Glenmore, 12 Feb. 1967]
James Ryan of Guilogh married Bridget Doherty of Milltown. They had in family the following: [1] “Big” Jimmy Ryan, (dead) was married in Guilcogh to Nell Tobin of Listerlin. [2] Paddy Ryan, died unmarried. [3] Andy Ryan, married in Ballykillaby, Kilmacow to a daughter of John Ryan of Guilcogh. [4] Dick Ryan, unmarried in psychiatric hospital in Kilkenny. [5] Statia Ryan died unmarried. [6] Mollie Ryan died unmarried.
James Ryan, of Guilcough, Tullogher [DD Notebook 24, interview of Nellie Dowling née Doherty, of Rathnew, Co. Wicklow c. 1980]
James Ryan, of Guilcough, Tullogher was married to Bridget Doherty, of Milltown, Glenmore, and had the following family;
(1) Jim Ryan in Guilcough married to Nell Tobin of Listerlin;
(2) Andrew Ryan married in Kilmacow. Had 2 daughters;
(3) Paddy Ryan, was called Big Paddy, dead, never married;
(4) Richard Ryan, was called Big Dick, dead, never married;
(5) Jack Ryan, alive in Thomastown, never married;
(6) Statia Ryan unmarried, died young in Guilcough;
(7) Mollie Ryan, unmarried, died young in Guilcough.
James Ryan, of Guilcough, Tullogher [DD Notebook 24, interview of Wm. Conway, at Holden’s, Clune on 17 March 1980]
James Ryan of Guilcough, was married to ? Hartley, of Busherstown, Glenmore and had family. Two of their sons became priests; Fr. John Ryan died in Camross and Fr. Dick Ryan died in England.
Johannah “Hannah” Ryan (1906-1971) of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 15 Jan. 1971, p. 20]
DIED RETURNING FROM SHOW—Mrs. Hannah Ryan, Moulerstown, Glenmore, collapsed and died whilst returning home by car from the pantomime in New Ross at the weekend. Deceased, who was an esteemed figure in farming circles in the district, was widow of the late Mr. Pat Ryan, Moulerstown; mother of Mr. Him Ryan, do., and mother-in-law of Mrs. Margaret Ryan, do. Interment took place at Glenmore, after Requiem Mass.
[Editor’s Note: the death register recorded that Hannah was a 66 year old widow who died of a coronary thrombosis.]
John Ryan, of Ballycurran, Tullogher [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 2nd of January 1953]
Death of Mr. John Ryan.—Mr. John Ryan, whose death occurred at his residence, Ballycurran, Tullogher, on Saturday last, was one of the best known inhabitants of Rosercon parish. A member of an esteemed and widely connected family, he was an extensive farmer, and a kind and charitable neighbour.
Deceased, who was aged over 80 years, was relict of the late Mrs. Ryan, who died in 1951, and father of Messrs. Richard and Jack Ryan of Ballycurran, Mrs. Dunphy, of Ballyvool, Inistogue, and brother of Mrs. Drea, Brownstown, do, and sister M. Paul, St. John of God Convent, Wexford. He was also uncle of Rev. P. Holden, C.C, Ballyouskill, and Rev. P. O’Farrell, ST. L., Professor, St. Kieran’s College, to all of whom sympathy will be extended in their bereavement.
He had been out of his health for some time past, during which time he was attended by Rev. N. Carrigan, C.C, Tullogher. who ministered to his spiritual requirements, and he passed peacefully away, fortified by the last rites of Holy Church of which he was a most exemplary member. A sad feature is the fact that his sister, the late Mrs. Dowling, Jamestown, Glenmore, died only a month ago.
The remains were removed to Mullinarrigle Church on Sunday evening, the cortege being one of the largest seen in the district for a considerable time. Office and High Mass were offered up on Monday morning, the celebrant being Rev. P. Holden, C.C. (nephew), and burial took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery amidst every manifestation of sincere sorrow”.—R.I.P.
Katty Ryan, of Rooking [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Katty Ryan, of Rooking, sailed to America on the 22nd of October 1907.
Kate Ryan, wife of Tommy Connolly, Aylwardstown [DD Notebook 20, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on Wednesday 31st October 1973]
Kate Ryan, the wife of Tommy Connolly, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore was a native of Inistioge. She was the daughter of Paddy “the Fiskin” Ryan. He died with his daughter Kate in Graiguenakill. She came as a single girl to work for the Strange Family, of Aylwardstown House. Old Peter Strange was alive when she went to work for them.
