H – Glenmore Surnames
This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginning with H. The information was gleaned from Danny Dowling’s notes as well as old newspapers etc. For the convenience of readers links to other surname pages are provided below.
A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z
This page was updated on the 12th of Jan. 2025. Hartley
Alice Haberlin Marlowe, formerly of Aylwardstown/Rathinure, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard on Wednesday the 30th of June 2004]
LATE ALICE MARLOW–The death took place recently of Alice Marlow (nee Hablerin) Leicestershire and late of Aylwardstown. Her remains were brought to St. James Church, Glenmore. Requiem Mass was celebrated by Fr. Liam Barron, P.P, Mullinavat and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. Alice is survived by her son and daughter.
Catherine Haberlin, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 16 May 1958, p. 8]
Death of Mrs. C. Haberlin—The death occurred at St. Patrick’s Hospital, Waterford, of Mrs. Catherine Haberlin, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, at the age of 59 years. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time, was wife of Mr. John Haberlin, do., and mother of Mr. Ed Haberlin, do, who is an esteemed member of the local Dramatic Society. A native of Mooncoin Parish, the late Mrs. Haberlin enjoyed the esteem and respect of all sections in Glenmore and her demise occasioned feelings of sincere regret amongst her many friends. The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Friday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Saturday after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. J. Murphy, C.C., do. The attendance included a large number of relatives and friends from the local and adjoining parishes, as well as members of Glenmore Dramatic Society.—R.I.P.
Edward Haberlin, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Edward Haberlin, of Aylwardstown, died on the 13th of July 1907.
Edmund Haberlin (c. 1842-1907) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Death reported in the New Ross Standard on the 19th of July 1907]
SUICIDE AT GLENMORE. A blacksmith named Haberlin, residing at Glenmore, in the county Kilkenny, committed suicide on Saturday by hanging himself in an outhouse close to his home. A son of the deceased discovered his father in the outhouse, but by that time life appears to have been extinct. The defendant was a very industrious man, and much sympathy is felt for his relatives.
An inquest was held-on Monday, where a jury, having Wm. Hutchinson as foreman, was sworn. Evidence was given by deceased’s widow that the man was 65 years of age, had ceased work for some time past owing to advancing years, and that for a few days before his death he was depressed. Medical evidence being given, a verdict of suicide during temporary insanity was returned.
[Editorial note the first name Edmund was the name recorded on the death registry and provided by the coroner after the inquest held on the 17th of July 1907.]
Margaret Haberlin (c. 1888 -1932) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in Munster Express, Fri. 8 Jan. 1932, p. 2]
COLLAPSE IN INFIRMARY—At the Co. and City Infirmary, Waterford, on Mon., Dr. Kennedy, Coroner, returned a verdict of death from heart failure following bronchitis and asthma at an inquest touching the death of Mrs. Margaret Haberlin, Glenmore, who collapsed at the Infirmary and died as she was about to be taken in the lift to a ward.
Dr. J. J. Hogan deposed that deceased was admitted into the County and City Infirmary about 11.45 that morning. He was called urgently about that time by the Sister on duty to the main hall of the Infirmary and found the deceased lying on the floor, being supported by two nurses. She was pulseless, and, in his opinion, then dead. He ministered restoratives without any effect. From the history of the case as given to him he had no doubt the cause of death was heart failure, supervening on chronic bronchitis and asthma.
John Haberlin, a blacksmith and farmer, husband of the deceased, said she was aged 44 years. She was suffering fairly constantly from illness for the past three years. Her complaint was lung trouble. About three weeks ago she got very ill and was confined to bed. She was attended by Dr. Fitzgerald, New Ross. He was in attendance yesterday morning, when he said her heart was weak and she had bronchitis and asthma. Dr. Fitzgerald recommended her removal to the County and City Infirmary, and that morning she was removed in a car owned by Rev. Father Gibbons, D.D., Glenmore.
She was seemingly improved when Father Gibbons arrived to take her to Waterford, and she was able to walk, with help, to the car outside. The nurses took charge of her at the hospital, and he did not go inside. When parting she gave instructions as to things she wanted done. He was called to the Infirmary a few minutes later, and when he saw her she was dead.
Nurse Elizabeth O’Connor deposed she was a trained nurse in the County and City Infirmary. On that morning at about 11.45 a.m. she was called with another nurse to assist a patient into the hospital. With the assistance of the other nurse the patient walked in. She spoke and said she felt very hot, that the shawl had slipped off her head. They were in the hallway at the lift when she said: “I feel I am going to faint.” At the same time she collapsed between them, they still holding her. The doctor was summoned by Sister Agnes, who saw the woman fall. Dr. Hogan came at once.
[Editor’s note–Special thanks to Kelvin Johnson Treacy for sending this obit. An identical obit from the New Ross Standard (Fri. 8 Jan. 2020) was published on this blog on 3 June 2020 and is available at https://glenmore-history.com/old-newspaper-clippings/ ]
Margaret “Peggy” Haberlin née Dillon (1927-1995) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Irish Independent, Tues. 28 Feb. 1995, p. 23]
HABERLIN (nee Dillon) (Bailinlaw, Slieverue. Co. Kilkenny) Feb. 27, 1995. Margaret (Peggy); deeply regretted by her sons, daughters, brothers, sisters. sons-In-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. R.l.P. Remains will be removed from her residence today (Tuesday) at 7 o’c. to Slieverue Church. Requiem Mass tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12 o’c. Burial immediately afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
Ned Haberlin, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 19 December 1969]
Ned Haberlin, of Aylwardstown, married Nelly Kehoe, of Screach an Ailart, Aylwardstown (where Dick Kennedy is now). The Haberlin’s had the following family: (1) Tom Haberlin married Kate Barren. They lived in Rathinure. (2) Patsy Haberlin died aged 23 or 24 unmarried. (3) John Haberlin (4) Alice Haberlin married O’Neil who was a baker in Waterford. (5) Mary Haberlin married Jack Gahan of Newtown, Glenmore.
Patsy Haberlin, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore, in May 1974]
Patsy Haberlin, of Forristalstown, was a thatcher.
Peter Haberlin (c. 1844 -1934) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 23rd of March 1934, p. 8]
Irish Missionary’s Death—The death has occurred of Rev. Bro. Peter Haberlin, the last of the Franciscan Grey Friars who had charge of the mission at Santa Barbara, California. He was a native of Rochestown, South Kilkenny, and was aged 90 years.
Mrs. Murphy née Hagan, native of Ballincroney, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Wed. 22 May 1996, p. 24]
The death took place recently in the Cushinstown area of Mrs. Murphy. She was the last remaining member of the Hagan family, Ballincroney, Glenmore. She was predeceased by her brothers Pat and Dick Hagan and Mrs. Brophy, Slieve Corrig.
James Hagan, of Ballycrony, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, notes from parish records]
James Hagan, son of Peter Hagan and Mary Coady, at Ballycrony, born on 25th December 1867. Baptised on the 26th of December 1867. Sponsors: Patrick Coady and Anty Coady.
Patrick Hagan, born at Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, notes from parish records]
Patrick Hagan, son of Peter Hagan and Mary Coady was born at Busherstown on the 7th of December 1860 and baptised on the 8th of December 1860. Sponsors: John Holden and Mary Mullally.
Peter Hagan [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 15, notes of parish records]
Peter Hagan married Mary Coady, at Busherstown, Glenmore on the 18th of August 1857. Witnesses: Michael Power and Catherine Power.
Peter Hagan, born at Ballycrony, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, notes from parish records]
Peter Hagann, son of Patrick Hagan and Mary Coady, was born on the 5th of February 1865 at Ballycrony and baptised on the 8th of February 1865. Sponsors: Otho Coady and Margaret Coady.
Pierce Hagan, of Ballycrony, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15] [Notes from 1901 Census]
Pierce Hagan, of Ballycrony, Glenmore, age 34. His wife Johanna Hagan, age 33. Family include: [1] Peter Hagan, son, age 6; [2] Mary Hagan, daughter, age 5; [3] Kate Hagan, daughter , age 3 months.
Ed Hamilton (1869-1944) native of Browntown, Tullogher [Death Notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 9 June 1944, p. 4]
Death of Mr. Ed Hamilton—The death has occurred of Mr. Ed Hamilton, Ballycroney, Glenmore, after an illness of some weeks’ duration. Deceased, who was aged over 70 years, was father of Mrs. Harte, do., and Mrs. Mackey, New Ross, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. His wife, the late Mrs. Hamilton, predeceased him some years ago. A native of Brownstown, Tullogher, his passing removes a very old and respected resident of Glenmore Parish. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Ballyneale. Rev. P. Nolan, C.C. Tullogher, officiated. R.I.P. [Editor’s note: Edward Hamilton died the 22nd of May 1944 at the age of 75 at the home of his daughter Mary Harte, of Ballycroney, Glenmore.]
John Halligan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [New Ross Standard on the 11th of June 1966]
DROWNED IN RIVER BARROW–John Halligan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, aged 17 years was drowned in the River Barrow, near Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, on Tuesday evening. Youngest member of a family of three boys and one girl, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan, Aylwardstown. He had waded into the river and decided to swim back to shore when he got into difficulties. He disappeared in view of some of his companions who were powerless to help him. The body was recovered on Wednesday evening. An inquest will be held.
Patrick Halligan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Note in the Waterford News & Star, Friday 25 Sept. 1959, p. 5]
Mr. Patrick Halligan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore, left for Birkenhead, England on last Saturday from Dublin. A most popular figure I the district he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore.
Edward Hanlon (c. 1899-1980) of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 23 May 1980, p. 10]
Mr. Edward Hanlon (81) Carrigcloney, Glenmore, who died in the district hospital, New Ross, was from Passage East. Co. Waterford, but had been in Glenmore for many years. He spent a number of years as merchant seaman and paid many visits to Britain and to the Continent. He retired 15 years ago. His wife Mrs. Annie Hanlon (nee Curran) died only a month ago.
He is survived by daughters, Miss Teresa Hanlon, Carrigcloney and Mrs. Mary Delaney, Greystones, Co. Wicklow; sons-in-law, Mr. Patrick Delaney and four grandchildren. Interment took place at Glenmore on Tuesday of last week after mass, celebrated by V. Rev. T. O’Connor, Adm., do, who also officiated at the graveside assisted by V. Rev. J. O’Shea P.P., do (retired).
Michael J. Hanlon, of Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 10 May 1957, p. 1]
HANLON (Co. Kilkenny) May 3rd, 1957, at County Hospital, Kilkenny, Michael J. Hanlon, Newtown, Glenmore. Deeply regretted by his wife, daughter, brothers and sisters. R.I.P. Interred at Glenmore on Sunday after 11 o’clock Mass.
James Hannigan (1893?-1960) of Glenmore village [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 30 Sept. 1960, p. 5]
LATE MR. J. HANNIGAN—The death has occurred in New Jersey, United States of Mr. James Hannigan, a native of Glenmore village who emigrated 50 years ago. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hannigan, his mother was formerly Miss M. Butler, of Flemingstown, and an aunt of Mr. Richard Duggan, a former Co. Council rate collector, Mrs. Patrick Hanrahan, Glenmore, and Mrs. L. Connolly, Kilmurray, Slieverue. A well known and popular figure the late Mr. Hannigan, lived for some time in Rahenure, Newtown, and Clune [Glenmore], before emigrating.
He was a gifted musician, and took a keen interest in Irish traditional music. He was the first person in Glenmore to own a phonograph. He is survived by two sisters Mrs. J. Josephine Kennedy, Newark, New Jersey, whose husband is a native of Kilbride, Glenmore and Miss G. Hannigan who resides in the U.S. His only brother, Mr. Denis Hannigan, who died 50 years ago was monitor in Robinstown, National School. [Editor’s note–Glenmore parish records; parents of deceased–James Hannigan, of Flemmingstown married Margaret Butler of Flemingstown on 21 Feb. 1882 at Glenmore. The deceased served in the U.S. military in 1918-1919 and is buried in Gate of Heaven cemetery, Hanover, N.J.]
Ann Hanrahan, (Mrs. Sean Hogan) native of Glenmore Village [Article in the Munster Express on Friday the 23rd of March 1956, p. 3]
Mrs. A. Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hanrahan, Glenmore, has let for Rochester, New York, with her infant son, to join her husband, Mr. Sean Hogan, who emigrated last year. Mr. Hogan is a native of Tullogher.
Edmund Hanrahan (1802-1874) native of Weatherstown, Glenmore (Witness in the trial of Patrick Donovan for the 1841 murder of Michael Rigby)
For information on parents, wife and children of Edmund Hanrahan see blog post of 24 July 2021.
