Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

D – Glenmore Surnames

This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginning with D. The information was gleaned from Danny Dowling’s notes as well as old newspapers etc. For the convenience of readers links to other surname pages are provided below.

A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z


This page was last updated on the 24th of Feb. 2025. Dollard

John & Kate Dillon née Hawe of Rochestown, Glenmore c. 1915


Josie Dalton, of the Railway Cottage, Rathinure Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]

Josie Dalton, of the Railway Cottage, Rathinure, Glenmore was buried on the 8th of December 1978.

Paddy Dalton, of Kilbrahan, Tullogher [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Paddy Dalton, of Kilbrahan, and Molly Gaul married on 26th June 1907.

Pat Dalton, of Knockbrack [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Pat Dalton, of Knockbrack drowned on the 15th of January 1909.

The Daltons, of Kilbrahan, Tullogher [DD Notebook 20, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 13 October 1974]

[1] Peter Dalton, of Kilbrahan, married Jo Purcell, of Forristalstown, Glenmore. They had 1 son John (who died aged about 13 years) and 3 daughters. Peter Dalton was found dead up from the gap in Forristalstown’s Lane. It is said he was coming home from Ross with  Dick (Block) Fitzgerald of Aylwardstown. Fitzgerald had a gallon of beer in his cart and it is supposed to have fell on Dalton. Dalton was killed nearly 70 years ago.
[2] Hannie Dalton married to Tommy Whelan of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore.
[3] _____ Dalton who ________ worked with Mrs. O’Neill of the pub in O’Connel St., Waterford. (Mullally’s); never married.
[4] Paddy Dalton worked around with the farmers around Glenmore. He was married and lived in Knockbrock.


Mr. Darmody, formerly of Glenmore [Death notice in the Munster Express, on Saturday the 8th of April 1893]

NOT FORGOTTEN–Mr. Darmody, evicted tenant, formerly of Glenmore, died in Rosbercon, and was removed for interment at Kilbeacon, Mullinavat, on last Wednesday. A large funeral procession followed the remains to their last resting place.


Margaret Deady née Doherty (c. 1902-1968) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Kilkenny People on Friday the 16th of August 1968]

DEATH OF MRS. M. DEADY–The death took place in Ardkeen hospital, Waterford of Mrs. Margaret Deady (66) Ballyfacey, Glenmore. She was from Forristalstown, Glenmore and was the last surviving member of her family. She was mother of Sean, Patrick and Anna Deady, Ballyfacey; Mrs. Kathleen Forristal, Ferrymount Garrett, New Ross, and mother in law of Mr. James Forristal, do. Interment took place in Glenmore cemetery after Requiem Mass celebrated by V. Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., do, who also officiated at the graveside. 

[Editor’s note–Per the Glenmore Parish records Margaret Doherty (daughter of John Doherty, farmer, of Forristalstown, Glenmore) married Michael Deady (son of Patrick Deady, farmer, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore) on 21 April 1932. Witnesses: Patrick Fitzgerald and Statia Wall.]

Michael Deady (c. 1888-1945) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 2 Feb. 1945, p. 6]

            DEATH OF MR. M. DEADY—Mr. Ml. Deady, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, who has died in the new County Hospital, Kilkenny, was a widely known and esteemed figure in farming circles, and his passing, which followed a brief illness, came as a great shock to his numerous friends. Deceased, who was aged 57 years, is survived by his wife and four young children, for whom much sympathy will be felt in the extremely sad loss they have sustained. The late Mr. Deady was also brother of Mrs. McCarthy, N.T., Ballyfacey. The remains were removed to Glenmore Church, being met en route by many friends and sympathisers, which bore ample testimony to the widespread esteem enjoyed by deceased. Interment took place after Office and High Mass—R.I.P.


Catherine Delahunty, Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Friday 2 May 1947, p. 1]

          WEDDING AT FERRYBANK—Two members of the farming community were united in matrimony at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Ferrybank, on Wednesday last, by Rev. N. Carrigan, Chaplain, Belmont. They were Mr. Martin Duggan, High St., Templeorum, son of Mr. J. Duggan and Mrs. Duggan, do., and Miss Catherine Delahunty, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Delahunty, Aylwardstown, Glenmore.

The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Honora Delahunty, whilst the best man was Mr. John Duggan, brother of the bridegroom. The wedding breakfast, at which there were thirty guests, was held in the Granville Hotel, Waterford. Very Rev. Wm. Grace, P.P. Glenmore Rev. Rd. McGrath, C.C., do., and Rev. Fr. Carrigan were among the guests at the wedding breakfast. The bridegroom’s brother is the esteemed manager of Clogga Creamery. The honeymoon is being spent in Cork.

Ellen Delahunty, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Sat. 16 August 1902, p. 5]

MARRIAGE OF MR JOHN DOLLARD, D.C.—A very happy event took place at Glenmore on Tuesday, when Mr. John Dollard, D.C., Ballytarsney, Mooncoin, and brother to Rev. J.B. Dollard, the famous writer of Gaelic news, was united to Miss Delahunty, Alwardstown, Glenmore. The marriage ceremony was celebrated by the Rev. Father Walsh, formerly of Clogga, and at present officiating in Canada. A large number of friends witnessed the interesting event.

[Editor’s Note–per the Glenmore Parish Records—John Dollard (farmer) of Ballytarnia, Mooncoin married Ellen Delahunty, of Aylwardstown, Glenmore,  on the 12th of Oct. 1902 at Glenmore. Father of the groom, Ml. Dollard (farmer); father of bride, Pat Delahunty (farmer) deceased. Witnesses: Patrick Walsh & Mary Heffernan.]

Kate Delahunty, of Bigwood, Mullinavat (Death notice in the Munster Express, Sat. 25 May 1901, p. 5]

            Miss Kate Delahunty, Bigwood passed away on Sunday last. The deceased lady had been complaining for some time past, and her demise was not unexpected. The remain were interred on Monday at Bigwood Chapel graveyard, when an immense number of persons attended, including many city merchants. Miss Delahunty’s death is sadly felt, and much sympathy is expressed with her family.

Margaret Delahunty, of Rochestown, Glenmore [Note in Munster Express, Fri. 26 Nov. 1937, p. 8]

            LEFT FOR ENGLAND—Miss Margaret Delahunty, Rochestown, Glenmore, and Mr. Thomas Kirwan, Scartnamore, do., have left for England to take up employment.

Mick Delahunty, [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 13, miscellaneous undated note]

Mick Delahunty who worked with Mai Roche, of Rathinure, Glenmore died on the 30th of April 1974.

Michael Delahunty, of Ballycurran [Article in the Kilkenny People on 1 Aug. 1959, p. 6]

Two other of Cammell Lair’s “Kilkenny Hands” Michael Delahunty of Ballycurran and his son Tom, are also enjoying a spell of good weather at home. Mick, who “did his bit” during the Troubled Times, and later joined the National Army, is a well known singer of folklore songs, in fact his store of “old native stuff” is wonderful.

Patrick Delahunty, of Aywardstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Patrick Delahunty, of Aylwardstown, was born about the 15th of November 1910.

Patrick Delahunty (c. 1877-1945) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 27 April 1945, p. 5]

            DEATH OF MR. P. DELAHUNTY—One of the best-known inhabitants of Glenmore Parish passed away on Saturday last in the person of Mr. Patrick Delahunty, who died at his residence at Rochestown at the age of 68 years. Deceased, who had been ailing only a short time, was husband of Mrs. Delahunty, Rochestown, and father of Messrs. Patrick and Michael Delahunty, do.; Wm. Delahunty, Ballincrea, and Miss Margaret Delahunty, who died in England some time ago He was brother of Mrs. Margaret Murphy, Waterford; Mrs. White, Wexford; William and Miss Kate Delahunty, U.S.A.

Sincere sympathy will be extended to the family and relatives in their sad bereavement. The remains, accompanied by a large and representative attendance were removed to Glenmore Church on Sunday evening. Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday, following Requiem Mass at 8 a.m.—R.I.P. Funeral arrangement by Mr. N. O’Neill, Sallypark.

