F – Glenmore Surnames
This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginning with F. The information was gleaned from Danny Dowling’s notes as well as old newspapers etc. For the convenience of readers links to other surname pages are provided below.
A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z
This page was updated on the 24th of Nov. 2024. Freyne
FANNING Family [DD Notebook 4]
For centuries the Fanning family lived in Co. Carlow in Loughlen and Ballyloughlen, however they lost their lands due to their love of the Catholic faith. One part of the family settled in Rochestown, Glenmore in the Barony of Ida and another branch of the family settled in Kilmurray, Slieverue near Waterford City. Richard and Sylvester Fanning settled in Rochestown, Glenmore and Luke Fanny settled in Kilmurry and married one of the Grace family of the Graces of Old Castle. James Fanning, a nephew of Sylvester, left the country at a youthful age, and became a wealthy merchant in Cadiz in Spain. He bequeathed £34,000 from which the Fanning Trust was created. This brought about the Fanning Institute in the Glen, of Waterford, for old men and women.
Carmel Fitzgerald (1957-1976) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 28 May 1976, p. 21]
Miss Carmel Fitzgerald, who has died in the Richmond Hospital, Dublin, was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, who are well known in farming circles in the parish. She was a talented pupil of the Holy Faith Convent Secondary School, Rosbercon, and had been studying for the Leaving Certificate Examination next month up to two days prior to her illness. She complained of severe headache, and after a short time in St. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny, she was transferred to the Richmond, where she died the same day. Her demise, especially at the comparatively early age of 18, came as a great shock to her parents, family, relatives and fellow pupils of the Holy Faith Convent School, where she was a great favourite. She was sister of Mary, Ann, Richard, John and Michael Fitzgerald of Aylwardstown; niece of Mrs. Bridget Phelan, Bawnreigh, Windgap; the late Mrs. Margaret Forristal, Columcille, Thomastown and grand-daughter of the late Richard Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown who was a member of Kilkenny County Council and its subsidiary bodies for 48 years, who died in April 1955.
Interment took place at Glenmore on Wednesday of last week after Requiem Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. T. Heneberry, C.C., do., who also officiated at the graveside, assisted by Very Rev. J. O’Shea, P.P., do. The Lessons were read by Rev. N. Sexton, B.A., B.D., O.S.A., Good Counsel College, New oss, and Miss Betty Know, a pupil of the later sung appropriate hymns and the previous night provided a Guard of Honour at the Church entrance when the remains arrived from Dublin.
The attendance included representatives of the Fianna Fáil Party, members and officials of Kilkenny Couty Council, members of the Holy Faith Convent Community, including Sister M. Benignus, who presided at the organ, representatives of the various clubs in Glenmore parish, as well as many friends and sympathisers. A number of beautiful floral tributes were placed on the grave, and the family were also the recipients of numerous Mass Cards and messages of sympathy on their said bereavement. Messrs. Power, Ferrybank, had charge of the funeral arrangements.
Ellen Fitzgerald (c. 1833-1913) née Purcell, of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Sat. 20 Sept.1913]–the entire obituary may be found on the Obituary page which may be accessed from the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
Ellen Fitzgerald née Hanrahan (c. 1889- 1939) of Tullogher [Obit in the New Ross Standard, Fri 2 June 1939, p. 11]–the entire obituary may be found on the Obituary page which may be accessed from the home page by clicking on the Roots button.
Francis (Frank) Fitzgerald, native of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Wednesday the 12th of August 1998]
Late Frank Fitzgerald A native of Ballycroney, Glenmore, who also lived at South Quay, New Ross, was interred in St. Stephen’s Cemetery, New Ross, on Sunday, just a few months after he came over from London to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Mary Bird, Hoodsgrove. OBITUARY–He was Francis (Frank) Fitzgerald who formerly worked in Driver-Harris before emigrating toEngland almost forty-five years ago. Aged 70, he died after a short illness in London. He was a regular visitor to his native area, often coming twice a year to see his relatives who included his twin brother, Joe, South Quay, and his sister, Mrs. Peggy Walsh, Ballybrahee, who are the surviving members of his family. His remains were brought home for burial which took place in St. Stephen’s Cemetery, New Ross, on Sunday.
James Fitzgerald, of Knockbrock, Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 Feb. 1931, p. 8]
PRETTY SOUTH KILKENNY WEDDING—Kilmacow Parish Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday morning last, when Mr. James Fitzgerald, second son of Mrs. Fitzgerald and the late Mr. Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrock, Ballyfacey, was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Elizabeth (Lizzie) Burke, elder daughter of Mr. Wm. and the late Mrs. Burke, Ballymountain, Kilmacow. Rev. T. Freyne, C.C, Gathabaun (uncle of the bridegroom) officiated, and he was assisted by Rev. Dr. Doyle, C.C, Kilmacow.
Many relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present in the church. The best man was Mr. Paul Fitzgerald (brother of the bridegroom), and the bride was assisted by Miss Annie Fitzgerald. The bride looked resplendent in a pretty frock of cream silk with navy hat. After the ceremony the wedding party, composed of a fleet of nine motor cars, adjourned to the Granville Hotel, Waterford, where a sumptuous dejeuner was partaken of and at which over fifty guests were present.
Rev. Father Freyne presided at the table, and among those present in addition to the bride and bridegroom were—Rev. Dr. Doyle, C.C; Rev. Dr. Gibbons, C.C, ; Mr. Wm. Burke, Ballymountain; Mr. Walter Burke, Ballinacooley (uncle of the bride); Messrs Paul and John Fitzgerald, Knockbrock; Miss Annie Fitzgerald, do; Mr. Michael and the Misses Annie and Mary Fitzgerald, Foulkesmills; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Phelan, Ballykeohan; Mrs. Crowley, Pollrone; Mr. and Mrs. Doherty, Ardbeg; Mr. John Doherty, Davidstown; Mr. and Mrs. Doherty, Ballinlammey; Mr. and Mrs. P. Forristal, Ballyverneen; Mr. John and Mrs. Irish, Rathpatrick; Mr. Dan and Miss Cody, Carrigcloney; Mr. James and the Misses Freyne, Kilbride; Mr. Edward and Miss Freyne, Ballyfacey, Mr. James and Miss Cody, Weatherstown; Mr. Jos. Knox, Waterford, Mrs, Phelan, do; Mr. Patrick and Miss O’Shea, Ballymountain; Miss Cashin, do; Mr. James and Miss Mary Fitzgerald, Weatherstown; Mr. John Fitzgerald, Moulerstown, Glenmore, etc, etc.
After the breakfast, during which the rev. clergymen present referred to the bride and bridegroom in glowing terms, and wished them every success for the future, a most enjoyable time followed in which some of the guests present graciously contributed. Rev. Fathers Freyne, Doyle and Gibbons contributed songs and recitations, and Mr. P. O’Shea also sang a song, all of which were heartily applauded and appreciated, and the time was pleasantly whiled away. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald subsequently left from Waterford North Station by the 1.25 p.m. train for Dublin, where the honeymoon is being spent. Both, the bride and bridegroom hail from well known and highly respected South Kilkenny families, and are very popular and esteemed in their respective districts. Their legion of friends extend cordial, felicitations and good wishes to them, on the happy and auspicious occasion, and wish them many years of connubial bliss in their future abode at Flemingstown, Glenmore.
James Fitzgerald (c. 1889-1963) native of Knockbrack, Glenmore and late of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 1 Feb. 1963, p. 2]
Death of Mr. James Fitzgerald—The death occurred in hospital at Kilkenny on Saturday last, ofMr. James Fitzgerald, Flemingstown, Glenmore, at the age of 74. A native of Knockbrack, do. He was a member of a family long associated with the farming ad sporting life of the district where he was an esteemed and familiar personality. He was husband of Mr. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Fitzgerald (nee Burke), who is a native of Ballymountain, Kilmacow, and father of Messrs. Paul and James Fitzgerald, Flemingstown; Billy Fitzgerald, Ballymountain; Sean Fitzgerald, Dublin (well known Glenmore and Kilkenny inter-county hurlers and footballers); Mrs. P. Walsh, Newtown, Kilmacow; Mrs. E. Boardman, Dublin; and Rev. Fr. Crowley, Australia; and uncle of Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, C.C. Mooncoin. He was also brother of Paul and John Fitzgerald, Knockbrack; Michael Fitzgerald, Fahee; Mrs. Doherty, Coolnaleen and Mrs. Wood, Mullinavat; father-in-law of Mr.Patrick Walsh, Newtown; Mr. Ed. Boardman, Dublin; Mrs. P. Fitzgerald, Flemingstown and grandfather of Anne and Elizabeth Boardman and Liam Walsh. He is also survived by a large number of nephews and nieces and other relatives.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Sunday evening, the cortege being composed of a large and representative attendance from over a wide area, and was the largest funeral seen in Glenmore village for some time. Office and High Mass were offered on Tuesday morning, at which Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore, presided, and the celebrant was Rev. P. Fitzgerald, C.C. (nephew); deacon, Rev. P. Hoyne, Chaplain, Kilmacow; sub-deacon, Rev. J. Duggan, St. Kieran’s College; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. A. O’Dwyer, C.C. Slieverue. There were in all fourteen priests. Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery in the presence of a large attendance.
James Fitzgerald (1906-1979) of Rickardsland, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 11 May 1979, p. 11]
Late Mr. J. Fitzgerald: Mr. James Fitzgerald (72) Rickersland, Glenmore, who died in Ardkeen Hospital, Waterford, was known in farming and sporting circles in his parish. He was husband of Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, Rickersland (who is a member of the Woods family, Ballymartin, Tullogher); father of Patrick Fitzgerald, Thurles; Nicky and Willie Fitzgerald, Rickerlands; Mrs. Mary Doherty, Moulerstown, Glenmore and brother of William Fitzgerald, Weatherstown, do; Mrs. Katie Phelan, Milltown, Kilmacow and Mrs. Anne O’Neill, Ballindunny, Ballywilliam, New Ross. He was father-in-law of Ned Doherty, Mrs. Paddy Fitzgerald; grandfather of James, Tom, Paudie, John and Bill Fitzgerald, Thurles; Catherine and Margaret Doherty, Moulerstown and he is also survived by a number of nephews, nieces and relatives.
James “Jim Brien” Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Ann Fitzgerald correspondence of 18 April 2020]
James “Jim Brien” Fitzgerald (1896-1979) was the son of Thomas Fitzgerald (1836) and Margaret Walsh. His father Thomas Fitzgerald was the son of Richard Fitzgerald and Mary Walsh, of Aylwardstown. James “Jim Brien” was married to Mary Murphy of Moulerstown, Glenmore. The couple lived beside Hoynes in Aylwardstown and they had no family. [See Brien and Richard Fitzgerald below]
James Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in Munster Express on Friday the 22nd of February 1974, p. 19]
DEATH OF MR. J. FITZGERALD—Mr. James Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore who died in Brownswood Hospital, Enniscorthyy, was formerly associated with the farming life of his native parish until he disposed of his holding and later took up employment at Glenmore Co-Op Creamery as driver for a period of twelve years. His wife, the late Mrs. Molly Fitzgerald who was a member of the Murphy family from Moulerstown died about 18 hears ago. Interment took place at Glenmore after Requiem Mass, celebrated by Very Rev. M. Brennan, P.P., Do, do also officiated at the graveside.
Johanna Fitzgerald née Freyne (c. 1857-1945) of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 July 1945, p. 5]
DEATH OF MRS. J. FITZGERLD—The death occurred at her residence at Knockbrack, Glenmore, on Friday evening last, of Mrs. Johanna Fitzgerald, at the fine old age of 88 years. Deceased, who was a native of Kilbride, was the last surviving member of the Freyne family there, and came of a well-known and widely connected lineage.
She was widow of the late Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, who died in January, 1923, and mother of Messrs. John, Thomas and Paul Fitzgerald, do., Michael Fitzgerald, Fahee; James Fitzgerald, Flemingstown; Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Moulerstown; Mrs. W. Fitzgerald, Moulerstown; Mrs. W. Crowley, Pollrone, Mooncoin; Mrs. R. Doherty, Coolnaleen, and Mrs. J. Woods, Earlsrath. She was also sister of the late Rev. Patk. Freyne, C.C., Gathaban, and sister-in-law of the late Rev. Ml. Fitzgerald, U.S.A. She was also mother-in-law of Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. P. Fitzgerald, Mrs. N. Fitzgerald, Mrs. James Fitzgerald, Messrs. Richard Doherty, W. Crowley, Joe Wood, and John Fitzgerald. Deceased who had been ailing for a period of two month, as a popular figure in Knockbrack since her advent to the district close on sixty years ago, and her demise, though coming in the fulness of years, is deservedly regretted by her relatives and a wide circle of friends.