Eily Hanrahan, of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 9 May 1941, p. 8]
WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church of Mr. Daniel Murphy, Rosbercon, and Miss Eily Hanrahan, Ballyveria, Glenmore. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore. The best man was Mr. James Murphy, brother of the groom, and the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Hanrahan. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hanrahan, Ballyveria, whilst the bridegroom comes of a well known Rosbercon family. Both carry with them into wedded life the best wishes of their many friends.
James Hanrahan, of Glenmore [Village?] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
James Hanrahan, of Glenmore, got married in March 1905.
James “Jimmy” Hanrahan (1891-1977) native of Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 22nd of April 1977]
This long obit may be found on the obituary page which may bee accessed via the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
John Hanrahan, of Glenmore Village [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill Glenmore on 13 March 1964]
Old Johnny Hanrahan of Glenmore lived where Danny Dowling lived in 1964. Old Johnny Hanrahan’s father, Denis Hanrahan came from Thomastown area and his mother was Bridget Gaffney, Glenmore, the Mill. It was old Denis Hanrahan who married into the Gaffneys. They had the little farm that Pat Dowling has now. Johnny Hanrahan had a brother Nick [Hanrahan] a baker. Nick Hanrahan later went to Baltinglass, Co Wicklow where he set up as a baker. Nicky Forristal thought that Johnny Hanrahan had a brother who went to America. He had one sister Mary Ann [Hanrahan].
Johnny Hanrahan had two sons [1] Jimmy Hanrahana nd [2] Denis Hanrahan and two daughters [3] Bridget Hanrahan and [4] Katie Hanrahan. The two girls married two brothers named Walsh of the Rookery, Ringville: Nick and Dick [Walsh]. They were first cousins of Dick Brien (Fitzgerald) and the Barrons of Carrigcloney. Their parents had a farm in Rochestown, alongside John Forristal’s. They got broke and went to live in Lady Esmond’s Lodge. [3] Bridget Hanrahan was married to Dick Walsh (beggar) and [4] Katie Hanrahan was married to Nick Walsh. A sister of Jamesy Sullivan, of Shanbough (sic) was married to another brother of the Walshs: Pat. They lived in Ringville.
Main Hanrahan, of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 13, Interview of Pat Cody, of Ballycroney, Glenmore, undated]
Main Hanrahan, of Shanbogh married Sullivan of Kearneybay, Glenmore. They lived in her place. They were the parents of Jamesy Sullivan.
Margaret Hanrahan née O’Shea (c. 1861-1938) native of Ballyquin, Mullinavat [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 May 1938, p. 8]
DEATH IN U.S.A.—The death has occurred in Brooklyn, New York, of Mrs. Margt. Hanrahan, a native of Ballyquin, Mullinavat, at the age of 77 years. Deceased, who was formerly Miss Margt. O’Shea, had been 60 years in the States being last home on a holiday in 1931. She was mother of Mrs. Daly, Brooklyn; sister of Mr. Patk. O’Shea, Ballyquin, and aunt of Mrs. Conway, do; Mrs. Martin (wife of Sergt. Martin, Bath Avenue Gardens, Dublin); and Mr. James Weston, the popular Mullinavat postman. Her husband, the late Mr. Wm. Hanrahan, who was a native of Glenmore, died in 1903.— R.I.P.
Mary Hanrahan, of Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 17 Nov. 1939, p. 8]
WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised by Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing at Glenmore Catholic Church on Wednesday morning last, of Mr. John Woods, Ballynooney, Mullinavat, and Miss Mary Hanrahan, Glenmore. The best man was Mr. John Murphy, nephew of the bridegroom. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Peggy Hanrahan, Glenmore. A reception, at which friends of the contracting parties attended, was subsequently held at the Central Hotel, Mary St., Waterford. The bridal pair later left on their honeymoon, which will be spent in a tour of the South of Ireland. The bridegroom is very popular in Gaelic and tug-o’-war circles in Co. Kilkenny, and well wishes of his large circle of friends will be extended to him and his bride for their future happiness and prosperity.
Michael J. Hanrahan (1888-1968) native of Glenmore Village [article New Ross Standard, Friday 17 July 1959, p. 16]
On Holiday from America—Mr. Michael Hanrahan, Long Island. New York, arrived at Shannon Airport on Wednesday to spend a holiday in his native Glenmore. A member of a very well-known Co. Kilkenny family, he emigrated about forty-five years ago and he was last home in 1948. Prior to emigrating, he was very prominent in G.A.A. circles in his native Glenmore, and he assisted Kilkenny for many years after he went to New York. He was manager of the New York team that played in the Tailteann Games in 1928, and played with that team in a game at Wexford Park.
He is brother of Mr. Dick Hanrahan, North St., New Ross, who was regarded as one of the best footballers in the country until a knee injury forced him to retire prematurely from the game. Although a Kilkenny man, Dick played most of his football in Wexford. He would undoubtedly have been on the Wexford team that won four All-Ireland titles in a row had he not sustained a knee injury in the 1914 final. He was also a very fine hurler and athlete. Another brother, Mr. Jimmy Hanrahan, Nth. Street, is probably best known for the feats of his greyhounds on the track and coursing fields, but in his younger days, he was an outstanding inter-county hurler. Another brother, John, was home on holidays from the U.S.A.
Michael J. Hanrahan (1888-1968) native of Glenmore [Obit in the Daily News (New York, New York) on 3 June 1968]
Hanrahan—Michael J. On June 1st. Native of Glen More (sic), Co. Kilkenny, Ireland. Member of the Gaelic Athletic Association. Husband of the late Anna. Father of Richard, Michael and Laurence. Brother of John of Hampton Bays, and Richard and James of New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland. Survived by 7 grandchildren.
Reposing at William E. Law Funeral Home, 1 Jerusalem Ave., Massapequa. Requiem Mass, Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church, Massapequa Park, Wednesday, 9:45 A.M. Interment, St. Charles Cemetery. [For information from a newspaper interview concerning Gaelic football see, https://glenmore-history.com/michael-j-hanrahan-1888-1968-struggled-along/ ] [For information from a newspaper interview concerning his football days see, https://glenmore-history.com/michael-j-hanrahan-1888-1968-early-twentieth-century-gaelic-football-on-both-sides-of-the-atlantic/ ].
Nicholas Hanrahan (c. 1926-1955) of Glenmore Village. See blog post of 25 April 2021 regarding his tragic drowning on 25 July 1955 and information on his family.
Patrick Hanrahan (1886-1957) of Glenmore Village [Death notice in the Waterford News & Star on Friday the 13th of September 1957]
Death of Glenmore Merchant—The death has occurred at his residence,Glenmore, on Friday last of Patrick Hanrahan merchant. He was in his seventies. Deceased, whose parents conducted a business at Barronstrand St., Waterford, about 60 years ago; went to school at Mount Sion. The remains were removed last Saturday evening at sever o’c. to Glenmore Church. The funeral to the adjoining cemetery took place last Sunday at 11:30 o’c. To his sorrowing wife and family cincere sympathy is extended.
Patrick Hanrahan (1886-1957) of Glenmore Village [Obit in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 13 Sept 1957, p. 10]
MR. PATRICK HANRAHAN. GLENMORE–The death of Mr. Patrick Hanrahan, which occurred, after a long illness, at his residence in Glenmore, caused deep regret in the South Kilkenny and New Ross districts. He belonged to an old and respected Co. Kilkenny family, very well-known in commercial and sporting circles. Aged seventy-one, in his young days, he was a noted hurler and footballer and helped Glenmore win Co. Kilkenny junior and senior titles.
He was a prominent member of the Old I.R.A. and men “on the run” always found refuge at his home, during the troubled period. He was the proprietor of a very successful hardware business in New Ross. He was brother of Mr. J. Hanrahan,North St.; Mr. R. Hanrahan, Charles St. and Messrs. Michael and John Hanrahan, U.S.A. He is survived by his wife, son and daughter, to whom and to his other relatives, sympathy is extended.
There were very large attendances at the removal of the remains to Glenmore Church and at the funeral to the adjoining cemetery. V. Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Rev. F. Greene, CC., Rev. J. Hynes. Rev. J. Duggan, and Rev. J. Murphy, were present at the graveside. The chief mourners were—Mrs. Hanrahan (Widow); Mr. R. Hanrahan (son); Mrs. J. Hogan (daughter): Messrs. Jim, Michael, John and Dick Hanrahan (brothers); the, Hanrahan families, North St. and Charles St., New Ross: the Duggan family. Flemingstown; the Connolly family, Slieverue; the Quirke family, Cleriban; the Mullins, Reilly, Bookle, Rimmer, Follis and Morrissey families, Thomastown; the Hanrahan family, Powerswood; the Byrne and Hanrahan families, Baltinglass, and Mr. J. Hanrahan, Slieverue (relatives). R.I.P.
Richard “Dick” Hanrahan (1892-1975) native of Glenmore, late of Charles St., New Ross [Death notice in The Advocate (New York) Sat. 22 March 1975, p. 13]
Sorry to hear of Dick Hanrahan of Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny who passed to his eternal reward in New Ross. He was a great athlete and played with the county for the Wexford team in 1913 at football. He was also a great hurler. In 1913 he hurt his knee and never was the same again. One of the best. The whole family were great men. Mike and his brother Jimmy were great hurlers for Kilkenny. They all had good businesses in New Ross, not to mention his brother John in Hampton Bays, L.I., owner of a hotel. May Dick’s soul rest in peace. [Pierce Walsh column]
Richard “Dick” Hanrahan (c. 1929-23 Jan. 2006) Glenmore Village [Retirement article in the New Ross Standard, Wed. 22 March 2000]
SHOP AND STORE CLOSED AFTER 100 YEARS–The shop that ended its 100 years with 3 generations of the Hanrahan family closed on last Sunday 12th March at 12.30 pm. The shop was officially opened by John and Ellen Hanrahan, and after [run by] their son the late Pat and Mary and later [operated by] their [grandson] Dick and Kathleen. Some years ago they got the Post Office after Alice Ryan’s retirement. Looking back about 80 years ago the Hanrahan family [the following brothers of Pat Hanrahan] John emigrated to USA, Jimmy bought a public house and grocery at 12 North St., New Ross. (The former residence of the Cullen family whose son James Cullen was the founder of the P.T.A.A.) Dick had a draper business in North St., New Ross.
The Hanrahan family are well represented in the town. The late Pat introduced the first Mill and crushed yellow corn and crushed barley and oats for the farming community and sold all farm implements. Dick and Kathleen carried on a thriving business for many years. The local community would like to thank the Hanrahan family for the good services they gave to Glenmore parishioners and the general public and wish Kathleen and Dick many years of health and happiness for their retirement.
[Editor’s Note–another brother of Pat Hanrahan was Michael who also immigrated to the U.S.][Regarding post office see, https://glenmore-history.com/the-glenmore-post-office-its-rise-and-demise/ .]
Mr. Hanrahan, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express on the 27th of February 1892]
We wish to draw attention to the hoop factory of Mr. Hanrahan, Glenmore. When one gets a chance to employ home manufacture, he ought to do so, and here is a very worthy man and Sterling Nationalist, who deserve every encouragement. We are glad to know that Messrs Sutton and Keegan, butter exporters, Enniscorthy; Sheehan and Ridgway, Waterford; are patriotically supporting Mr Hanrahan by ordering hoops from his factory. [Danny Dowling believes that this man was John Hanrahan who was married to Danny’s great-aunt.]
Peg Harmon, of Ballycroney, Glenmore [DD Notebook 17, Interview of of Pat Cody on the 21st of November 1955]
The late Peg Harmon, of Ballycroney, keened at his sister’s funeral.
HARNEY/Correction per Martin Forristal, (February 2020) of Ballinlammy and formerly Rochestown, Glenmore–the correct name for the former entry on Michael Harney should be Michael Howe. See Howe, below.
Michael Harney (c. 1924-1996) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Wednesday the 13th of November 1996]
This long obituary may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page may be accessed via the home page by clicking the “Roots” button.
The Hartes, of Darbystown, Tullogher [DD Notebook 13, miscellaneous undated note]
The Hartes, of Darbystown, Tullogher owned a good farm in Darbystown as well as some land in Haggard, Glenmore and milked a herd of 40 cows at one time.
Jack Harte (c. 1903-1960) of Ballycroney, Glenmore [D.D. Notebook 27, misc. undated note]
Jack Harte, of Ballycroney [Glenmore], died on the 18th May 1960, aged 57. He was married to Mary Hamilton of the Wood, and they had two daughters: [1] Breda [Harte] married to John croke and have a son and a daughter; [2] Nellie [Harte] married to Tom Dunphy, of Ballyerneen, and have two daughters. They live in Bolton, Lancashire, where the mother and daughters emigrated after his death.