R. Delahunty [no townland listed] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

R. Delahunty, married in February or March 1908.

Richard Delahunty (1905-1973) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 20 July 1973, p, 19]

Mr. Richard (Dick) Delahunty, who died in Ennis Hospital, Co. Clare, on Friday last, was returning with his wife to Brighton, Boston, U.S.A.. when he became ill on the journey to Shannon Airport. He was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Delahunty, Rochestown, Glenmore and had been in the United States for the past fifty years. An electrician in the American Army for some years, he suffered a severe back wound in the 1939-’45 World War, from the effects of which he never fully recovered.

In addition to his Boston-born wife, who was visiting Ireland for the first time, he is survived by one son and two daughters, and was also brother of Mr. Bill Delahunty, Fahee, Kilmacow; Mr. Mick Delahunty, Rochestown; Mrs. Mary Halligan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore; Mrs. Lizzie Carey, Ballindud, Co. Waterford and Mrs. Katie Ryan, Boston. He is also survived by a number of nephews, nieces and other relatives.

The late Mr. Delahunty was also home on a holiday last year after a long absence. The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Friday evening, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on Sunday after eleven o’clock Mass. Very Rev. P. Madigan, Adm., Glenmore, officiated. Funeral arrangements by Powers, Ferrybank. [submitted by Kelvin Johnson Treacy] [Editor’s note–the deceased was born on the 4th of Dec. 1905 in Rochestown, Glenmore the son of Patrick Delahunty (farmer) and Lizzie Delahunty née Hawe.]

William Delahunty (1902-1979) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 12 Jan. 1979, p. 17]

Death of Mr. W. Delahunty—Mr. William (Bill) Delahunty, Fahee, Bigwood, who died in St. Luke’s County Hospital, Kilkenny, on Friday last following a brief illness, was a native of Rochestown, Glenmore. He had been on the staff of Loughcullen Creamery, Kilmacow, for some years, and later took up employment on the road section of Kilkenny Co. Council for ten years, until his retirement in 1968.

He was father of William and Michael Delahunty, Fahee; Pat Delahunty, Bridge St., Waterford; John Delahunty, Trinity Square, Waterford; Mrs. Kathleen Browne, Yellow Road, Waterford; Mrs. Bridget Holden, Suir Crescent, Mooncoin; Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Parkeried, Kilmacow; Mrs. Betty McGrath, London; Mrs. Josephine Knight, London; and brother of Mrs. Lizzie Carey, Ballindud, Waterford; Mrs. Moll Halligan, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, and Mrs. G. Ryan, New York. He is also survived by his sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, 17 grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and other relatives.

His wife the late Mrs. Josephine Delahunty (who was a member of the Roche family, Ballymountain, Kilmacow) died in November 1977.

The remains were removed to St. Paul’s Church, Bigwood, on Saturday evening and were received on arrival by Rev. D. Collier, C.C., Mullinavat, and Very Rev. Canon Dunne, Kilmacow. Interment took place in the adjacent cemetery and on Monday ;9 o’clock Requiem Mass ,celebrated by Rev. D. Collier who also officiated at the graveside. The large attendance included a number of former fellow workers of Loughcullen Creamery, Kilkenny Co. Council road staff, members f the Mercy Order, Waterford, and many relatives, friends and sympathisers from the area and Waterford City.


Bridget Delaney, of Newtown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, Correspondence notes with addresses]

Bridget Delaney, of Newtown Glenmore married Sgt. Brady of the RIC, New Ross. They lived on Cross Street, New Ross and had at least one daughter Josie Brady whose married name was Quinlan. Josie lived in Powerstown, Clonmel [when corresponding with Danny.] She was a cousin of the late Kathleen Barry.

Ellen Delaney, of Newtown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Ellen Delaney, of Newtown, died on the 16th of April (Easter Monday) 1906.

Patrick Delaney, of Newtown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of the Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck,

Patrick Delaney, of Newtown, died 28 November 1875.

Rev. William Delaney, C.C. of Ferrybank [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Rev. William Delaney, of Ferrybank died on the 7th of August 1907. He was ordained in June 1888, and had been born in Borris in Ossory.


Mary Dempsey (c. 1886-1947) native of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 21st of March 1947, p. 8]

         DEATH OF MISS MARY DEMPSEY—The death has occurred of Miss Mary Dempsey, Ballinlough, Carrigeen, at the age of 61 years. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time was a native of Ballyveria, Glenmore, and had been in the employment of the Aylward family at Ballinlough for the past 22 years.

She was sister of Mr. Michael Dempsey, Bigwood; the late James Dempsey, London; the late Mrs. O’Hanrahan, Glenmore; the late Mrs. Bolger, Ballyrobin, Ferrybank, and the late Mrs. Devereux, Dublin. She was aunt of Messrs. James, Jack and Percy Bolger, Mrs. Penkert, Smartcastle; Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Patrick O’Hanrahan, Glenmore, and relative of Miss Brigid Dempsey, Ballinlough; Miss Mary Dempsey, England. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Glenmore.—R.I.P.


Andrew Denn (c. 1878-1889) of Carriganurra, Slieverue [DD Tape Recording (1969) of Michael “Mikey” Forristal (1879-1972) of Rochestown, Glenmore]

See the end of our post of 6 May 2024.

Morgan Denn of Rochestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, Maurice Henneberry, Ballinlaw, Slieverue, 15 October 1976]

Maurice Henneberry’s great-grandfather Morgan Denn, lived in a small house by the River in Rochestown, on land now owned by Dr. Wally Walsh. He was known as Morgan Denn who went with the fairies. Morgan Denn was never in Newfoundland, but his son went to fish in St. Mary’s Bay, Newfoundland. His son was married to a German girl and had a family. His son died young in Newfoundland and his widow afterwards left and went to live in New York, where she reared, at least some of his family.

Nickey Denn of Mullinahone, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of Michael Power of Busherstown, Glenmore on the 9th of May 1969]

Nickey Denn of Mullinahone, Glenmore lived in a little house beside the Parkstown stream. He was joined in the confraternity [holy hour] with Jamesy Reddy of Kilbride. Fr. Phelan, Parish Priest, asked him while in the seat in the chapel on one occasion, who was his Patron Saint, and he replied, “Jamesy Reddy, Sir.”


Mary Ann Desmond née Cody (? -1994) native of Glenmore Village [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 25 March 1994, p. 14]

Passing of Mrs. Mary Ann Desmond—The death occurred after a brief illness of Mrs. Mary Ann Desmond; Slieverue. She was wife of the late Thomas Desmond who died 18 years ago and who conducted and owned the first motor garage outside Waterford City for over 40 years. Mrs. Desmond hailed from Glenmore parish being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cody, do. She was involved in the local ICA Guild in Slieverue and in her younger years played camogie with her native parish.

The deceased was well known in the district and her remains were removed to Ferrybank Church where after Requiem Mass, burial took place in the adjoining cemetery. …The readings were read by the deceased’s grandson, John Breen, B.E.L. The attendance was large and representative on both days. Mrs. Desmond is survived by her so, Sean, Slieverue; daughter, Mrs. Eileen Breen, Rockshire, Ferrybank; her grandchildren, nephews, nieces, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister, brother-in-law, relatives and friends. She was sister to Alice Ryan, who was Postmistress at Glenmore P.O. for many years and the late Katie Walsh, Parkreid, Kilmacow. The late Mrs. Desmond was for many years on the staff of Power Seeds who then had their offices in O’Connell Street, Waterford. May she rest in peace.


Nicholas Deveraux [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 14, misc. notes]

Nicholas Deveraux was shot at Ringville on the 23rd of October 1798.


Catherine “Ciss” Dillon (1919-1997) native of Rochestown, Glenmore

For obit, photo and family information see blog post of 27 March 2021.

