O..P – Glenmore Surnames
This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginning with O or P. The information was gleaned from Danny Dowling’s notes as well as old newspapers etc. For the convenience of readers links to other surname pages are provided below. Women are usually listed under their married names.
A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z
This page was updated on the 5th of Aug. 2024. O’Connor
Mary O’Brien née Frehne, native of Kilbride Glenmore [Death Notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 7 Oct. 1921, p. 1 ]
O’Brien—September 28th, 1921, Mary beloved wife of Patrick O’Brien, Brownsford, Tullogher, and sister of the rev. Thomas Freyne, C.C., and Rev. Patrick Freyne, C.C. Interred at Inistioge after Requiem Mass., R.I.P.
Mary O’Brien, of Ballyrowa, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Waterford News & Star, on Friday the 29th of April 1927]
O’Brien—On April 16th, 1927, at Ferrybank, Mrs. Mary O’Brien, late of Ballyrowra, Glenmore. R.I.P. Interment took place on Easter Tuesday in Glenmore.
O’CONNOR [See also Connors. In Glenmore the family was traditionally called Connors even in the parish records]
Mary O’Connor née Heffernan (1885-1936) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 18 Sept. 1936, p. 8]
Death of Mrs. O’Connor—With feelings of sincere sorrow we announce the death of Mrs. Mary O’Connor, wife of Mr. Patk. O’Connor, Ballyfacey, which sad event occurred at her residence after an illness of some month’s duration. Deceased, who was a native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore, came of a well known and respected family, and since her advent to Ballyfacey district enjoyed the esteem and confidence of a wide circle of friends. Her demise was learned of with sincere regret, and the utmost sympathy will go out to the bereaved husband and family in the sad loss they have sustained. The late Mrs. O’Connor was sister of Mr. Andrew Heffernan, Aylwardstown; Mr. Ml. Heffernan, Kilkenny; Mr. Thos. Heffernant, Kearney Bay; Sergt. Heffernan, D.M.G.; Mrs. E. Roche, Rathinure, Fr. Wm.. Heffernan, Australia; Mr. John Heffernan, Chicago and Mr. Stephen Heffernan, do.
Edward O’Connor (1882-1943) native of Ballyfacey, Glenmore. See our post of 5 August 2024.
Edward “Neddy” O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Waterford News & Star, Fri. 26 Nov. 1943, p. 5]
Well Know Glenmore Gael Weds—Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., officiated at the marriage, which was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church on Wednesday, between Mr. Edward O’Connor, third son of the late Patrick and the late Mrs. Mary O’Connor, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, and Miss Sarah Kelly, twin daughter of Mr. Michael Kelly and of Mrs. Kelly, Graiguenakill.
The best man was Mr. George O’Connor, brother of the groom and the bride who was attired in a camel hair coat, with head dress to tone, was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Kelly. A reception, attended by a number of guests, was held at the Granville Hotel, Waterford. The honeymoon will be spent in Dublin. The groom, who is an L.D.F. adjunct, is well known in Gaelic circles, having been Captain of the Glenmore football team which won the Kilkenny County championship and the Hamilton cup. He played with St. Kieran’s College and was on a inter-provincial fifteen. He also played senior hurling and football or Co. Kilkenny. The bride, who also comes from a well known farming family, is a popular member o the Glenmore Red Cross Society,
Edward O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Munster Express, Fri. 12 Sept. 1947, p. 8]
LEAVING FOR U.S.A.—Master Ed. O’Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. George O’Connor, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, will leave by boat from Cobh on Thursday next en route for Baltimore Seminary, Florida, where he will complete his ecclesiastical studies. He was a student of St. Kieran’s College for some years past.
George O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Saturday the 1st of January 1966]
MR. GEORGE O’CONNOR, BALLYFACEY, GLENMORE The death occurred at Waterford recently of Mr. George O’Connor (senr.), Ballyfacey, Glenmore, at the age of eighty-four. Well-known in farming circles, he was a great historian with a wonderful memory and could recall many outstanding events of the past. A man of wonderful health and energy, he was never attended by a doctor or dentist.
He was a founder member of Glenmore Co-Op. and was on the committee for several years. A keen follower of sports, he took a deep interest in the affairs of his native parish. Mr. O’Connor was President of the local Sinn Fein Court prior to 1922 and officiated at many interesting cases.
He was husband of Mrs. Brigid O’Connor, Ballyfacey, and father of Messrs. John O’Connor, Ballyfacey, Michael O’Connor, Slieverue, Paddy O’Connor, Dublin, Luke O’Connor, Glenmore, Stephen O’Connor, Dungarvan; Mrs. Brigid Kirwan, Gaulestown, Glenmore, Mrs. Kathleen Hoyne, Ballybrabee, do., Mrs. Maureen Mullins, Flemingstown, do., Mrs. Margaret Aylward, London, and the late Mr. Edward O’Connor, Dakota, U.S.A. He is also survived by nephews, nieces and other relatives, including fifty grandchildren.
The late Mr. O’Connor was brother of the late Mr. Patrick O’Connor, Ballyfacey; late Messrs. Edward and John J. O’Connor, Kansas City, U.S.A.. and the late Catherine Murphy, Mullinakill. Office and High Mass were offered for the repose of his soul. Celebrant of the Mass was Rev. R. Raftice, C.C., Kilmoganny (relative). There were eighteen priests in attendance. Interment took place in the adjoining cemetery, in the presence of an extremely large attendance R.I.P.
John J. O’Connor (1886-1934) native of Ballyfacey & Kansas City, Mo. business man. See our post of 5 Aug. 2024.
John O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Death noted in the Munster Express, Fri 11 Feb. 1949, p. 8]
VOTE OF SYMPATHY—At a special meeting of the Glenmore Branch of Fine Gael, a vote of deep sympathy was passed with the O’Connor family of Ballyfacey, on the death of their brother, Mr. John O’Connor, which occurred recently.
Kathleen O’Connor née Vereker (c. 1907-1938) native of Davidstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 June 1938, p. 8]
DEATH OF MRS. K. O’CONNOR—We regret to record the demise of Mrs. Kathleen O’Connor, which sad event occurred in Maypark Nursing Home, Waterford, on Saturday. Deceased was a native of Davidstown, Slieverue, (sic) and wife of Garda Bernard J. O’Connor, Dublin, who is a native of Poleberry, Waterford. She was niece of Very Rev. Fr. Vereker, P.P. Manchester, with whom she resided for some years until her marriage a few years ago.
The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will go out to the bereaved husband and relatives in the very sad loss they have sustained, as her passing so young in years is deeply and deservedly regretted. The remains were removed to Slieverue parish church on Sunday evening at 4 p.m., and the cortege was composed of a large and representative attendance from the parishes of Slieverue and Glenmore, as well as Waterford City, all sections united in paying a tribute to the memory of deceased, who enjoyed widespread esteem.
On Tuesday morning Office and High Mass were offered up in Slieverue Church, the celebrant of the Mass being Very Rev. Fr. Vereker, P.P., Manchester (uncle of deceased). Very Rev. Canon Brennan, P.P. Ferrybank, presided, and the other clergy present were—Rev. L. Vereker, C.C., Portlaw (cousin) [+ 13 more priests named along with their parishes]. Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery amidst every manifestation of sincere regret.—R.I.P.
[Editor’s Note: Kathleen O’Connor, of 29 Richmond Road, Druncondra, Dublin, died on the 28th of May 1938, at Maypark at the of 31. She was wife of a Civil Guard, and he, Bernard O’Connor was present at her death. She died from rheumatic myocarditis and had been suffering with it for 12 months.]
Michael O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, on Friday the 9th of January 1953]
On a Holiday—Mr. Michael O’Connor, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, is home on a holiday from England, where he is employed. He was formerly attached to the staff of Clover Meats, Ltd.
Patrick O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD newspaper clipping, New Ross Standard, 30 April 1937]
Patrick O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore died on the 14th of April 1937 at his residence, aged 53. Interred at Glenmore.
Patrick O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 30 April 1937, p. 1]
O’CONNOR—ApriI 14, 1937, at his residence, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, Patrick O’Connor, aged 53 years. Deeply regretted. Interred after Office and High Mass at Glenmore. R.I.P.