John Harte (c. 1901-1960) of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 3rd of June 1960, p. 8]
Death of Mr. John Harte—The death occurred at the County hospital, Kilkenny, on Saturday last of Mr. John Harte, Ballycroney, Glenmore, after a brief illness. Deceased who was aged 59 years, was employed as road worker by Kilkenny County Council for many years, previous to which he was employed by the Fluskey family, Glenmore. He had been ailing a short time and was in hospital only since the day previous to his death. Sincere sympathy will be extended to his bereaved widow, two daughters and other relatives in the sad loss they have sustained. The remains, accompanied by a large attendance, were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Sunday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday, the final prayer at the graveside being recited by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore. R.I.P
Micky & Neddy Harte, of Darbystown, Tullogher [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mick Walsh of Grogan, Davidstown, Glenmore, on 10 December 1969]
Mickey and Neddy Harte, of Darbystown were evicted from their farm of about 30 acres in Darbystown, about 60 years ago by the Doherty brothers of Moulerstown, Glenmore.
Peg Harte, of Darbystown, Tullogher [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mick Walsh of Grogan, Davidstown, Glenmore, on 10 December 1969]
Peg Harte was asked by a man to marry her, but “she carted him” He was mad after her especially as she had £1,000 fortune. After she rejected him he wrote a poster and placed it outside the Mullinharrigal, Tullogher chapel with the following verse:
Eliza Harte of Darbystown,
She is little and nothing and no great things,
She made her fortune of eggs and hens.
Alice Hartley of Weatherstown, Glenmore (D.D. Notebook 3, John Culleton of Kilbride, Glenmore on 20 January 1980)
Alice Hartley, of Weatherstown, was born in June 1895. She married Mick Culleton of Kilbride, Glenmore.
Anastasia Hartley, of Busherstown, Glenmore [Obit in NEW ROSS STANDARD of Sat. 24 Sept. 1892]
Requiem Office at Glenmore. On Thursday last, 22nd September, a Requiem Office was held in the parochial church, Glenmore, for the repose of the soul of the late Anastasia Hartley, Busherstown, mother of Rev. Thomas Hartley, C.C., Poulfur, The Hook.
The Rev. John Ryan, C.C., Ballyragget, was celebrant of the High Mass ; deacon, Rev. J. Hartley, C.C., Wexford; sub-deacon, Rev. Thomas Frayne, C.C, Rosbercon; master of ceremonies, Rev. James Brennan C.C., Slieverue; Rev. James Dunphy, Adm., Glenmore, and Rev. Walter Walsh, CC, Ferrybank. The other clergymen present were—Very Rev. Dr. Kavanagh, P.P., New Ross ; Very Rev Canon Holohan, P.P., Rosbercon ; Very Rev. John Welch. P.P., Slieverue; Very Rev. Prior O’Brien, 0.S. A., New Ross; Rev. J. V. Thompson, O.S.A., do.; Rev. J. F. Doyle, C. C. do.; Rev. W. Rossiter. C.C.. do.; Rev. T. Brophy, C.C.. Slieverue; Rev. H. Brennan, C.C. Glenmore; Rev. J. Browne, C.C. Duncannon, Rev. R. Kavanagh. C.C., Gusserane; Rev. J. Walsh. C.C.. Terrerath; Rev. J. Foskin, C.C., Temploran; and Rev. T. Hartley, C.C., Poulfur, son or the deceased. R I P.
[Editor’s note: Per the Death Register Death Anastasia Hartley, Busherstown, died on 20 Sept. 1892, age 60 years. The deceased had “consumption for years.” Wm Hartley husband present at death.]
Brigid Hartley. of Balincrea, Slieverue [Death notice in the New Ross Standard on Thursday the 24th of Aug 1989]
Brigid Hartley, the last surviving member of the Hartley family, Ballincrea, Slieverue, has died and was interred in Slieverue cemetery after Requiem Mass of which V. Rev. J. Delaney, P.P., was celebrant.
Edmund Hartley of Flemingstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, Edmund Hartley Marvin, Sr., 710 S. Wayneport Road, Macedon, New York]
Edmund Hartley of Flemingstown left Ireland about 1850 and emigrated to America. This man had three brothers James, Philip and ____. Their mother’s name was Kennedy, and she died in 1850 on the farm. The said Edmund Hartley of Flemingstown married Bridget Kelly and had 5 children. Danny provided the following information:
From Griffiths Valuation 1850
- Edmund Hartley (tenant of John Mullins) House and land 0 Acres, 0 Rods, 20 Perches
- Edmund Hartley (grant of Anastasia Walsh) Land 8 Acres, 2 Rods, 26 Perches
From Glenmore Parish Register–12 April 1836, Flemingstown. Born Edmd. Son of Edwd Hartelly (sic) and Mary Kennedy. Sps. Laurence Mullins and Joney Hartelly (sic).
Edward Hartley, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notes, Glenmore Parish Records]
Edward Hartley, son of James Hartley and Bridget Grant was born the 9th of June 1865 at Weatherstown, Glenmore and baptized the 11th of June 1865. Sponsors: Thomas Green and Mary Green.
Edward Hartley (c. 1824-1894) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Wexford People on Wednesday the 14th of March 1894]
HARTLEY—March 10, at his residence, Weatherstown, Glenmore, county Kilkenny, Edward Hartley, uncle of Rev. James Hartley, C. C. Wexford, deeply regretted by his family and large circle of friends, aged 70 years.— R.I.P
Edward Hartley, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express of Friday the 14th of March 1947, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. EDWARD HARTLEY—The death occurred in the Haughton Hospital, New Ross, on Monday late, of Mr. Edward Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore, at an advanced age. Deceased was a well known farmer and was father of the late Captain Sean Hartley, who with Captain “Nick” Mullins, Thomastown, was killed in an engagement with the British Military at Coolbaun, Castlecomer, in 1921.
He is survived by a son, James, and a daughter, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended. He had been out of his health for some time past, and had been confined to hospital for a period. The large attendance at the removal of the remains to Glenmore Parish Church testified to the esteem enjoyed by deceased and the members of his family. Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Wednesday after Officer and High Mass.—R.I.P.
Mrs. Edward Hartley “Alice” (c. 1826-1902) [Obit in New Ross Standard, Fri. 18 April 1902]
MRS HARTLEY, GLENMORE. We regret to record the death of Mrs. Hartley, wife of the late Edward Hartley, Glenmore, county Kilkenny. Mrs. Hartley passed away to her eternal reward on Wednesday, 9th last, at the age of 76. Her remains were interred in the family burial ground Glenmore on Friday last, previous to which Office and High Mass were celebrated in the parish church, the following clergy officiating—The Very Rev. P. Meaney, P.P., Glenmore; Very Rev Canon Whelan, Slieverue; Rev. James Hartley, CO, Barntown; Rev Edward Hartley, M SS,. Enniscorthy; Rev. John Walsh, C.C. Glenmore; Rev. Father Brennan, C.C.; Rev. Father Brophy, C.C, and Rev Father Freaney, C.C. R.I.P. [Editor’s Note–Alice Hartley died on the 7th of February at Weatherstown at the age of 76. Her death cert provides that at the time of her death she was a widow and her son Philip Hartley was present. She died of “senile decay.”]
Hanoria Hartley née Kelly (c. 1870-1947) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 17 October 1947, p. 8]
DEATH OF MRS. HANORIA HARTLEY, WEATHERSTOWN—Sincere regret was expressed amongst a large number of friends of the late Mrs. Hanoria Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore, whose death occurred on Friday last, after a long illness. Deceased, who was aged 77 years, was widow of the late Philip Hartley, who died about 26 years ago. She was mother of Sister Mary Bridget, Convent of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Bezeirs Heralt, France; niece of the Rev. John Irish, Mawdeasely, Liverpol; cousin of the Rev. M. Irish, Syndney, and cousin of the Rev. P. Baldwin, C.C., Ardfinnan, and the Rev. Ml. Baldin, O.P., Dublin. She was also mother of Messrs, Thomas Hartley, Weatherstown; John Hartley, do.; Mrs. Alice Murphy, Ballyreddy, Tullogher, and William Hartley, Ballyvaring, Slieverue; Edward Hartley, Ballinabola, Halfway House, Co. Waterford; Philip Hartley, Knocknagopple, do.; Michael Hartley, New Ross; Mrs. Michael McCarthy, Cushinstown, Co. Wexford, and Mrs. Wm. Machine, Stroke-on-Trent, England. She was sister of the late Michael Kelly, Graiguenakill; Mrs. William Purcell, Kilbraheen; Mrs. John McCarthy, Farmogue, Mullinavat; Mrs. Peter Foley, Dublin, and of James Kelly, Waterford.
The remains, accompanied by a large and representative attendance, were removed to Glenmore Church. Interment took place after 11 o’clock Mass, when there was again a large concourse of sympathisers. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by the Rev. Father Grace, P.P., Glenmore. Aylward, Ballinaclare; (sic) Mrs. Rochford, Coolnaleen; Hartley family Slieverue P.O.; William Hartley, Kilmurry; James Hartley, do.; Philip Hartley, Glasshouse; William Fitzgerald and Mrs. Fitzgerald, Weatherstown; James Fitzgerald, do., James an Mr. Coady, do.; Martin Coady, do.; Michael and Mrs. Coady, do.; James Hartley, do.; James Roche, do.; and Mrs. Synnott, do. A telegram was received from Rev. Fr. Baldwin, Dublin, and a wreath of flowers from Mrs. Synnott.
[Editor’s note—There appears to be one or more lines missing from the newspaper obit.]
James Hartley (1892-1980) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 21 Nov. 1980, p. 28]
LATE JAMES HARTLEY—The death occurred on Tuesday, 11th November in the District Hospital, New Ross of James Hartley of Weatherstown Glenmore at the age of 88. Son of the late Edmond and Anastasia Hartley, do., he was husband of Ellen Hartley (nee O’Neill, Slkievecurrag). He was brother of the late Captain Sean Hartley who with Nicholas Mullins, Thomastown was killed in action on the 18th June, 1921 by Crown Forces at Coolbawn, Castlecomer.
The late James Hartley was deeply involved in the Republican Movement and through Sinn Fein, he stood as a candidate for the Kilkenny County Council election in the early sixties for Sinn Fein and afterwards worked for Sinn Fein—The Workers’ party in the area. A well respected father and husband, he was from a well known farming family and carried on the tradition in the family homestead. He was father of Edward Hartley, Ferrybank, Waterford; Jack Hartley, Brabstown, Glenmore; James Hartley, Sallypark, Waterford; Oliver Hartley, Newtown, Glenmore; Patrick Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore; Mrs. Mary Hennessey, Mary St., Waterford; Mrs. Stella Forristal, Kilmrray, Slieverue; Mrs. Eileen O’Rourke, St. Mullins, Co. Carlow. He was sister of Mrs. Alice Culleton, Kilbride, Glenmore and by 32 grandchildren.
His remains were removed to St. James’s Church in Glenmore on Wednesday evening and after 11 o’clock Mass on Thursday was laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery. A large gathering saw the coffin draped in the Tricolour being escorted from the creamery gates to the church. The guard of honour was drawn from Sinn Fein Party in Slieverue and Glenmore. The late James was interned in Wexford Jail in the early 20’s and in a graveside oration, Sean Walsh, M.C.C. paid tribute to his work and his ideals. The last post was sounded and later a volley of shots were fired over his grave. A fitting tribute to a long Republican and Gael. Clergy present: Fr. T. O’Connr, P.P., Glenmore; Fr. O’Shea, do.; Fr. Carey, Tullogher and Fr. Cushing, Graigue
M. Hartley, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Note in the Munster Express, Sat. 21 May 1921, p. 6.]
Religious Profession—Miss M. Hartley, daughter of Mr. Philip Hartley and Mrs. Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore, near New Ross, was professed a nun at the convent of the Sacred Heart, Benziers, France.
Mai Hartley, of Glenmore [no townland provided] [Wedding announcement, New Ross Standard, Fri. 30 Aug. 1957, p. 2]
Mr. Fogarty and Miss Hartley—The marriage with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing, of Mr. John Fogarty, son of Mrs. Fogarty, Ballykeenan, Borris, and the late Mr. Laurence Fogarty, and Miss Mai Hartley, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hartley, Glenmore was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church on 7th August, Rev. G. Doyle, C.C. (first cousin of the bridegroom) assisted by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Officiated. Attired in blue Chantilly lace, with matching head-dress and carrying a bouquet of pink roses, the bride was given away by her father. Her sister, Miss Stella Hartley, who was bridesmaid, was dressed in pink nylon with headdress to tone. She carried a similar bouquet. Mr. Morgan Fogarty, brother of the bridegroom was best man.