John Dillon, of Rochestown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 20 June 1958, p. 14]

            Wedding at Ballybricken—Dillon—Coad—The wedding has taken place at Ballybricken Church, Waterford, of Mr. John Dillon, son of Mrs. Kay Dillon and the late Mr. John Dillon, Rochestown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, to Miss Mary Coad, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Coad, Lower Yellow Road, Waterford.

The ceremony, solemnised with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing was performed by Rev. Ml. Farrell. Given away by her father, the bride looked pretty in blue grosgrain, with headdress to tone, and carried a bouquet of white roses and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaids, Miss Anne Coad (bride’s sister) and Miss Mary Plunkett (cousin of the bride) wore pink, with matching accessories, and carried bouquets of red roses. Mr. Patrick Dillon, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

Following the reception at the Granville Hotel, attended by 35 guests, the newly wedded couple left on the honeymoon, which was spent on a short tour of Ireland. Mr. Dillon is attached to the staff of Messrs. Clover Meats, Ltd., where his bride was also employed prior to her marriage.

Larry Dillon, native of Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 24 Jan. 1958, p. 12]

            Leaving for England—Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dillon and their son, John, Milltown, Kilmacow, will leave for Nottingham, England, today (Friday) to take up residence. A native of Glenmore Parish, Larry was a former well-known athlete and hurler, and played with Slieverue, Mooncoin, and Kilmacow senior teams during his career. He was attached to the staff of the National Board and Paper Mills at Grannagh. Their many friends wish them every success in the future.

Michael Dillon (1917-1995) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 10 March 1995, p. 12]

               PASSING OF MR. MICHAEL DILLON (Airmount Slieverue)—The death occurred recently after a short illness of Mr. Michael Dillon, Airmount, Slieverue. A native son of Glenmore, he was born to the union of the late John and Catherine Dillon, Rochestown, Glenmore. Michael was together with his father and grandfather, associated with salmon fishing on the River Barrow. This involvement by the Dillon family spanned three-quarters-of-a-century and the deceased always found time even in later life to revisit the river banks and view the areas he loved and fished for so many years.

Michael was an esteemed employee of the old Cooperative firm of Clover Meats and had spent 30 years of his working life there until its closure in 1984. His former colleagues were in attendance as his remains were taken to Slieverue Church and where after Requiem Mass was buried in the adjoining cemetery. Clergy present were the Parish Priest of the district, Fr. Tom Murphy and the P.P. of Glenmore, Fr. Liam Barron. The readings were read by Dixie Haberlin and John O’Neil (nephews) sic. And the gifts were taken to the altar by grandchildren Laura Butler and Declan Ryan. Michael was a devoted father and husband, and his wife and family always came first. In later life he saw his grandchildren and this was his great love to see them run around and grow up.

His is survived by his wife, Mary; daughters Kathleen Ryan, Drundowney and Mary Butler, Airmount, both Slieverue; grandchildren; brothers, Paddy, Slieverue; Laurence, England; John, Waterford; sisters, Ciss Honeyfield, Bristol, England; Maureen O’Neill, do.; and Peggy Haberlin, Drumdowney, Slieverue. Also survived by sons-in-law, nephews and nieces, relatives and friends.


Margaret Dodd née Forristal, native of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Death Notice, New Ross Standard, Thurs. 20 June 1991, p. 20]

Late Mgt. Dodd—The death has occurred in England of Mrs. Margaret (Peggie) Dodd, née Forristal, formerly of Ballyverneen and Shanbogh. Her remains were brought home for burial in Rosbercon cemetery. She is survived by her husband, son, brothers, sister, nephews and nieces. She was sister of Paddy Forristal, Shanbogh; James Forristal, Milebush; Richard Forristal, Cappah and of Mrs. Catherine Hennessy, Glensensaw, Tullogher.

DOHERTY (see also O’Doherty)

Bridget Doherty, of Coolneleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, undated note from Slieverue-Glenmore Parochial Register]

Joyn’d in wedlock on the 9th February 1777, by ye certificate of Mr. Tobias Budd, Bridget Doherty, of Coolneleen, unto Philip Innott, of Raheen, by certificate of Mr. John Cody. Witnesses: Richard Doherty, Nicholas Nox and James Walsh.

Bridget Doherty (c. 1851-1922) of Moulerstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard  on Fri. 17 March 1922]

Mrs. Bridget O’Doherty of Moulerstown Glenmore died on 5 March 1922 (Fri. 17 March 1922, p. 1). [According to the death register Bridget Doherty (sic) was a 71 year old widow of a farmer. Her son Michael was present at her death.]

Dicky Doherty, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 17 January 1970]

Dicky Doherty, of Forristalstown was married to Nellie Roche, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore (the present John Roche of Coolnaleen’s grand aunt). This Nellie Roche and Nellie Kennedy of Rathinure (Mrs. Forristal of Ballyverneen) were first cousins. The present Nicky Forristal and the present John Roche, of Coolnaleen, are third cousins. Dickie Doherty and Nellie Roche had the following children:
(1) Pitts Doherty whose real name was Patrick. He never married. Pitts Doherty was about 91 when he died.
(2) Alice Doherty died in Forristalstown unmarried.
(3) Katie Doherty emigrated to America and likely married there. Pitts Doherty is dead about 13 or 14 years. He died int he Little Sisters in Waterford. Dickie Doherty was known as Dickie Varshela. He had about 7 Irish acres and Forristal’s of the Mill bought it.

Nicky Forristal never heard of Dicky Doherty having any brothers or sisters. This family of Dohertys had the biggest farm in Forristalstown at one time.

Dicky Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, undated interview of his mother Mrs. Hannah Dowling of Jamestown]

Dicky Doherty of Ballinlammy, (where Richie Doherty is at present), Dicky’s mother was Biddie Murphy (Sean óg of Ballyconnaught, Tallogher), where Pat Ryan of Guilogh married into Bridie Murphy).

Dickie Doherty had following brothers and sisters: (1) Johnnie Doherty married Margaret Mullins of Gaulstown; (2) Pierce Doherty; (3) Katie Doherty married a Vereker, of Ballinacrea; (4) Margaret Doherty married Tom Walsh of Ballyhomauck. (5) Ellen Doherty never married and stayed at home.

The late Pat Doherty’s grandmother was Peg Phelan of Coolnaleen. She was married to Pat Doherty of Ballinlammy.

Dicky Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, undated interview of his mother Mrs. Hannah Dowling of Jamestown]

Dicky Doherty of Ballinlammy, (where Richie Doherty is at present), Dicky’s mother was Biddie Murphy (Sean óg of Ballyconnaught, Tallogher), where Pat Ryan of Guilogh married into Bridie Murphy).

Dickie Doherty had following brothers and sisters: (1) Johnnie Doherty married Margaret Mullins of Gaulstown; (2) Pierce Doherty; (3) Katie Doherty married a Vereker, of Ballinacrea; (4) Margaret Doherty married Tom Walsh of Ballyhomauck. (5) Ellen Doherty never married and stayed at home.
[Update from Patty Brown and Ann Fitzgerald on 12 April 2020. Richard “Dickie” Doherty was the son of Peter Doherty and Bridget Murphy; they married 11 Sept 1846 at Rosbercon. Richard Doherty (bapt. 19 July 1853, Glenmore) married Nancy Fitzgerald on 20 Feb 1895 at Glenmore. Nancy was the daughter of William Fitzgerald and Catherine Connelly of Weatherstown. Siblings of Richard “Dickie” Doherty include: (1) John Doherty (bapt. 18 May 1852 Glenmore), married Margaret Mullins on 9 June 1875 Glenmore. She was the daughter of Nicholas Mullins and Mary Mackey.
(2) Kate Doherty (bapt. 4 June 1855 Glenmore), married Richard Vereker on 23 Jan 1896, Glenmore. Richard Vereker was the son of Thomas Vereker and Anastatia Freney.
(3) Margaret Doherty, (bapt. 7 April 1857, Glenmore), married Thomas Walsh on 28 Sept 1896. Thomas Walsh was the son of Michael Walsh (not certain regarding mother).]