She was attended during her last illness by Rev. Wm. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, and Dr. Tyrrell, M.O., Kilmakevogue. All sections in the locality and the adjoining parishes united in paying a last deserving tribute to the memory of deceased when the remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Sunday evening, the cortege being the largest seen in the district for a considerable time. The coffin lay overnight in the church and on Monday morning Requiem Mass and Office were offered up. Interment took place subsequently in the family burial ground at Kilivory cemetery. Close on 30 Mass cards were placed on the grave and many messages of sympathy were received by the members of the family—R.I.P. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. T. Power & Sons, Ferrybank.
John Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown [DD Notebook 4]
John Fitzgerald of Aylwardstown, Glenmore married Margaret Donovan of the Mill in Ballyrowagh. They had at least two children. Dick Fitzgerald was at home in Aylwardtown, Glenmore and his sister Mary was married in Waterford City to a man named Norris of Ballybricken.
John Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown and Molly Fitzgerald, of Knockbrack, were married on Sunday the 1st of July 1906.
John Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
John Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, married to Margaret Donovan, of Ballyrowragh, Slieverue, and had the following family: [1] Richard Fitzgerald; [2] Pat Fitzgerald; [3] Peter Fitzgerald; [4] James Fitzgerald; [5] Michal Fitzgerald; [6] Walter Fitzgerald; [7] Mary Fitzgerald; [8] Katie Fitzgerald; [9] Bridget Fitzgerald; [10] Margaret Fitzgerald and [11] Ellen Fitzgerald who married Patrick Mullally, in Ballyhobuck. Had one daughter.
John Fitzgerald (c. 1913-1938) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore (Inquest reported in the Waterford Standard, Sat. 6 Aug. 1938, p. 10)
DEAD IN RAILWAY TUNNEL YOUNG GLENMORE MAN’S TRAGIC END INQUEST VERDICT–The body of a man found dead in the railway tunnel near New Ross on Friday of last week, was, at an inquest conducted by Mr. F. M. O’Connor. LL.B., solicitor. Coroner, identified as that of John Fitzgerald (25), son of Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, farmer, Aylwardstown, Glenmore. The father stated that deceased had been with him the night before caring sow about to farrow. When witness went out at 1.30 a.m. to see the sow he told his son to get tea, and when he returned half an hour later he had left the house, and he did not see him again alive. Deceased had not been well for some time. Evidence was given of his dead body being found in the tunnel seven miles distant from his home. It was stated that his injuries indicated that he had been struck by some part of the engine. The body was found by James Hendrick, milesman. The jury returned a verdict that he died from injuries received when he came into collision with a train.
John Fitzgerald (c. 1839-1934) of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 4th of May 1934]
This long obit is provided on the obituary page. The obituary page may be accessed from the home page under the “Roots” button.
John Fitzgerald, of Knockbrack, Glenmore [DD Notebook 18, Interview of Mick Gaule, of Kilaspy, Slieverue on 1 June 1973]
The late John Fitzgerald lived in the original Fitzgerald home in Knockbrack. The Fitzgeralds came to Knockbrack from Ballinaraha, Glenmore. They originated in the old street which was the name of a field opposite Pat Knox’s house in Ballinaraha, on the other side of the road. These Fitzgeralds are the same as the Fitzgeralds of Aylwardstown who originated in the same place.
John Fitzgerald [DD Notebook 18, Interview of Mick Gaule, of Kiaspy, Slieverue on 1 June 1973]
Master John Fitzgerald, as he was known, was a member of the Fenian Movement in 1867. For his association with this organisation he had to flee the country and never returned. This is the place where Paul Fitzgerald now lives. Master John Fitzgerald was a cousin of old Micil Fitzgerald who lived where the late John Fitzgerald of my time was.
John Fitzgerald (c. 1895-1970) of Knockbrach, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 2 Oct. 1970, p. 27]
The full obituary may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page is accessed from the home page under the “Roots” button.
John FItzgerald, of Knockbrach, Glenmore [Report in the Munster Express, Sat. 23 June 1894, p. 8].
Mr Dobbyin, V.S., reported that during the week he visited the farms of John Fitzgerald, Knockbrack; Ellen Ryan, Ballyrobin etc. and found swine fever.
John Fitzgerald (1881-1970) of Moulerstown, Glennmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 13 Feb. 1970, p. 35]
The death took place in the Haughton Hospital New Ross, on Thursday of last week, of Mr. John Fitzgerald, Moulerstown, Glenmore, at the fine old age of 88. Deceased, who was a well known and esteemed figure in farming and sporting circles in the parish, was father of Messrs. John, Paul, Thomas, Luke and Michael Fitzgerald, Moulerstown; James Fitzgerald, London; Mrs. Ellen Ryan, Campile, Co. Wexford; Mrs. Stasia Phelan, Ballyfacey, Glenmore; Mrs. Josephine Doolan, Clarinnda Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin; Mrs. Ann Ryan and [first name missing] Murphy, Shenley, Hertfordshire, Stillorgan?, do.; Mrs. Mary Brigid [last name missing] and brother of Mr. James Fitzgerald, Hanwell, London. He was also father-in-law of Messrs. John Phelan, Patrick Doolan, Thomas Murphy, Richard Ryan, and is also survived by his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Hanwell, London, and by a number of grandchildren and other relatives. His wife, the late Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, died in 1960.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Friday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Saturday morning after Requiem Mass. Celebrant was Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, Director of Social Services Kilkenny, and the final prayers at the graveside were recited by Rev. P. Madigan, C.C., Glenmore. The attendance Included a large number of relatives, friends and sympathisers from South Kilkenny, Wexford and Waterford including representatives of the various clubs in the Parish of Glenmore, executives and employees of Clover Meats, Ltd., Ferrybank, and Glenmore and Loughcullen Co-opertive Creameries.
John Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown, later Ballyveria, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Dan McCarthy (Maria Deady) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore on 8 February 1970]
John Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown, later Ballyveria, married Joney Hartley of Busherstown and the couple had the following children: (1) Kitty Fitzgerald married Richard Doyle of Tory Hill. “Married into the farm” They left it and went to live in Waterford where Richard worked in Strangman’s Brewery. Later they had a green grocer shop in the Glen; (2) Ellen Fitzgerald married a man named Doherty from the North of Ireland. They lived in Waterford and had two children–Ed and Ellen. Neither Ed or Ellen married; (3) Anastasia Fitzgerald married Michael Deady; (4) Patrick Fitzgerald married Ellen Bolger, of Ballyveria, Glenmore.
Kate Fitzgerald (c. 1823-1909) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the New Ross Standard on Friday the 22nd of January 1909]
FITZGERALD–January 13th, 1909, at her residence, Weatherstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Kate Fitzgerald, widow of the late William Fitzgerald, in her 90th year. Funeral to Glenmore on Friday at 10 o’clock; High Mass and Office at 11. R.1.P.
Mrs. Kate Fitzgerald (c. 1823-1909) of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Obit in New Ross Standard on Friday, 22 January 1909]
K. FITZGERALD, WEATHERSTOWN. The death occurred on Wednesday, 13th inst. of Mrs. Kate Fitzgerald, at her residence, Weatherstown. Glenmore. The deceased was widow of the late William Fritzgerald. She attained the age of 91 years. The funeral left for Glenmore on Friday, where Solemn High Mass and Office were celebrated. The chief mourners were- -Patrick and Thomas Fitzgerald, sons; Richard Murphy, Jeremiah Cahill, James Doherty, Richard Doherty, Wm. Burke and Nicholas Phelan, son-in-law ; Thomas, Richard, William and John Murphy. Richard and Mike Phelan, William and John Doherty, John and Wm. Burke, grandchildren. Rev. Father Connolly, C.C., Bennettsbridge; Patrick and Thos. Connolly nephews. The funeral was one of the largest that attended Glenmore for many years. R.I.P. [Editorial Note–The Death Registry provides that Kate Fitzgerald who died on the 13th of January 1909 at Weatherstown was an 86 year old widow of a farmer. Her son Pat Fitzgerald was present at her death. It is recorded that she died of “senile decay.”]
Kitty Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 12 June 1970, p. 26]
Among a party of Bankers who flew out from Dublin Airport on June 8 to tour Italy and Spain was Miss Kitty Fitzgerald, Watherstown, Glenmore. Miss Fitzgerald is on the staff of the Munster and Leinster Bank, Michael St., Waterford.
Kitty Fitzgerald (c. 1919-1934) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Waterford News & Star, Friday the 25th of May 1934, p. 10]
BARROW TRAGEDY: Young Girl Drowned Near Glenmore—After dragging the River Barrow for several hours, Civic Guard on Wednesday night recovered the body of Miss Kitty Fitzgerald, the 15-year old daughter of Mr. Peter Fitzgerald, County Council worker, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny. Miss Fitzgerald left her home on Tuesday evening, and when she did not return within a reasonable period the Civic Guards were notified. A search took place throughout the district on Wednesday, and a coat that the dead girl had been wearing was found on the bank of the Barrow. This discovery led to the dragging of the river and the finding of the body.
Kitty & Peggy Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 28 Nov. 1958, p. 13]
PRETTY DOUBLE WEDDING AT GLENMORE—St. James’s Parish Church, Glenmore, was the centre of a pretty double wedding ceremony yesterday (Thursday) morning, which was attended by many relatives and friends of the contracting parties.
IRISH—FITZGERALD: In the first ceremony, Mr. Patrick Irish, son of Mr. Patrick and the late Mrs. Irish, Nicholastown, Slieverue, and Miss Kitty Fitzgerald, S.R.N., daughter of Mrs. Mary and the late Michael Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, were united in matrimony. The ceremony with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing was performed by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore assisted by Rev. J. Murphy [ and 3 more priests]. Best man was Mr. W. Irish (brother) and the bride has as attendant her sister, Miss Molly Fitzgerald, S.R.N., Shotley Bridge Hospital, Durham, England. She was attired in siler brocade, with wreath and long veil, and harmonising accessories. She carried a bridal missal and bouquet of red carnations and maiden hair fern. Her assistant wore pink grosgrain full length gowns, with matching head dress, and carried white carnations and maiden hair fern. The groom comes of a family long associated with the farming and sporting life of Slieverue, and is a prominent member of the local senior hurling team. The bride was attached to the staff of the Haughton Hospital, New Ross, previous to which she was nurse at Shortley Bridge Hospital, Durham, for a period of four years.
ROCHE-FITZGERALD; In the second ceremony, the contracting parties were Mr. William Roche, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roche, Rathinure, Glenmore, and Miss Margaret (Peggy) Fitzgerald, sister of the previous bride. They were united in Matrimony by Rev. John Hoynes, Chaplain, Belmont, assisted by the other clergy who had attended the other wedding. Best man was Mr. J. Nolan, Hugginstown and Miss Nellie Fitzgerald, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The bride, was attired in white brocade with shoulder length veil and matching accessories, and carried a bouquet of red carnations and maidenhair fern. Her attendant wore a pink grosgrain full length gown with matching headdress and carried white carnations and maidenhair fern.
The bridegroom is a popular fixture in farming and Gaelic circles in Glenmore and had played with his native parish in the county senior football championship. Both receptions were subsequently held at the Grand Hotel, Tramore, which was attended by seventy guests, and the quartette (sic) later left for Dublin and the West of Ireland on the honeymoons. Going away, Mrs. Irish wore a grey nylon fur coat with red accessories and Mrs. Roche wore a grey mohair coat with red accessories. The Fitzgerald sisters are nieces of the late Richard Fitzgerald, Glenmore, who was for many years a member of Kilkenny Co. Council, and its subsidiary bodies.
Luke Fitzgerald (c. 1883-1965) of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 7 May 1965, p. 16]
Death of Mr. Luke Fitzgerald—The death occurred at Ardkeen General Hospital, Waterford, of Mr. Luke Fitzgerald, Ballycroney, Glenmore, at the fine old age of 82. Deceased, who was an esteemed figure in farming circles in the parish, was father of Messrs. Seamus Fitzgerald, do; Thomas Fitzgerald, Old Kilmeaden Road, Lismore; Frank Fitzgerald, Hornsey, England; Joseph Fitzgerald, The Quay, New Ross; Mrs. Eily Doherty, Milltown, Glenmore; Mrs. Peggy Walsh, Ballybrahee, do; Mrs. Mary Bird, Kilbrahan, Tullogher, and brother of Mr. John Fitzgerald, Moulerstown, Glenmore. He is also survived by a number of nephews and nieces. His wife, the late Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, died about ten years ago. Interment took place at Glenmore on Friday after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. P. Madigan, C.C., do. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by Very Rev. William Brennan, P.P., do.
Margaret Fitzgerald, buried in Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 5 July 1957, p. 1]
FITZGERALD—June 19th 1957, at the Houghton Hospital, New Ross, Margaret, relict of Thomas Fitzgerald, late 11 Quay Street, New Ross. Deeply regretted by her brothers, sister, nephews and nieces, and a large circle of friends. Interment took place to Glenmore, after Office and Requiem Mass at Glynn. R.I.P.