After the ceremony the reception, which was attended by over forty guests, was held in the Delphi Hotel, Mall, Waterford, and the honeymoon was spent in the Isle of Man. Going away the bride wore a black costume with white accessories. The bridegroom, who is well known in business circles in Leinster, has purchased licensed premises at Mary St. New Ross. They have the best wishes of their many friends for every happiness and success in their married life and in their business venture.
Mary Hartley [Death Notice in the Wexford People, Sat. 22 July 1905]
Hartley–July 16, at New Ross, Mary, the dearly beloved wife of Philip Hartley, and mother of Rev. J. Hartley, C.C. and Rev. E. Hartley, M.SS. Office and funeral on Tuesday. [Editor’s note: It is believed that Mary Hartley’s maiden name was Rourke/Bourke
Ned Hartley, of Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Sat. 13 April 1901, p. 7 ]
It is most pleasing duty for me to note that my friend, Captain “Ned” Hartley, is looking fit and well. He is pushing the G.A.A. movement forward as much as possible. By the way, I heard that “Ned” had arranged with out former captain, Mr. John Vereker, to proceed to Ferrybank next Sunday to witness the contest between Waterford Commercials and a team from New Ross, and criticise the match at their next meeting with a view to improving the Glenmorians in that game.
Philip Hartley (c. 1830 -1918) of Michael St., New Ross [Obit in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 2 Aug. 1918, p. 5]
PHILIP HARTLEY, NEW ROSS The death occurred on Wednesday last at his residence, Michael St., New Ross, of Mr. Philipp Hartley, father the Rev. Edward Hartley, C.C., and the late Rev. James Hartley, P.P., Cushingstown, and Sister M. Patrick, Presentation Convent, Mooncoin. Mr. Hartley had reached the ripe age of close to 90 years, and peacefully passed away after receiving the last rites of the Catholic Church. He was ill only about three weeks, and was the posesesor of remarkable health and vigour all his life, and most industrious. He belonged to a most respectable and popular family, and was connected with many prominent families in that county. The funeral will take place to Glenmore on Friday after High Mass and Office in the Parish Church at 11.30 a.m. R. I. P.
Philip Hartley, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit Waterford News & Star, Fri. 4 Nov. 1921]
OBITUARY. It is with feelings of regret we record the death of Mr. Philip Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore, which took place on Tuesday the 26th of October at St. Vincent’s Hospital. Though ailing for a short time his death was quite unexpected. The deceased belonged to a fine old respectable family, and was very popular and kind hearted.
The remains were conveyed on the following Wednesday by motor to New Ross, and the funeral took place to Glenmore. The funeral cortege was of immense proportions. The intermit took place in the family burial on Thursday after Requiem Mass, at which the following priests attended: Rev. Father Holohan, P.P., Glenmore; Rev. Father Bergin, CC, Glenmore; Rev. Father Doody, P.P. Slieverue; Rev. Father Bergin, C.C. do; Rev. Father Phelan, C.C, Ferrybank; Rev. Father Darcy, C.C. Chaplain Belmount; Rev. Father O’Keeffe Adm., Rosbercon; Rev. Father Coghlan, C.C; Rev. Father Hennessy, C.C, Tullogher; Rev. Father Hartley, C.C. New Ross. The deceased was father of Sister Mary Bridget Hartley, Sacred Heart Convent, Beziers, France. To his sorrowing wife and family we tender our deep sympathy.
Philip Hartley (c. 1906- 1965) native of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 14 May 1965, p. 14]
The death took place recently in Ardkeen General Hospital, Waterford, of Mr. Philip Hartley, Knocknagopple, Halfway House, Waterford. Aged 59, the late Mr. Hartley lived in New York for a period in his earlier years and on his return home, took up farming on a large scale at Knocknagopple. Because of his many fine traits of character, he won the warm regard of all section of the community. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Hartley, he was father of Messrs. James, William, and Philip Hartley; Mrs. N. Foley, Killotteran, Butlerstown; Miss Brigid Hartley, S.R.N., Ardkeen Hospital and Miss Betty Hartley, of the nursing staff of Gulson Hospital, Coventry.
He was brother of Messrs. Edward Hartley, Ballinaboola, Halfway Hojuse; John Hartley, Laharda, Portlaw; Thomas Hartley, Weatherstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny; William Hartley, Ballyvarring, do., and Michael Hartley, 16 Ard nd Greine, New Ross, Co. Wexford; Mrs. A. Murphy, Ballyreddy, Tullogher, Co. Kilkenny; Mrs. W. Machine, Stroke-on-Trent, Enland, and of the late St. Mary Bridget, Convent of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Besgiers, Heralt, France, and of the late Mrs. N. McCarthy, Cushingstown, New Ross. He was cousin of the late Very Rev. James Hartley, P.P., Cushingstown, and of the late Rev. Edward Hartley, C.C., New Ross. Sympathisers were present in large numbers when the remains wee removed to St. Mary’s when the interment was made in Church, Ballygunner, and again the adjoining cemetery after Solemn Office and Requiem High Mass, the celebrant of which was Rev. Fr. McGrath, C.C., St. John’s.
Thomas Hartley (c. 1901-1977) of Busherstown, Genmore [Obit New Ross Standard, Fri. 28 Jan. 1977, p. 10]
LATE MR. THOMAS HARTLEY—Much regret was caused by the death of Mr. Thomas Hartley, Busherstown, Glenmore, which occurred at the age of 76. He was the last surviving member of his family and was brother of the late William Hartley, Busherstown; the late Patrick Hartley, Coolerin, Campile, and the late Mrs. Stasia Raftice, Ballyluskey, Mullinavat. He was brother-in-law of Mrs. B Hartley, Busherstown; Mrs. Bridget Hartley, Coolerin and the late Richard Raftice, Mullinavat.
Thomas Hartley (c. 1901-1977) of Bisherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 11 Feb. 1977, p. 13]
Death of Mr. Thomas Hartley–The death has taken place of Mr Thomas Hartley, Busherstown, Glenmore at the age of 76 years. He was the last surviving member of the family. He was brother of the late William Hartley. Busherstown, Glenmore; the late Patrick Hartley, Coolerin, Campile and the late Mrs. Stasia Raftice, Ballyluskey, Mullinavat. He was brother-in-law of Mrs. Bridget Hartley, Busherstown; the late Mrs. Bridget Hartley, Coolerin, Campile and the late Richard Raftice, Mulinavat. He is survived by a large number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Esther Mullally, Glenmore; Mrs. Eileen Murray Glenmore; Mrs. Breed Garvev Glenmore; Mrs. G. Drohan, Glenmore (nieces). Fr. Noel Hartley, Wexford: Thomas Hartley, Glenmore; William Hartley, Enniscorthv: Patrick Hartley, Gusserane; John Hartley, Gusserane; and Martin Hartley, Campile (nephews). ST. Mary Hartley, Convent of Mercy, New Ross; Mrs. Joan Rower, Our Lady’s Island; Mrs. Stasia Finn, Boolavogue; Miss Margaret Hartley, Dublin; Mrs. Margaret Kent, Dunmore East; Miss Kathy Hartley, Dublin; and Mrs. Teresa Kane, England (nieces).
Old William Hartley, of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Wm. Conway, at Holden’s, Clune on 17 March 1980]
Old William Hartley of Busherstown, had at least three sisters as follows: (1) one married Dick Ryan, of Ballycurran, Tullogher; (2) one married to Jamsey Ryan, of Guilcough, Tullogher; (3) one married to Rigby of Ballincrea, Slieverue.
Old William Hartley, of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Wm. Conway, at Holden’s, Clune on 17 March 1980]
William Hartley, of Busherstown, was married to Margaret Ryan, of Guilcough, Tullogher, and had following family:
(1) James Hartley at home in Busherstown married to Farrell of Killcurl, Ballyhale. Had (1a) Wm. Hartley, (1b) Pat Hartley, (1c) Tom Hartley and (1d) Statia Hartley.
(2) John Hartley married into Margaret Vereker, of Ballincrea and had family: (2a) Statia Hartley married Jim Walsh; (2b) Katie Hartley unmarried; (2c) Bridget Hartley unmarried; (2d) Margaret Hartley married Tom Holden of Ballyhimmin; (2e) William Hartley never married; (2f) Mollie Hartley married Forristal.
(3) Tom [Hartley] a priest, C.C. in Screen, Co. Wexford, died June 1900 aged 33 years in Busherstown of fever.
(4) Margaret Hartley married James Conway, of Killandrew, Mullinavat. Had family: (4a) Tom Conway; (4b) Bill Conway; (4c) Ned Conway.
(5) Statia Hartley never married and stayed at home.
Mrs. William Hartley, of Busherstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the Wexford People on Saturday the 24th of September 1892]
HARTLEY—Sept 20, 1892, at Busherstown, Glenmore, County Kilkenny, Mrs. Wm Hartley (mother of the Rev Thos Hartley, C.C., Poulfur, county Wexford, aunt of the Rev John Ryan, C. C., Ballyragget, county Kilkenny, and the Rev Richard Ryan, C.C. Preston, Liverpool), deeply regretted by her family and friends.
Alice Hassett née Mullins (c. 1851-1949) native of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 1st of July 1949]
Late Mrs. Alice Hassett— Mrs. Alice Hassett, Glenstown, Clonea, Co. Waterford (whose demise we briefly referred to in our previous issue), was aged 98 years. She belonged to an old South Kilkenny family—one of the Mullins of Flemingstown, Glenmore. She left Glenmore over 60 years ago. She was of a kind and charitable disposition, and was sister of Mr. J. Mullins, Cleric of Carrick-on-Suir Union, who died in 1912.
The remains were removed to Clonea Parish Church on Saturday evening, and interment took place, after 11 o’clock Mass on Sunday, in the family burial ground adjoining the church.
The chief mourners were John Hassett, Glenstown; Patrick Hassett, Whitestown (sons); Mrs. John Hassett (daughter-in-law); Alice, Betty, Michael, Frank, John, Paddy and Wattle Hassett (grandchildren): Mary Stapleton, Slieverue; Mrs. Gus Walsh, Ballinaneeshagh; Mrs. J. Garvey-Power, Waterford (nieces); Very Rev. David Power, P.P. (cousin of the deceased) was celebrant of the High Mass at Clonea Church for the repose of deceased’s soul. Rev. M. Kelleher, C.C, Rathrormack, was deacon, and Rev. M. Brennan. C.C, Coom, Castlecomer. sub-deacon. In the choir were: Very Rev. N. Canon Dunphy, P.P., V.P., Carrick-on-Suir; Very Rev. M. Dower, P.P., Ballyduff; Very Rev. M Hackett, P.P., Kilrossanty; Rev. T. Brennan, B.D., St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny; Rev. D. Dawson. C.C. Kilrossanty; Rev. D. Byrne, C.C., Clonea; Rev. E. Ryan. C.C, Carrick-on-Suir; Rev. Father Paschal O.F.M., Carrickbeg; Rev. Fr. Dominic. O.F.M., do.
HAWE (see also Howe)
John Hawe, of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Hawe, of Rochestown, died on the 13th of January 1906.
Patrick Hawe (1871-1933) of Rochestown, Glenmore [the blog post of 13 Dec. 2020 provides details of his family as well as his tragic drowning]
John Hayden, National Teacher, Mooncoin [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
John Hayden, N.T. principal in Mooncoin School was a native of Ferrybank. He died in the 1930’s of a brain tumour aged about 38 years.
John Hearn, Glenmore RIC [Article in the Waterford Standard on Wed. the 11th of Oct. 1899]
Sudden Death in New Ross– A Glenmore Police Pensioner Drops Dead.— On Monday a police pensioner named John Hearn, who lived for some time in Glenmore, was coming to New Ross with some bags of potatoes in a donkey’s car, and when he got near Rosbercon—near the old foundry on the Waterford road—he left the car and complained of being tired, and immediately afterwards fell down on the road quite dead. The priest and doctor were sent for at once by people who were in the neighbourhood at the time, but the man was dead long before either reached him. The deceased was about 68 years of age and was known as a quiet and respectable man. At the inquest on Tuesday last Dr. Michael Walsh, New Ross, deposed that he made a superficial examination of the body; he had heard and read the evidence, and from that and the appearance of the body he believed that death was caused by failure of the heart’s action namely, syncope. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.
Mary Hearne, of Chilcomb, Rosbercon [DD Notebook 14, misc notes]
Mary Hearne, of Chilcomb, Rosbercon died 2 January 1937.
Mrs. Heffernan (c. 1847-1913) native of Glenmore (Blurb in Kentucky Irish American, 21 June 1913, p. 3]
Mrs. Heffernan, seventy, a native of Glenmore, died suddenly while entering Tulmore Catholic church, where a mission is being conducted by Jesuit fathers.