William O’Connor, native of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement Munster Express, Fri. 29 Aug. 1958, p. 5]
O’Connor—Kennedy. Two Co. Kilkenny members of the staff of Messrs. Clover Meats, Ltd., were married at the Parish Church Glenmore, on Tuesday last. They are Mr. William O’Connor (son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor, Ballyfacey, Glenmore) and Miss Alice Kennedy (youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kennedy, Kilbride, do.).
The ceremony, solemnised with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing, was performed by Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore. Miss Margaret Kennedy a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Patrick O’Connor, bridegroom’s brother, was the best man. A ballet length frock of pale blue brocade, with matching headdress was worn b the bride, who had a spray of white roses and carried a bridal missal. The bridesmaid’s frock was of lilac brocade. A reception at Dooley’s Hotel, Waterford, was attended by 40 guests. The newly wedded pair later left on the honeymoon which is being spent in Dublin.
O’DOHERTY [see also Doherty]
Mrs. Brigid O’Doherty, of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Obit NEW ROSS STANDARD, Fri, 17 March 1922]
MRS. B. O’DOHERTY. MOULERSTOWN, GLENMORE. The death took place on the 5th inst. at her residence, Moulerstown. Glenmore, of Mrs. Brigid O’Doherty. She had been ailing only a short time, and her death came as shock to her family and to the large circle of friends who knew her and by whom she was held in the greatest esteem.
The deep religious spirit which was a feature of her daily life was manifested in an exemplary manner on her death-bed; she was thoroughly resigned to the Holy Will of her Divine Maker, and after receiving the last rites of the Catholic Church she peacefully passed away. Two of her daughters are nuns—one in Dublin and the other in Cork.
She was member of a very respectable and widely connected family, and the sincerest sympathy is expressed with her bereaved family. The funeral was one of the largest seen for a long time, and the interment took place at Glenmore. The huge funeral was a testimony of the great popularity of herself and of her family. At the Office and High Mass there was a large number of priests. R.I.P.
[Editor’s note–The death register provides that Bridget Doherty, of Moulerstown died on the 5th of March at Moulerstown of “probably heart failure.” She was 71 years of age at her death and the widow of a farmer. Her son Michael Doherty was present.]
Gerald O’Donovan, of Rosbercon [DD Notebook 4, Copy of letter from DD to Prof. John Mannion, of Newfoundland dated 25 January 1977]
Gerald O’Donovan, of Rosbercon, died on Christmas Eve 1976. He had been seriously ill for a week and his death took place in the County and City Infirmary, Waterford. He was only 70 years of age and about a month before his death gave a lecturer on the history of Ross.
Mr. J.P. O’Donovan [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mr. J.P. O’Donovan was married in August 1913.
John O’Donovan, Ballyrowragh, Slieverue [DD Notes 10; interview of Paddy Foley of Rahora, Tullogher in Glenmore Pub on 1 June 1970 following the burial of Tom Brophy]
John O’Donovan was married to Statia Foley of Muraghstown, Slieverue. This was the last family of the O’Donovans in Ballyrowragh—
(1) Pat O’Donovan emigrated to America. He married and had one daughter. She is married and has one daughter.
(2) James O’Donovan in the home place in Ballyrowragh in the corn mill. Married to Ellen Dollard of Rahora. Had no family.
(3) Tom O’Donovan in Corluddy, Mooncoin. Married to ____ Dunphy had one son. Tom O’Donovan was aged 92 in 1970.
(4) Annie O’Donovan married to Wall in Ballyvallah, Slieverue. Also three O’Donovan girls in the nuns.
John O’Donovan, of Attenamore, Slieverue [New Ross Standard on Friday the 12th of January 1906]
JOHN O’DONOVAN, IRISH SCHOLAR. This year will be the anniversary of the birth of the celebrated Irish scholar John O’Donovan, who did so much for the Gaelic cause, more than half a century ago, and South Kilkenny in especial will be expected to do its duty. Attenamore (sic), or the place of the big furze, a townland a little below Aylwardstown Station, in the parish of Slieverue, was the birthplace of Mr. O’Donovan. It lies towards the riverside, and was pointed out to the writer from the train a short time ago.
John O’Donovan (1806-1861) of Atateemore, Slieverue, blog post of 13 March 2021 genuine Irish proverbs.
Sean O’Donovan, born in Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, misc. undated note]
Sean O’Donovan, born in Glenmore. He was the son of the Creamery Manager and Miss Sean Og Kennedy, of Rathinure, Glenmore. Their daughter Caroline O’Donovan married Alan Grey. They Greys reside in Greystones, Co. Wicklow.
Sean O’Donovan of Couse, Co. Waterford [DD Notes 10]
Sean O’Donovan’s mother was from Rathinure, Glenmore. Sean was married to Dorothy Breen of Waterford City. Dorothy Breen O’Donovan died on 9 March 2002. Sean and Dorothy had four children: [1] Hugo O’Donovan; [2] Patricia O’Donovan married to Mario Rosenstock. Two children Marion and Ray; [3] Caroline O’Donovan married to Alan Grey. Have two sons and [4] Heather O’Donovan in San Fransciso. Unmarried.
Mary O’Dowyer née Ryan (c. 1907-1987) native of Cappagh, Glenmore [Obit in Munster Express on Friday the 5th of June 1987, p. 10]
LATE MARY O’DWYER–The death occurred recently in St. Columba’s Hospital, Thomastown, of Mrs. Mary O’Dwyer, Rathculvin, Kells, Co. Kilkenny. A native of Cappagh, Glenmore, she was a member of the Ryan family, do. Aged 80 years, she was attached to the Parochial House in Gowran, for many years prior to her marriage to the late Michael O’Dwyer, who died some years ago. Her burial took place to St. James’s Cemetery, Glenmore, after Requiem Mass was celebrated in Newtown Church, Kells.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Bridget Power, Cappagh; nephews, Michael and Pat Power, Cappagh; John Power, England; Daniel Power, Jamestown, Glenmore; nieces Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Moulerstown, Glenmore
and Mrs. Elsie Brophy, Carlow. May she rest in peace. [Submitted by Kelvin Johnson Treacy]
Rev. Edward O’Farrell, Parish Priest of Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
The Rev. Edward O’Farrell P.P. of Glenmore died on the 24th of February 1883.
Rev. Edward O’Farrell, Parish Priest of Glenmore [Death notice in the Waterford News & Star, Friday, 2 March 1883]
DEATHS—On Saturday 21st Feb., at the parochial residence Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, after a protracted illness, Rev. Edward O’Farrell, P.P., very deservedly regretted. R.I.P.
Bridget O’Gorman, of Davidstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mick Walsh, of Grogan, Davidstown, Glenmore on 10 December 1969]
Bridget O’Gorman, of Davidstown, married Robin Wall. Bridget had the O’Gorman farm and the house stood about 50 feet from the Green’s house. Robin and Bridget Wall had one son James Wall. He was a first cousin to Bridie Wall who married Jack Doherty. Green’s place is now incorporated in Doherty’s farm.
Peter N. O’Gorman, of Ivy Lodge, Rosbercon [Death notice in The Irish Advocate (New York) Sat. 22 Nov. 1947, p. 4]
Mr. Peter N. O’Gorman, Ivy Lodge, Rosbercon, New Ross, who had died, was chairman of New Ross U.D.C. for close on quarter of a century, and a life member of the New Ross Harbour Board.
Major Purcell O’Gorman, of Springfield House, near Ferrybank [DD Notebook 4 notes of DD]
Major Purcell O’Gorman, of Springfield House, was an MP at Westminster. He was a huge man of 26 stone in weight. It is said that he was able to eat a ham and a gallon of milk at a meal. There is a cartoon of him in the Club House in Kilkenny. He travelled in a one horse phaeton. He is buried in Slieverue Cemetery and there is a headstone to him at Stapleton’s gable end.
Major Purcell O’Gorman, of Springfield, Ferrybank, Waterford [DD Notebook 4, undated interview of James Power, of Milepost, Slieverue]
Major Purcell O’Gorman, of Springfield House, was MP for Waterford City from 1874-1880 when he was defeated. He died on the 2nd of November 1888.
Katie O’Keefe née Irish, native of Ballinlammy Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 27 Feb. 2004, p. 31]
Katie O’Keefe, née Irish, the Rower and Ballinlammy, Glenmore was interred in the Rower Cemetery after 12 o’clock mass on Saturday.