Kate Ryan néé Hoynes (1877-1922) of Gaulestown, Glenmore (native of Ballybrahee) [Blog post]
The short obituary and death records concerning Kate Ryan née Hoynes are at the end of our blog post of 16 October 2022 entitled, “One Hundred Years Ago: October 1922.”
Margaret Ryan, of Milltown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 8 June 1962, p. 6]
WEDDING BELLS MR. CONNICK AND MISS RYAN The wedding of Mr. John Connick, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Connick, Irishtown, New Ross, and Miss Margaret Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ryan, Milltown, Glenmore, took place in the Parish Church. Glenmore, on Wednesday. The ceremony was performed by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P. Glenmore. The bride was given away by her father. The best man was Mr. Wm. Woods. Miss Mary Ryan sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The reception was held at the Royal Hotel, New Ross, and the honeymoon is being spent, in the Isle of Man.
Margaret Ryan, of Killeen, Mullinavat [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Thursday the 9th of March 1989]
MRS. M. RYAN Much regret was caused by the death of Mrs. Margaret Ryan, nee Aylward, who died at her residence in Killeen, Mullinavat, on Saturday. She was aunt of James Aylward, Rochestown; Mrs. Peggy Kehoe, do.; Mrs. Betty Stephenson, The Rower: Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald. Flemingstown; Mrs. Nellie Grace, Scartnamore, and Mrs. Hannah McNamara, London. Interment took place in Mullinavat.
Martin (Mattie) Ryan, native of Kearneybay, Glenmore (Obit in the New Ross Standard on Thursday the 19th of July 1990]
Mattie Ryan–Widespread regret was caused by the death of Mr. Martin (Mattie) Ryan, Mary St., New Ross, a member of a popular family, which occurred at a Dublin hospital. A native of Kearney Bay, Glenmore, he worked’ in the malt stores in New Ross until his retirement some years ago. His wife, Margaret (nee Grace) who died sixteen months ago, ran a restaurant in Mary Street.
He was father of Fr. Michael Ryan, O.S.A. Mexico; of Thomas Ryan, New Ross, and of Mrs. Dell Nolan, wife of former Wexford goalie, Pat Nolan. He was brother of Mrs. Mary Walsh, Mary Street, New Roes, and of Mr. Dermot Ryan, Kilivory, Glenmore. He was predeceased by his brother. Paddy, from Kearney Bay, and by his sister, Ellie Baldwin, Kilivory. Interment took place in Rosbercon Cemetery after Requiem Mass in the Parish Church, New Ross, on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to his relatives in their bereavement. R.I.P.
Mary Ryan, of Glenmore [Munster Express, Friday, 30 October 1942]
The marriage took place recently of Mr. James McGrath, Castleview, Gowran, second eldest son of Mr. Patrick and Mrs. McGrath, to Miss Mary Ryan, Glenmore, with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing. The officiating priest was Very Rev. Michael limit, P.P., Gowran. The reception was held at the Country Tea Rooms, Waterford, and the honeymoon is being spent in the South of Ireland. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful presents, and we wish them many years of connubial bliss.
Sr. Mary Paul Ryan (c. 1872-1956) native of Ballycurran, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard, Fri. 24 Feb. 1956, p. 2]
IN MEMORIAM SISTER MARY PAUL, CONVENT OF ST. JOHN OF GOD, WEXFORD. The Most Rev. Dr. Staunton, Lord Bishop of Ferns, presided at the Office and High Mass offered last Saturday for the repose of the soul of the late Sister Mary Paul Ryan, who died at the Convent of St. John of God, Wexford.
A native of Ballycurran, Glenmore, Sister M. Paul was aged 84 years, and she had spent the sixty-four years of her religious life in Wexford. She taught at the Convent Schools of the Order in The Faythe. Celebrant of the High Mass was Rev. P. Holden, C.C. Rallyouskill, Attanagh, Laois (nephew); deacon. Rev. Noel Hartley C.C., Boolavogue, Co. Wexford (consin);sub-deacon Rev. P. Wallace, Bray (grand-nephew): master of ceremonies, Rev. T. Murphy, R.C.A., Wexford: chanters, Rev. A. Redmond, C.C. and Rev. M. F. Clancy, C.C.
In the choir were [30 priests].Subsequently, interment took place in the Convent Cemetery. Six former pupils of the late Sister Mary Paul, from the Children of Mary Sodality attached to The Faythe Convent School, acted as a guard of honour.