Edmond Doherty, native of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Sympathy notice, New Ross Standard on Friday the 21st of July 1939]

Ballycroney F. F.—At a specially convened meeting of the Ballycroney Fianna Fail Cumman a vote of sympathy  was passed with Mr. James Doherty, Forristalstown, Glenmore, on the death of his brother, Mr. Edmund Doherty, London.

Edmund Doherty (1878 -1939) native of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Obituary in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 21 July 1939, p. 12]

MR. EDMUND DOHERTY, LONDON. The death occurred on the 7th inst. at his residence, Greencroft, Eastcote, London, of Mr. Edmund Doherty, ex- Civil Service Officer. The deceased belonged to a family well known and widely connected in the Counties Kilkenny, Wexford, Carlow and Waterford.  He was the second son of the late John Doherty, Forrestalstown, (sic) Glenmore, who died three years ago at the ripe age of 97 years.

The deceased was not only a very capable officer in the service, but also had much literary ability. He was educated at the Good Counsel College, New Ross, and will be remembered by many of his schoolmates, with whom he was a great favourite. On retiring on pension from the Civil Service he went into business. He was 40 years resident in London, and was well known and held in great esteem in Irish circles. He took a keen interest in sport and was a , successful breeder of Irish terriers, many of which he sold in places on the Continent. He cherished a deep love for his native land and paid visits on holidays to his esteemed brother, Mr. Jas. Doherty, at Forristalstown. He built a beautiful residence which he named “Glenmore House.”

He is survived by his son, Mr. John James Doherty, who was educated at Westminster College, where he used to serve Mass for Right Rev. Monsignor Howlett, P.P. (a brother of Captain D. G. Howlett, Russellstown House, Inistioge), and where he is a member of the Cathedral Choir. The immense proportions of the funeral, composed of all classes and amongst which were numerous persons prominent in civic, commercial and the professional life, was a notable tribute of popular respect to his memory and of the esteem and sympathy for his son and his other relatives.

The interment took place in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Kensal Green, following Requiem Mass at St. More’s Church, Eastcote, by the Rev. H. Sutton. The chief mourners were—Mr. J. J. Doherty (son). Mrs. Doherty (daughter-in-law), Mr. James Doherty, Forristalstown (brother), Miss M. Doherty (niece). R.I.P. [Editor’s Note–Civil Birth Register provides that Edmund Doherty, the son of John Doherty, of Forristalstown, and his wife, Bridget Doherty née Gahan, was born on 15 June 1878.]

Edward Doherty (c.1880-1950) native of Glenmore [Death Notice in the Kilkenny People on Saturday the 2nd of September 1950]

Mr. Ed Doherty. Mr. Edward Doherty, who died in a Waterford nursing home, was from Glenmore parish, and was brother of Mr. Michael Doherty, Glenmore and Mr. James Doherty, Tullogher, to whom sincere sympathy is extended. [Edward Doherty was single and aged 70 when he died on the 25th of August 1950. He had been in St Joseph’s, Waterford and fell from a window. His profession is listed as farmer.]

Eileen Doherty née Fitzgerald, of Milltown, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard on 26 June 1996]

DEATH OF MRS. EILEEN DOHERTY–The death took place at St. Columbus Hospital after a prolonged illness of Mrs. Eileen Doherty ‘nee Fitzgerald’ Mill- town, Glenmore. Funeral from Cooney’s Funeral Home, New Ross to St. James’ Church, Glenmore on Saturday evening and burial took place on Tuesday morning in the old cemetery Shambough after Requiem Mass celebrated in Glenmore church. The celebrant was Rev. Liam Barron P.P. aged 79 and had a prolonged illness.

Sincere sympathy  to her son Richard Doherty, Milltown. To her sisters Peggie Walsh, Ballybrahee, Mary Bird, Kilbrahan, Tullogher. Brothers, Joe Fitzgerald New Ross and Frank Fitzgerald, England. She was pre-deceased by her late husband Ned Doherty who died 54 years ago and her sons Thomas Doherty U.S.A. and Lou Doherty who died about nine years ago after a tragic motor car accident. Her brothers Thomas Fitzgerald, Knock House, Waterford and Seamus Fitzgerald, Ballycroney both died a few years ago. Her father the late Luke Fitzgerald bred many valuable race horses. Large crowds attended the removal of the remains Mass and Burial.

James Doherty (c. 1930-1949) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Friday the 1st of July 1949]

This long obituary can be found on the obituary page which may be accessed via the home page by clicking on the Roots button.

Jamesy Doherty, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicky Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 1 February 1970]

Jamesy Doherty, of Coolnaleen had the following siblings: (1) A sister married a Walsh and became the mother of John Walsh, of Mullinavat who married Ellen Mullins of Flemingstown; (2) another sister (of Jamesy Doherty) married Laurence Gahan of New Town, Glenmore; and (3) John Doherty who was a priest.

The present Dick Doherty, of Coolnaleen, is a first cousin of John Walsh, of Mullinavat, and the Gahan’s of New Town.

[Patty Brown update 12 April 2020-James Doherty was baptized on 11 April 1849, the son of Richard Doherty and Ellen Mullaly. James married Johanna Fitzgerald, 10 Oct 1888 Kilmackvogue, Glenmore, she was the daughter of William Fitzgerald and Catherine Connelly of Weathertown. 

Siblings of James Doherty

(1) Mary Doherty was baptized 26 April 1839 Coolnaleen, Glenmore. Mary Doherty married Thomas Walsh 2 Feb. 1871 Mooncoin. No parents names, but Daniel’s Notes about the siblings help identify them. Son (1a) John Walsh was baptized 29 Oct 1872 Mullinavat. John married Ellen Mullins 7 Feb 1901 Glenmore. Ellen was the daughter of John Mullins and Mary McDonald. She was baptized 6 Oct 1875 Flemingstown (2) Bridget Doherty married Laurence Gahan 28 Jan 1875 Glenmore. Laurence was the son of Michael Gahan.
(3) John Doherty was a priest and died 8 Aug 1918 Norfolk, Virginia, USA where he had been the priest at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

James Doherty (c. 1883-1963) of Forristastown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 1 Feb. 1963, p. 2]

Death of Mr. James Doherty—The death occurred at his residence, Forristalstown, Glenmore, on Saturday last of Mr. James Doherty, at the age of over 70. Deceased was a well known and esteemed figure in farming circles in the parish where his demise occasioned feelings of sincere regret amongst his many friends. Much sympathy will be felt for the bereaved widow, who is a member of the Power family of Listerlin, sons, daughters and other relatives in the sad loss they have sustained.

The remains accompanied by a large attendance from the local and adjoining parishes, were removed to the Glenmore Parish Church on Monday evening and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery on Tuesday morning, and as on the previous occasion, there was a big attendance of relatives etc. Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore officiated assisted by Rev. J. Dunphy, C.C. do. On Wednesday Office and High Mass for the repose of his soul was in the same sacred precincts.

John Doherty, native of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Obituary in the Munster Express  on Friday the 27th of July 1934, p. 8]

The full obituary can be found on the obituary page which is accessed via the home page by clicking on the Roots button.

John Doherty (c. 1839-1936) of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 24th of July 1936]

                DEATH OF MR. JOHN DOHERTY—An old and esteemed resident of Glenmore parish passed away on Monday last at the great age of 97 years in the person of Mr. John Doherty, Forristalstown, Glenmore. He had a good recollection of the Famine in 1847 and the Parnell period and was always a staunch Nationalist. The funeral, which took place to Glenmore on Wednesday last, was very largely attended, a tribute to the popularity and esteem with which deceased was held.