Martin O’Keeffe, of Glenmore Village [Munster Express, Fri. 1 March 1963, p. 10]
The sympathy of his many friends will be extended to Mr. Martin O’Keeffe, Glenmore, on the death of his mother, Mrs. Brigid O’Keeffe, which occurred at her residence, The Cottage, Mill View, Freshford, at the great age of 94.
Ann O’Neill née Fitzgerald (c. 1914-2004) native of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 30 Jan. 2004, p. 33]
The death took place of Ann O’Neill, Ballindonney, Ballywilliam, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford who died at her residence on Monday 19th January in her 94th years. Her remains were removed from her residence to Templedurigin Church and burial after the requiem Mass on Wednesday in the adjoining cemetery. She is survived by her son and daughters. Annie was formerly Ann Fitzgerald of Weatherstown, Glenmore.

Catherine O’Rourke (1844 – c. 1845) baptised at Glenmore [DD Notebook 25A]
Bapt. at Glenmore, Catherine daughter of Michael O’Rourke & Bridget Bolger. Sponsors: Edmond Lahy and Catherine Bolger, 20 Dec. 1844. Rev. J. Walsh 3/= (3)
Catherine O’Rourke (b. 1846) baptised at Glenmore [DD Notebook 25A]
Bapd. 24 Dec. 1846 at Glenmore, Catherine daughter of Ml. Rourke and Bridget Bolger. Sponsors James Bolger and Honor Mullins. Rev. T.C. 2/6
Mick O’Rourke, native of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on the 17th of September 1997]
LATE MICK O’ROURKE The death which occurred in New York some time ago of Mick O’Rourke formerly of Weatherstown, Glenmore was highly honoured by his former colleagues in the USA on his death and was also honoured when his ashes was brought home for burial in the family plot Glenmore on last Wednesday evening, 10 September.
His remains were accompanied from New York by plane by Mick and Trudy Duggan formerly of Duggan’s Garage and at a special Mass held in St. James Church Glenmore on Wednesday evening. Fr. Liam Barron P.P. was the celebrant and in his homily paid tributes to the late Mick and welcomed about 12 Irish Americans who travelled from New York for the Mass and internment and many of his former club mates and parishioners. Sincere sympathy to his sister Eily, nieces and relatives. Teas were served in the parish hall to all representatives.
Paddy O’Rourke, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore, on 17 January 1976]
Paddy O’Rourke, of Weatherstown, Glenmore was a native of Waterford City. His mother was a sister of old Bill Makcey, of Weatherstown. Paddy O’Rourke had a first cousin who came to work with Pat Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown. He spent the best part of 20 years with Pat Fitzgerald. Then he spent the rest of his time with Tom Freaney, of Kilbride, Glenmore. The cousin was married to Hannie Purcell, of Weatherstown and had the following family: (1) Edward; (2) Michael; (3) Ed who is married to ____ Kelly of Rathnure, Co Wexford; (4) Bridie who is in England. His wife Hannie is dead for 10 years.
Brigid O’Shea (c. 1864-1949) [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 23 December 1949]
DEATH OF MRS. B. O’SHEA—The death occurred at her residence, Brigid O’Shea, at the age of 85 was out of her health for some time past, was wife of Mr. Thomas O’Shea, do., and mother of Messrs. Patrick O’Shea, Sussex, England. A native of Nicholastown, Slievere, she was a popular inhabitant of Rochestown since her advent to the district on the occasion of her marriage. Interment ,arrangement by Messrs. T. Power & Sons, Ferrybank.
Ellen O’Shea (c. 1888 -1949) of Haggard, Glenmore [Obituary in the Munster Express, Fri., 3 June 1949, p. 8]
PRIEST BEREAVED—Sympathy will be extended to Rev. Richard O’Shea, Chaplain, Belmont Park, on the death of his sister, Miss Ellen O’Shea, which occurred at her residence, Haggard, Glenmore. A native of Mullinbeg, Templeorum, she was also sister of Messrs. Laurene and J. O’Shea, do. Deceased who had attained to the age of 61 years, had been out of her health for some time past. On Friday morning, Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore Church, of which the celebrant was Rev. Rd. O’Shea, brother, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery subsequently, in presence of a large attendance of relatives and friends—R.I.P. Funeral arrangement by Messrs. T. Power & Sons, Ferrybank.
Richard O’Shea, of Scartnamore, Glenmore [Munster Express, Fri. 8 April 1960, p. 14]
Richard O’Shea, Scartnamoe (sic) , Glenmore, has been appointed tenant of a new cottage at Scartnamoe.
Mary O’Sullivan, formerly of Aylwardstown Railway Station [Death notice in the Waterford Standard, Sat. 9 Jan. 1937, p. 6]
LATE MRS. M. O’SULLIVAN – The funeral took place to Glasnevin Cemetery from the Church the Visitation, Fairview, following Mass, of Mrs. Mary O’Sullivan, wife of Mr. Patrick O’Sullivan, retired stationmaster. G.S. Railways, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, and Ballyduff. Co. Waterford, and now resident at 40, Foyle Road. Fairview.
O’Toole family of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 13, Interview of Pat Cody, of Ballycroney, Glenmore, undated]
O’Tooles lived under Connie Murphy’s field in a one acre filed called Toole’s Garden. Bob the Mill has the field now.
Bridget Phelan née Fitzgerald (c. 1868-1932), native of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 27th of May 1932]
This long obit may be read in full on the obituary page which is accessed from the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
Brigid Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri 28 January 1949, p. 8]
LEFT FOR U.S.A.—Miss Brigid Phelan, Coolnaleen, Glenmore, has left to join the Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary, New York. She is daughter of Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Phelan, Coolnaleen, and niece of Very Rev. John Phelan, P.P., Sydney and Sister Mary Bonaventure, Good Shepherd Convent, India.
Catherine Phelan née Fitzgerald (c. 1855-1946) of Coonaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 17 May 1946, p. 6]
DEATH OF MRS. C. PHELAN—Mrs. Catherine Phelan, Coolnaleen, Glenmore, whose death occurred last week, was practically the oldest inhabitant of the parish, having attained to the great age of over 90 years. She was widow of the late Mr. G. Phelan, who died many years ago, and mother-in-law of Mrs. M. Phelan, Coolnaleen. She is also survived by two grandsons John and James Phelan, do.
Deceased, who had enjoyed good health almost up to the last, was a native of Weatherstown, and was the last surviving member of her family—the Fitzgeralds—who were well- known in local farming circles. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Bigwood, after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. M. Drea, C.C., Mullinavat. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends.—R.I.P.
Edward Phelan, of Curraghlane, Tullogher [D.D. Notebook 27, misc. notes]
Edward Phelan, of Curraghlane, Tullogher, was married to Katie Walsh, of Smithstown. Had in family: [1] Jimmy [Phelan] in Smithstown; [2] Sean [Phelan] in Curraghlane; [3] Danny [Phelan]; [4] Mary [Phelan] married to ______Lennon in Dublin; [5] Bridget [Phelan] married to James Power, Glen.
James Phelan (1877-1964) of Gaulestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 1 Jan. 1965, p. 8]
Death of Mr. J. Phelan—The death occurred at the County Hospital Hospital, Kilkenny, on Christmas Eve of Mr. James Phelan, Gaulstown, Glenmore, at the age of 60 (sic) years. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time, was a well known agricultural worker and enjoyed widespread esteem in the parish. He was husband of Mrs. Bridget Phelan and brother of Mr. T. Phelan, Glenmore, to whom as well as to the other relations sincere sympathy will be extended in their sad bereavement. The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Christmas Day, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on St. Stephen’s Day. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore. R.I.P.
Johanna Phelan, Sr. M. Pauline (1862-1896) native of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in The Irish Standard, (Minneapolis, 14 Mar. 1896, p. 6)
KILKENNY. With sincere regret we chronicle the death of Sister M. Pauline of the Sacred Heart Order of religious, which occurred at the convent of the order, Lisburn, County of Antrim, Jan. 7 last. She was the daughter of Mr. John Phelan, Ballyfasey, Glenmore, and sister of Mr. Nicholas F. Phelan, of the Barnston Tea and Wine Company, 6 Barclay street, New York city.
She made her noviciate in the convent of the order at Ferrybank, parish of Slieverue, about fifteen years ago. From there she went to Bootle, Liverpool, England, and finally to Lisburn, where her work in the vineyard of the Lord was terminated and rewarded. The numerous friends of the family in the counties of Waterford, Wexford, Tipperary and Kilkenny and those in the United States sympathize with them on the death of the good nun.