Chief mourners were Mother M. Alocoque, Convent of Mercy, Callan and Mrs. K. Drea, Brownstown, New Ross (sisters): Rev. P. O’Farrell Professor St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny; Messrs. Richard and Jn. Ryan, Ballycurran; Sean O’Farrell, Barndarrig, Kilbride, Wicklow; Richard O’Farrell, Kilcurl, Knocktopher; Richard Holden, Mullinavat; Richard Ryan, Ballyconnaght, Tullogher and Pat Ryan, Gilcough (nephews); Mrs. M. Dunphy, Ballyvoole, Inistioge; Mrs. P. Kirwan, do.; Mrs. Robert Wallace, Stoneyford; Mrs. M. Duggan, Ballintiskin, Higginstown; T Healy. Brownstown; Mrs. P. Davoren, Wicklow, and Mrs. M. Aylward, Ballyfacey, Glenmore (nieces); Sister Mary Pauline Wallace, St. John of God Convent, Edenderry (grand-niece), and Rev. P. Wallace, Bray (grandnephew).—R.I.P.
Patrick “Patsey” Ryan (c. 1866-1937) of Cappagh, Glenmore Village [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 24th of December 1937, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. P. RYAN.–The death occurred in hospital at Thomastown of Mr. Patrick Ryan, Glenmore, after a protracted illness. Deceased, who had attained to an advanced age, was a well-known local carpenter in his early days and enjoyed widespread esteem. He was father of Miss M. Ryan, Glenmore, Mrs. Power, do. and Mrs Byrne, Kilkenny. The interment took place at Glenmore in presence of a good attendance.—R.I.P.
[Editor’s Note: Death Register–Patsey Ryan died on the 14th of December 1937 in the County Home, Thomastown. He was 71 years of age and a widower. His profession is listed a labourer.]
Patrick Ryan (1917-1973) of Kearneysbay, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 20 July 1973, p. 19]
Death of Mr. P. Ryan—Mr. Patrick Ryan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore, who collapsed and died as he was about to enter a cot to go fishing on the River Barrow, was a well-known agricultural worker and fisherman in the district, where the news of his death was learned with sincere regret by his many friends. He was brother of Mr. Dermot Ryan, Kilmakevogue, Glenmore, (who was with him at the time he collapsed); Mr. Matt Ryan, Mary Street, New Ross; Mrs. Mary Walsh, do., and Mrs. Ellen Baldwin, Kearney Bay. He is also survived by a number of nephews, nieces and other relatives. Deceased was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan, Kearney Bay. Interment took place at Glenmore on Thursday after Requiem Mass, celebrated by Very Rev. P. Madigan, Adm., do., who also officiated at the graveside.
Munster Express (Fri. 24 Aug. 1973, p. 20)–The brothers and sisters and other relatives of the late Patrick Ryan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement; all those who sent Mass cards and attended the funeral. A special word of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Heffernan and to Fr. Madigan. Trusting this will be accepted as a token of appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Patrick Ryan (1896-1968) of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 25 Oct. 1968, p. 14]

DEATH OF MR. P. RYAN—The death took place in Aut Even Hospital, Kilkenny, on Monday last of Mr. Patrick (Pat) Ryan, Moulerstown, Glenmore, at the age of 70. Deceased, who was a well known and esteemed personality in the district was husband of Mrs. Hannah Ryan, do., and father of Mr. John Ryan, do. He had been out of his health for some time past, and was in hospital for some months.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Tuesday evening and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Wednesday morning following Requiem Mass.
[Editor’s Note: Death register recorded that Patrick Ryan of Moulerstown (labourer) died aged 72 of pancreatic cancer on 21 Oct. 1968.]
Thomas Ryan (c. 1873-1945) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri., 16 Nov. 1945, p. 6]
DEATH OF MR. T. RYAN—The death has occurred of Mr. Thomas Ryan, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, at the age of over 70 years. Deceased, who had been ailing for some weeks, was an esteemed figure in farming circles, and enjoyed much popularity. He was husband of Mrs. Ryan, Ballyfacey, and father of Richard, John and Kate Ryan, do.; Thomas Ryan, Davidstown; Patrick Ryan, Tipperary; Mrs. Doolan, Shanbogh, whilst another daughter (Margaret) resides in the United States.
The late Mr. Ryan was a native of Tullogher, and the family have been associated with the G.A.A. for many years past, his sons being prominent members of Glenmore Football Club. Interment took place a the family burial ground at Mullinarrigle, in presence of a large and representative attendance, which testified to the popularity enjoyed by deceased and his family. Rev. P. Nolan, C.C, Tullogher, officiated.—R.I.P.
Helpful Hint: Did you have an ancestor who went to Waterford city? The Waterford Library has put Danny Dowling’s (1998) Waterford Streets Past and Present on line. https://www.waterfordcouncil.ie/departments/library/local-history-books.htm