The chief mourners were—Messrs James and Ed Doherty (sons); Mr. T. Forristal (son-in-law), Mrs. Johanna Forristal and Mrs. Mary Mackey (daughters), Mrs. Jas. Doherty (daughter-in-law), John, Joseph, Robert, Edmond, Bridget and Margt. Forristal (grand-children); James, John, Wm., Edward and Patk. Forristal (grand-children); Thomas, James and Christina Forristal (great-grandchildren); Mr. and Mrs. James Gahan and Miss Josephine Gahan Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gahan, Mr. Patk. and Miss Alice Hunt (cousins). Numerous messages of sympathy were received by the bereaved relatives.—R.I.P.

John Doherty (1894-1974) of Davidstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 6 Dec. 1974, p. 6]

John Doherty’s (1894-1974) obit may be found on our obituary page by clicking on Roots on the home page and selecting obituaries from the drop down menu.

Margaret Doherty, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri, 29 April 1949, p. 6]

               WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised at Glenmore Parish Church on Wednesday morning of Mr. Patrick Forristal, Shanbogh, Rosbercon, and Miss Margaret Doherty, Forristalstown, Glenmore. The ceremony was performed by Very Rev. W.  Grace, P.P. do. The best man was Mr. R. Forristal, brother of the bridegroom, and the bride as attended by her sister, Miss S. Doherty. Both parties are well known in local farming circles. The bride was attached to the nursing profession for some time.r

Mary Doherty, of Forristalstown, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 19 Jan. 1962, p. 2]

DEATHS DOHERTY—January 7, 1962, at Ardkeen Hospital, Waterford. Mary Doherty, Forristalstown, Glenmore, relict of James Doherty. deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons and daughters, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Interred in Glenmore Cemetery on Tuesday, 9th January, after Office and Requiem High Mass.

Michael Doherty of Ballinlammy, Glenmore, a well known GAA player and athlete became the director of the Reddy Resource Centre at Mount Sion recently

Pat Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of his mother, Mrs. H. Dowling, on 28 December 1969]

Pat Doherty, of Ballinlammy was married to Peg Phelan, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore. Both were dead long before Hanny Dowling was born. They had the following family:
(1) John Doherty, of Ballinlammy.
(2) Mary Doherty, married a Knox from Rathlikeen, lived in Chicago and had 7 children. Mary never came back.
(3) Betsy Doherty. Betsy Doherty married a Yankee named Patrick Collins, lived in Chicago and had two children: (3a) Patrick Collins and (3b) Margaret Collins. Betsy never came back.

Pat Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [DD Notebook 5, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 24 April 1972]

Pat Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore was was the son of John Doherty and Mary Grant , of Haggard,. His grandfather was Pat Doherty and he was married to Peg Phelan, of Coolnaleen. This Peg Phelan had a sister married to ____ Power of Rathnasmologh, Bigwood.
Pat Doherty, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore was married to Statia Cody, of Weatherstown. Both now dead. They had the following family;
[1] John Doherty married in Coolnaleen to Jo Doherty. They have family.
[2] Robertt Doherty married in Haggard, Glenmore in Robin Grant’s land. Has family.
[3] Paddy Doherty in home place in Ballinlammy. Not married.
[4] Mary Doherty is the eldest girl. She married Dick Kehoe of Rathinure. No family and now a widow.
[5] Margaret Doherty married in the Parish of Horeswood to _____ Sullivan, of Ballyfoyle. They have family. They are in the Powers farm.
[6] Katie Doherty married in Ballyfoyle, Tullogher to ____ Murphy.

Richard Doherty (1889-1976) of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 17th of September 1976]

This long obituary may be found on the obituary page which may be accessed via the home page under the “Roots” button.

Stasia Doherty, of Milltown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Stasia Doherty, of Milltown, Glenmore married Pat Bird of Kilbahon on the 19th of August 1907.


Ciss Dollard, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 1st of July 1949]

Miss C. Dollard, Glenmore–The death occurred at her residence Ballyfacey, Glenmore, of Miss Ciss Dollard, after an illness of some weeks’ duration. Deceased, who was aged over 50 years, was sister of Messrs. James and John Dollard, do., and Mrs. Harley, Kilmurray. Interment took place at the family burial ground at Glenmore on Friday, in presence of a large attendance from the local and adjoining districts. Very Rev. W. Grace. P.P. . officiated. On Monday morning. Office and High Mass for the repose of the soul of deceased were offered up at Glenmore Parish Church, of which the celebrant was Rev. Rd. McGrath, C.C. do.—R.I.P.

Emma Dollard née Phelan (c. 1875-1945) of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 7 Dec. 1945, p. 6]

            DEATH OF MRS. E. DOLLARD—The death occurred in hospital at Kilkenny on Saturday last, of Mrs. Emma Dollard, Knockbrack, Glenmore, at the age of 70 years. Deceased had been ailing only a short time, and had been in hospital since the previous Wednesday. A native of Northern Ireland, she was daughter of the late Sergt. Phelan, R.I.C. and Mrs. Phelan, and wife of Mr. Patrick Dollard. She was mother of Mr. Kieran Dollard, a well known figure in local Gaelic circles, and Secretary of Bigwood Hurling and Football Club and Bigwood Dramatic Society. Interment took place at Bigwood cemetery on Monday, in presence of a good attendance. The last prayers at the graveside were recited by Rev. C. Kennedy, P.P. Mullinavat.—R.I.P.

James Dollard, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notes 10; interview of Paddy Foley of Rahora in Glenmore Pub on 1 June 1970 following the burial of Tom Brophy]

James Dollard of Ballyfacey was married to Anty O’Keefe of Curraghmore. They had the following family; (1) Ned Dollard, of Ballyfacey was married to Mary Walsh of Ballybeg, Rosbercon and had following children: (1a) James Dollard; (1b) Bridie Dollard (married Pat Bookle, Mullinakill); (1c) Jack Dollard; (1d) Mary Dollard (married William Hartley, Kilmurry.) (1e) Ciss Dollard (died unmarried); (1f) Katie Dollard (married Michael Walsh, Ballyhomuck.)
(2) Tom Dollard, in Rahora married to Mary Bolger of same place. They had two daughters: (2a) Statia Dollard (married to John Foley); (2c) Ellen Dollard (married to James Donovan of Ballyrowragh, Slieverue);
(3) Patsy Dollard, in Coolnaleen, Glenmore married to Katie Walsh of Coghan. They had one daughter Statia who married Paddy Fitzgerald of Busherstown, and is dead.
(4) Bridie Dollard, married in Fethard-on-Sea, Co. Wexford to _____________ St. Leger, a shoemaker. She got in trouble with Bobbie Auld of Ballyedeen. He was from Scotland, and had a farm in Ballyedeen.
(5) Mary Dollard married to St. Leger in Killandrew where they had a farm. They had no issue.

James Dollard (1899-1957) was a native of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 22 Feb. 1957, p. 12]

Death of Mr. J. Dollard—Mr. James Dollard, whose death occurred at his residence, Killandrew, Mullinavat, on Saturday last was a native of Glenmore parish. Deceased who was aged over 60 years was husband of Mrs. Ellen Dollard to whom sincere sympathy will be extended. The remains were removed to Mullinavat Parish Church on Sunday evening and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on Monday after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. J. Galavan, C.C., do.—RIP.

John Dollard (1801-1888) a native of Rochestown, Glenmore. See our post of 17 Feb. 1888.

Kieran Dollard, of Knockbrack, Glenmore [Munster Express, Fri. 2 Dec. 1949, p. 3]

               LEFT FOR ENGLAND—Mr. Kieran Dollard, Knockbrack, Glenmore, who has left for England to take up employment, was a popular figure in local Gaelic and social circles, and was for some time Secretary of Bigwood Hurling and Football Club, and of the local Dramatic Class.

Mary Dollard, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri., 25 Feb. 1938, p. 8]

               WEDDING AT GLENMORE—A pretty wedding took place at Glenmore parish church on Wed. morning last, the contracting parties being Miss Mary Dollard, Ballyfacey, third eldest daughter of the late Mr. Ed. and Mrs. Dollard, Ballyfacey, Glenmore and Mr. Edward and Mrs. Alice Hartley, Kilmurry, Slieverue. The marriage was performed by Rev. Fr. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, with Nuptial Mass. The bride had as attendant her sister, Miss Katie Dollard, brother of the bridegroom. The bride was attired in navy blue costume with hat to match and the bridesmaid was similarly attired.