Johnnie Phelan, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicky Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 29 December 1969]
Johnnie Phelan, of Ballyfacey, married a Forristal girl who had a farm where the present John Phelan is now. Johnnie Phelan had the following family:
(1) Margaret Phelan married John Ennett;
(2) Mike Phelan at home and was married to a Meany of the Rower.
(3) and (4) Two daughters who became nuns;
(5) & (6) Two sons who went to America. One became very wealthy in America.
Johnnie Phelan had a brother, Little Denny Phelan, of Ballyfacey. Little Denny Phelan was married to a sister of Tommy Connors, of Ballyfacey.
John Phelan, of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 April 1945, p. 6]
DEATH OF MR. JOHN PHELAN—The death occurred at his residence at Ballinaraha, Glenmore, on Monday of Mr. John Phelan, at an advanced age. Deceased, who had been out of his health for some time, was father of Mr. J. Phelan, Gaulstown, Glenmore, and Mrs. P. Knox, Ballinaraha, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their bereavement.
The late Mr. Phelan was a well-known and esteemed figure in farming and sporting circles in the district. Interment took place at the local cemetery on Wednesday after Office and High mass, in presence of a large and representative attendance of relatives and friends.—R.I.P.
John Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 5, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 24 April 1972]
John Phelan of Coolnaleen, Glenmore was married to Kate Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, Glenmore. They had the following family:
[1]Michael Phelan in home place and married to Statia Kirwan, of Paulstown. He died young in his 30’s. Had two sons, John Phelan and James Phelan.
[2] Katie Phelan married Patrick Forristal, in Ballyverneen, Glenmore. They had one daughter, Peggy Forristal. Peggie Forristal married Denis Dwyer. Katie died on 23 March 1972.
[3] Statia Phelan married John Irish, of Rathpatrick. They had two sons and three daughters. Statia died young from cancer.
John Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 12th of July 1990]
LATE JOHN PHELAN The unexpected death of Mr. John Phelan, Coolnaleen, Glenmore, occurred after a short illness at Waterford Regional Hospital. An extensive farmer who was popularly known, he is survived by his wife, Maura (nee Foskin): by his brother, James, Aylwardstown, Glenmore; and by his uncle, John Kirwan, Aylwardstown. He was son of the late Michael and Stasia Phelan, Coolnaleen.
The celebrant of the Requiem Mass was Mons. Paul Fitzgerald, P.P., Thomastown, and the other concelebrants included Very Rev. Richard Phelan. P.P., Ballycallan; Right Rev. Mons. Thomas Mahor, P.P.. Mullinavat; and Very Rev. L. Dunphy, P.P. Glenmore.
John Phelan, of Mullinahone, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Phelan, of Mullinahone, married the 3rd of February 1907.
John Phelan, of Mullinahone, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard, Fri. 29 of Jan. 1937]
Glenmore Man’s Death. —The death of Mr. John Phelan, Mullinahone, Glenmore, which took place on the 25th inst., was learned with feelings of the deepest public regret throughout the South Kilkenny, New Ross and Waterford, where he was held in the highest esteem by all sections of the public. He was a very practical farmer and his generous and obliging nature and an ever ready disposition to help anyone in trouble made him a great favourite with all classes.
He belonged to a highly respectable and well known county family and the huge funeral representative of people of every section from South Kilkenny, New Ross and Waterford, was a testimony of the immense public respect in which he was held as also his family. The internment took place at Glenmore after Office and High Mass. R.I.P.
Rev. John Phelan (c. 1897–1949) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in thee Munster Express, Fri. 18 Oct. 1959, p. 7]
DEATH OF SOUTH KILKENNY PRIEST IN AUSTRALIA—The sad news was received by cable last week of the death of Very Rev. John Phelan, Pastor of St. Monica’s Church, North Paramatta, New South Wales, after a brief illness. Deceased was son of the late Thomas and Mrs. Phelan, Coolnaleen, Glenmore, was educated at St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, and ordained in June, 1920.
He was appointed to the Australian Mission, and after serving in Sydney for some years, was transferred as Pastor to North Paramatta in 1935, the year, also, in which he last visited the homeland, following a trip to Lourdes. A sad feature of his demise, at the comparatively early age of 52 years, is the fact that he was to be sailing for home on 1st February next on a twelve months’ vacation, and had intended visiting his niece, who is in a religious order in America.
The late Father Phelan was brother of Mr. Patrick Phelan, Coolnaleen; Sister M. Bonaventure, Good Shepherd Provincial Convent, Shooley, Bangalore, India, and the late Mrs. P. McDonald, Dangan, Kilmacow. He was also uncle of Liam and Josie McDonald, do.; Thomas, John, Patrick, Richard, James, Maureen, Kate, Eily and Peggy Phelan, Coolnaleen; Madame M. Mitchelle, Marymount Convent, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, U.S.A., and brothr-in-law of Mrs P. Phelan, Coolnaleen. The sympathy of all sections will go out to the bereaved family, at home and abroad, in their bereavement.
John Phelan, native of Ballyvaria, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 10th of December 1992]
Mr. John Phelan, Rosedale, Kilmacow, who has died was a staunch member of the P.T.A.A. and a former President of the Legion of Mary for many years. A native of Ballyvaria, Glenmore, he was self employed before joining the staff of the Glenmore branch of Waterford Foods. He is survived by his wife, Kit, nee Forristal; by his brother, Paddy; his sisters- Nora and Ann, Dublin, and Mary, Bray. Interment took place in Kilmacow where the Parish Priest, Fr. Brian Flynn, officiated, assisted by Fr. Lar Dunphy, P.P., Glenmore; Fr. Robert Raftice, P.P., Windgap, and Fr. Laurence O’Keeffe, C.C.
Margaret Phelan, of Mullinahone [Marriage Notice, Waterford Mirror, Wed. 17 Feb. 1836 (DD Misc. Notes)
Married on Monday, Mr. Patrick Neville, of New Ross to Miss Margaret Phelan, daughter of Mr. Andrew Phelan, of Mullinahone, Co. Kilkenny.
Margaret Phelan, of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 9 Sept. 1938, p. 8]
WEDDING BELLS—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore parish church of Mr. Patk. Knox, Ballydaw, Mullinavat, and Miss Margt. Phelan, Ballinaraha, Glenmore. Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., officiated at the ceremony. The best man was Mr. Ml. Knox, Ballydaw (brother) and the bide had as attendant her cousin, Miss Mary Forristal, Ballybrahee.
Breakfast was partaken of subsequently at the Metropole Hotel, Waterford, at which the guest present, in addition to the happy couple were Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore (presiding); Rev. M. Drea, C.C., Mullinavat; Mr. M. Knox, Ballydaw; the Misses Stasia and Mary Knox, do; Mr. Kieran Aylward, do; Miss Maureen Aylward, do; Miss M. Forristal, Ballybrahee; Miss Hannah Forristal, do; Mr. John Forristal, miss Mary Grant, do; Mr. John Phelan, New Ross; Mr. and Mrs. Phelan, Gaulstown; Mr. Thos. Phelan, Ballyhobuck; Miss Johanna McDonald, Killivory; Mr. Martin Murphy, Ballinlammy; Mrs. Doherty, do; Mr. Patk Fogarty, Knockhouse; Mr. T. McEvoy, Mullinavat and Mr. M. Heffernan, Glenmore. Rev. Fr. Brennan and Rev. Fr. Drea both complimented the happy couple on the auspicious occasion and wished them every blessing and happiness in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Knox later left by the 1:25 train from Waterford for Dublin on the honeymoon. The groom is son of Mr. Patrick and the late Mrs. Knox, Ballydaw, and comes of a family well known and popular in South Kilkenny Republican circles. His bride, who comes of a respected Glenmore family, is daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phelan, Gaulstown.
Included in the list of presents received were the following—from Mrs. Phelan, overmantel; John Phelan, New Ross, clock; Mrs. Fogarty, Knockhouose, china teapot; the Aylward family, Ballydaw, lamp; Stasia and Mary Knox, do linen table cloth, flower vases and stands; the Forristal family, set china; Mrs. Doherty, Ballinlammy, hearth rug; Johanna McDonald, silk bedspread etc. etc. Their numerous friends join in wishing the happy couple many years of health, happiness and prosperity in their future home at Glenmore.