Margaret Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Wedding Announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 29 April 1949]
WEDDING IN DUBLIN—The congratulations and good wishes of their many friends will be extended to Mr. Andrew Forristal, Columbcille, Thomastown, and Miss Margt. Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, on their marriage which was solemnised in Dublin on Wednesday morning. Mr. John Forristal, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man, and the bride had as attendant her sister, Miss Brigid Fitzgerald. A reception was subsequently held at O’Neill’s Hotel, Lower Gardiner, St., which was attended by a number of relatives and friends of the happy couple. Both parties are well known in farming circles in their respective districts. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Rd. Fitzgerald, M.C.C. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown.
Margaret Fitzgerald née Vereker, native of Davidstown, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Saturday the 13th of June 1970]
The full obituary may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page is accessed from the home page under the “Roots” button.
Margaret Fitzgerald née Woods (1906-1997) of Rickardsland, Glenmore [New Ross Standard, Wed. 1 Oct. 1997, p. 27]
DEATH OF The death took place last week after a brief illness of Mrs Margaret Fitzgerald (nee Woods), Rickerland (sic), Glenmore, at the New Ross Hospital. She had been in hospitals in Kilkenny and Waterford 14 weeks previous to her death. Funeral from Cooney’s Funeral Home, New Ross on Tuesday evening to St. James’ Church, Glenmore, and burial took place on Wednesday morning in the adjoining cemetery after concelebrated Requiem Mass. The Chief Celebrant was Fr. Des O’Grady S.J. Dublin, nephew of the deceased. Fr. Drennan, Carmelite Order, Dublin, Rev. Monsignor Paul Fitzgerald PP, Thomastown, Rev Liam Barron PP, Glenmore, all cousins of the deceased. The readings were by her granddaughters Catherine and Margaret Doherty. Prayers of the Faithful by her son Paddy.
The late Mrs Fitzgerald was 91 and was predeceased by her husband, the late Jimmy Fitzgerald. Sincere sympathy to her sons Paddy, (Thurles), Willie, Nickey and Tony, all of Rickerland (sic), her daughter Mary Doherty, Moulerstown, grandchildren, daughter-in-law, nephews, nieces, Sr. Joe O’Grady, Dublin. She was predeceased by her sister, the late Ann Cody, Weatherstown, brothers Martin and William, Ballymartin, Tullogher, John and James Woods who emigrated. The late Margaret will be missed by her family as her family always came first. A very good neighbour and led a good Christian life. There was a large crowd at both the removal of the remains, Mass and burial.
Mary Fitzgerald née Fitzgerald (1884-1960) of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 21 Oct. 1960, p. 7]
Late Mrs. M Fitzgerald—The death occurred on Thursday of last week at her residence Moulerstown, Glenmore, of Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald. A member of a well known Glenmore family she was a native of Knockbrack and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald. Aged 77 she was in poor health for some time, She is survived by her husband, Mr. John Fitzgerald, six sons, Messrs. Thomas, Paul, Luke, John and Michael Fitzgerald, Moulerstown, M. James Fitzgerald, London, and five daughters, Mrs. R. Ryan, Fisherstown, Campile, Co. Wexford; Mrs, J. Phelan, Ballyfacey, Glenmore; Mrs. Patrick Doolan, St. Edna’s Park, Rathfarnum, Dublin; Mrs. J. Ryan, Mount Annville Road, Dundrum, Dublin; Miss M.B. Fitzgerald, The London Clinic.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Friday evening and were received by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., and Rev. J. Murphy, C.CC. was celebrant Requiem Office and High Mass were celebrated on Saturday and interment took place in the family burial ground. Mrs. Fitzgerald was sister of Messrs. Paul, John and Thomas Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, Glenmore; Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, Fahee, Mullinavat; Mrs. Richard Doherty, Coolnaleen, Glenmore and the late Mrs. Crowley, Polerone, Mooncoin.
[Editor’s note–The death register provides that Mary Fitzgerald died on the 13th of October at Moulerstown, Glenmore of chronic myocarditis. Parish records provide that John Fitzgerald was born on 21 March 1881 the son of Thomas Fitzgerald and his wife Ellen Roche of Moulerstown, Glenmore. Marian (or Mary Anne) Fitzgerald was born on 10 October 1884 at Knockbrack Glenmore to Paul Fitgerald and his wife Johanna Freyne. John Fitzgerald and Mary Fitzgerald were married on 1 July 1906 at St. Saviors in Waterford. Both parties were from Glenmore. The father of John Fitzgerald was Thomas Fitzgerald (farmer) and the father of Mary was Paul Fitzgerald (farmer). The couple were married by Patrick Freyne C.C. assumed to be a cousin of the bride.]
Mary Fitzgerald née Murphy (c. 1905–1949) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 26 Aug. 1949, p. 8]
DEATH OF MRS. M. FITZGERALD—The death occurred at the residence of her cousin, Mr. George Jones, Slieverue, on Sunday last, of Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, after an illness of some months’ duration. A native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore, deceased was a member of the farming community, and enjoyed much esteem. Her demise a the comparatively early age of 44 years, is deservedly regretted. She was wife of Mr. James Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, and sister of Edward Murphy, Moulerstown; Mrs. Ryan, do.; Mrs. Dwyer, Mullinavat; Patk. Murphy, Mount Juliet; and cousin of George, Patrick, Thomas, Kieran, John, James and Michael Jones.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Sunday evening, and on Tuesday morning. Office and High Mass were offered up, of which the celebrant was Rev. J. Hynes, England. The other clergy present were: Rev. Rd. McGrath, C.C., Glenmore; Rev. D. Hughes, D.D., C.C., Slieverue; Rev. P. Hally, C.C., Ferrybank; Rev. Richard O’Shea, Chaplain, Belmont, and Rev. Fr. Weekes, England. Burial took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery.—R.I.P.
Mick and Martin Fitzgerald [no townland provided] [DD Notebook 16, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 18 September 1974]
Mick and Martin Fitzgerald went to America, about New York, for a period on board one of the sailing ships from Ross. For grub whilst on board they brought a fiskin of water and oaten meal. They returned home after some years.
Mick Fitzgerald, of Ballycroney [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Walter Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore on 22 November 1955]
Mick Fitzgerald, of Ballycroney, had a barn which was solely used as a sleeping place for tramps of the road.
Michael Fitzgerald (1887-1968) native of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 14 June 1968, p. 14]
DEATH OF MR. M. FITZGERALD—The death took place in the County Hospital, Kilkenny, on Saturday last, of Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, Fahee, Mullinavat, at the age of 81. Deceased, who had been ailing only a short time, was a native of Knockbrack, Glenmore, and had conducted a successful farming and milling business for a period of 34 years, but gave up the latter following the outbreak of World War II in 1939, when matters became difficult for mill owners due to restrictions. He had been residing with members of his family in Temploeorum for the past 13 years.
He was father of Messrs. Paul and Tom Fitzgerald, Fahee; Pat Fitzgerald, Raheen, Templorum; Mrs. Mary Carrolll, Templeorum; Mrs. Ann Freyne, Slieverue, and brother of Messrs. John, Paul and Tom Fitzgerald, Knockbrack; Mrs. J. Woods, Earlsrath, Mullinavat; Mrs. Doherty, Coolnaleen, Glenmore; the late Jim Fitzgerald, Flemingstown, Glenmore; the late Mrs. Fitzgerald, Weaterstown, do., and the late Mrs. Crowley, Polerone, Mooncoin. He was also Father-in-law of Mr. Ed. Freyne; Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, and is also survived by 22 grandchildren, as well as a large number of nephew and nieces, including Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, Director of Social Services, Kilkenny; Rev. Ed. Crowley, of the Diocese of Lismore, Australia; Sister M. Regis, Bon Secours Order, Scotland, and Sister Bonaventure, Holy Faith Orders, New Zealand. His wife, the late Mrs. Fitzgerald, died some years ago.
The remains were removed to Bigwood Church on Sunday evening, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday morning after Requiem Mass of which the celebrant was his nephew, Rev. P. Fitzgerald, who also officiated at the graveside, assisted by Very Rev. Dr. Hughes, PP, VF, Mullinavat, and Rev. A. O’Dwyer, C.C., Slieverue. RIP Funeral arrangments by O’Shea, Piltown.
Neddy Fitzgerald [no townland provided] [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Walter Power, of Jamestown, Glenmore on 22 November 1955]
Neddy Fitzgerald was blind. He was father of the present Peter Fitzgerald , of Aylwardstown, Glenmore. “Blind Neddy” as he was called was a great singer. There were two brothers who were also blind called the Brother’s Doyle and they too were great singers. When the three happened to meet it was customary to arrange a competition to determine which of them was the best singer. On one occasion they formed two teams; Neddy Dowling and Nedd Fitzgerald against the Brother’s Doyle. They sang all night and the result was the defeat of the Brother’s Doyle.
Old Paddy Fitzgerald, of Ballyconey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore in February 1970]
Old Paddy Fitzgerald one time when he sent his churn off to be repaired used to put the cream in a stand then put a board across the top of it for a seat. Then he would take his trousers off and sit on the board and cash away with his two feet until the butter was made. His sister Biddie Fitzgerald never used a knife. She preferred to press the butter on the bread with her two thumbs.
Pat Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD; Notebook 5 interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 24 April 1972]
[1] Pat Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown lived in the home place. He was married to Mary McDonald, of Ballinlea.
[2] Tom Fitzgerald moved to Ross. He was married twice. His first wife was Mary Furlong, Monamolin. Tom Fitzgerald had one son.
[3] Maryanne Fitzgerald married Bill Murphy, of the river in Brownsford. She was the eldest and had family.
[4] Johanna Fitzgerald married James Doherty, of Coolnaleen. They had three sons: Dick Doherty, Jack Doherty and Billy Doherty.
[5] Kate Fitzgerald married John Phelan, Coolnaleen. Had three daughters.
[6] Nancy Fitzgerald married Dickie Doherty, of Ballinlammy. No family.
[7] Lizzie Fitzgerald married William Burke, of Ballymountain. They had children [7a] William Burke; [7b] John Burke, [7c] Kate Burke and [7d] Lizzie Burke.
[8] Ellen Fitzgerald married Jer Cahill, of Ballymountain. Had no family and both died young. Lizzie Fitzgerald got their farm and she married William Burke.
[9] Bridget Fitzgerald married Nicholas Phelan, Ballykeohan, Kilmacow. They had no family.
Patrick Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [Article in the Waterford News & Star, Fri. 13 June 1969, p. 19]
ON Tour—Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald, Weatherstown, Glenmore, is at present on a tour of Denmark with a number of other farmers from Co. Wexford. They are visiting a number of Danish farms and studying the methods used by the Danes in agriculture.
Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 4 March 1938, p. 8]
WEDDING AT BIGWOOD—A pretty wedding was solemnised at Bigwood Church on Tuesday morning, the contracting parties being Mr. Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, Glenmore, and Miss Mary Foskin, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foskin, Rathnasmola, Bigwood. Rev. J. Comerford, P.P., Mullinavat, officiated at the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Father Ryan, C.C., do., and Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore. The best man was Mr. Thos. Fitzgerald (brother), and the bride, who was attired in nigger brown, over which she wore a three-quarter check tweed coat, with brown halo hat, had as attendant her sister, Miss Stasia Foskin, who was similarly attired.
After the ceremony the wedding party motored to Waterford, where a reception was held at Breen’s Hotel, at which the guests present in addition to the happy couple were—Very Rev. J. Comerford, P.P.; Rev. Fr. Ryan, C.C.; Rev. W. Brennan, C.C.; Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Knockbrack; Mr. John Fitzgerald, do; Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Moulerstown, Glenmore; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fitzgerald, Flemingstown, do; Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, Fahee; the Misses Mary and Nan Fitzgerald, do; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foskin, Rathnasmola; Messrs James, Thomas and Peter Foskin, do; Miss Stasia Foskin, do; Mr. and Mrs. R. Doherty, Coolnaleen; Miss Margt. Roche, do; the Misses Stasia, Eily and Biddy Kennedy, Rathinure, Glenmore; Mr. Jas. Vereker, Davidstown, do; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood, Earlsrath, Mullinavat; Mr. and Mrs. R. Reddy, Bawnagelogue; Miss Stasia McDonald, Ballyhomuch; Mr. Kieran Brennan, Knockanure; Mrs. Jas. Aylward, ex-Mayor of Waterford; Messrs. Rd. and Jas. Delahunty, Harristown, Dunmore; Miss Mary Murphy, John’s Hill, Waterford; Miss Peggy Cummine, The Quay, do; Mr. and Mrs. W. Crowley, Pollrone; Mr. and Mrs. John Lonergan, Loughcullen; Mr. James Freyne, Fahee; Mr. T. Blanchfield, Waterfor; Mr. Andy Joy, do; Mr. J. Murphy, do; Mr. J. Phelan, do., and Mr. M. Power, Mullinavat.