Bridget Heffernan née Kennedy (c. 1853-1947) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 14 March 1947, p. 8]
LATE MRS. B. HEFFERNAN-We regret to record the demise of Mrs. Bridget Heffernan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, which occurred at her residence last week. She belonged to a highly respected family and had just attained her 93rd birthday. Her husband, Michael Heffernan, predeceased her over 22 years ago.
She was mother of Rev. W. Heffernan, Sydney, Australia; Mrs. Alice Roche, Rathinure; Messrs. A. Heffernan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore; Thomas Heffernan, Kearney Bay, do; Ml. Heffernan, Kilkenny; Peter Heffernan, Dublin; Pat and Nicholas Heffernan, London; Stephen and John Heffernan, Chicago; the late Richard Heffernan, Chicago; James Heffernan, Glenmore; Mrs. Mary O’Connor, Ballyfacey.
She was grandmother of Sister Edward Roche, India; Brother Thomas P. Heffernan, Tullow, and of the Heffernan, O’Connor and Roche families, well knowns hurlers, footballers and ploughmen. Despite the artic weather conditions which prevailed, the funeral to Glenmore on Wednesday, 5th inst., was largely atended. On Monday last, Requiem Office and High Mass were offered up for the repose of her soul.—R.I.P.
[Editor’s Note–Per Danny Dowling, Brigid Heffernan one one of the last people carried from her home to Glenmore Village for burial. See, https://glenmore-history.com/dying-funerals-wakes/ ].
Bridget Heffernan née Roche (1896-1987) native of Rathinure, Glenmore [Obit Kilkenny People, Fri. 30 Jan. 1987, p. 17]
Mrs. B. Heffernan—The death occurred recently at her daughter’s home in Rochestown, Glenmore of Mrs. Bridget Heffernan. She was widow of the late Andrew Heffernan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, who died in 1975. She was born in June of 1896 and was the youngest child of the late Patrick and Ellen Roche (nee Aylward) Rathnure, Glenmore.
She was associated with the farming and sporting life of the parish, until their retirement from agricultural work in the early sixties. She is survived by all nine members of her family, by 50 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and other relatives and friends.
She was mother of Mary Alward, Rochestown, with whom she lived, Ellen Doherty, Ballinlammy, Glenmore, Bridget Myles, London’ sons Michael Heffernan, Marian Park, Waterford; Patrick Heffernan, Rockenham, Ferrybank; James Heffernan, Ballyneale, Tullogher; John Heffernan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore; William Heffernan, Newcastle Road, Galway; Peter Heffernan London. Lessons were read by Mrs. B.. Myles, London (daughter) and Mrs. Margaret Fleming, Rochestown, Glenmore (granddaughter).
Dermot Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Ordination announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 20 June 1941, p. 8]
ORDAINED TO PRIESTHOOD—Rev. Dermot Heffernan, who has been ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny is son of Michael and Mrs. Heffernan, N.T., Glenmore. Father Heffernan has been ordained for the Diocese of Maitland, and his numerous friends wish him many years of fruitful service in the Vineyard of the Lord. He was a student of St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny.
Rev. Dermot M. Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 July 1946, p. 6]
KILKENNY PRIEST FOR AUSTRALIA—Rev. Dermot M. Heffernan, who is leaving for the Australian Mission towards the end of the present month, has been curate at St. Patrick’s Consett, Durham, for the past four years. Son of Mr. Ml. Heffernan, Glenmore, he was educated at Glenmore N.S., Ring Irish College, and at St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, where he was ordained four years ago. Father Heffernan has been prominent at Consett in youth work, and was chairman of the N.A.B.C Council, and also a member of the executive of the Consett Youth Conference. He is to work in a Maitland Diocese, to which Dr. Gleeson, C.S.S.R., a native of Dualla, Cashel, is Bishop.
Edward Heffernan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore [Death Notice, Munster Express, on Friday the 17th of June 1949]
YOUNG GLENMORE MAN’S DEATH. The sincerest sympathy of their many friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heffernan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore, on the death of their second eldest son, Edward, which occurred in Richmond Hospital, Dublin, on Tuesday. The interment took place on Thursday after 11 o’clock Mass. Office and High Mass for the repose of the soul of deceased to-day (Friday).
Edward Heffernan (c. 1924-1949) of Kearneybay, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 1st of July 1949]
The entire obit is available on the Obituary page which is accessed via the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
James “Jimmy” Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 15 Feb. 1946, p. 6]
PLAYER’S INJURY—Jimmy Heffernan, Glenmore, who is attached to the staff of Clover Meats, Ltd., was unable to turn out for Kilkenny in the National Hurling League game against Cork on Sunday owing to an injury, for which he was treated at Waterford County and City Infirmary. It is also very doubtful if he will be able to take his place on the Leinster team to play Munster in the Railway Cup semi-final at Waterford next Sunday.
James “Jimmy” Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 23 Nov. 1945, p. 6]
BROTHERS ON TEAM—Jimmy Heffernan and Mick Heffernan (of Kilkenny and Wexford inter-county teams, respectively, who have been selected on the Leinster team to play Munster in the Railway Cup hurling semi-final, are natives of Glenmore. The former is employed at Clover Meats, Ltd., Waterford, and the latter in Wexford Town.
John Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, copy of Diary of James Aylward, Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Heffernan, Aylwardstown, and Mary Freney, Fahee, Kilmacow married 24th July 1907. They sailed for America July 31st, 1907.
John Joseph Heffernan (1881-1951) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore (Obit in the Chicago Tribune, Fri. 17 Aug. 1951, p. 18)
OBIT John J. Heffernan, beloved husband of Florence, nee Populorum; fond father of Mrs. James Leary, Patricia, Mary Lou, Mrs. John J. Newman, the late Raymond, and Alice Heffernan, brother of Stephen and the late Richard. Funeral Saturday, Aug. 18, at 9:15 a.M., from funeral home, 3246 Jackson Blvd., to St. Giles’ Church, Oak Park, Interment Mount Carmel. Member of Holy Name Society. Native County Kilkenny, Ireland.
Mrs. John Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. John Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, died on June 18th, 1913. [Editor’s note–Mary Heffernan, Née Freany, was a native of Mullinavat. She married John Joseph Heffernan c. 1907 and died aged 30 of TB her youngest child was born in 1912 in Chicago]
John Heffernan, native of Kearney Bay, Glenmore [Wedding announcement, Munster Express, Fri. 10 Aug. 1956, p. 7]
Wedding in Dublin—The congratulations and good wishes of their numerous friends in Ireland and across Channel will be extended to Mr. John Heffernan, B.D.S., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heffernan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore and Miss Julia Anne Breen, daughter of Mr. Simon Breen, daughter of Mr. Simon Breen, Irish Embassy, London and Mrs. Breen, Earl’s Court, do. On their marriage which was solemnised at Corpus Christi Church, Drumcondra, Dublin on Saturday last.
Mary Heffernan (c. 1875-1944) of Glenmore Village, [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Friday the 26th of May 1944]
OBITUARY MISS MARY HEFFERNAN GLENMORE. The death of Miss Mary Heffernan, which occurred at her residence, Glenmore, on Sunday, is deeply and widely regretted. Possessed of many estimable qualities, she was held in high personal regard by a large circle of friends. She was sister to Rev. Fr. Thomas, Belfast, a distinguished preacher in the Passionist Order, and of the late Rev. Fr. Frederick, C.P. She was also sister to Mr. Michael Heffernan, Glenmore; Mrs. J. K. Walshe, Waterford; the late Thomas Heffernan, Waterford. and aunt to the Rev. Dermot Heffernan, of the English Mission, and Mr. P. Heffernan, Bank official Kilkenny. The deepest sympathy is extended to the family in their sad bereavement. On Tuesday, Office and Requiem Mass for the soul of the deceased were offered in Glenmore Church, Very Rev. Thos, Carrigan, P.P., presided, and the celebrant of the Mass was Rev. Fr. Thomas, C.P. The very large attendance at the obsequies bore eloquent tribute to the respect in which the deceased was held. Interment took place in the adjoining cemetery.
[Editor’s Note–The death register records that Mary Kate Heffernan, a 69 year old spinster died at Glenmore on the 21st of May 1944. Present at her death was her nephew Hal Walsh.]
Mary Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express on Friday the 28th of October 1960, p. 3]
Aylward—Heffernan–Members of two well-known and widely-respected South Kilkenny Glenmore families were united in matrimony at Glenmore Parish Church last Tuesday morning. The contracting parties were Mr. James Aylward, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Rochestown, and Miss Mary Heffernan, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heffernan, Aylwardstown. In the presence of a large congregation of relatives and well wishers, the ceremony with Nuptial Mass and Papal blessing was performed by Very Rev. W. Brennan. P.P., assisted by Rev. J. Murphy, C.C. Given away by her father, the bride made a charming picture in white brocade with veil, kept in place by a crown of pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. She had as bridesmaid the bridegroom’s sister, Miss Mary Aylward, who was dressed in turquois with matching head-dress, and Mrs. Richard O’Doherty (sister of the bride) was matron of honour. She wore a champagne-colour frock with harmonising head-dress. Both carried posies of roses. The reception at the Bridge Hotel, Quay, Waterford was attended by over seventy guests and the happy couple, who received a big array of valuable presents left later to spend the honeymoon on a motoring tour of Ireland. Going away, the bride wore a coffee-colour coat over a dress of eucalyptus green with matching accessories. The bridegroom is a nephew of Mr. James Aylward, South Parade, Waterford, who was for several years Mayor of the city and who is one of the best-known and popular figures in the public and business life of the South-East. Young Mr. and Mrs. Aylward have the best wishes of all for their future happiness.
Michael Heffernan (c. 1915-1998) of Kearneybay, Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Thursday the 8th of December 1988]
This obituary is long and may be found on the obituary page which may be accessed via the home page under the “Roots” button.
Michael Heffernan (1890-1974) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 22 Feb. 1974, p. 7]
The death took place in St. Luke’s hospital, Kilkenny on Monday of Mr. Michael Heffernan, (83), building contractor, 5 John St., Kilkenny. He was from Aylwardstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny.
As a young man he served his apprenticeship to the cabinet making business in Waterford and later moved to Dublin. During the struggle for Independence he joined the Irish Volunteers and in 1914 took part in the Howth gun running. Returning to Kilkenny in 1915 he took up employment in the Kilkenny woodwork factory at Talbot’s Inch. This industry was started by the late Countess of Desart. He opened his own business as a cabinet maker in John St. in 1922 and also conducted the business of funeral undertaker and building contractor.
A staunch Irishman and GAA enthusiast he served as vice chairman of Kilkenny Co. Board for a number of years. At that time Ald. Jim Nowlan was chairman. He was chairman of the football Board for 39 years. He represented Kilkenny ay GAA Central Council and Leinster Council levels. He was responsible for the organisation of GAA games in every parish in the county in defiance of the ban imposed by Dublin Castle in 1921. He was the last surviving member of the small committee which negotiated the purchase of Nowlan Park and arranged early Development work. He served for years on the grounds committee.
In his earlier years he was a prominent member of the Waterford Boat Club and was a noted oarsman. He was brother of the late Right Rev, Monsignor W. Heffernan, Sydney, who died recently. His wife, the late Mrs. Teresa Heffernan died two months ago.
Remains were removed to St. John’s church on Tuesday evening and interment took place in St. Kieran’s cemetery. Chief mourners: Comdt. Michael Heffernan, Defence Forces, Cork; William Heffernan, John St., Kilkenny; Anthony Heffernan, London; Andrew Heffernant, Kilkenny; Patrick Heffernan, London (sons); Mrs. B. Leaning, London, Mrs. Stephen Lalor, Australia, Mrs. Theresa Sutcliffe, Buckinghamshore; Mrs. Carmel Ryan, New York; Mrs. Ann Ryan, Middlesex (daughters); Mr. Andrew Heffernan, ROchestown, Glenmore, Mr. Nicholas Heffernan, Herdfordshire; Mr. Stephen Heffernan, Chicago (brothers); also relatives and friends. Kilkenny Corporation on Monday night voted sympathy with the Heffernan family in their bereavement.
Peter Heffernan (1883-1966) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [New Ross Standard on Fri. 11 Feb. 1944]
Garda Superintendent’s Retirement –Supt. Peter Heffernan of the Garda Siochana, Dublin, has retired on pension after 39 years’ police service in the city. A native of Glenmore, he belonqs to a well known and popular family. He was promoted Inspector in 1926 and Superintendent in 1940. A prominent athlete in his time, he was a successful competitor at many sports meetings, and in meeting, and in more recent years helped in the development of athletics in the Gardai.