Mary Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 5, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 24 April 1972]
Mary Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore was a sister of John Phelan. Mary Phelan married Patsy Wall, of Davidstown, Glenmore. Mary and Patsy had three daughters: [1] Bridie Wall married Jack Doherty in Davistown, Glenmore. [2] Statia Wall married Pat Vereker, in Ballymountain. Statia has been dead between 40 to 50 years. She was not long married when she died. [3] Ellie Wall never married.
Mary Phelan née Hennessey (1883-1963) of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 15 Feb. 1963, p. 8]
Death of Mrs. Mary Phelan—The death occurred at her residence, Ballyveria, Glenmore, on Saturday last, of Mrs. Mary Phelan, at the fine old age of over 80 years. Deceased, who was a popular and familiar personality in the district, was teacher at Ballyfacey National School for some years. She is survived by her sons, daughter, sister and other relatives, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended. Her husband, the late John Phela, pre-deceased her many years ago.
The remains, accompanied by a large attendance were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Sunday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday, after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. J. Dunphy, C.C., do.—R.I.P.
Nicholas F. Phelan (1857-1941) native of Ballyfacey Glenmore [blog post of 23 January 2021] .
Nicholas F. Phelan & his sister Rev. Mother Gerard Phelan, natives of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, on Friday the 31st of March 1939.

Honour for a Distinguished South Kilkenny Nun–The subjoined report is from “The Cormont,” the College Magazine of the famous Convent of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Marymount, Tarrytown, New York. Pictures of the ceremony accompanied the report, as well as of the Gerard Hall and the convent buildings, of which it is the latest beautiful adjunct. The hall is named Gerard Hall, after Rev. Mother Gerard, a shining light of the great order there and the founder of this important appendage to the already world-renowned educational establishment at Marymount.
Rev. Mother Gerard is sister of Mr. Nicholas F. Phelan, Brooklyn, New York, a native of Ballyfacey, Glenmore, County Kilkenny, who began his business career many years ago in the City of Waterford. He is still remembered by many here, where he was much esteemed. When he paid a visit to his native place and Waterford some years since he was cordially welcomed by his old friends, and bears in his memory the happiest recollections of that pleasant homecoming.
Amongst those upon whom he called was the Editor and Proprietor of the “Munster Express,” which paper, and its arrival each week, to him as a yearly subscriber, he looks forward to even more and more keenly as the years go by. In unison with his many friends here, we congratulate him and his honoured sister and other relatives on the memorable event here appended (Ed. E.M.).
Pat “Cashin” Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore, on 21 February 1970]
Pat “Cashin” Phelan (son of Tommy “Cashin” Phelan and Bridget Gahan) was married to Mary Coady, of Ballycurran. In 1970 Pat was about 76 years of age and Mary was 65 or 66. Mary Coady was a daughter of Johnnie Coady and Bridget Kneefe.
Rev. Patrick Phelan, native of Mullinahone, Glenmore [Article in the Kilkenny People on 1 Aug. 1959, p. 6].
On Holidays—We say “welcome home” to Rev. Patrick Phelan of Mullinahone, Glenmore, where his family and many old neighbours are glad to see him looking so well. Fr. Phelan is a son of the late John and Mrs. Phelan and has been labouring in the Diocese of Idaho, U.S.A., since his ordination in St. Kieran’s College some 12 or 13 years ago. He is staying with his brother, Michael, in the old homestead at Mullinahone, and is a brother of James Phelan of Carrig-on-Barrow; Richard, who is living in London; Mrs. Ml. O’Connor, the Mile Post, Waterford; Mrs. James Freney, Kilbride, Glenmore and Mrs. S. Mullan, Rosslare.
Richard Phelan (c. 1825-1923) of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 26, interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 23 Oct. 1964]
Dick Phelan, of Shanbogh, married Johanna Conry in the Glenmore Chapel in 1860. See blog post of 6 June 2021.
Richard Phelan, of Mullinahone, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, DD notes]
D.O.M. Erected by John Neville, of Ballinaboola in the County of Wexford, in memory of his wife, Mrs Ellen Neville, daughter of Mr. Richard Phelan of Mullinahone, who died the 8th of February 1833, aged 43 years.
Rev. Richard Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Kilkenny People, Fri. 2 Nov. 1962, p. 9]
Rev. Richard Phelan, Coonaleen, Glenmore, has been appointed Curate at Templeorum…Father Phelan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Phelan. He was ordained in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny in June last.
Richard “Dick” Phelan, native of Mullinahone, Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Thursday the 4th of November 1993]
This obituary is located on the obituary page. The obituary page may be accessed via the home page under the “Roots” button.
Sgt. Phelan, of Knockbrack [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mick Power, of Busherstown on 1 January 1970]
Sgt. Phelan, of Knockbrack, was in the RIC (Royal Irish Constabulary) and lived in a house on the left hand side going down to Catsrock, near the entrance to Freany’s farm which in 1970 was owned by Mary Murphy, of Coolnaleen. Sgt. Phelan had one daughter, Emma Phelan who married Patsy Dollard, of Smithstown, Tullogher. Emma and Patsy Dollard had one son, Kieran Dollars. Patsy Dollard had a farm in Smithstown. The three friars are situation on the farm. Kieran Dollard sold the Smithstown farm to James Phelan of Durraghlane, a nephew of the late Dan P. Phelan of the Pink Rock.
Thomas Phelan, of Mullinahone, Glenmore [New Ross Standard on Friday the 17th of July 1908]
MILKING COMPETITION. A sum of £5 has been provided jointly by the County Wexford Committee of Agriculture and The Department of Agrioulture and Technical Instruction for Ireland as a subsidy to this competition, subject to the regulations of the Department’s Scheme of Prizes for Skilled Labour. One cow to each competitor– cows to be drawn for. Class 67—For Men and Boys—any age. 1st prize £1 15s… [to] Thomas Phelan, Mullinahone, Glenmore….
Tommy “Cashin” Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore, on 21 February 1970]
Tommy “Cashin” Phelan, of Coolnaleen was married to Bridget Gahan of Weatherstown, Glenmore. They had the following family:
(1) Pat Phelan, in Coolnaleen;
(2) Katie Phelan, dead about 40 years. She was married to a mcDonald of Dangan, Kilmacow. She had two children a boy and a girl. She was only 5 or 6 years married when she died a the age of about 40. Paddy McDonald (Valdo) was her husband’s brother.
(3) Mary Phelan was a Nun in India in the Good Shepherd Order. In 1970 was over 70 years of age. Never came home since entering the Order.
(4) John Phelan became a priest. He was ordained in St. Kieran’s in Kilkenny City. He ministered in Sydney, Australia. Dead about 20 years and was only about 40 when he died.
Thomas Phelan, of Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford [Death notice in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 18 March 1994, p. 25
Thomas Phelan—The death occurred suddenly of Mr. Thomas Phelan, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. He was husband of Kitty Phelan (nee Roche), the High Road, Rathinure, Glenmore.
William Poultry (Poulter) [DD Notebook 14, DD misc. notes]
William Poultry (Poulter) received a grant from Charles II in 1666 of 137 acres, 1 rod 11 perches in Graiguenakill, Glenmore. He also had land in Carrickcloney and CappaghGlenmore.
Bridget Powell, of Robinstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Bridget Powell, wife of the first postmaster, William Powell, in Glenmore died at Robinstown, Glenmore on 9 August 1891.
William Powell (c. 1808-1880) of Robinstown, Glenmore [blog post of 24 Nov. 2019]
William Powell came to Glenmore as a member of the R.I.C. and became the first post-master when he retired from the R.I.C. See, blog post, The Glenmore Post Office: Its Rise and Demise .
Mrs. Power ( c. 1818 -1901) of Kearney Bay, Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express on Saturday the 9th of February 1901, p. 8]
A venerable old lady, Mrs. Power, Kearney Bay, was laid to rest in Glenmore Cemetery Sunday last. Deceased reached the fine age of 83 years. The funeral was very large and representative. A great many relative and friends from Waterford attended. Mrs. Power was aunt to Rev. Monsignor Kelly, who was for number of years in Rome.