Rev. Fr. Comerford congratulated the happy couple on the auspicious occasion, and wished them every success in their wedded career. Rev. Fr. Brennan and Rev. Fr. Ryan also spoke, and a few enjoyable hours followed, vocal items being contributed by a number of guests. The happy couple subsequently left by the 1:25 p.m. train for Dublin and Belfast, where the honeymoon is being spent. They were given an enthusiastic send-off from Waterford North Station.
The bridegroom is third son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, and comes of a family long associated with sporting activities in the area, being for many years a popular member of Glenmore football team, with which he played on several occasions. His bride comes of an equally well known and highly respected family in Bigwood district, being very popular amongst a wide circle of friends in the district. She is sister of Messrs. Jas. and Thomas Foskin, the well known Mullinavat hurlers. Both were the recipients of numerous presents on the happy occasion, and they carry with them into wedded life the best wishes of a host of friends.
Paul Fitzgerald (1891-1972) of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit of Munster Express, Fri. 15 Dec. 1972, p. 3]
Paul Fitzgerald’s (1891-1972) obituary is on our obituary page. The obituary page can be accessed via the home page by clicking on Roots and selecting obituaries from the drop down menu.
Mons. Paul Fitzgerald (1938-2006) of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People on Friday the 19th of January 2007, p. 12]
See our post of 13 May 2024 for the complete obituary written by Bishop Laurence Forristal (1931-2018).
Pauline Fitzgerald, of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Kilkenny People on Friday the 11th of October 1968, p. 4]
The wedding took place in Glenmore church on Tuesday of Mr. Robert (Bobbie) Dempsey MCC, son of Mrs. Dempsey, and the late Mr. John Dempsey, Rosboultra, Ballyhale, and Nurse Pauline Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, of Knockbrack, Glenmore. The ceremony, with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing, was performed by Rev. Paul Fitzgerald, director of Social Servies, Kilkenny, cousin of the bride, assisted by V Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore, V Rev. L. Murphy, P.P., Ballyhale, V Rev. Dr. Hughes, P.P. VF, Mullinavat, and Rev. J. Galavan, C.C. Urlingford. Best man was Bill Dempsey, brother of the groom, and the bride who was given away by her father, had as attendant her sister Miss Judy Fitzgerald. Mrs. K. Morrissey, Ferrybank was organist and soloist.
A reception for 95 guests was held in the Bridge hotel, Waterford, and the honeymoon is being spent touring. The groom who is a well known farmer was elected as a Fine Gael member of Kilkenny County Council last year and is also on a number of its subsidiary bodies. On the death of his brother, Mr. Owen Dempsey, Lanark, Scotland last March, he took over the latter’s position as chief manager o Lanark racecourse to which he has now been appointed in a permanent capacity. The bride has been nursing for the past six years, and prior to her marriage was on the staff of Waterford Infirmary. She won the gold medal for nursing in 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey will take up their future residence in Lanark.
Richard “Dick Brien” Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Ann Fitzgerald, correspondence 18 April 2020]
Richard “Dick Brien” Fitzgerald was the son of John Fitzgerald and his wife, Bridget O Brien, of Ballinaraha, Glenmore. They were married in 1787 and had 8 children: [1] Eleanor Fitzgerald (1788); [2] Mary Fitzgerald (1790); [3] Anstice Fitzgerald (1792); [4] Richard Fitzgerald (1793); [5] Walter Fitzgerald (1796); [6] Catherine Fitzgerald [1797]; [7] Patrick Fitzgerald [1799] and [8] Bridget Fitzgerald (1802). All the children were born in Ballinaraha, Glenmore. The family came to Aylwardstown, Glenmore in the early 1800’s and built the present house which included a pub and a hostelry. They obtained a licence for the sale of beer and spirits on the premises. This John Fitzgerald and Biddy Brien became known as the Brien’s to distinguish them from four families of Fitzgerald’s that lived in the area of Aylwardstown (Ellen Mullaly 1960).
Richard “Dick Brien” Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore, on 13 March 1964]
[1] Dick Fitzgerald (Brien), of Aylwardstown, his parents were Johnny Fitzgerald and Peg Donovan of the Mill. He had following brothers and sisters: [2] Peter Fitzgerald; [3] Mick Fitzgerald; [4] Wattie Fitzgerald; [5] Patsey Fitzgerald; [6] Mary Fitzgerald married ? Norris, pig buyer, Waterford; [7] Katie Fitzgerald; [8] Maggie Fitzgerald and [9] Ellie Fitzgerald.>ditor’s note–John Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore married Margaret Donovan, of the Mill, Ballyrorough, at Slieverue on 26 Feb. 1867].
Richard Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 April 1946, p. 6]
APPOINTED MEMBER—Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, M.C.C., Aylwardstown, Glenmore, has been appointed to represent Kilkenny County Council on the Waterford and New Ross Port Sanitary Authority.
Richard Fitzgerald, of Halfway House, Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Article in Munster Express, Fri. 6 Dec. 1946, p. 8]
ACCIDENT TO FARMER—Mr. M. Fitzgerald, son of Mr. Rd. Fitzgerald, M.C.C., and Mrs. Fitzgerald, Halfway House, Glenmore, sustained a displaced collar bone when he was thrown from a cart caused by the horse taking fright and swerving from an object on the roadway. He was subsequently conveyed to Mr. T. O’Neill, bonesetter, Myshall, Co Carlow, who reset the bone.
Richard Fitzgerald (1868-1955) of Halfway House, Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 29 April 1955, p. 6]
Mr. Richard Fitzgerald (86) M.C.C. [member of County Council] whose death occurred at his residence, Aylwardstown, Glenmore on Tuesday last, was the oldest member of Kilkenny County Council and vice-chairman of the Couny Committee of Agriculture. He was also one of the Council’s representatives on the Ross Harbour Board. Previously, he had been a member of Waterford Board of Guardians and in all had been associated with public life of the long span of fifty years. Deceased who had been out of his health for along time past, was husband of Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, and father of Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, do; Mrs. Forristal, Columbeille, Thomastown; Mr. Phelan, Bawnreigh, Windgap and brother of Mrs. Mullally, Ballyhobuck, Glenmore and Mrs. McGrath, Campile, Co. Wexford.
The remains, accompanied by a very large and representative attendance, were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Thursday evening. Those present included many of his former colleagues of Kilkenny County Council and its subsidiary bodies, prominent members of the Fianna Fail Party, representatives of the various clubs in Glenmore and the manager, members of the staff, and committee of the Glenmore Co-operativve Society with which deceased was connected. Interment takes place today (Friday) after Office and High Mass—R.I.P.
[See also, New Ross Standard, Fri. 6 May 1955, p. 8, Father’s Death—Much sympathy has been extended to Mrs. Andrew Forristal, Columbkille, Thomastown, on the death of her father, Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, Aylwardstown, Glenmore. Mr. Fitzgerald who was aged eighty-six years, was prominently identified with the public life of the county for almost half a century. See our post of 23 July 2022 concerning an application hearing held in 1937.]
Richard Fitzgerald, of Mullinavat [The Irish Standard (Minneapolis) of 25 March 1905]
KILKENNY–enquiries are being made, through the Irish papers, for intelligence on Richard Fitzgerald, formerly of Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny, who went to California some years ago; and when last heard of, in March 1903, was in South Africa.
Seamus Fitzgerald, of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Death Notice and Sympathy Notice in the New Ross Standard on 7 Nov. 1991 and 14 Nov. 1991]
NEW ROSS STANDARD, Thursday 7 Nov. 1991, DEATH Mr. Seamus Fitzgerald, Ballycronev, Glenmore, whose death has occurred after a brief illness, was a well-known horsebreeder who farmed at Ballycroney. He was brother of Mrs. Bird, Kilbrahan; Mrs. Walsh, Ballybrahee; Mrs. Doherty, Milltown; Joseph, New Ross, and Frank, England. Interment took place in Glenmore Cemetery after Requiem Mass of which the Parish Priest, Fr. Lar Dunphy, was celebrant. New Ross Standard, Thurs. 14 Nov. 1991, SYMPATHY Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Tom Bird of Hoodsgrove on the recent death of her brother, Seamus Fitzgerald of Ballycroney. The late Seamus bred many well-known racehorses, including the Cheltenham Gold Cup winner, Bregawn. May he rest in peace.
Seamus Fitzgerald, of Ballycroney, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 7th of November 1991.
DEATH–Mr. Seamus Fitzgerald, Ballycroney, Glenmore, whose death has occurred after a brief death has occurred after a brief illness, was a well-known horsebreeder who farmed at Ballycroney. He was brother of Mrs. Bird, Kilbrahan; Mrs. Walsh, Ballybrahee; Mrs. Doherty, Milltown; Joseph, New Ross, and Frank, England. Interment took place in Glenmore Cemetery after Requiem Mass of which the Parish Priest, Fr. Lar Dunphy, was celebrant.
Thomas Fitzgerald, of Fahee, [Kilmacow] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Thomas Fitzgerald, of Fahee, died on the 24th of December 1905.
Tom Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 13 March 1964]
Tom Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown was married to one of the Bolgers of Cappah. They had no family. They lived where Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald (Mary Kirwan) is now. This Tom Fitzgerald was a brother of Dick Fitzgerald (Brien’s) father.
Thomas Fitzgerald (c. 1919-1922) of Kilmakevoge, Glenmore [Death Register]
Thomas Fitzgerald of Kilmakevoge died at the age of 3 on 22 Sept. 1922 of probable bronchitis. He was son of Peter Fitzgerald.
Walter Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Walter Fitzgerald, of Aylwardstown, died on the 24th of Sept. 1910.
The Fitzgeralds, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 5, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, of Graiguenakill, Glenmore, in 1973]
The Fitzgeralds, of Weatherstown, Glenmore came from Knockbrack. Billie Fitzgerald was the first man in Weatherstown. He was married and had four sons: [1] Paddy Fitzgerald went to Ross; [2] Jimmy Fitzgerald went to Tullogher; [3] John Fitzgerald went to Moulerstown and [4] Billy Fitzgerald at home in Weatherstown. Billy Fitzgerald was the grandfather of the present William Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown. Tom Fitzgerald, the undertaker and publican of Ross, at the corner of North and Quay, got the New Ross premises from his uncle Paddy Fitzgerald.
Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, died on the 13th of January 1909.
Ellen Fitzpatrick née Foran, native of Kearneybay, Glenmore [Obit Gorey Guardian on Wednesday the 7th of August 1996]
This obituary may be found on the Obituary page. It is located on the home page under the “Roots” button.
Mary Fitzpatrick, of Rochestown, Glenmore [Article in The Waterford News, Fri. 28 Aug. 1863, p. 4]
[Taken from information wanted columns in US papers regarding local natives.] Of Mary Fitzpatrick, parish of Roachtown, county Kilkenny, who lived with Lady Esmonde about twenty years ago. Her mother is old and feeble, and has something to leave her if she is alive; if not one of Martin Murphy’s children should write. Martin Murphy is a brother to old Anne Fitzpatrick. Address Carm Brophy, parish of Blackville, Southwest Miramichi, New Brunswick, North America.
Billy Fleming, Graiguenakill, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8]
Billy and Jane Fleming lived in a lime kiln in Graiguenakill. Billy carried 4 stones of furze seed to Kilkenny and back to Waterford on his back. Used pick the seed in order to get a bit to eat. “Shut the door and let me in,” he used to say. Dead over 80 years.
Anastatia Fluskey née Maher (c. 1880-1922) native of Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express, Sat. 18 March 1922, p. 6]
Mrs. Anastatia Fluskey, wife of Mr. Terence Fluskey, of St. Ignatius street, Waterford, died on the 11th of March. The deceased was interred in Glenmore in the family burial place [Editor’s note–According to the death register the deceased was 42 years of age and her cause of death was thought to be due to influenza.]
Sr. Irma Fluskey, native of Glenmore Village, [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 June 1958, p. 2]
On holiday from Texas—At present spending a nine-weeks holiday at her native Glenmore is Sister Irma (Fluskey) of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate word, St. Antone, (sic) Texas. Sister Irma, who made her last visit home 9 years ago, arrived at Cobh on the Cunard Liner Mauretania on Tuesday, and will return on the same ship on August 9. A member of an old and highly esteemed Glenmore family, she entered the Order of the Incarnate Word at San Antone nearly fifty years ago. She is a sister of Mr. James Fluskey, newsagent, Glenmore (with whom is staying); Sister Mary of Good Counsel, Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Texas; Sister Kieran of the sisters of the Sisters of Providence, Mass., U.S.A.; Mr. Terence Fluskey, Brooklyn, and Mrs. Elizabeth McKenna, do. She is an aunt of Miss Betty McKenna, boarder at the Sacred Heart of Mary Convent, Ferrybank, Waterford.