After the wedding ceremony the parties motored to Waterford, where breakfast was partaken of at Miss McCoy’s Tea Rooms, Barronstrand St., Waterford. Those present in addition to the happy couple were—Messrs James and John Dollard, Ballyfacey (brothers of the bride); Misses Statia and Katie Dollard, Ballyfacey, and Mrs. Bookle, Mullinakill (sisters of the bride); Messrs. Philip and James Hartley, Kilmurry; Ed. Hartley, Post Office, Slieverue; Patk. Hartley, Dagenham, and Mrss. Moore, Ballinerla (brothers and sister); Ed. Hartley (father of the bridegroom); Mrs. Hartley, P.O., Slieverue; Jas. Moore Ballinerla; Mrs. Bookle, John Power, Ferrybank; and Tom Whelan, Glenmore.

The bridal pair were the recipients of numerous presents, and received many messages of congratulations. The happy couple left on the honeymoon by the 4:20 p.m. train ex Waterford for the Metropolis and were seen off by a large number of friends. We join with their legion of friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hartley many years of health and happiness.

Ned Dollard, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward, of Ballyfacey in January 1970]

Ned Dollard, of Ballyfacey, was married to Ellen Walsh (Long Watt), of Ballybeg, Rosbercon. Ned Dollard dead about 50 years. They had the following family: (1) Ciss Dollard died about 26 years ago. She was abed from about the age of 30.
(2) James Dollard is aged 69. He was married to Mollie Sheehan, of Ballindone, who died about 7 years ago. The couple had no children.
(3) Bridie Dollard was married to _______ Bookle, of Baunaskela(?) and they lived in Mullinakill. The couple had no family. Bridie died in January 1970 aged 69.
(4) Mary Dollard married William Hartley of Kilmurray, Slieverue. She is now aged about 65 and has family. (5) Katie Dollard was married to Mick Walsh, of Ballyhomuck, Mullinavat. They have one son.
(6) Jack Dollard married Katie Barron of Darbystown. The couple have two sons: John Joe Dollard and Ted (Ed) Dollard. John Joe is married and living in Co. Meath.

Ned Dollard, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [no township listed] [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward, of Ballyfacey in January 1970]

Ned Dollard, of Ballyfacey, had the following siblings:
(1) Nick Dollard, married in Shanbogh to Annie Gorman, of Ballycroney, Glenmore. Nick Dollard is dead “near” 30 years. The couple had one son (1a) James of Kilandrew, Mullinvate and was married to Ellen Walsh. James Dollard and his wife had no family.
(2) Paddie Dollard, married in Coolhahan(?) and they had a farm where Paddy Fitzgerald, of Busherstown, Glenmore now lives. Paddy Dollard had one daughter Nora Dollard who is married to Paddy Fitzgerald. (3) Tom Dollard lived int he farm where Foleys now live in Rahora. Tom Dollard had two daughters, Statia and Ellen. Statia Dollard married in the place to Johnnie Foley of Muraghstown. They have 31 Irish acres in Ballycroney.

Rev. Patrick Dollard (1804-1868) native of Rochestown, Glenmore see our post of 22 Feb. 2024.


Mrs. Edward Donovan, of Nicholastown, Slieverue [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Mrs. Edward Donovan, of Nicholastown, Slieverue died on the 5th May 1906.

John Donovan, Ballyrownagh, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

John Donovan, of Ballyrownagh, died on the 6th of April 1906.

Pat Donovan, of Nicholastown, Slieverue [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Pat Donovan, Nicholastown, Slieverue, was married on the 12th of February 1907.

Patrick Donovan (1813-1841) of Ballyveria, Glenmore (Convicted & executed for the murder of Michael Rigby)

For information on setencing, execution & family see blog post of 24 July 2021, for information on murder trial see blog post of 21 July 2021, for information on arrest see blog post of 18 July 2021.

Statia Donovan, of Ballyvaria, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, misc. undated note]

Statia Donovan, of Ballyvaria, Glenmore married Edward Browne on 24 May 1880. Witness: Edward Looby and Mary Walsh. Rev. M.C.


Mrs. Daniel Dowlan [Anastatia Doolan née Mullally?] [Article in New Ross Standard, Fri. 17 July 1914, p. 8]

SERIOUS MOTOR ACCIDENT. Mrs. Doolan, wife of Mr Dan Doolan, farmer, of Shanbogh, was knocked down by a passing motor car driven by Mr. J. Walsh, son of Dr. M. Walsh, New Ross, on the Waterford road just opposite her home on Wednesday. It appears that Mrs. Doolan was crossing the road just as the car was passing and before she could get out of the way, or before Mr. Walsh could slow the car or steer it out of its course she was thrown down and dragged for some yards along the road, sustaining a severe shock and somewhat serious injuries to her side and hip. It is reported that a man was also knocked down, but not hurt and that a pig was slightly injured.

Mr. Walsh at once returned to New Ross for Dr. O’Regan, who quickly motored to the scene of the occurrence and conveyed the injured woman in his car to the workhouse infirmary where she now lies. [Editor’s note–Anastatia Mullally (c. 1858-1919) of Forristalstown marired Daniel Dooling (sic) of Shanbogh on 30 August 1886. She died 9 Jan. 1919 at Shanbogh of T.B.]

Daniel Dooling (c. 1860- ?) of Shanbogh [Wedding discussed in Blog post of 6 June 2021]

Daniel Dooling of Shanbough married Anastatia Mullally, of Forristalstown, Glenmore on 30 Aug. 1886 at Glenmore.

Daniel Doolan (c. 1900-1993) of Shanbogh, Rosbercon [Obit New Ross Standard, on Thursday the 6th of May 1993]

OLD RESIDENT DIES The death took place at his son’s residence, Shanbough (sic), New Ross, of Mr. Daniel Doolan. Aged 93 years, he was born the last month of the last century and enjoyed very good health up to a few weeks prior to his death. His wife, Mary (nee Ryan) pre-deceased him thirteen years ago. Daniel enjoyed outdoor life and worked hard throughout his whole life on his farm.

The funeral to Rosbercon Church on Wednesday evening and Requiem Mass was celebrated on Thursday morning by Rev. Fr. Coyle, assisted by Rev. M. Mernagh, 0.S.A., Meath Street, Dublin, a close friend of the family. Sincere sympathy to his sons, Thomas and Eddie (Shambough), Pat (Hoodsgrove), daughters, Margaret Cottrell (Inistioge), Maisie Roche (Mangan, The Rower); grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, relatives and friends.

Edward “Neddy” Dooling (c. 1860-1885) of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, The Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore]

Neddy Dooling died while trying to jump onto a horse in Rosbercon after the fair. See blog post of 6 June 2021 for further details.

Edward Doolan, of Glenmore Village [Death mentioned in the Munster Express, Friday 19 Sept. 1947, p. 2]

         Irish Countrywomen’s Association (Glenmore Guild)…A vote of sympathy was passed with Biddy Doolan on the death of her grandfather, Ed. Doolan, Glenmore.

Jim Doolan, of Ballyneale [DD Notebook 13, misc. undated note]

Jim Doolan, of Ballyneale, was married to _______ Bally, of Ballyneale. Jim Doolan had a brother, Mick Doolan, who was married to Mary Malone, of Shanbogh. Jim Doolan had the following family: [1] Him Doolan married to Margaret Brazil, of Tinneranny. [2] Pat Doolan married in Dublin. [3] John Doolan married to a Fitzgerald. At home in Ballyneale. Had a son Sean Doolan. [4] Bridie Doolan married Jimmy Fitzgerald, of Moulerstown, Glenmore. They went to England.