The Powers, of Kearneybay, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Michael Walsh of 80 Manor Street, Waterford in October 1969 born and raised in Rochestown, Glenmore]
The Powers of Kearneybay was a family of six girls: (1) Ellen Power married Jack Barry of Carrigcloney, Glenmore; (2) Mary Power married Thomas Walsh, of Rochestown; (3) Kate Power married Andrew Lannon of Gaulstown, Glenmore; (4) _____ Power married ___McEvoy, Mary St., Waterford; (5) Margaret Power married _____ Kearney, Patrick St., Waterford. Shoemaker; (6) Sarah Power married ____ O’Neill of Whitechurch, Co. Wexford.
Anna Power née Mullins, native of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 4th of August 1994]
LATE ANNA POWER The death occurred recently of Anna Power (nee Mullins), of Ballyduff, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, after a brief illness. She was formerly from Flemington (sic), Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny Burial took place in Dungarvan after Requiem Mass celebrated in St. Mary’s Parish Church, Dungarvan. Sincere sympathy to her husband, Thomas; son, daughters, brother, grandchildren, daughter-in-law, son-in law, relatives and friends.
Aileen O’Donovan Power, of Chitcomb House, Rosbercon [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
Aileen O’Donovan Power, of Chitcomb, died 23 November 1893.
Bridget Power née Ryan (c. 1909-1995) native of Cappagh, Glenmore Village [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday, 2 June 02, 1995, p. 12]
The death occurred recently after a short illness in St. Patrick’s Hospital, Waterford of Mrs. Bridget Power. She was the last surviving member of that generation of Ryans that hailed from Glenmore, being last predeceased by her sister Mary O’Dwyer of Kells, Co. Kilkenny some 6 years ago. Her brothers all died in the United States of America. Aged 86 years, she was wife of the late Wattie Power (died 12 years ago).
Bridget had the old traits and traditions being associated for many years with the Mouckler family of Castleannis House, as the cook to the family. This she excelled at and later moved to take up a similiar position with a gentry family in England. She also enjoyed gardening, and her family and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
She was mother of the late Danny Power, who passed away over 12 months ago, John (England), Pat and Michael, both Glenmore, sons; her daughters, Elsie Brophy, Carlow Town and Margaret Ryan, Moulerstown, Glenmore. Bridget is also survived by her daughters in law, Pauline and Rita Power and her son in law John Ryan.
The requiem mass and burial took place in Glenmore. Fr Liam Barron P.P. Glenmore and Fr. Michael Mernagh, Dublin and a native of the parish both officiated. The lessons were read by her daughters Elsie and Margaret and three of her grand-daughters, Mary, Susan and Hazel, took the gifts to the altar. The organist and soloists were Betty Dalton and Eva Geoghegan (both old friends of the deceased). There was a large and representative gathering on both days of the obsequies, it showed the standing and esteem, in which this honourable lady of great age was held in her native Glenmore. To her immediate family and friends we extend our sympathy. [Submitted by Kelvin Johnson Treacy]
Bridget Power née Ryan (c. 1909-1995) of Cappagh, Glenmore Village [Obit in New Ross Standard on Wed. the 7th of June 1995]
This second obit from the New Ross Standard is located on the obit page which may be accessed from the home page by clicking on the roots button.
Hannah Power, of Newtown, Kilmacow [Death Notice in the NEW ROSS STANDARD on Thursday the 9th of March 1989]
MRS. HANNAH POWER–Mrs. Hannah Power, Newtown, Kilmacow, who has died at her residence, was widow of Sean Power, a native of Busherstown, Glenmore, who died some years ago.
James and John Power, of Robinstown, Glenmore [Notice in the Munster Express, Friday 19 September 1947, p. 2]
COTTAGE TRANSFER—Mr. John [Power] Robinstown, Glenmore, has been granted a transfer of the cottage in the latter townland, formerly tenanted by his late brother Mr. James Power.
John Power (c. 1880-1949) of Busherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 21 January 1949, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. J. POWER—The death occurred at the New Hospital, Kilkenny, on Friday last of Mr. John Power, Busherstown, Glenmore, after a brief illness. Deceased, who was aged 69 years, was relict of the late Mrs. Power, who died six years ago, and father of Messrs. Walter Power, postman Glenmore; Dan, Pat and Dick Power, England; Mrs. R. Treacy, do., and Mrs. M. Cassin, do. He was also brother of Richard Power, Ballybrahee, Glenmore, and Patrick Power, Busherstown, do.
The late Mr. Power, who had been in hospital only a short time, was a widely known and familiar personality in the district. The remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Saturday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Sunday after last Mass. Rev. Rd. McGrath, C.C. officiated. Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore Church on Monday morning, of which the celebrant was Rev. Fr. McGrath, C.C.—R.I.P.
Munster Express, Fri. 4 Feb. 1949, p. 8 DEATH OF MR. JOHN POWER—Mr. John Power, Busherstown, Glenmore, whose death has occurred, was a well known and esteemed personality in the district, where his passing is sincerely regretted. He was relict o the lte Mrs. Elizabeth Power, who died in 1943, and father of Walter Power, postman, Glenmore; Patrick Power, North Wales; Danial Power, Eton College, England; Michael Power, Norfolk, do.; John Power, Shepherd’s Bush, do.; Rd. Power, Hammersmith, do.; Mrs. Cassin, North Kensington, London; Mrs. Treacy, do., Mrs. Feeley, do.; Mrs. Owne, Wood Green, South Wales and Mrs. Cooney, Sheffield.
Deceased was also brother of the late Edward Power, Busherstown; Patrick Power, do.; Michael Power, do., and Richard Power, Ballybrahee. Interment took place at the family burial ground, Glenmore in presence of a large attendance of relatives and friends.—R.I.P.
John Power, of Robinstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 7 Nov. 1958, p. 8]
WEDDING BELLS—The congratulations and good wishes of their many friends will be extended to Mr. John Power, Robinstown, Glenmore, and Miss Hanna Doyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doyle, Tullogher, on their marriage, which was solemnised at Rosbercon Parish Church. The ceremony (with Nuptial Mass) was performed by Very Rev W. Murphy, P.P., do. Both parties are well knowns and esteemed in their respective parishes.
John Power, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of John Power of Carrigcloney, Glenmore on 23 February 1970]
John Power, of Carrigcloney married Peggy Conway, of Carrigcloney. Peggy was born where the Barrons now life, the house stands on the side of the road just below the crow gate). John Power and Peggy Conway had the following family: (1) Michael Power married Kate Heneberry, of Rochestown, Glenmore. They lived int he house which stood at the bow of the river under Dooley’s farm. (2) Another son killed in school in Glenmore when he fell through the bars of a gate.
After Peggy Power née Conway died, the widower John Power married Alice Cardiff, of Graguenakill and they had the following children: (1) David Power, went to England in 1970 on the Channel Islands; (2) Jim Power went to England and was dead in 1970; (3) Mary Power married John Foley from around Campile, Co Wexford. Foley died and Mary in 1970 was living around the Ballyhole area.
John Power, native of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obit in the Enniscorthy Guardian on Thur. 26 Dec. 1991, p. 24]
DEATH The death has occurred in Birmingham, England, of John Power, formerly of Ballycroney, Glenmore. He emigrated about thirty years ago and had not enjoyed good health for some time. He was brother of William and Thomas Power, England; Richard Power, Campile; Nora O’Dwyer, Shanbogh, and Rita Fitzgerald, Rathenure, Glenmore. His funeral in Birmingham was attended by his sisters, brothers and other relations.
Kieran Power (c. 1907-1991) native of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard, Thur. 22 Aug. 1991, p. 25]
Late Kieran Power—People from Glenmore area were amongst the attendance at the funeral in Killaloe on Saturday or Kieran Power, a native of Jamestown, Glenmore, who left the area more than 60 years ago. Aged 84, he served in the Irish army for six years before joining a German firm to work on the Shannon Scheme in Ardnacrusha, Co. Limerick. He stayed with the company until his retirement about twenty years ago. He paid an occasional visit to his native area. Predeceased by his wife by about twelve years, he is survived by two sons, Sean and Kieran, Killaloe, and three daughters Joan Kelly, London; Mary Crowley, do.; and Peggy O’Riodan, Killaloe. He was brother of Thomas Power, Forristalstown, Glenmore.
Mary Power, née Delahunt, native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 21 Jan. 2000, p. 28]
The death occurred, at her residence, Listrolin, Mullinavat, on Wednesday, 5th January of Mary Power (nee Delahunty). Funeral from her residence to Mullinavat on Friday 7th. Requiem Mass in Mullinavat Church and burial took place in Kilnaspic Cemetary afterwards. She was predeceased by her husband, Pat, some years ago.