Jim Fluskey, of Glenmore Village [DD Notebook 10]
Jim Fluskey died in June 1960. His wife Mollie died on the Bank Holiday Monday in August 1957 aged 65. Jim Fluskey was aged 78.
Sr. Kieran Fluskey, native of Glenmore [Note in New Ross Standard, Fri. 24 Aug. 1951, p. 8
On Holidays—at present home on holidays in Glenmore is Sister Kieran (Fluskey) New York, after an absence of forty-two years. Sister Kieran is a sister of Mr. James Fluskey, postmaster and merchant, Glenmore.
Patrick Fluskey (c. 1882-1900) of Glenmore Village [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Saturday the 21st of July 1900]
Sincere is the sympathy felt in the Glenmore (Co. Kilkenny) district with Mr. Fluskey, Postmaster, on the death, after a few days’ illness, of his son Patrick, a very promising youth about 18 years of age.
Richard Fluskey [1907-1942] formerly of Glenmore Village, [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 2nd of October 1942, p. 3.]
LATE MR. R. FLUSKEY—At a joint meeting of the Glenmore L.D.F. and L.S.F., a vote of sympathy was passed with the relatives of the late Richard Fluskey, whose death occurred in England on Monday evening. The deceased took a leading part in the organisation of the L.D.F. and L.S.F. in Glenmore, and held the position of Group Leader in the L.D.F. up to the time of his departure to England twelve months ago. He also served with the Irish Brigade in Spain during the Civil War, and held a non-commissioned rank in the National Army before his departure to Spain. His efficiency as an organiser was responsible for the standard of proficiency attained by the L.D.F. in Glenmore at the moment. His passing at such an early age has caused sincere regret in his native county, and especially among his comrades in the L.D.F and L.S.F., he having being a very honourable and straightforward leader. The dance to be held at Walsh’s Hall on Sunday night next in aid of the Glenmore L.D.F. has been postponed to Sunday night. Nov. 4. as a mark of respect for the death of their former Group Leader, Richard Fluskey. [Editor’s note–Richard Fluskey, featured in a blog post on 22 November 2020.
Robert Fluskey, (c. 1843-1925) of Glenmore Village
Robert Fluskey was originally from Graiguenamanagh. He had a shop in Glenmore. For details concerning him and his family see blog post of 28 May 2020. See generally, The Glenmore Post Office: Its Rise and Demise post of 24 November 2019.
Terence Fluskey (1885-1968) native of Glenmore Village [Death Notice in The Advocate (New York) July 1968 obituaries, p. 7]
Fluskey-Terence on July 3; born in Glenmore, Co. Waterford (sic); dear brother of Eliz. McKenna; Sr. Mary Claren; Sr. Mary Irma and Sr. Mary Good Counsel. [Editor’s note–According to Danny’s notes Terence was born to Robert Fluskey and his second wife on 29 January 1885. Terrence moved to the US c. 1962].
Sister Kieran Fluskey, native of Glenmore [Article in New Ross Standard on Friday the 24th of August 1951]
On Holidays.—At present home on holidays in Glenmore is Sister Kieran (Fluskey) New York, after an absence of forty-two years. Sister Kieran is a sister of Mr. James Fluskey, postmaster and merchant.
Catherine Flynn née Power (c. 1863-1947) of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 4 April 1947, p. 8]
DEATH OF MRS. C. FLYNN—The death occurred in hospital at Thomastown of Mrs. Catherine Flynn, at the fine old age of 84 years. Deceased was widow of the late John Flynn, Kilbride, Glenmore, who died man years ago, and sister of Mr. James Power, Mullinavat, and Miss Mary Power, Kilbride, and aunt of Mr. Thomas Connolly, do., and Mr. John Power, Mullinavat. She had been ailing only a fortnight during which period she was in hospital. Interment took place at Glenmore, in presence of a good attendance.—R.I.P.
Jem Foley, of Monkstown [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Jem Foley, of Monkstown, 25 November 1908.
Jack Foley, of Glenmore [no towland provided] [Article in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 30 Dec. 1938, p. 3]
Mr. Jack Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foley, Glenmore secured first place in an examination for assistant-accountant in office of the Department of Industry and commence.
Paddy Foley, of Mutherstown, Slieverue [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 4th of August 1994]
LATE PADDY FOLEY The death took place last week of the last link of the Foley family by the death of Mr. Paddy Foley, eldest son of the late Jim and Margaret Foley, Mutherstown, aged eighty-three and his family was steeped in the farming tradition for over a century Paddy lived a simple life and enjoyed all outdoor life to the fullest. He was predeceased by his brothers Thomas (Knockhouse, Waterford), Michael and John (Murtherstown), Mary Cullen (Kilbarry, Waterford), Kitty (Cork). Funeral from May Park Nursing Home where he was a patient for some time. Burial took place in Ferrybank Cemetery after Requiem Mass. Sincere sympathy to his nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Lundy Foote, of Rosbercon [DD Notebook 14, misc undated notes]
Lundy Foote, of Rosbercon, was an elderly landlord and was murdered at Rosbercon at 4 p.m. on the 2nd of January 1835.
Jim Foran, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore in May 1974]
Jim Foran, of Aylwardstown was a thatcher.
John Foran [no townland provided] [New Ross Standard on Friday the 6th of November 1931]
SIMPLE ACCIDENT WITH FATAL RESULT. Whilst John Foran, a labourer, was lifting potatoes at Kearney Bay, between Glenmore and Cheekpoint, he accidentally fell against the plough and died the following day. It is believed he ruptured an internal organ and haemorrhage set in. He was taken to the Co. Hospital next morning and died that evening. His young son had been leading the horse at the time of the accident. At a Coroner’s inquest a verdict of accidental death was returned. [Editor’s note-death cert, John Foran, of Kearneybay/Aylwardstown, married man of “about” 72 years of age died on the 28th of October 1931 at the Waterford Co. Hospital from shock and haemorrhage of internal vessels from falling against a plough while ploughing. Dr. Kennedy, coroner recorded accidental death.]
Thomas Foran (1885-1973) of Kearneysbay, Glenmore [Notice in the Waterford News & Star, Fri. 13 July 1973, p.21]
Foran—The brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews of the late Thomas Foran, 23 Morgan St., and late of Kearney’s Bay, Glenmore, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them, in their recent bereavement; a special word of thanks to Dr. Foley and the Matron and Staff of the County and City Infirmary, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
John Foran, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on 27 September 1990]
Death of an old thatcher–A well known south Kilkenny master of the art of thatching died at his residence last week. He was Mr. James Foran, Aylwardstown, Glenmore. Examples of his fine workmanship were to be seen, particularly in the parishes of Tullogher and Slieverue. In his younger days he was a keen fisherman and oarsman and he later became a progressive farmer. A helpful neighbour who was deeply religious, he bore his illness with great cheerfulness and bravery. A native of Kearney Bay, Glenmore, he is survived by his wife, Anastasia, nee Hynes; by his sons, John, Thomas and Eugene (Aylwardstown); by his sister, Ellie Fitzpatrick; nieces, nephews, etc. The large attendance at the obsequies was an indication of the esteem in which he was held.
Mary J. Foran née Forristal (1866-1912) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death notice in The Boston Globe, Fri. 20 Sept. 1912, p. 6]
The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Foran, wife of John J. Foran, a well-known business man of the West Newton Section, took place this morning at St. Bernard’s Church, West Newton, with a requiem mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. F.J. Cronin. Interment was in the family lot at Calvary Cemetery, Waltham. [Editor’s note, Mary was the daughter of John Forristal and his wife, Mary Gahan. of Rochestown].
Mary Foran, of Ringville, Slieverue [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Thursday the 31st of December 1992]
DEATH Mrs. Mary Foran, Ringville, Slieverue, who has died aged 91, was widow of Pat Foran, formerly of Kearney Bay, Glenmore, who predeceased her by about forty years. He was a well-known Glenmore footballer who was particularly prominent in the decade ending in 1924. She was interred in Glenmore. She was mother of Mary Darcy, Ringville; Eileen Purcell, Waterford; Alice Flynn, Dublin, and John Foran. Waterford. She was sister of William Dempsey, Waterford and of Sr. Declan Dempsey who died last January.
Patrick Foran, formerly of Kearneybay, Glenmore [Death Notice in the WATERFORD STANDARD on 11 August 1951]
MR. PATRICK FORAN–Mr. Patrick Foran, an employee of Clyde Shipping company for almost 30 years died on Monday night at has residence, 33. Congress Place, Waterford. Aged about 58, he was a native of Kearneybay, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, and in his early years he played for the Glenmore football club team, with whom he won two championship medals. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Foran (nee May Dempsey, of Lower Grange), three daughters. Misses Alice, Eily, and Mary Foran. and one son, Mr. John Foran.
The Forristals, of Forristalstown Castle [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 13 March 1964]
“The last of them had to leave during the Cromwellian period. Before they left the area they left a small son of theirs at Gorman’s of Ballycroney. The Gorman’s apparently were relations of the Forristal’s. When the chap grew up he married one of the Gorman girls and it is from this union that the present Ballyverneen Forristals descend from. The Gorman family were in Ballycroney for an extremely long period and in a very big way in that period.”
The Forristals, of the Halfwayhouse, Glenmore (on the New Line) [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, on 18 January 1970]
The Forristals, of the Halfwayhouse, came from Shanbogh, Rosbercon. Duggans lived where Forristals are now. Forristals had a public house there. They also had about 40 Irish acres. Old Paddy Forristal was married to Mary Whelan, of Carrag???, Tullogher, and they had the following family: (1) Jack Forristal married Bridget Reddy, of Gaulstown, Glenmore. (2) Neddy Forristal, never married. (3) Pat Forristal, never married. (4) Hannie Forristal, never married and dead a long time.
Mr. Forrestal of Rochestown, Glenmore [Article in the Dublin Evening Post, Sat. 17 Oct. 1835, p. 4]
Tramore Races Wed—The steeple chase yesterday attracted a more numerous attendance than any of the former days. Five horses started over a heavy country, and the race was won by Mr. Barry’s horse, from the county Cork, after a desperate effort. Mr. Forrestal’s (of Rochestown) horse was severely hurt.
Anne Forstall, at Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Death notice in theWaterford News and Star, on Friday the 19th of December 1862]

DEATHS… At Aylwardstown, in the county Kilkenny, Anne, relict of the late Edmond Forstall, of Rochestown, in the county Kilkenny.
Anastatia “Statia” Forristal, of Robinstown, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thur. 10 Jan. 1991]
SISTER PASCHAL DIES IN THE U.S. SISTER Paschal Forristal, a member of the Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary, who has died at Marymount Convent, Tarrytown, New York, was a native of Glenmore. In failing health for about a year, she had the consolation of having her sister, Sister Bernadette, who is a member of the same order, at her bedside when she died. A regular visitor to her native area every three years she was last home in 1987 she was educated locally and at the Sacred Heart Convent, Waterford. She entered the order fifty-five years ago. A pleasant, happy and jovial personality, her death is deeply mourned in her native area. Daughter of the late Martin and Ann Forristal, Robinstown Lower, Glenmore, she was sister of John and Martin Forristal, Mrs. Nancy O’Shea, all from Glenmore; Sister Bernadette, Leavey Centre, Los Angeles; Mrs. Catherine Phelan, Kilmacow, and of the late Mary and Michael Forristal. Robinstown.
Bridget Forristal, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [Obit in the Waterford Mirror & Tramore Visitor, on Thurs. the 14th of May 1891]
INQUEST NEAR GLENMORE. Dr. Hacket; Coroner, held an inquest at Carrigclony, near Glenmore, on Thursday, on the remains of a little girl named Bridget Forrlstal, 5 years old, a farmer’s daughter, who was on Wednesday morning at nine o’clock entering an outhouse, when the delapidated(sic) building fell upon her causing instantaneous death. Mr Flusky, of Glenmore was foreman of the jury. The following witnesses were examined, Miss Mary Barron, Mr Michael Barron, John Murphy, and Dr. J B Cane of Mullinavat. Verdict–“Death caused by shock to system from injuries received by the accidental falling of the house, no blame attached to anyone.” Much sympathy felt for the family of deceased at this melancholy occurrence. Sergeant King had charge of the inquiry.
Bridget (Sr. Bernadette) Forristal (1921-2001) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in The Los Angeles Times, Thurs. 9 Aug. 2001, p. 79]
Forristal, Sr. Bernadette—A Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary for 59 years, passed away August 8, 2001 at the age of 80. Born in Glenmore Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, she served as an educator, Lourdesmount School, London, England 1942-1945; Corvallis High School, Studio City 1962-1971; Sacred Heart of Mary High School, Montebello 1946-1962, 1972-1989.