[Editor’s Note, Info from Birth, Marriage and Death Registers–Peter Heffernan was born 31 Dec. 1883 son of Michael Heffernan and Bridget Kennedy of Aylwardstown. He married on 15 March 1920, Margaret Quinn. He was a D.M.P. Brunswell Street. The Bride was the daughter of Fergus Quinn a D.M.P.I. Riverdale… Peter died a widower at the age of 82. His death cert states he died on 17 Aug. 1966 at Bon Secours Hospital after an accident & was a retired Garda Supt.]
Raymond M. Heffernan (1912-1927) resided in Aylwardstown, Glenmore as a child [Death notice in the Chicago Tribune, Wed. 30 March 1927, p. 33]
Raymond M. Heffernan, beloved son of John and Florence, brother of Frances and Eileen and the late Alice Joan Heffernan, Funeral Thursday, March 31, at 9 a.m. from residence, 930 Mapleton Ave. , Oak Park, to St. Angelus church. Interment Mount Carmel.
Richard Heffernan, native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 7th of February 1947, p. 7]
DIED IN UNITED STATES—Mr. Rd. Heffernan, who has died rather unexpectedly in Chicago, was a native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore, and served with the American Forces in the European War of 1914-’18, in which he was wounded in France. Deceased came of a family long associated with the games of the Gael, and was sixth son of Mrs. and the late Michael Heffernan, Aylwardstown, and brother of Messrs. Andrew Heffernan, do., Thomas Heffernan, Kearney Bay; Michael Heffernan, John St., Kilkenny; Peter Heffernan, Dublin; Patrick and Nicholas Heffernan, London; John and Stephen Heffernan, Chicago; Rev. W. Heffernan, Sydney, Australia; Mrs. A. Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore; the late James Heffernan, Aylwardstown, and the late Mrs. Mary O’Connor, Ballyfacey. He was uncle of Jimmy, Mick, Paddy, John and William Heffernan; Patrick, Edward and George O’Connor, of Kilkenny and Wexford hurling and football fame.
The late Mr. Heffernan leaves a widow and six children to mourn his loss. There was a large attendance of exiled Gaels at the burial, which took place at Chicago.
Richard Heffernan (1889-1947) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Chicago Tribune, Sun. 5 Jan. 1947, p. 63]
Richard J. Heffernan, late of 255 W. 119th Street, beloved husband of Marie Elizabeth, nee King; loving father of Richard Jr. Rosemary, Emmett, William, Loretto, John, James, and Thomas S.; brother of John and Stephen of Chicago. Funeral 10:30 Tuesday, Jan. 7, from 218 E. 115th Street, to St. Catherine of Genoa Church. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Native of County Kilkenny, Ireland.
Stephan Heffernan (1898-1977) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Chicago Tribune on the 9th of October 1977]
Heffernan—Stephen Heffernan, beloved husband of the late Agnes Kiely Heffernan; devoted father of Anna Marie Knight and Mary Alice Brehm; loving grandfather of Stephen, John, Charles and Mary Knight; fond brother of Nicholas of England, the late John, Richard, Patrick, William, James, Andrew, Mary Heffernan, Alice Roche, Thomas, Peter and Bridget Heffernan. Visitation after 4 p.m. Sunday. Funeral Tuesday, 9:45 a.m. from Sheehy Funeral Home, 10727 S. Pulaski Rd., to St. Catherine of Alexandria Church. Mass 10:30 a.m. interment Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Retired member of Division 241 CTA. Native of Glenmore, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Please omit flowers.
Rev. Thomas Heffernan, native of Glenmore Village [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 27 June 1947, p. 2]
DEATH OF REV. T. HEFFERNAN—Rev. Thomas Heffernan, C.P., St. Paul’s Retreat, Mount Argus, Dublin, who has died, was a native of Glenmore, and brother of Mr. M. Heffernan, do.; Mr. R. Heffernan, and Mrs. J.K. Walsh, Tramore. He was uncle of Mr. Hall Walsh, do.; Mr. Eric Walsh, Glenmore; Messrs. Heffernan and McLoughlin, Dublin, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick (wife of Garda Fitzpatrick), Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. The late Fr. Heffernan spent most of his years in the head house of the order at Belfast, where he was Director, and visited his native parish periodically on vacation. Interment took place at St. Paul’s Cemetery, Dublin, after Solemn Requiem Mass.
Thomas Heffernan, of Kearneybay, Glenmore [Obit NEW ROSS STANDARD of Sat. 23 Jan. 1965]
This long obituary may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page is accessed via the home page under the “Roots” button.
Thomas J. Heffernan, Jr., (1929-2003) of California and Kearneybay, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard on 10 September 2003]
“RECENT DEATHS … Thomas Heffernan, California and Kearney Bay, Glenmore.”
[Editor’s note–Death records in California reveal that Thomas Heffernan (20 May 1929–21 August 2003) is buried in Green Hills Memorial Park of Racho Palos Verdes, Los Angelos, CA. Per Social Security records, he was the son of Thomas Heffernan and Katherine Murphy. Irish civil records provide that on 28 April 1915 at Glenmore Church, Thomas Heffernan, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore married Kate Murphy, of Kearneybay Glenmore. Thomas was the son of Michael Heffernan (farmer) and Kate was the daughter of Edward Murphy (farmer). Wedding witnesses were Andrew Heffernan and Mary Murphy.] New Ross Standard on Thursday the 19th July 1990–ON HOLIDAY Thomas Heffernan, formerly of Kearney Bay, Glenmore, who was on the staff of Hearne’s Drapery Store for many years before emigrating, is currently spending a holiday in Waterford city. He was a prominent rower with Waterford Boat Club in the past.
Rev. T. Heffernan, native of Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Friday the 4th of July 1947]
Death of Passionist Father.— The death of Rev. T. Heffernan, C.P., a native of Glenmore, occurred at St. Paul’s Retreat, Mount Argus, Dublin, last seek. Father Heffernan was a distinguished preacher and some years ago conducted a mission at Rosbercon with the Passionist Fathers. Most of his years were spent at the head house of his Order in Belfast where he was Director. He was brother of Mr. M. Heffernan, Glenmore, and Mr. R. Heffernan and uncle of Mr. E. Walsh, Glenmore , and Mr. Hall Walsh. His death is deeply regretted in his native parish and the deepest sympathy is extended to his relatives. On Thursday Office and High Mass for the repose of his soul were offered up in Glenmore church. R.I.P.
Right Rev. Mon. William Heffernan (1895-1973) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 26 Oct. 1973, p. 16]
South Kilkenny Priest’s Death in Australia — Right Rev. Monsignor William Heffernan (80), who died in Sydney, Australia, on Wednesday of last week, was born in Aylwardstown, Glenmore. He was educated at the local National School and St. Kieran’s College, being ordained in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, in 1916. He had been ministering in Australia for over fifty years and was last home on vacation forty years ago. He was brother of Mr. Andy Heffernan, Rocklands, Ferrybank; Mr. Michael Heffernan, John St., Kilkenny; the late Tom Heffernan, Kearney Bay, Glenmore;Garda-Chief Supt. Peter Heffernan, Dublin; Mrs. Alice Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore, and the late Mrs. Mary O’Connor, Glenmore. He is also survived by a number of nephews (including Mick Heffernan, Marian Park, Waterford, and Jimmy Heffernan, Ballyneale, Tullogher, former Kilkenny and Waterford senior hurler), nieces, and other junior hurling tournament in relatives. Requiem Mass was celebrated in Glenmore Parish Church on Monday last by Very Rev. P. Madigan, Adm., do., and ten other priests from the Diocese of Ossory were present as well as a number of relatives, friends and parishioners.
Monsg. William Heffernan (1895-1973) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Death notice in The Sydney Morning Herald, Thu. 18 October 1973, p. 38]
Very Reverend Monsignor William Heffernan—October 17, 1973. Parish Priest of the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping. May he rest in peace.
Margaret Hendrick née Hanrahan (c. 1918-1997) of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit in New Ross Standard on Wednesday the 8th of January 1997]
The complete obituary is located on the obituary page which can be accessed from the home page by clicking on the “Roots” button.
Henneberry of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, Maurice Henneberry, Ballinlaw, Slieverue, 15 October 1976]
All the Henneberrys came originally from the Glenmore area. A Henneberry owned the farm in Rochestown, which is now owned by Dr. Wally Walsh, of Hoodgrove, Rosbercon. The Henneberrys were there for 2 or 3 generations. Maurice Henneberry’s parents spoke some Irish and had a lot of Irish words and phrases. All the Denns were of farming stock. Maurice Henneberry’s paternal grandmother mother was a Denn.
Rev. James Henebery, of Ballinlaw, Slieverue [Obit NEW ROSS STANDARD on Friday the 10th of November 1911]
IN MEMORIAM–REV. JAS. HENEBERY. BALLINLAW, SLIEVERUE On Thursday of last week the remains of Rev. James Henebery, Bailinlaw,vSlieverue, Co Kilkenny, who died at the residence of his brother, Capt. ? Henebery, Hornsey, London, were !aid to rest in the family burial ground. Slieverue. Father Henebery was for a number of years curate of St. John’s, Kilkenny, and it was mainly through his exertions that St. John’s Church was erected some ten or fifteen years ago.
The Lord Bishop of Ossory on hearing of his death decided on having Solemn Requiem High Masscelebrated in St John’s Church for his soul. The Lord Bishop presided at the ceremony, which was attended by a large number of priests from the Diocese of Ossory, and Very. Rev. Canon Meehan, P.P., Templeshanbo, cousin of Father Henebery, was present from the Diocese of Ferns.
The Henebery family were well known in Sutton’s Parish, and until lately resided in Barronview Cottage, Ballinlow. The late reverend gentleman was born in Ringville, Slieverue, some 60 years ago. He was uncle of Mr. P. J. Henebery, Dublin. uncle of Mr. G. Henebery, late of the National Bank. Father Henebery did not enjoy good health for some time past and it was to recuperate his health he went to London to live with his brother, where he died on November 2nd. His desire for interment with his parents was carried out.
Kate Henneberry, of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of John Power, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore on 23 February 1978]
Kate Henneberry, of Rochestown was married to Michael Power of Carrigcloney. Kate had the following brothers and sisters.
(1) Mick Henneberry is now 83 years of age. He never married and lives with Martin Doolan, of Carriganurra.
(2) Margaret Henneberry married James Vereker of around Ballincrea. Both dead, but still have family that are living.
(3) Bridget Henneberry died unmarried over 40 years ago.
Martin Henneberry, [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 26 June 1957]
The late Bridget Henneberry, told Nicholas Forristal, that her grandfather old Martin Henneberry remembered when the Mill at Graiguenakill was being built at about the same time as the Glenmore Chapel in around 1813/1814. “The building was quarried in the cliff beneath where Jim Linegar’s cottage now stands in Ballyveneen.” Martin Henneberry was a youngster and how he remembered was that one day he went into the quarry an took a pick in his hand which he let fall on his foot.. The result being the blade went through his foot. This very man was working in the Ballyverneen Brick Marches during the Famine period and on one occasion he had to work for 9 whole days with nothing to eat but green cabbage. His son Patsy Henneberry was Bridget’s father.
Michael “Mick” Henneberry (c. 1882- c. 1983) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Article in Munster Express, Friday 8 October 1982, p. 2]
BISHOP JOINS IN CENTENARIANS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION–The Bishop of Ossory, Most Rev. Dr. Laurence Forristal, was in Slieverue on Wednesday night last to join in celebrations marking the 100th birthday of one of its residents. Centenarian Mr. Michael Henneberry of Carriganurra, was among a packed congregation in Slieverue Parish Church when the Bishop joined local clergy in offering a celebratory Mass, after which he mingled with friends, neighbours and two nephews of Mr. Henneberry at a party in a nearby hostelry.
Mr. Henneberry, a bachelor and a grand-uncle of Waterford born singer Gilbert O’Sullivan was born in Rochestown, Glenmore, two miles from where he has resided for the past 30 years with the Dowling family, at Carriganurra. He moved in with Mr. and Mrs. Dowling and their nine children after he retired from operating Donovan’s Mill nearby. Up to that time he had lived adjacent to the mill which closed on his departure. Mr. Henneberry, a Fianna Fail supporter since the inception of the party, looked upon the late Eamonn de Valera as one of his greatest heroes. He still maintains a knowledgable interest in hurling and thoroughly enjoyed his county’s recent All-Ireland win over Cork which he viewed “on the box.” Until he was hospitalised for the first time a couple of years ago Mr. Henneberry never knew what it was like to be ill. His good health and longevity he attributes to “hard work and an odd drop of the bottle.” He received on the Wednesday night the customary £50 and a letter of congratulations from President Hillery.