Daughter of the late Richard and Ellen Delahunty, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, sister of Jim and Nora Delahunty, Aylwardstown, Willie Delahunty, Tullamore, Katie Duggan, Piltown and the late Pat Delahunty; Ellie and Neddy, all Aylwardstown and Bridie Burke, Tullohought. Sincere sympathy to all the families.
Michael Power, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 10 Nov. 1939, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. M. POWER—The death occurred at the Central Hospital, Kilkenny, of an esteemed resident of Glenmore parish in the person of Mr. Ml. Power, Carrigcloney, after an illness of short duration. Decreased, who was aged 64 years, was a popular and familiar figure in the district, where his demise was learned with sincere regret by his man friends.
Sincere sympathy will be extended to the widow and sons and daughters, both at home and in America, on the sad bereavement they have sustained in the passing of a loving husband, a devoted parent, and a kind friend. Interment took place at Glenmore, in presence of a god attendance of relatives and sympathisers. Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., officiated at the graveside.—R.I.P.
Michael Power, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Mrs. Margaret Phelan, née Power of 29 Lower Newtown, Waterford, 1973]
Michael Power of Carrigcloney was married to Catherine Henneberry of Rochestown. He is dead about 37 years and was aged 64 when he died. He died in October and his wife, Catherine died in March of the same year aged 72. They had the following family:
(1) John Power was born 1900 remained in Carrigcloney and never married;
(2) Pat Power emigrated to California, U.S.A. in 1927. He married there;
(3) Bridie Power, died in Carrigcloney unmarried abed about 17;
(4) Stephen Power, in Aylwardstown as at present unmarried;
(5) Margaret Power (the interviewee) married Ed Phelan of the Mall, Waterford. Lived in 29 Lower Newtown, aged 64 years, and had family. She was 28 when she married.
(6) Maryanne Power, emigrated to California U.S.A. in 1928. She married H. Davis in America, but had no family.
(7) Michael Power, in England.
(8) Kathleen Power, emigrated to America. Gone over 25 years. Married to an American and had 1 son. Lives in Kentucky.
(9) Ellen Power emigrated to California, U.S.A. from England where she had been working. She is married & has 2 daughters.
(10) Maurice Power in Finglas, Dublin married to Walsh of Red na Feine (?) Waterford (a brother of Taffy Apple Walsh).
(11) Richard Power died at the age of 2 years.
(12) Mary Ellen Power died at the age of 1 year. [Richard & Mary Ellen died within about a fortnight of each other.]
Michael Power (c. 1893-1976) of Busherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 2 July 1976, p. 18]
DEATH OF MR. M. POWER—The death took place in St. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny, of Mr. Michael Power, Busherstown, Glenmore, at the age of 83. A native of Ballintlea, Mullinavat, he had been employed on the road staff of Kilkenny County Council for over twenty years until his retirement in 1958. His wife, the late Mrs. Anne Power (nee Doherty), died 14 years ago, and his is survived by his sister, Mrs. Catherine Long, Fiddown, as well as a large number of nephews and nieces. Interment took place at Glenmore on Wednesday of last week after Requiem Mass in the local Parish Church. Celebrant was Very Rev. J. O’Shea, P.P., Glenmore, who also officiated at the graveside.
Michael Power (c. 1905-1980) of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 21 Nov. 1980, p. 28]
THE LATE MICHAEL POWER, JAMESTOWN, GLENMORE—The death occurred rather suddenly on Thursday, 6th November at his home in Jamestown, Glenmore of Michael Power at the age of 75. The eldest of eighteen children he was son of the late John and Mary Power, Jamestown.
A man of kind and gentle nature he was a familiar figure in the locality and was respected by both young and old, rich and poor. He worked his life with nature and was employed by the farming families in the locality for the duration of his working life. An active man, he was taken away while in the company of his wife, Ciss, at their homestead in Jamestown, Glenmore at around 8 o’clock on the Thursday evening.
His remains were removed from his home on Friday evening and after Requiem Mass on Saturday at 11 o’clock was buried in the adjoining cemetery. He was brother of Walter Power, Rosstown, Co. Wexford; James Power, Busherstown, Glenmore; Tom Power, England; Mrs. Alice Mackey, Busherstown, Glenmore; Mrs. Bridie Jones, Kilivory, Glenmore; Mrs. Peggy Malone, Jamestown, do; Mrs. Kathleen Murphy, Rickerstown, do.; Polly Power, England. H wa predeceased by his sisters; Eileen and Teresa Power, Jamestown and Mrs. Statia Doyle, New Ross, and brothers, Mr. John Power, Newtown, Kilmacow; he was uncle of John and Harry Malone, Pascal and Bernie Power, Busherstown; Johnnie and Kathleen Murphy, Rickerstown; Mrs. Mary Murphy and Mrs. Eileen Doyle, Coolnaleen, Watherstown; Sean, Harry, Kitty, and Alice Power, Newtown, Kilmacow and Mrs. Mary Sullivan, Ballineria, Kilmacow.
Among the large attendance were the Glenmore Hurling and Football Club; the Legion of Mary; representatives from Clover Meats; the labour Party including Mr. Seamus Pattison, T.D., Ardbeg Bungalows. The clergy present Fr. T. O’Connor, P.P., Glenmore and Fr. O’Shea (retired) Glenmore. To his wife, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, we extend our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace.
Lady Power [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Lady Power, wife of Joseph O’Neill Powed died on the 20th of October 1879. She was interred on Thursday the 23rd at the New Dominican Church of Waterford.
Mrs. Margaret Power, of Snowhill, Slieverue [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
Mrs. Margaret Power, of Snowhill, Slieverue, died on the 9th of March 1853, aged 112 years.
Mikey Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Mikey Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore on 27 June 1957]
Mikey Power, of Jamestown worked in the brick marsh belonging to Billy Forristal between where the two railway bridges are now situated. He worked for the whole summer in either 1899 or 1900. He worked as a bearer off. This work consisted of carrying the brick stuff in a mould from the moulder to the brick yard where the bricks were laid down in rows.
Michael Power [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Michael Power, died 15 May 1878.
Neddy Power, of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notes 10, interview of Alice Mackey née Power of Glenmore on 7 March 1989]
Neddy Power married Alice’s mother when her mother was 19. Alice’s mother was a daughter of Jack Power and Mary Murphy. Alice was one 17 children:
(1) Mick Power;
(2) Statia Power;
(3) Tommy Power;
(4) Watty Power;
(5) Alice Power Mackey;
(6) Bridie Power;
(7) Peggy Power;
(8) Kitty Power;
(9) Seán Power;
(10) Seamus Power;
(11) Polly Power;
(12) Neddy Power, died aged 8 years;
(13) Teresa Power, died aged about 1 year;
(14) Eily Power, died aged 13 years;
(15) Maggie Power, died aged 11 years;
(16) Mary Power, died aged 9 years; and
(17) Katie Power, died aged 11 months.
Paddy Power, of Glenmore Village [DD Notebook 20, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 18 October 1974]
Paddy Power, was the first occupant of Scanlon’s House in Glenmore Village. Paddy had at least two sons [1] Jack Power and [2] Tommy Power.
[1] Jack Power was married and lived in Carrigcloney, Glenmore; first in the present Hanlon’s cottage and secondly in a house situated on Carrigcloney strand. His father Paddy lived in the house for some time. Jack Power was married twice first to Biddy Conway (The Conways, of Carrigcloney, had the farm which is now part of Barron’s farm. The old house of this was situated near it on the opposite of Cun gate.)
Jack Power and Biddy Conway and had one son [1a] Mick Power (the present John and Stephen Power’s father.) Jack Power secondly married Alice Cardiff, of the Mill, and then of New Ross High Hill. Jack Power and Alice Cardiff had 3 children: [1b] Jim Power, emigrated and afterward lived in the Channel Islands; [1c] Davy Power, also emigrated and lived in the Channel Islands. He married and visited Nicky Forristal, of the Mill, about 20 years ago after the war; and [1d] Mary Power married John Foley who was from around Fathard-on-Sea.
[2] Tommy Power lived in Robinstown. He married Main Walsh, of around Knockbrock. Tommy Power and Main Walsh had the following children:
[2a] Paddy Power married a daughter of Main Roche, of Jamestown, Glenmore They had [2a1] Tom Power and [2a2] Kieran Power.