Mass of Resurrection 10:00 a.m. Saturday, August 11 at Miraculous Medal Church, 820 N. Garfield Avenue, Montebello. Burial Calvary Cemetery, 4201 Whittier Blvd., Los Angeless. In lieu of flowers, donations to her memory maybe be sent to: Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, 441 North Garfield Avenue, Montebello, CA 90640-2901.
[Additional information–Find a Grave. As a semi-retired sister she did volunteer work in Miraculous Medal Parish and at the Montebello Senior Center, Sister Bernadette will be remembered for her faith filled life, dedication to duty, organization, sense of humor and her love of her native Ireland. She is mourned by her brother John, and her nephew, Francis. Her sister, Sister Paschal RSHM, preceded her in death. Social Security Index provides her date of birth & death: as 3 June 1921-8 Aug. 2001.]
[Editor’s Note: Daughter of Martin Forristal (1879-1931) and Anne Roche (1890-1955) of Rochestown [1] Johanna Forristal (1926-1926); [2] John Forristal (1927-2004); [3] Martin Forristal (1930-1995) [4] Annastasia Forristal (1918-1991); [5] Nancy Forristal ( ?-1997); and [6] Catherine Forristal (1920-8 May 1998, New York City).]
Edmond Forristal, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, undated research notes]
Married on June 1st, 1847, at Aylwardstown, Edmond Forristal to Anne Strange. Witnesses: Roger Sweetman and Mary Butler. By special license by Rev. Michael Dunne, Parish Priest of Castledermot.
James Forristal (c. 1887-1937) of Mount Ida, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 16th of April 1937]
DEATH OF MR. J. FORRISTAL—The interment took place at Glenmore on Friday of Mr. James Forristal who passed away at his resident, Mount Ida, after a short illness. Deceased, who was aged over 50 years, was a popular figure in the district, where his demise evoked feelings of sincere and widespread regret. He was brother of Mr. Peter Forristal, Mount Ida. Requiem Mass and Office were offered up in Glenmore Church on Friday morning. The celebrant was Rev. Wm. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, and the other clergy present were—Rev. J. Carrigan, P.P., do (presiding); Rev. E. Brennan, P.P., Ferrybank; Rev. L. Coghlan, P.P., Rosbercon; Rev. J. Comerford, P.P., Mullinavat; Rev. P. Darcy, C.C., do; Rev. M. Doyle, C.C., Slieverue; Rev. P. Hally, C.C, Ferrybank ; Rev. P. Mackey, C.C., Tullogher; Rev. G. Loughrey, C.C., Rosbercon,. and Rev. J. Brady, chaplain, Belmont. The interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery in presence of a large attendance.—R.I.P.
James Forristal [c. 1888-1941] of Ballyvaring, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 25 April 1941, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. J. FORRISTAL—Mr. James Forristal, whose death has occurred at his residence at Ballyvaring, Glenmore, was an esteemed figure in the district, where his passing, after a brief illness, is deeply and deservedly regretted. Deceased, who was aged 53 years, is survived by his mother and one sister, to whom the sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended in the sad loss they have sustained. The popularity of deceased and his family and the widespread sympathy evoked by his passing was evidenced by the big attendance which accompanied the remains to their last resting place at Glenmore. The last prayers at the graveside were recited by Rev. W. Brennan, C.C.—R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Mr. T. Power, Ferrybank.
Jim “the Crow” Forristal, of Shanbogh, Rosbercon [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore]
Jim Forristal (The Crow) of Shanbogh was married to Kate Moran of Ballybrazil or Downane, Mooncoin. Her people were farmers and fishermen. The couple had the following family: (1) Richard Forristal, in Shanbogh; (2) Willie Forristal, in Rosbercon; (3) Mary Forristal married John Culleton of the railway in Rosbercon and had one daughter who is married to Connor the “Penny Buyer”and (4) another daughter named Mary Forristal went to America. These Forristals were the same as the Jerpoint Forristals.
John Forristal [c 1879-1961] of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 3rd of February 1961, p. 14]
Death of Mr. John Forristal—The death occurred at his residence, Ballinaraha, Glenmore, on Sunday last, of Mr. John Forristal. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time, was a well known and esteemed figure in farming circles in the district, where news of his demise was learned with sincere regret. Much sympathy will be felt for the bereaved widow, son and daughters in the sad loss they have sustained. The remains, accompanied by a large attendance, were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Monday evening and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Tuesday after Office and High Mass. The final prayers at the graveside were recited by Very Rev. W. Brennan. P.P., Glenmore, R.I.P. [Editor’s Note: According to the death register John Forristal died on the 19th of January 1961, aged 82. He was married and his daughter Kathy was present when he died.]
John J. Foristal (1871-1934) native of Rochestown [Death Notice, in The Boston Globe, 2 Oct. 1934, p. 4]
Services for John J. Foristall, Wednesday—NEWTON, Oct. 1—Funeral services for John J. Foristall, retired Newton police officer who died at his home at 208 Auburn St., Auburndale, yesterday after a four days’ sickness, will be held at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning with a requiem mass at Corpus Christi Church, Auburndale. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery, Waltham. [Editor’s note–John was the son of John Forristal and his wife Mary Gahan of Rochestown.]
Kitty Forristal, of Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 27 Aug. 1937, p. 8]
EXAMINATIN SUCCESS—Miss Kitty Forristal, Glenmore, a boarder at the Sacred Heart Convent, Ferrybank, passed in the Dublin Local Exam, 1937, with Honours and secured a first-class Certificate in Business Methods, and Book-keeping at the recent Commercial Examinations, which she passed with Honours. We wish this brilliant student further successes and avail of the opportunity of congratulating both herself and her capable teachers.
Mrs. L. Forristal, of Ballylogue, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. L. Forristal, of Ballylogue, died in September 1911. [Editor’s note: Bridget Forristal (c. 1849-1911) Per the death register, Bridget Forristal, aged 62 died on the 10th of September 1911 of diarrhoea after 3 days. She was a farmer’s wife and her daughter Maggie Forristal was present when she died.]
Larry Forristal, of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 19 December 1969]
Larry Forristal, of Rochestown was the son of John Forristal who came from Shanbogh to Rochestown. Larry Forristal was married to Bridget Kirwan. They had the following family: (1) Margaret Forristal married in County Waterford to Walsh. Margaret and her husband had two girls (1a) Bridget Walsh who married John Ennett and (1b) Mary Walsh who never married. (2) Bridget Forristal married Patt Kennedy of Rathinure. They had (2a) Larry Kennedy; (2b) Tommy Kennedy; (2c) Ritchie Kennedy; (2d) Paddy Kennedy; (2e) Bridie Kennedy; (2f) Katie Kennedy; and (2g) another girl. (3) Mary Forristal never married. (4) Ellen Forristal never married and lived in Rosbercon. (5) John Forristal never married. (6) Mick Forristal never married and inherited a farm in Ballincrea from a distant cousin. He lived with his brother Peter. (7) Peter Forristal married Bill Hartley’s (of Ballincrea) sister. Larry Forristal, of Rochestown was a first cousin of the Forristal’s of Jerpoint.
Margaret Forristal née Fitzgerald (c. 1915- 1960) native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People, Sat. 16 Jan. 1960, p. 5]
Death of Mrs. M. Forristal—The death occurred at Kilkenny Co. Hospital on Saturday of Mrs. Margaret Forristal, Columbcille, Thomastown. A young woman, she leaves a husband Mr. Andrew Forristal and five young children and her passing caused much regret in the locality. She was daughter of Mrs. Fitzgerald and the late Mr. Dick Fitzgerald, Co. C.C., Half Way House, Glenmore and was mother of Sean, Richard, Kathleen, Marion and Anne Forristal. She was a niece of Mrs. B. Walsh, Coolroe, Thomastown and Mr. E. Mullally, Glenmore. She was sister-in-law of Messrs. Edward John and Thomas Forristal and Miss K. Forristal. The remains were removed to Thomastown Church on Sunday evening and interment took place after Requiem Office and High Mass.
Martin Forristal (1930-1995), of Robinstown, Glenmore Village [Obit New Ross Standard of Wed. the 30th of August 1995]
DEATH OF MARTIN FORRISTAL–The death took place at the Waterford Regional Hospital rather unexpectedly, after a brief illness, of Martin Forristal, son of the late Martin and Ann Forristal, Robinstown Lower, Glenmore. He was on the staff of the Glenmore branch of Waterford Foods for 43 years and had just retired five weeks ago and was admitted to hospital a month ago. Funeral from Power’s Funeral Home on last Wednesday evening, to St. James’ Church. Glenmore, and burial took place on Thursday morning in the adjoining cemetery, after Requiem Mass, the celebrant was Rev. Liam Barron, P.P. The staff of the local branch of the Waterford Foods carried the remains from the Church to the place of interment. Sincere sympathy to his sisters Ann O’Brien, Glenmore; Sr. Bernadette, Sacred Heart of Mary Order, California; Catherine Phelan, Rose Dale, Kilmacow and brother John Forristal, Robinstown, his brother-in-law John O’Brien and nephew Francis O’Brien, both Glenmore. He was brother of the late Michael and Mary Forristal, Glenmore and Sr. Pascal of the Sacred Heart of Mary Order, New York.
The late Martin was unmarried. aged 66 years and led a very quiet life and loved nature and all outdoor life. Was very well liked by the staff and management and customers of Waterford Foods. Led a good Christian life and was deeply involved in his local church and during his life time never missed a day for visiting the church. He will be sadly missed by all. [See post of 13 May 2020, “Fatality at the Glenmore Creamery: Martin Forristal (1879-1931).”
Martin Forristal, of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Michael Walsh of 80 Manor Street, Waterford in October 1969, aged 87, born & raised in Rochestown]
Martin Forristal of Rochestown was Conn’s coachman. He was dead before Mikey left Rochestown.
Mary Forristal (c. 1895-1973) of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obituary in the Munster Express, Fri. 29 July 1973, p. 21
Died in hospital—The death occurred in the City and County Infirmary, Waterford, of Mary Forristal, Ballyvereen, Glenmore, at the fine old age of 78. Deceased, who had been out of her health for some time past, was mother of Mrs. Nancy Doolan, Ballyverneen; mother-in-law of of Mr. Patrick Doolan, do, and grandmother of Sister M. Maura, London, and Edwin Doolan, Salesian College, Ballinakill, Laois. Interment took place at Glenmore on Wednesday or last week after Requiem Mass, celebrated by Very Rev. P. Madigan, Adm., do, who also officiated at the graveside.
Maureen Forristal, of Mount Ida, Aylwardstown, Glenmore [New Ross Standard on Thursday the 21st of April 1994]
HOME ON HOLIDAYS–Jim and Maureen Clifford, of Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex, England, spent their Easter holiday with their cousins Eamonn and Madge Corcoran, Clogga, Mooncoin. They also visited their friends in Ballyverneen and Rochestown. Maureen is daughter of the late Peter and Mary Forristal, Mount Ida, Rochestown and her husband Jim was a member of the Garda Siochana and was stationed in Glenmore for many years and during that time made many friends. A native of Cloyne, Co. Cork, whose family were steeped in Cork senior hurling and football Jim emigrated many years ago to England and started his own business in Romford in the ready-mix and employs 30 people.
Michael Forristal, of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Michael Forristal, of Rochestown, was married in Sept. 1909
Michael (Mick) Forristal (1879-1972) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Irish Independent, Thur. 15 June 1972, p. 29]
Forristal (Rochestown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny)—June 14, 1972, at his daughter’s residence (Ballybrahee, Glenmore), Michael Forristal; deeply regretted by his sorrowing sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. RIP Remains will be removed at 7:30 o’c, this (Thursday) evening to Glenmore Church. Requiem Mass at10:30 o’. to-morrow (Friday). Burial immediately afterwards in adjoining cemetery. [Editor’s note–Michael was the youngest son of John Forristal and his wife Mary Gahan of Rochestown.]
Nicholas “Nicky the Miller” Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore [DD Notebook 10]
Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, was born 1 February 1888 and baptised on the 2nd of February 1888. He got sick on the 21st February 1979 and went to hospital in Ross where he died on the 18th March 1979, aged 91 years. His father, Patrick Forristal was born in February 1849 and died on St. Patrick’s Day [March 17] 1931, aged 82 years. Old Paddy was about 5 [feet] 9 [inches] and stout and strong. He was only sick a week or so. Both of them [Nicky and Old Paddy] were seeing lights before their deaths, for about a month, at night time. The last day that Nicky was in Glenmore was on election day in June 1977. Danny Dowling had a drink with him in the pub in Glenmore, along with John Dwyer of Ballyverneen, Glenmore.