Paddy Doolan (1917-1997) of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit, New Ross Standard on Wed. the 8th of January 1997]

DEATH OF PADDY DOOLAN The death occurred at the Waterford Regional Hospital last week and after a brief illness of Paddy Doolan, Lowlands, Ballyverneen, Glenmore. Funeral to Glenmore Church on Friday evening and burial took place on Saturday in the adjoining cemetery after Requiem Mass. Sincere sympathy to his wife Nancy, son Edward, daughter Sr. Maureen. He was brother of Bridie O’Keeffe, Kitty Morrissey and the late Mary Ellen Jones. Aged 78 the late Paddy was on the outdoor staff of the Kilkenny County Council for many years and care taker of the Glenmore Water Scheme.

Paddy Doolan (c. 1915-1994) of Shanbogh [Obit New Ross Standard, 24 March 1994, p. 34]

OLD GAEL DIES–The death occurred on March 15th at Ardkeen Hospital, Waterford, of well known Gael Paddy Doolan of Shanbough. Paddy had been ill for some time and had reached the good age of 79 years. Since his childhood he was very much involved in the G.A.A. and took an active part in the sport of hurling with Pink Rock Shamrocks and was more than a useful footballer with Tullogher. He won a Kilkenny junior football championship medal with Tullogher in 1935 in company with his brother Mickey. They say that Paddy was so light on his feet he could turn on a sixpence. He was also connected with the Geraldines, New Ross, and played in the New Ross Town League on many occasions. Fitting therefore that at the removal of his remains the beloved black and amber jersey was placed on his coffin. The Geraldines club showed their appreciation of the late Paddy by providing a guard of honour at his funeral. Burial was in Rosbercon cemetery after requiem Mass on St. Patrick’s Day. To his brothers Mickey and Henry, his sister, and other relatives sincere sympathy on the passing of a great Gael. R.I.P.


Patrick Dooley (1882-1956) of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 12 Oct. 1956, p. 6]

Death of Mr. P. Dooley—The death occurred at St. Columba’s Hospital, Thomastown, on Tuesday last of Mr. Patrick Dooley, Ballinlammy, Glenmore.  Deceased who had been out of his heath for some time past was brother of Mrs. Bridget Walsh, do., and Mr. William Dooley, U.S.A., to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their bereavement. The late Mr Dooley was associated with the farming life of his native parish for many years. The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Wednesday, and the funeral was met o arrival by a large umber of relatives and friends. Office and High Mass for the repose of his soul were offered up Thursday morning of which the celebrant was Rev. Fr. Greene, C.C., Glenmore, and interment took place in the family burial ground adjoining subsequently R.I.P. [Editor’s note: Patrick Dooley died on the 9th of October 1956 at the Co. Home Thomastown. His home was in Ballinlammy. He was 74 and a widower. He worked as an agricultural labourer and died of asthma.]

William John Dooley (1886-1963) native of Ballinlammy, Glenmore [Obit in the Santa Barbara News-Press, Thur. 21 March 1963, p. 43

Dooley Services–Graveside funeral services for William J. Dooley will be conducted tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Santa Barbara Cemetery. Mr. Dooley, a brakeman for Southern Pacific for many years died March 12 in the Southern Pacific Hospital in San Francisco. His home was at 910 De La Vina St. [Santa Barbara}. The Rev. T.G. Torvik, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church will officiate at services. Friends may call at Welch-Ryce Associates until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. [Editor’s note: Wm. J. Dooley was the son of John Dooley (c. 1839-1889) and his wife Anne Kennedy (c. 1843-1913). The couple married at Glenmore on 7 Feb. 1881. William was born at Ballylammy on 11 Oct.. 1886.]


Bridget Dowling of Bushertown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4]

Married on the 7th of February 1844 Patrick Delaney to Bridget Dowling of Busherstown. Witnesses: James Heffernan and Catherine Holden. M. Murphy.

Bridget Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13, “Notes on Dowling-Bolton Kin, undated].

Bridget Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore was married to Bernard Bolton. He was a printer by occupation and she was a schoolteacher. They lived in Bury, Lancashire, England. [1] Ronald Bolton, died either the 9th or 11th of December 1971 in a car crash in Nigeria. He was aged 38. [2] Gernard Bolton, Lancashire died 1 June 1990, aged 86. [3] Gertz or Gertrude Bolton died Good Friday, 27 March 1970, aged 70 years. She was married to Joe Kay, of Lancashire who died on 9 December 1874, aged 79 years.

Mrs. Bridget Dowling (Biddy Neddy) of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notes 10, interview of Mrs. Mai Aylward, Ballyfacy, Glenmore, 12 Feb. 1967]

Mrs. Bridget Dowling was locally known as Biddy Neddy. The Coady family of Ballycrony were known as the “Neddys.” Biddie Dowling of Jamestown was descended from that family. Bridget Dowling was Mrs. Mai Aylward’s grandmother. Bridget Dowling died in April 1916 aged 85 years. She suffered from pains and spent the last eleven years of her life in bed, and was only sick for a short time before she died. She was a stout low sized woman and a great talker. She had a good knowledge of local history and a great woman to trace families. She is buried in Shanbogh Graveyard. Her daughter Maggie Dowling died about April 1922 aged 65 or 66. She enjoyed good health up to the day before she died. She worked every day. She was low size and stout, she had her own little jobs to do, and was simple in mind.

[DD Notebook 4, interview of Bartley Holden of Clune, Glenmore in 1974] Paddy Mullally of Ballycroney told Bartley Holden that he drove out Boyd’s cattle from the farm in Jamestown with Biddy Neddy. She had a gun and used fired shots over the animal’s heads.

Daniel Dowling, of Shanbogh [DD Notebook 4]

On the 30th August 1886 Daniel Dowling of Shanbogh was married to Anastasia Mullally of Forristalstown in the Glenmore Church. Witnesses were Michael Delaney and Margaret Dowling.

Daniel Dowling [no townland recorded] [DD Notebook 13, misc. undated note]

Daniel Dowling married to Catherine Meehan. They son Edmond Dowling was born on 22nd of January 1777.

Daniel Dowling [no townland recorded] [DD Notebook 15]

Daniel Dowling was married to Mary Meehan, of Annagh’s in 1770. His brother Edward Dowling was married to Holden of Clune.

Dan Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, identified by the author as his grandfather]

Dan Dowling, of Jamestown, was married to Margaret Ryan, of Ballycurrin. They had the following children: [1] Pat Dowling; [2] Mai Dowling; [3] Peg Dowling; [4] Bridget Dowling; [5] Richard Dowling; [6] Edward Dowling; [7] Maggie Dowling –“simpleton” [8] Mrs. Forristal; [9] Mrs. Cullen; and three in family died in infancy.

Daniel Dowling (c. 1872-1945) of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Friday 27 July 1945, p. 5]

            DEATH OF MR. D. DOWLING—Mr. Daniel Dowling, Jamestown, Glenmore, who has died, was one of the best-known farmers in the area, and enjoyed widespread esteem. He was father of Mr. Patrick Dowling, do., and Mrs. Aylward, Ballyfacey. Deceased had attained to the fine old age of 73 years. His demise is sincerely regretted by his family, relatives and a wide circle of friends. The funeral to Glenmore was largely attended. Interment took place after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant as Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., do.—R.I.P.

Danny Dowling (1927-2021) of Glenmore Village [article in the Kilkenny People, Fri. 14 May 1976, p. 10]

          PEACE COMMISSIONER—Mr. Danny Dowling, Jamestown, Glenmore, has been appointed a Peace Commissioner. A well known local historian he has been with Waterford City Health Department as sanitary inspector for 25 years and is also a member of Kilkenny Co. Library Committee.

Edward Dowling (c. 1904-1934) of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 13 July 1934, p. 8]

Death of Mr. E. Dowling—with deep sympathy we record the death of Edward Dowling, Jamestown, Glenmore, which occurred at his residence on Saturday last. The deceased was only 30 years of age, but had been in indifferent health for the past couple of years. The popularity of deceased was manifested on Monday morning when the remains were removed to Glenmore parish church. Office and High Mass were celebrated for the repose of his soul, and the interment took place in the adjoining cemetery immediately afterwards. The chief mourners were Mr. and Mrs. D. Dowling (father and mother), Misses Peg and Bridget Dowling (sisters). Mr. Rd. Dowling (brother).