Nicholas Hennebry of Davidstown, Glenmore [DD notebook 4, interview of Nicholas Hennebry, Davidstown and late of Georges Street, in City of Waterford, 1971]
Nicholas Hennebry of Davidstown, married Alice Holden of Smithstown, Mullinavat, family included: (1) Pat Hennebry in Davidstown on farm. Married. No family. (2) Hannah Hennebry in Davidstown. Died unmarried. (3) John Hennebry, died in San Francisco in 1926. He married and had 2 sons. (4) Edward Hennebry, never married and died in San Francisco in 1937. (5) Nicholas Hennebry, emigrated to America. Used to write to Tom Hennebry. Lost touch. (6) Tom Hennebry in Waterford. Born 21 December 1865, married and died 7-December 1945. (7) Mary Hennebry, died in her teens, unmarried in Smithstown, Mullinavat.
The family burial ground of the Hennebry’s is in Rathpatrick graveyard. The first person listed on the Hennebry Tombstone is Nicholas Hennebry who died about 1750 or 1770. The above Tom Hennebry who opened the shop 16 Georges St. Waterford, was born 21 December 1865. Tom Hennebry married Annie Power of Castlequarter, Stradbally, Co. Waterford. She was born 4 July 1887 and died on 1 January 1968.
Patrick Henneberry, purchased land in Ballybrahy, Glenmore [Article in Munster Express on Friday the 27th of February 1931]
Price of Land—Mr. John D. Palmer, auctioneer, sold a small farm last week at Ballybrahy, Glenmore, for Mr. Patrick Henneberry, containing about 14 acres, Irish for £520 and auction fees to Messrs. Colfer and Son, solicitors, New Ross, in trust, after spirited bidding.
Thomas Hennebry, native of Davidstown, Glenmore [Obit Waterford Standard of Saturday the 8th of December 1945]
MR. THOMAS HENNEBRY– The death occurred on Friday morning after an illness of two months’ duration of Mr. Thomas Hennebry, Grove House, Tramore. A native of Davidstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, the late Mr. Hennebry was a well-known and popular figure in Waterford business circles, having for the past 45 years conducted a successful grocery, wine and spirit trade at George’s Street. His passing is deeply mourned by his extensive clientele and by his many friends.is survived his widow, Mrs. Annie Hennebry; two sons, Mr. Nicholas Hennebry (who had been assisting him of the management of the George’s Street business, well-known figure in focal sports circles), Major Thos. Hennebry, RA.M.C. Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich; and by two daughters, Miss Vera Hennebry, AMS., St. Moibhi’s Military Hospital, Dublin, and Miss Aileen Hennebry, Tramore, to whom widespread sympathy is extended in their loss.
Anastasia Hennessy, of Ballycrony, Glenmore [Wedding notice in the New Ross Standard on Friday the 3rd if August 1951]
The wedding took place recently at Glenmore Church of Mr. Richard Lyng, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ml. Lyng, Upper Carrenroe, The Rower, and Miss Anastasia Hennessy, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hennessy, Ballycrony Glenmore. The ceremony, with Nuptial Mass, was performed by Rev. Father Mc- Grath, C.C., assisted by Rev. Fr. Greene. C.C. The best man was Mr. William Lyng, brother of the bridegroom, while Miss M. Hennessy, sister to the bride, was bridesmaid. There were forty guests in attendance at the reception. The bridal pair, who are very popular in their respective districts, were the recipients of numerous felicitations.
Brigid Hennessy née Hayes, of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 5 Oct. 1990, p. 9]
OBIT—MRS. B. HENNESSY—Widespread regret was caused by the death on last Monday evening at Waterford Regional hospital of Mrs. Bridie Hennessy, Jamestown. She was in good health until Saturday. She was removed to hospital on Sunday and died on Monday.
She was the eldest daughter of the late John and Susan Hayes. John was a Garda stationed at Glenmore. Her husband Thomas died some years ago. Bridie was a most remarkable person and a delegate to the South Kilkenny Cura for some years. She organized pilgrimages to Knock, Lady Island and Holy Cross Abbey. She was sister of Mary Prendergast, Jamestown, Teresa and husband, England, Sean Hayes, Canada. Members of the Legion of Mary from the south Curia attended her funeral. Fr. Laurence Dunphy, P.P. spiritual director of the Legion officiated, and Fr. Raftice, P.P., spiritual director of the South Kilkenny Curia, also attended.
Dick Hennessy, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward of Ballyfacey on the 25th of January 1970]
Dick Hennessy, of Ballyfacey, married Kitt Doherty, of Bushertwon, Glenmore. (Kitt was the aunt of Anne). Dick and Kitt Hennessy had at least the following children: (1) Mary Hennessy who married Jack Phelan, of Ballyveria; (2) Kagtie Hennessy married Dick Young of Ballyfacey; (3) Anne Hennessy married _________; (4) Patsy Hennessy went to America; (5) Tommy Hennessy and (6) another son who went to Waterford and had one daughter.
Ellen Hennessy née Phelan, of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obituary in the New Ross Standard, Thur. 17 Aug. 1989, p. 20]
DIED IN WATERFORD–The death occurred at Waterford Regional Hospital of Mrs. Ellen Hennessy (nee Phelan), Ballycroney, Glenmore. She was widow of the late Richard Hennessy who died about twenty years ago. She is survived by her sons, Martin and Pat; her daughter, Brid; her mother, brothers and sisters. Interment took place in Glenmore after Requiem Mass of which Very Rev. L. Dunphy, P.P., was celebrant.
Nellie Hennessy, buried in Glenmore [Death Notice in the Waterford News & Star on the 23rd of November 1934, p.1]
Hennessy—At her residence, 3 Summerhill, Nellie Hennessy (late of Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson and Co., Ltd., The Quay). R.I.P. Interment took place at Glenmore today (Friday) after Requiem Office and High Mass at the Cathedral. [Editor’s note–Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson etc. is Shaw’s Dept. store, the Quay, Waterford. The old name can still be seen on the side of the building.]
Martin Hennessy, of Ballyveria, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Martin Hennessy, of Ballyveria, married on the 1st of Feb. 1913.
Patrick Hennessy, of Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express on Friday the 9th of January 1953]
Left for England—Mr. Patrick Hennessy, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy, Glenmore, and Mr. Kieran Mernagh, son of Mr. ad Mrs. A Mernagh, do., left on Friday last for England to take up employment.
Patrick Hennessy, of Glenmore [Article in the Waterford News & Star, Friday 25 Sept. 1959, p. 5]
At present enjoying a holiday with his parents in Glenmore Mr. Patrick Hennessey son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy, do. Patrick who emigrated to England some years ago is now resident in Birkenhead, Cheshire, where he is employed with Messrs Cammel, Laird, the ship builder. Also home at present in his native Glenmore is Mr. Thomas Connolly from Burnley, Lancanshire he is employed. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Connolly of Alwardstown and he is in England for a number of years.
Thomas Joseph Hennessy, of Glenmore [Marriage Announcement in the NEW ROSS STANDARD of Friday the 8th of October 1909]
Hennessy and Morrissey–On Monday, October 4th, [1909] Thomas Joseph, eldest son of Richard Hennessy, Glenmore, county Kilkenny, to Winnifred Mary Teresa, second youngest daughter of Laurence Morrissey, New, Ross, at Butlerstown, Co. Waterford, Catholic Church, by the Rev. Monsignor Flynn, P.P.
Tom Hennessy, native of Glenmore Village, [Article in the Kilkenny People on 1 Aug. 1959, p. 6]
Mr. Tom Hennessey is another holiday-maker who is enjoying a breath of fresh air in “the village without a pub” where his father—John Hennessey—is the well-known blacksmith. Tom I a fitter with Messrs. Cammell of Birkenhead.
Alice Hogan (c. 1865–1945) of Haggard, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 17 August 1945, p.5]
DEATH OF MRS. A. HOGAN—We regret to record the demise of Mrs. Alice Hogan, which sad event occurred rather unexpectedly at her residence at Haggard, Glenmore, on Friday last. Deceased, who had attained to the fine old age of over 80 years had been ailing only a week, and the end came rather suddenly. She is survived by two sons, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their sad loss. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. The remains, accompanied by a large attendance from the local and adjoining areas, were removed to Glenmore Church on Saturday evening, and interment took place on Sunday. Office and High Mass for the repose of her soul were offered up at Glenmore on Tuesday morning of which the celebrant was Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., do.—R.I.P.
Jack Hogan, of Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Walter Power of Jamestown, undated]
Jack Hogan, of Rathinure, was a shoemaker. Dead about 40 years [based on dates in notebook dead circa 1915] Buried in Ballygurrim cemetery and his last wishes were that “Go easy with me as far as Ned Haberlin’s Furze and from that out redden the iron.” Meaning hurry on to Ballygurrim.
Kate Hogan [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
In the Diary it is noted that Kate Hogan was born about a week before Katherine Roche (Martin) of Ballyhobuck. Thus Kate Hogan was born in late December 1907.
Patrick Hogan, of Weatherstown [Article in the Waterford News, Fri. 16 March 1866, p. 3]
Patrick Hogan, farmer of Weatherstown was in the “List of Qualified Candidates duly Nominated for the Office of Guardian of the Poor in the Waterford Union, for the year ending 25th March, 1866. [Editor’s note: both Gelnmore men were elected.]
Also on list for Ballincrea and Kilcollumb (sic) was John L. Conn of Mount Ida Land Owner
Paddy Hogan (1896-1980) of Haggard, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling. of Jamestown, Glenmore on 24 March 1980]
(1)Paddy Hogan last of family in Haggard. Had farm of about 20 statute acres which he sold about 12 years ago to Robert Doherty. Spent a few years in America. Paddy Hogan never married. He died 23 March 1980 aged about 83 years. (2) John Hogan worked on Co. Council. Died unmarried in 1937, of epileptic fit in Haggard. (3) Battie Hogan lived and died in Haggard. He died unmarried in 1966. (4) James Hogan went to America. Married. (5) Mary Hogan emigrated to America. Married Michael Ryan of Guilcough, Tullogher. (6) Ellen Hogan also went to America. Married. [Above are children of John Hogan and his wife Alice Manning.]
Ellen Hogan Donnellan (1899-1974) native of Haggard, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Daily News (New York) Wed. 11 Sept. 1974, p. 187]
Ellen Donnellan (née Hogan), on Sept. 10, 1974. Native of Glenmore, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Beloved wife of the late Michael. Devoted mother of Joan Lenihan and John. Survived by her 7 grandchildren. Fond sister of Mary Ryan and in Ireland Patrick Hogan and of the late John, James and Bartholomew. Funeral services at the Riverdale on Hudson Funeral Home, 6110 Riverside Ave. at W. 261st St. Funeral Mass, Francis Schervier Home, Fri. 10 a.m. Interment St. Raymond’s cemetery.
Rev. James Canon Holahan, Parish Priest of Rosbercon [DD Notebook 14]
Rev. James Canon Holahan, P.P. of Rosbercon died 13 November 1923.
Rev. Martin Canon Holahan, Parish Priest of Glenmore [DD Notebook 14]
Rev. Martin Canon Holahan, P.P. Glenmore died 10 December 1932.
Bart Holden, of Clune, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Bart Holden, of Clune, Glenmore and Mary Aylward were married on the 18th of February 1911.
James Holden, of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 14, note from Wexford People of Wednesday the 6th of September 1882, page 5]
James Holden, of Shanbogh was released from Kilmainham Jail after 10 months.
Johanna Holden (c. 1883-1953) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 9th of January 1953]
Death of Mrs. J. Holden. — The death occurred at her residence, Weatherstown, Glenmore, on Monday last, of Mrs. Johanna Holden, at the age of over 70 years. Deceased, who had been out of, her health for some time past, was widow of Thomas Holden, who died some years ago, and mother of Mr. Patrick Holden, Campile, Co. Wexford, and Mrs. Kehoe, Weatherstown, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. A most exemplary Catholic, she was attended during her last illness by Rev. F. Greene, C.C, Glenmore, who ministered to her spiritual necessities. The remains, accompanied by a large attendance, were removed to the local Parish Church on Tuesday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Wednesday. Rev. F. Greene, C.C, officiated. RIP
Patrick Holden (c. 1854-1922) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death Register]
Patrick Holden aged 68 of Rochestown, Glenmore (farmer) died on the 3rd of Nov. 1922 of senile decay. Bridget O’Neill of Mooum, Kilmacow was present when he died.
HOWE (see also Hawe)
Michael Howe [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Michael Howe died on the 22nd of July 1910.