Paddy Forristal, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicky Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 16 December 1969]
Paddy Forristal, of Ballyverneen (grandfather of informant) was married to Ellen Kennedy, of Rathinure, Glenmore. They had the following family:
(1) Tommy Forristal, at home in Ballyverneen. He married Margaret Knox of Brownstown (Tullogher). Tommy & Margaret had two children: Patrick Forristal and Ellen Forristal.
(2) Nicholas Forristal, at the Mill in Graiguenakill. (Father of informant.)
(3) Billy Forristal married Maria Barron, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore. He had a farm in Ballyverneen where he lived and had another farm in Rathinure. Each farm was 40 acres. He paid £4,000 for Mount Ida in 1917 which had 100 acres in it. He sold the other two farms; £1,00 for Ballyverneen and just £1200 for Rathinure which he sold in 4 lots of 10 acres each. Purchasers of Rathinure lots were Martin Kehoe, Johnnnie Sean Og Kennedy, Pat Kennedy and Ned Roche. (4) Katie Forristal married Peter Barrel, of Milltown.
(5) Peggie Forristal married Jim Phelan of the Bog, Shambogh. They had no family. Peggy dead about 25 years and Jim died before her.
(6) James Forristal died died young. He was married at the age of 24 at the same time as John Dunphy’s father got married. James only lived one day after getting sick in 1880 or 1881. (7) Mary Forristal married Ned Doolan of Shambogh. He used to say “be my conscience.” He was a big man who was fond of fighting.
(8) Laurence “Larry” Forristal married Bridget Dowling of Jamestown, Glenmore. He was a big man and he emigrated to the USA after getting married. (9) John Forristal was the youngest. He was a fine big man who also emigrated to America to his brother Laurence. He never married and died in San Francisco where both he and Laurence worked on the docks. The father was thinking of making a priest out of John and sent him to St. Kieran’s and then to college.
Patrick Forrestal, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Saturday the 23rd of February 1901]
OBITUARY MR. PATK FORRESTAL, BALLYVERNEEN. Much regret was manifested throughout the parish of Glenmore on Thursday evening of last week when it became known that Mr Patrick Forrestal, Ballyverneen, father of Mr Thomas Forrestal, DC; Mr Wm. Forrestal, DC; and Mr Patrick Forrestal (jun), had passed away. Deceased had attained to the great age of nearly 90 years of age. The late Mr Forrestal was one of the most respectable and best-known farmers in the barony of Ida. He enjoyed extraordinarily good health during his long life, and kept on his feet to within a day of his death, and up to the last moment maintained a clear intellect.
The funeral took place on Saturday, and the cortege was one of the largest seen in the parish for a long time. Prior to the interment, Requiem Office and High Mass wire celebrated the parish church, the following clergy officiating—Very Rev Canon Holohan, PP, Rosbercon; Very Rev Canon Phelan, PP, Slieverue; Rev Father Meaney, P P, GIenmore; Rev J .Waish, CC, Tullogher; Rev J Cahill, CC , Roshercan; Rev Father McGrath, CC, Glenmore; and Rev Fathers Brennan, Freyney, and Brophy, C C’s, Slieverue.—R. I. P.
Patrick Forristal (c. 1814 -1901) Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Saturday the 23rd of February 1901]
A copy of this obit is available on the obituary page which is accessed via the home page by clicking on the “Roots” button.
Patrick Forristal (c. 1897-1969) of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit Waterford News & Star, Fri. 12 Dec. 1969, p. 15]
Late Mr. P. Forristal—Sincere regret over a wide area was caused by the death of Mr. Patrick Forristal, which occurred at his residence at Ballyverneen, Glenmore, on Thursday last. Although he had not enjoyed the best of health for some time past, his passing came as a great shock to his family and relatives, to whom much sympathy is extended. Aged 72 years, he was a member of an old and highly respected family who down the years had been closely connected with the faming life of the county. There was a large and representative attendance at the removal of the remains to St. James’ Church, Glenmore, on Friday evening.
Burial took place after Requiem Mass on Saturday in adjoining cemetery. Very Rev. Fr. Patrick Dwyer, S.C.A., Rector of the Pallotine College, Thurles, who was celebrant of the Mass, Received the remains and officiated at the graveside, assisted by Rev. Wm. Brennan, PP, Glenmore, and Rev. Philip Madigan, C.C. do. Chief Mournes: Mrs. Katie Forristal, Ballyverneen (wife); Mrs. Peggy Dwyer, do (daughter); Mrs. Ellie Dunphy, do. (sister); John, Moira, Kay and Mairead Dwyer, do (grandchildren); Denis Dwyer, (son-in-law); Seamus and Richard Dunphy, do. (nephews); Maudie and May Dunphy, do (nieces).
Patsy Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14]
Patsy Forristal, of the Mill, married Ellen Scanlon (a sister of Old Jim Scanlon). Patsy Forristal was in the British Army and was at sea. They had a daughter Maggie Forristal (Guzzart) who was married in Waterford.
Richard Forstall, of Falls Church, Virginia [New Ross Standard, Wed. 8 Nov. 1995, p. 28]
Tracing Relatives—Mr. Richard Forstall, also spelled ‘Forristal’ of Falls Church V.A. U.S.A. spent a very enjoyable holiday in the Glenmore/Slieverue area recently. Also tracing up all the Forristal clan dating back to the fifteenth century was very pleased with the amount of very valuable information received.
This is Mr. Forstall’s fourth visit to Southern Ireland over the past seven years and with the help of the local historian, Mr. Daniel Dowling, who left no stone unturned in order to help out. He also met Dr. Laurence Forristal, Bishop of Ossory, who also contributed a lot of information with regard to the name.
When he has received more information he intends to put it in book form with many photos of castles of the clan, incluing Larry Forristal’s Castle where the Jury’s Hotel stands now, Gurteen’s Castle, Ringville House Castle at ROchestown, Carrigcloney, Mullinahone and Forristalstown. During his stay in the locality he was hosted by the Forristal family, Rochestown; the Dowling family, Glen more; Mollie Doherty and family, Forristalstown, and the Irish family, Mount Swan, Nicholastown, Slieverue. After his holiday in the area, he travelled to Scotland before returning to the U.S.A.. The Forristals’ clan tomb is in Kilivory Cemetery with their crest of arms on it.
Thomas “Tommy” Forristal ( 1886-1955) native of Rochestown, Glenmore. [Information and photo of his Co. Kilkenny Football Championship medal] see blog post of 21 February 2021.
Tom Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore in February 1970]
Tom Forristal, Nicky the Miller’s brother, emigrated to Brooklyn, New York on the 29th of May 1929. He was 29 years old.
William Forristal (1881-1899), of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore. For details concerning his tragic drowning see post of 31 May 2020, “A Double Drowning at Rochestown Point in 1899.”
Old Fortune, of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 4, interview of Barley Holden, of Clune, Glenmore in 1974]
Old Fortune, of Shanbogh, was in the R.I.C. (Royal Irish Constabulary). He had to drive the Phelans and Holden during the Boyd murder case. He had £1-0-10 per month.
Joseph Fortune, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the New Ross Standard, Sat. 21 Oct. 1967 p. 2]
DEATHS FORTUNE—October 10, 1967, at Kilkenny Hospital, Joseph Fortune, Forristalstown, Glenmore; deeply regretted by his wife, daughter, brothers and relatives. R.I.P. Interred in Glenmore Cemetery.
Larry Fortune [of Shanbogh, Rosbercon] [DD Notebook 17, Interview of Pat Coady, of Ballycroney, Glenmore on 21 November 1955]
Larry Fortune, of Shanbogh, was the rent warner for the landlord Strangeman of Waterford.
Brigid Foskin née Kennedy, native of Rathinure, Glenmore [Daughter’s wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 16 Feb. 1945, p. 4]
WEDDING AT BIGWOOD—The wedding took place at Bigwood Church on Tuesday morning of Mr. Thos. Durney, son of Mrs. and the late John Durney, Bigwood, and Miss Anastasia Foskin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foskin, Rathnasmola, Bigwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. Kennedy, P.P., Mullinavat, assisted by Rev. M. Drea, C.C., do. Mr. William Durney (brother) was best man, and the bride had as attendant her cousin, Miss [Stasia] Kennedy, Rathinure, Glenmore. A reception as held at Breen’s Hotel, Waterford, where over forty guests were entertained, and the happy couple subsequently left for Dublin on the honeymoon. The bridegroom is a well-known local Gael and has played with Mooncoin and Mullinavat senior hurling teams, while the bride also comes of a family associated with the G.A.A. for many years, and is a member of Bigwood camogie team.
Mary Freeman, of Rathinure, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, miscellaneous undated note]
Mary Freeman, of Rathinure, Glenmore was married to James Grant of Ballincrea, Glenmore on the 31st of January 1877.
The Freneys of Kilbride and Catsrock, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Richard Kennedy, of Charlestown, Kilmacow on 27 March 1980]
The Freneys of Kilbride and Catsrock were related to the Forristals of Shanbogh and Jerpoint.
Edward Freyne, native of Glenmore [Note in Munster Express, Fri. 17 May 1946, p. 6]
On A HOLIDAY—Mr. Ed. Freyne, Glenmore, who has arrived home from Australia on a holiday was a prominent footballer with his native parish and county some twenty years ago.
James Freney, of Tory Hill [Mullinavat] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
James Freney, of Tory Hill, was married on Thursday the 7th of February 1907.
James Freany, of Kilbride, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, “Family of Jim Freany, of Kilbride]
Jim Freany, of Kilbride, Glenmore was married to Catherine Knox*, of Brownestown, Rosbercon, and had the following family: [1] Margaret Freany married to Richard Cody, of Carrigcloney, Glenmore; [2] Johanna Freany married to Paul Fitzgerald, Knockbrack, Glenmore; [3] Mary Freany married to Patsey Brien, of Brownsford Inistioge; [4] Fr. Patrick Freany curate in Diocese of Ossory. Buried in Glenmore. [5] Fr. Tom Freany curate in Diocese of Ossory. Buried in Glenmore. [6] Andy Freany emmigrated to Australia. [*Correction 7 April 2020–per descendent Patty Brown, James Freany, of Kilbride, married Bridget Knox on 22 September 1851 at Rosbercon. They are buried in the Glenmore churchyard. ] [Editorial Note– [7] John Freyne 19 March 1866 at Kilbride, Glenmore to James Freyne and Bridget Knox].
James Freney (c. 1821-1897) of Kilbride, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Richard Kennedy, of Charlestown, Kilmacow on 27 March 1960]
James Freney, of Kilbride, died on the 17th of October 1897, aged 76 years, and was interred in Glenmore, on the 19th of October 1897.
James Freney, Kilbride, Glenmore [Wedding Announcement in the Munster Express on Saturday the 17th of November 1900]
At the Rower Catholic Church on Wednesday, 7th inst., Mr. James Freney, Kilbride, Glenmore, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Joe Hennessy, Ballynunnery, Rower. The bride was given away by her father, Mr. Martin Hennessy, and had as bridesmaids her sisters, Miss Katie and Miss Bridie Hennessy. Mr. John Freney, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Patrick Freney, C.C., Ferrybank, assisted by Rev. T. Freney, C.C., Pitt (brothers of the bridegroom), and Rev. E. Murphy, C.C., Rower. A splendid reception was afterwards held at the house of the bride, after which the happy pair left for Dublin on their honeymoon. The presents were numerous and costly. I wish Mr. and Mrs. Freney many years of happiness and prosperity.
James Freyne (c. 1855-1937) of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 3rd of September 1937]
This lengthy obituary may be found in full on the obituary page which may be accessed via the homepage and clicking on the “Roots” button.
James Freyne (c. 1868-1938) native of Catsrock, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 May 1938, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. JAMES FREYNE—The death occurred at Charlestown, Kilmacow, on Friday of Mr. James Freyne, at the age of 70 years. Deceased, who was a native of Catsrock, had been residing at Charlestown for some years past with his sisters, and was an esteemed and familiar figure in the district. He was brother of Mr. T. Freyne, Kilkenny, Mrs. Hynes, Charlestown and the Misses Freyne, do, to whom sincere sympathy will be extended. He had been in failing health for some time past. As a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the opening of Ballymountain dance board, arranged for Sunday evening last, was postponed.
The funeral took place to the family burial ground at Glenmore on Sunday, the cortege being composed of an extremely large attendance of relatives, friends and sympathisers from Glenmore, Kilmacow and adjoining area. On the outskirts of Glenmore village numbers also joined in the funeral and accompanied the remains to their last resting place.—R.I.P.