[2b] Jack Power married in Aylwardstown to Statia Barry of Thiknagear. Statia Power was a first cousin to Tom Barry, of Carrigcloney.
[2c] Tom Power married sister of Jim Scanlon. Their son was Tommy Power the garageman [editor’s note on the Quay in Waterford].
[2d] Bill Power, of Robinstown married Ellie Boyle;
[2e] Jim Power was a postman and never married.
[2f] Ann? Power left the area at time of doing up the chapel in 1910.
Old Tommy Power in his early days was a brick moulder with Cody’s of Carrigcloney. He also worked on the roads with them in the winter time. He later got a contract to maintain the road from the Mill to Carriganura or the Main Road. He retained the contract until the County Council took over in 1912 or 1913. In the summer he fished for salmon with him with his two sons Bill Power and Jack Power.
Paud Power, of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 20, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore, on 18 October 1974]
Old Paud Power, of Busherstown, used pull the turnip machine sowing turnips etc. His son used hold the handles. Paud was getting handy at the time. He had a rope around his neck and straps around his shoulders.
Richard Power [no townland provided] [DD Notebook 14, DD notes]
Married at Ballyverneen, Richard Power, by certificate of Rev. Edmond Kenny P.P. Rosbercon, to Bridget Forristal. Witnesses: James Power and Bridget Grace. [Editoral note: date missing from note and weddings generally took place in the bride’s home.]
Stasia Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore [Wedding Announcement in the Munster Express on Friday the 22nd of February 1935, p. 8]
Glenmore Wedding—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore of Mr. P. Doyle, farrier, New Ross, and Miss Stasia Power, Jamestown, Glenmore. Rev. Dr. Gibbons, C.C. officiated. Mr. John Pyne was best man, and the bridesmaid was Miss Bridie Power. Their numerous friends wish them many years of health, happiness and prosperity.
Thomas “Tommy” Power (c. 1904-2000) of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Wed. 25 Oct. 2000]
OLDEST CITIZEN PASSES AWAY The death took place last week at the Waterford Regional Hospital of Thomas Power, Forristalstown, Glenmore at the ripe old age of 96. Funeral from his residence to St. James Church, Glenmore on Monday evening and burial took place on Tuesday morning after Requiem Mass in the adjoining cemetery.
The celebrant was Rev. Dan Cavanagh P.P. Glenmore assisted by Rev. Liam Barron P.P. Mullinavat. Fr. Hennebry, New Ross was also present. The readings were by Susan Morrissey and Sinead Power the prayers of the faithful by Susan Morrissey and Joan Power. The gifts were brought to the altar by Senan Power, Kevin Morrissey, Martin Morrissey, Cian Power, John Power and Clona Power, Kevin Morrissey did a special reading and Siobhan Power rendered a beautiful song a tribute to her grandfather. The sacred music was by the Glenmore Parish Choir with Mary Murphy and Mary Doherty, Essie Mullally and Margaret Murphy who rendered beautiful hymns solo.
Large crowds attended the funeral, Mass and burial. Sincere sympathy to all the family. Tom will long be remembered by all who knew him.
[Editor’s note–Tommy Power was a long time Glenmore postman, see, blog post on the rise and demise of the Glenmore post office .]
Thomas Power, native of Upper Ferrybank (Death notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 June 1970, p. 17).
Died in the States—Mr. Thomas Power, who has died in Los Angeles, was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Power, undertakers, Upper Ferrybank., and emigrated over 30 years ago. He was brother of Messrs. John and Martin Power, Ferrybank; Mr. J. Raftis, Sion Row, do.; Mrs. T. Wall, Upper Ferrybank, and was also nephew of the late Mr. M. Power, Farnogue, Mullinavat.
Victor O’Donovan Power, of Rosbercon [DD Notebook 14, DD notes]
Victor O’Donovan Power, author of Kitty the Hare, died on the 20th of December 1933, aged 75 years. He is buried in Shanbogh graveyard. [Editor’s Note–for further information see blog post of 27 Oct. 2020 regarding the phantom coach of Glenmore.
Walter “Wattie” Power of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Walter Power of Jamestown on 16 January 1956]
Wattie’s mother who was born in Áit na Grawnshee in Rathinure, Glenmore and knew a lot about that area. Her maiden name was Maggie Delahunty, and she came to Jamestown in 1883. She had a brother a sea captain, who used visit her in Jamestown, and when Wattie was growing up he expressed a hope to see Wattie enter the sea service. Maggie died in 1922.
Walter Power (c. 1888- 1961) native of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 4th of August 1961, p. 10]
Death of Mr. Walter Power.— The death occurred at 114, The Quay, Waterford, of Mr. Walter Power, formerly of Jamestown, Glenmore, at an advanced age. Deceased, who had been ailing only a short time, was a popular figure in farming circles in Glenmore parish, for many years, until his retirement, from agricultural activities.
The late Mr. Power, who was one of the best-known and most esteemed resident in Glenmore area was the last surviving native Irish speaker in the district, and his younger days, was a well-known entertainer, and was always in keen demand at local concerts.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice Power (nee Curran), ex-N.T., who was on, the staff of Glenmore National, School for many years. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Glenmore on Saturday of last week after Office and High Mass. —R.I.P.
[Editor’s Note: According to the death register Walter Power was 73 when he died. His wife, Alice was present at his death.]
Walter “Foxy Wattie” Power, Glenmore postman [blog post 24 Nov. 2019]
Watty Power delivered mail to half the parish. See, The Glenmore Post Office: Its Rise and Demise. Watty Power was raised in a small house in Aylwardstown which became known after 1904 as the Post Box House.
William Power, of Newtown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
[First Entry] William Power, of Newtown, got married in March 1905. [Second Entry] William’s Power, first son was born on the 19th of January 1906 at Newtown.
Ellen Purcell, native of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 6th of March 1959, p. 5]
Death of Ellen Purcell—The death occurred at St. Joseph’s Home, Waterford, of Ellen Purcell, a native of Forristalstown, Glenmore. Deceased had been out of her health for some time past, though the end, nevertheless, came rather unexpectedly, and was learned with sincere regret by her many friends in her native district, as well as in Waterford City. Interment took place at Glenmore, the final prayers at the graveside being recited by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., do—RIP
Jo Purcell, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, interview of Walter Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore, circa 1955]
Jo Purcell, of Forristalstown, Glenmore married Peter Dalton who was born in Kilhaghan(?). He worked for a long time with Danny Dowling’s grandfather Dan Dowling in Jamestown. He was killed coming from Ross about 1905. Very mysterious about his death. No inquest was held. His death occurred in Miltown Lane. He was with Dick Brien Fitzgerald of Aylwardstown. Sergeant Lynch was in Glenmore then.
Margaret Purcell, of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Friday, 10 August 1945, p. 5]
GLENMORE WEDDING—The good wishes of their numerous friends will be extended to Mr. Thomas Greene, Shanbogh, Rosbercon, and Miss Margaret Purcell, Moulerstown on their marriage, which was solemnised at Glenmore Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Brennan, C.C., do. Mr. John Green, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the bride had as matron of honour her sister, Mrs. Mary Maher.
Ned Purcell, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Ned Purcell, of Weatherstown, was in the old IRA Glenmore Company.
Peter Purcell (c. 1864-1945) of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 23 Nov. 1945, p. 6]
DEATH F MR. P. PURCELL—The death occurred on Saturday last of Mr. Peter Purcell, Moulerstown, Glenmore, at the fine old age of over 80 years. Deceased who had not been in robust health for some time past, was husband of Mrs. Anne Purcell, do., and father of Miss Nellie Purcell, do.; Mrs. T. Greene, do., and Mrs. T. Maher, Derrylackey, Ballyhale, to all of whom sympathy will be extended in their bereavement.
The late Mr. Purcell was a popular and familiar personality in the district, where his demise is deservedly regretted. The remains accompanied by good attendance, were removed to Glenmore Church on Sunday evening, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday. Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, officiated.—R.I.P.
Philip Purcell, of Gaulstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, List of Guardians elected or returned, Waterford Union on 25 March 1890]
Philip Purcell, of Gaulstown was elected or returned as a Guardian.
Tom Purcell, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Tom Purcell, of Weatherstown was in the old IRA Glenmore Company.
Mrs. Purcell, of Kilmackavoge, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. Purcell, of Kilmackavoge, died on Wednesday the 27th of June 1906.
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