Michael Howe of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Patrick Dillion, Rochestown, Glenmore 8 December 1976]
Michael Howe was born in Mullinavat Village where the Post Office is now. He was nearly 90 years of age, when the O.A.P. (old age pension) was introduced in 1909. He died in Rochestown, in 1910/11 aged over 90 years. He came from Mullinavat to live in a small house on the side of Ballygurrin Hill. He was married to a Cody from around Civils (Civil was a name given to one of the Forristal families) in Ballyverneen. He next went to Rochestown, to Porters Lodge, situated on roadside at entrance to present James Aylward’s premises. He next moved to a new cottage, where the present Patrick Dillon lives. He only lived in it for 3 weeks when he died.
He is buried in Glenmore Cemetery. He was the great-grandfather of the interviewee the present Patrick Dillon. His age couldn’t be got when the O.A.P. came in the Parish books had been burned. His family had a farm up in Buckstown, Mullinavat. His first wife died and his second wife was Kitty Malone of the Milebush, by whom he had following family;
(1) Mary Howe went to America. She sailed from Dunmore. She brought spuds and other grub with her to sustain her on the voyage. She was married in the U.S.A. to Farnham, an Englishman. Mary had no family and she died in Boston.
(2) Bridget Howe emigrated to U.S. and settled in Boston.
(3) Kate Howe also emigrated to U.S. and settled in Boston. One sister (Bridget or Kate) married to LaRose, a Frenchman. They had 2 girls, but 1 of the girls died young. The other sister (Bridget or Kate) married to man named Burmann and had 4 sons. (None of the above 3 ladies who emigrated ever returned.)
(4) Patrick Howe was the grandfather of the present Paddy Dillion. Patrick Howe married Mary Merrigan of Milltown, a sister of Kitt Merrigan who was married to Jack Murphy in Milltown. Patrick Howe and Mary Merrigan had one child a daughter Catherine Howe. The daughter, Catherine Howe married John Dillion the parents of the interviewee Patrick Dillon. Patrick Howe (Patrick Dillon’s grandfather) was drowned in the River Barrow off Rochestown, under Morgan Denn’s house on the 8th August 1933. He was born on the 17th March 1870. He had been out fishing that morning.
(5) Elizabeth Howe married Patrick Delahunty, of Rochestown. The couple had family as follows; (5a) Bridget Delahunty married Jack Nolan, Ballincrea. No family. (5b) Katie Delahunty went to America, married there and had family. One daughter became a nun. (5c) Bill Delahunty married in Ballincrea, to a Roche and has family.(5d) Mick Delahunty, dead now, never married. All his life at Sall Roches.(5e) Pat Delahunty in Rochestown, dead now never married. (5f) Dick Delahunty in U.S.A. married and had 2 daughters. Came home on holiday and died whilst here. (5g) Mary Delahunty married to John Halligan of Ballinlow, and lives in Aylwardstown. Has family. Still alive.
HOYNE/HOYNES (see also Hines)

Anne Hoynes, of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. note]
Anne Hoynes was born at Ballybrahee, Glenmore on the 10th of April 1887, the daughter of John Hoynes and Margaret Aylward. Statia Joynces was present at her birth.
Anne Hoynes, of Ballabrahee, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Anne Hoynes, of Ballabrahee, married in the first week of April 1913.
Mother Columbia Hoyne, native of Glenmore [Obit in New Ross Standard, Fri. 8 March 1957, p. 10]
Death of Nun —Rev. Mother Columbia Hoyne of the Convent of St, John of God, Johns Hill, Waterford, whose death has occurred, was a native of Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny. She was a member of the St. John of God Order for sixty three years and had been Rev. Mother in the Waterford Convent for some years. She was Provincial from 1931 to 1937. She was aunt of Rev. John Hoyne, Chaplain Belmont Nursing Home, Waterford ; Rev. Fr. Livinius, O.F.M.; Rev. Fr. Arnold, 0.F.M., Gormanston; Rev. Bro. Malachy, C.B.S., Newry; Mr. P. Hoyne, Glenmore; Messrs. Thos. and Martin Murphy, Sweetmount, New Ross; and Mrs. Flynn, Mt. Prospect do., Miss Nellie Murphy, Dublin.
John Hoynes (c. 1844-1918) of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Sat. 12 Jan. 1918, p. 5]
DEATH of MR. JOHN HOYNES, GLENMORE—The death occurred on the 26th of last month of a most popular and highly respectable resident of South Kilkenny, Mr. John Hoynes, Ballybrahee, Glenmore. The deceased was member of a well known and extensively connected Co. Kilkenny family and had attained the age of 74 years. His illness was borne with that resignation and fortitude characteristic of a true Christian, and he passed away fortified by the rites of the Catholic Church. With the members of his family, who are highly respected, the sincerest sympathy is felt, and the funeral to Glenmore, After Office and High Mass, was one of the largest seen in the district for along time, and was a great tribute to the immense popularity of himself and his family. People were present from Waterford, New Ross and various places outside the Glenmore district. At the Office and High Mass the Rev. Father Holohan, P.P., Glenmore, presided; celebrant, Rev. M. Crotty, C.C., do; and there were 15 priests in attendance.
Rev. J. Hoyne, of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Munster Express, Fri. 15 June 1945, p. 5]
ON VACATION—Rev. J. Hynes (sic), son of Mrs. K and the late Mr. Hynes, Ballybrahee, Glenmore is home on a holiday from England.
Kate Hoynes of Ballabrahee, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Kate Hoynes, Ballabrahee, was married to Peter Ryan, of Gaulestown, Kilmacow on the 21st of February 1906.
Rev. Maurice Hoyne (1865-1930) of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard of Fri. 30 May 1930]
DIED IN AUSTRALIA. GLENMORE PRIEST PASSES TO HIS REWARD. The regretted death occurred recently in Sale, Australia, of Rev. Maurice Hoyne. Born in Ballybrahee, Glenmore, some sixty-four years ago, the deceased received his early education in Glenmore N. S., and was ordained in June, 1890, for the Diocese of Sale, Australia. Last summer he paid a visit to Ireland—the first holiday he gave himself to his native place since his ordination to the priesthood.
The news of his unexpected death came as a painful shock to his relatives and many friends in his, native county. A crowded congregation attended a Requiem Office and high Mass, held in Glenmore parish church at which Rev. M. Holohan, P.P., presided, and the celebrant of the Mass was Rev. Ml. Gibbons, D.D, C.C.. Glenmore; Rev Richd. Alyward, P.P., deacon Rev. Edward Purcell, Adm. sub-deacon and Rev. P. Mackey, C.C., master of ceremonies.
Among the chief mourners present were Mrs. Maria Kenny, Ballyhussar, Co. Waterford (sister); Mrs Margaret Green, Jamestown (sister); Mrs Anne Murphy, New Ross (sister); Michael Hoyne (brother) and Mrs. Hoyne, Ballybrahee; the Misses Hynes, Newtown House, Tramore (cousins); Mrs. Harney, Fenor, Co. Wateford (niece). Deep sympathy is felt for his relatives and especially for his sister, Mother M. Columba, Convent of St. John of God, Waterford, in their sad bereavement. R.I. P. [Editor’s note–Fr. Maurice is featured in a blog post see, https://glenmore-history.com/rev-maurice-hoyne-1865-1930-his-time-down-under/ .
Michael Hoynes [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Michael Hoynes and B. Green and also M. Green and Maggie Hoynes were married about the 1st of November 1910.
Michael Hoynes (c. 1878 -1945) of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 January 1945, p. 6]
This long obituary may be found on our obituary page. To access the obituary page go to the home page and click on the “Roots” button.
Phillip Hoyes (c. 1918-1990) of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Thursday the 8th of November 1990]
This long obituary may be found on our obituary page. To access the obituary page may be accessed from the home page under the “Roots” button.
Margaret Hurley, of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Wedding Announcement in the Munster Express on Friday the 10th of June 1932, p. 8]
WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore parish church on Wednesday, 1st June, of Mr. Michael Dwyer, Bonnahon, Co. Waterford, and Miss Margaret Hurley, Knockbrack, Glenmore. Rev. Dr. Gibbons. C.C., Glenmore, officiated at the ceremony, which took, place following Nuptial Mass Mr. Frank Butler, Moulerstown, was best man, and the bride was attended by Miss Molly Culleton, Kilbride.
The wedding party subsequently motored to Waterford, where breakfast was partaken of, and the guests present, in addition to the bride and bridegroom, were Mr. Frank Butler, Moulerstown, Glenmore; Mr. Ml. Cody, Weatherstown, do; Mr. James Cody, do; Miss Molly, Culleton, Kilbride, Glenmore; Miss Kate Hurley, Knockbrack , do; and Mr. James Walsh, Glenmore, etc. Both the bride and bridegroom are very popular in their respective districts and their numerous friends wish them ad multos annos. Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer will take up their future residence in Glenmore parish.
Mrs. William [Catherine] Hutchinson née Morrissey (c. 1841-1910) of Arundel Square, Waterford [Obit in the Munster Express 26 March 1910, p. 4]
Death of Mrs. W. Hutchinson—We regret to announced the death of Mrs. Hutchinson, Arundal Square. The sad event occurred at the deceased’s residence on Sunday last, and the funeral was held on Tuesday after Office and High Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, the interment being in the family burial ground, Glenmore. The chief mourners were—Messrs. William Hutchinson (husband), M.J. Murphy and M. Kirwan (sons-in-law), and J. Hutchinson (brother-in-law).
The following priest presided at the High Mass (10 priests named). [Editor’s note–the death register provides that her daughter Mary Kate Kirwan, of Bake House Lane, was present when Catherine Hutchingson died at her home. Catherine Morrissey (servant age 25) married William Hutchinson (sailor aged 25) on 6 July 1873 at St. Patrick’s in Waterford. Their addresses at the time of their marriage was Arundel Square. Fathers of the couple were Thomas Hutchinson (farmer, native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore) and James Morrissey (farmer). Catherine Hutchinson erected a headstone in Glenmore, but her name is not recorded on it. Her husband, William Hutchinson died on 2 Aug. 1923 at the age of 81.]
Mrs. Brigid Hynes, Ballybrahee, Glenmore (Obit New Ross Standard of Fri. 24 Nov. 1911]
MRS HYNES, GLENMORE. In the prime of life, fortified with the grace of the Sacraments, and after a few days’ illness, Mrs. Brigid Hynes, beloved wife of Michael Hynes, Ballybrahee, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, passed peacefully to her eternal reward on Sunday, evening. Taking a chill, her medical adviser was immediately summoned, but his kindly assistance was unavailing. Her days were spent. She had the consolation of receiving the last Sacrament and was comforted by the ministrations of Father Phelan, P.P.; and Father Crotty, C.C. To her husband, father and dear friends the sympathy of the public is offered in their sad affliction. The funeral to Glenmore, which took place on Tuesday, was very large, and a testimony to the respect in which her family is held.
Glenmore Church is at present in the hands of the builders, undergoing extensive alterations and repairs, and amongst the generous benefactors are her father, Mr. Patrick Greene, Jamestown, and her father-in-law. Mr. John Hynes, each of whom, in addition to their usual contributions, have donated a splendid pitch pine confessional of a design in keeping with the architecture of the church. Her husband has also donated a pitch pine pew in memory of his dear wife.
The Requiem Office and High Mass for the happy repose of her soul were celebrated Glenmore on Tuesday. Owing to the inclemency of the morning and that offices were being celebrated in neighbouring parishes, many of the clergy who were invited were unable to be present. Rev. Thomas Phelan, P.P. Glenmore, presided; Rev. M, A. Crotty, C.C, was celebrant. The following clergy assisted in the choir—Rev. R. Aylward, professor, St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny (cousjn): Rev. Father O’Brien, 0.S. A., New Ross; Rev. Father Frost, 0.S. A, do. Rev. J. Bergin, C.C., Slieverue; Rev. D. Hughes, CC., Ferrybank ; Rev. M. Walsh, C.C., Ferrybank ; Rev, P. Comerford, C.C., Kilmacow. R.I.P.
Rev. John Hynes, of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Note in the Munster Express, Fri. 26 Aug. 26, 1949, p. 8]
ON VACATION—Rev. John Hynes, a native of Ballybrahee, Glenmore is at present home on vacation from England.
Rev. John Hynes, of Ballybrahee, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 27 Aug. 1943, p. 4]
Rev. John Hynes, a native of Ballybrahee, Glenmore, who had been doing temporary duty as curate at Cullohill, Baoighis(?) has left for Newcstle-on-Tyne, and is succeeded at Cullohill by Rev. Rd. Nolan, Newmarket, who was ordained at St. Mary’s Cathedral last June. Father Nolan is carrying out the duties of curate in a temporary capacity.
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