Jim Freyne, of Kilbride Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Thursday the 16th of December 1993]
LATE JIM FREYNE–The death occurred last week after a brief illness of Mr. James (Jim) Freyne, Kilbride, Glenmore. He enjoyed very good health all his life and was ill for a very brief period. Funeral from Cooney’s Funeral Home on Friday night to St. James’s Church, Glenmore, where his remains were received by Rev. Liam Barron, PP, and Dr. Laurence Forristall, Bishop of Ossory, cousin of the family. Mass was celebrated on Saturday morning by his nephew, Rev. Noel Hartley, PP, Kilmuckridge. Other priests present were Monsignor Paul Fitzgerald, PP, Thomastown; Rev. Michael Mernagh, OSA, Meath St., Dublin, both from the parish; Rev. Lar Dunphy, PP, Urlingford; Rev. Thomas Murphy, PP, Slieverue; Mons. Thomas Maher, PP, Mullinavat; Rev. Robert Raftice, PP, Windgap; Rev. Moling Lennon, PP, Naas; Rev. Liam Barron, PP, Glenmore; Rev. Martin Doyle, CC, Wexford; Rev. Lory Kehoe, PP, Wexford; Rev. John O’Brien, St. Peter’s College, Wexford; Rev. Jack McCabe, PP, New Ross and Rev. Michael Power, PP.
Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery afterwards. Sincere sympathy to his wife, Mary Ann; his son, Seamus Freyne, Kilbride; daughters, Joan Cahill, Ballina, Co. Mayo; Bridget Royce, Naas; and Sister Maureen, Mercy Convent, Wexford; brother, Thomas Freyne, Ballhemin, Mullinavat; sisters, Mrs. Theresa Phelan, Mooncoin; Mrs. Kathy Furlong, Waterford; grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, relatives and friends.
Johanna Freyne (c. 1864-1934) native of Catsrock, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 30th of March 1934, p. 8]
DEATH OF MISS J. FREYNE. The interment took place at Glenmore during the week of Miss Johanna Freyne, who died at the residence of her sister at Charlestown, Kilmacow, after a short illness. Deceased was a native of Catsrock, Glenmore, and had reached the age of close on 70 years. The late Miss Freyne was sister to Mrs. Hoyne, Charlestown, Miss Margt. Freyne, do; Messrs. Jas. Freyne, do, and Rd. Freyne.—R.I.P.
John Freney, of Kilbride, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Freney, of Kilbride, got married in February 1901.
John Freyne (1866-1936) of Kilbride, Glenmore [Marriage announcement in the Munster Express, Sat. 16 Feb. 1901, p. 5]
A very pretty wedding took place in the Dominican church, Waterford, on Wednesday morning last, when Mr. John Freyne, Kilbride, Glenmore, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Ellen Hanrahan, Thomastown. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. P. Freyne, C.C. assisted by Rev. T. Freyne, C.C. (brothers of the bridegroom), and several other clergymen. After a sumptuous breakfast in one of the leading hotels, the young, happy couple left en route for Dublin, where the honeymoon will be spent. Mr. Freyne was a great supporter of the G.A.A., and played many a hard-fought football match under the colours of the well-known “Green and Red” in the good old days. The invincible Kilmacow boys ought to have many happy reminiscences of “Jack” Freyne. I wish Mr. and Mrs. Freyne all kinds of joy, happiness and prospenity.
John Freyne (1866-1936) native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Fri. 24 April 1936]
Obit for Mr. John Freyne, Kilcullen, Thomastown, native of Kilbride, Glenmore is provided in full on the obituary page which may be accessed via the home page under the .Roots button.
Margaret Freyne, of Tory Hill [Obituary in the Munster Express on Saturday the 22nd of November 1902, p. 8]
DEATH OF MISS MARGARET FREYNE—On Monday last were laid to rest, in the family burial place at Glenmore, the earthly remains of Miss Margaret Freyne, of Tory Hill. The funeral cortege was the largest and most representative seen in the locality for years. It is no exaggeration to say that every person of note from the parishes of Mullinavat and Glenmore was present, while many attended from neighbouring parishes. Nor need this be wondered at when it is remembered that Miss Freyne came of a family universally respected and regarded as the “old stock.” The character of the deceased, it must be said also, contributed in no small degree in compelling the whole-hearted proof of respect to her memory. Her uprightness of character, her attention to business, and her steadfastness of purpose placed her in affluent circumstances. As she was the last of a large family of brothers and sisters, her property passes to her nieces Mary and Margaret Freyne, and her nephews James and Michael. They cared her in her last illness, and are to be congratulated on their well merited acquisition of so much wealth. R.I.P.
Margaret Freyne (c. 1880-1958) native of Catsrock, Glenmore [Obituary in the Munster Express, Fri. 5 Sept. 1958, p. 2]
Death of Miss M. Freyne—The death Occurred at the Haughton Hospital, New Ross, of Miss Margaret Freyne, Charlestown, Kilmacow, at the fine old age of 78 years. Deceased was a native of Catsrock, Glenmore, and came of a well known and respected farming family, of which she was the last surviving member. The late Miss Freyne had been residing in Charlestown for a period of 30 years and was an esteemed and familiar figure in the district. She had been out of her health for some time, and was in hospital since last Easter.
The remains, accompanied by a large and representative attendance from the local and adjoining parishes, were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Thursday evening and onn Friday morning Office and High Mass were offered up for the repose of her soul. Celebrant was Rev. J. Hayes, Chaplain, Belmont, and the other clergy present were: Very Rev. J. Hayes, Chaplain, Belmont, and the other clergy present were: Very Rev. William Brennan, P.P., Glenmore. [and 5 more clergy]. Interment took place in the adjoining cemetery subsequently and, as on the previous evening, there was again a large attendance of relatives and sympathisers.—R.I.P.
Martin Freyne (c. 1907-1985) native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit Kilkenny People, Fri. 13 Sept. 1985, p. 21
Mr. M. Freyne—The death occurred recently in New Zealand of Mr. Martin Freyne (78) who lived in Hwera, Taranaki since leaving his native Glenmore in 1927. A member of a well known farming and sporting family, he was engaged in farming until retiring some years ago. It was to an uncle the late Andrew Freyne the he went in 1927 and made New Zealand his country. He was brother of Jim Freyne, Kilbride, Glenmore; Thomass Freye, Ballyhemin, Mullinavat; sisters Mrs. Josephine Tough, Laytown, Co. Meath; Mrs. Kathleen Furlong, Penkertstown House, Tramore; Mrs. Bridget Hartley, Collerin, Campile, Co. Wexford; and Mrs. Teresa Fielding, Rathkiernan, Mooincoin. He is also survived by his wife Alice, nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends. [Editor’s Note: Martin (21) and cousin Edward (28) Freyne sailed in 1927 from Southhamtom. Martin gave his profession as farmer. Edward was listed 2nd and gave no profession. On the ship Samaroa. Port of destination was Wellington, New Zealand. Edward “Ned” Freyne returned to Ireland after several years. Martin married and remained in New Zealand.]
M. Freyne, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express on Friday the 14th of February 1947, p. 8]
WEDDING AT FERRYBANK—The marriage was solemnised at Ferrybank Church on Wednesday morning last of Mr. Patrick Vereker, Davidstown, Slieverue, and Miss M. Freyne, Ballyfacey, Glenmore. The ceremony was performed by Very Rev. Ed Canon Brennan, P.P., V.F., Ferrybank, assisted by Rev. D. Hughes, D.D., C.C., Slieverue, Mr. Martin Dunphy, Ballytarsney, Mooncoin, nephew of the bridegroom, was bet man, and the bride had as attendant her sister, Miss Freyne. A reception was subsequently held at the Imperial Hotel, Waterford, at which forty guests were present, and Mr. and Mrs. Vereker later left for Dublin, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bridegroom is brother of Rev. Richard Vereker, Penn., U.S.A., and nephew of Very Rev. Richard Canon Vereker, Haywood, England. Bother parties are well known in local farming circles.
Sister Mary Annunciata Freany, of Kilbride, Glenmore [New Ross Standard on Saturday the 10th of July 1965]
Temporary profession at St. Michael’s Convent of Mercy, Summerhill…Sister Mary Annunciata Freyne, Kilbride. Glenmore, Co Kilkenny.
Michael Freney, of Catsrock, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Richard Kennedy, of Charltestown, Kilmacow, on 27 March 1960]
Michael Freney, of Catstock, was married into _____ Costello’s farm, of Ark na Luice where Richard Kennedy is now. His wife was born in the house. They had no family. Michael Freney’s brother was Thomas Freney. When Michael Freney, lived in Charlestown, with his wife née Costelloe, they lived in very comfortable circumstances. They had employed, two maids in the house and farmyard, two men on the farm, and eight men working in the limeworks and quarry.
Old Patrick Freany [no townland provided [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]
Old Patrick Freany’s grandmother was Kitty Flood who was married to Cullen. Kitty Flood is buried in Shanbogh.
Thomas Freyne, of Catsrock, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Thomas Freyne, of Catsrock, died on the 2nd of April 1909.
Thomas Freney (c. 1827-1909) of Catsrock, Glenmore [DD Notebook 24, interview of Richard Kennedy of Charlestown on 27 March 1960]
Thomas Freney, lived in, and worked the farm in Catsrock. His father came from Kilbride, Glenmore. Thomas Freney was married to Mary Kate Kennedy (c. 1835-1921) of Glenpipe, Tullogher. Mary Kate was a sister of Richard Kennedy’s grandfather, James Kennedy of Glenpipe, Tullogher. Thomas Freney and his wife Mary Kate Freney née Kennedy had 11 children.
(1) Michael Freney;
(2)Pat Freney and
(3) ____ Freney. These three members of the family were educated in St. John’s College in Waterford, and whilst there they lived in lodgings in the Mayor’s Walk. These 3 men emigrated to America. Michael spent 10 years in Ack na Luice before he went. None of them ever returned. Bill Fleming told M.F. that some of these Freney’s were burned to death in big fire in cinema in USA c. 28 years ago, but MF was never able to verify same.
(4) James Freney never married. Came to live in Charlestown, where Richard Kennedy is now. James Freney died c. 1939, aged about 78 years.
(5) Richard Freney was the youngest son. He inherited the farm in Catsrock. Not fond of work, and became very fond of drink, as a result of which he got broke. He sold the farm which consisted of 140 acres, in 1925 for £1500 to Michael Murphy, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore. He then went to live with Bolger of Stackley House, near Goresbridge, where he worked as a horse trainer. He died about 1942, and is buried in Glenmore. He was aged about 76 years . When he was in Catsrock, he kept a stallion horse. Bolger of Stackley was a third cousin of his through the Kennedys of Glenpipe—could be 4th cousin?
(6) Johanna Freney never married and died in Charlestown, aged about 80 years. Memory card states she died aged 76 on 26 March 1934.
(7) Maria Freney married to Jim Hynes of Ballybrahee, a brother of Mike Hynes. Had no family. She owned the farm in Charlestown, and it was there where they lived. She was older than her husband. Jim Hynes died on the 25 November 1919, aged 34, and Maria, his wife, died c. 1949, aged about 79.
(8) Margaret Freney never married. Came to live in Charlestown, when the Catsrock farm was sold. Fond of drink. Aged about 76 years when she died. (9, 10, 11) Three children of this family died in infancy. The above Thomas Freney, father of the above family, died on the 20th of Feb. 1909, aged 82 years. Mary Kate Freney née Kennedy died at Catsrock, on the 6th of January 1921, aged 86 years.
Rev. Thomas Freyne (c. 1859-1932) native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on Friday the 27th of May 1932]
This obit may be found on the obituary page. Access to the obituary page is via the home page under the “Roots” button.
Rev. Thomas Freyne (c. 1859-1932) native of Kilbride, Glenmore [Article Waterford Standard, Sat. 24 Sept. 1932]
KILKENNY CLERGYMAN’S WILL. The Rev. Thomas Freyne, of Gathababawn, Johnstown, Kilkenny, who died May 17th last, left personal property in England and the Irish Free State to the value of £1,585. The executors are his brothers. John Freyne, of Kilcollin, Thomastown, and James Freyne of Kilbride. Glenmore. The testator gives £350 to his niece, Eileen Freyne; £2OO in trust for the children of his sister, Margaret Cody; £lOO each to his brother John, his sister Johanna Fitzgerald, and his sisters-in-law, the wives of his brothers James and Michael; £25 for Masses, and the residue of his property between his brothers John and James.
Frank Furlong, of Glenmore Village [Note in New Ross Standard, Fri. 24 Aug. 1951, p. 8]
Holidaying—Mr. and Mrs. Fk. [Frank] Furlong, Glenmore, have left for England on a holiday.
Frank Furlong, of Glenmore Village [Bereavement notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 Jan. 1958, p. 9]
Bereavement—Sincere sympathy will be extended to Mr. Frank Furlong, Glenmore, on the recent death of his father. Frank is well known in sporting and social circles in the parish.
Stasia Furlong née Murphy, formerly of Glenmore Village [Obit in New Ross Standard on Wednesday the 7th of July 1999]
This obituary is long and may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page is located on the home page under the “Roots” button.
Can’t find anything relevant? The 1901 and 1911 Irish Census are available to search online.