Ellen Dowling, of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. note]

Ellen Dowling, of Busherstown, Glenmore was born on the 19th of December 1832. She married Walter Fitzhenry on the 10th of February 1858.

Ellen “Nelly” Dowling of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, DD notes]

Ellen “Nelly” Dowling, was born at Jamestown on the 7th of May 1945.

Ellen Dowling [no townland provided] [DD Notebook 14, DD misc. note]

Ellen Dowling, aged 17 years died on the 28th of December 1890 at Ferrybank. Her mother Kate Dowling was present at her death. She is recorded as being the daughter of a labourer and died of phthisis [tuberculosis].

Mrs. Hannah Dowling [Obit in the NEW ROSS STANDARD of Thursday the 14th of December 1989]

A VERY well-known south Kilkenny family was bereaved at the weekend by the death of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, Jamestown, Glenmore, which occurred at, her daughter’s residence in Rathculliheen, Ferrybank, Waterford. Relict of Patrick Dowling, who predeceased her by more than forty years, she was mother of former Fine Gael TD, Dick Dowling; of well-known historian, Danny; of John, who is Vice-Principal of Good Counsel College, New Ross; of Mikie, who lives in Forristalstown, and of Pat, Cappagh, Glenmore. Another son, Edward, was killed in a farm accident some years ago.

She is also survived by her daughters, Mrs. M. Barron, Ballyconway, Thomastown; Mrs. P. Kennedy, Rathculliheen; Mrs. B. Holden, Ballyhemin, Mullinavat; Mrs. N. O’Halloran, Newrath, and Mrs. J. Melody, Dungarvan. Aged 86, two of her sisters still live Mrs. M. Darmody, Crowbally, Mullinavat, and Mrs. B. Moran, Ballylammy. Attendances of huge proportions attended the removal of remains to Glenmore church and the funeral to the adjoining cemetery. Sympathy is extended to her family and relatives.

Teachers as Guests—among the lay teachers of Good Counsel College staff, New Ross, who were guests of the College Past Pupils reunion dinner in Hotel Delare, do, were Professor Toby Kavanagh, The Rower, and Professor John Dowling, Glenmore.

John Dowling’s obituary is provided on our obituary page and can be accessed via the Roots button on the home page.

Margaret Dowling of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, Parish Records]

Married on the 15 February 1855 by certificate of the Rev. Michael Lynch C.C. the Rower, John Grace to Margaret Dowling of Busherstown. Witnesses: Michael Fleming and Mary Maher. T.C.

Mary Dowling of Busherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, interview of Myles D. Lambert of Milehouse, Enniscorthy in 1974]

William Grant of Brownstown, Tullogher, married Mary Dowling of Busherstown, Glenmore. Evicted from their farm and emigrated to Nebraska, USA. One daughter Johanna Grant married Dineen and was living in Chicago in January 1948.

The above William Grant and Mary Dowling were married on the 17th of February 1840 . Emigrated in the 1860’s. The above Johanna Grant who married Dineen was about 5 years old when her parents emigrated. In the Dineen family there were 7 sisters all schoolteachers and one brother.

[DD Notebook 4] Mary Dowling of Busherstown married William Grant on the 17th of February 1840 at Busherstown (by Certificate of the Revd. Michael Walsh, Parish Priest of Rosbercon) Witnesses were: Patrick Grant and Judy Hartley.

Nellie Dowling née Doherty, of Rathnew, Co. Wicklow [DD Notebook 24, interview of Nellie Dowling née Doherty c. 1980]

Nellie Dowling’s grandmother was Mary Merrigan, of Milltown, Glenmore. Her grandmother often saw a light which used to meet her at the Thórah Lane. It used then travel in front of her as far as the yard, where it would go to the pump and commence dancing there. Nellie Dowling first went to Rathnew in 1934.

Pat Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15]

Pat Dowling, of Jamestown married Bridget Cody of Ballycrony.

Patrick Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 13]

Danny’s parents were Patrick Dowling, of Jamestown, Glenmore and Hannah Murphy Dowling, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore. The couple had the following family: [1] Daniel Dowling, 15 February 1927; [2] Michael Dowling, 21 February 1931; [3] Mary Dowling, 11 March 1928; [4] Bridget Dowling, 26 January 1933; [5] Edward Dowling, 9 December 1935; [6] Peggie Dowling, 11 March 1937 [7] Richard Dowling, 12 December 1938 [8] Josephine Dowling, 1 December 1939; [9] Pat Dowling, 5 March 1941; [10] John Dowling, 26 January 1943; [11] Nellie Dowling, 7 May 1944; [12] Catherine Dowling, 7 May 1944.

Patrick Dowling (c. 1900-1945) of Jamestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri, 30 Nov. 1945, p. 6]

            DEATH OF MR. P. DOWLING—The death occurred rather unexpectedly at his residence at Jamestown, Glenmore, on Saturday last, of Mr. Patrick Dowling, at the age of 45 years. Deceased was son of the late Daniel and Mrs. Dowling, do., and was an esteemed figure in local farming circles. He is survived by his widow and nine young children, for whom much sympathy will be felt in the extremely sad and irreparable loss they have sustained. Deceased had been in his usual health up to the day previous to his demise, and was able to attend to his farming duties. On Saturday he complained of feeling unwell, and passed away rather unexpectedly. All sections in the district united in paying a deserving tribute to the memory of deceased when the remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Sunday, the cortege being composed of a large and representative attendance. On Monday morning, Office and Requiem Mass were offered up, of which the celebrant was Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore, and burial took place in the adjoining cemetery subsequently amidst every manifestation of sincere sorrow.—R.I.P.


Annie Doyle (c. 1887-1951) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 19 Jan. 1951, p. 8]

            DEATH OF MRS. A. Doyle—The death took place on Tuesday at St. Patrick’s Hospital, Waterford, of Mrs. Annie Doyle, wife of Mr. Denis Doyle, late of C.I.E., Glenmore. The remains were removed to Glenmore Church on Wednesday evening, and the interment took place on Thursday after Office and High Mass—R.I.P.

Dan Doyle, haltkeeper of Aylwardstown, Glenmore Station [Retirement notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 30 Oct. 1953, p. 12]

HALTKEEPER RESIGNED—Mr. Dan Doyle, haltkeeper, Aylwardstown Station, Glenmore, resigned as from Saturday last, and pending the filling of the vacancy, the work is being carried out by Mr. Jack Singleton, relief stationmaster, Lismore.

Dan Doyle, Holy Ghost Hospital, Waterford, formally of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 3, 23rd of January 1980]

The Doyle’s came from Ballywilliam, Co. Wexford and the following were in his family:
(1) Jim Doyle worked on railway, but gave it up.
(2) Jack Doyle was a signalman the railway in Wexford North Station. Dan Doyle believed his brother Jack was a temporary signalman in Aylwardstown, Glenmore when Keegan was the stationmaster.
(3) Luke Doyle in Pallas, (Limerick?);
(4) Dan Doyle;
(5) Joe Doyle worked on the railway, but went to Swansea during the First War to work in a munitions factory. He stayed there.
(6) Ned Doyle came from Edermine to Glenmore. Ned worked on the railway. He was married to Anne Finn of Drummond, Co. Carlow. They had 1 son Dan.
(7) Denis Doyle in Aylwardstown, Glenmore.
(8) Tom Doyle in Chapel.
(9) Statia Doyle died unmarried at home in Ballywilliam, Co. Wexford.
(10) Elizabeth Doyle emigrated to America and married there. She had family. One son was a priest and a daughter became a doctor.

Denis Doyle (c. 1883-1954) retired Aylwardstown, Glenmore Stationmaster [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 2 April 1954, p. 7]

DEATH of MR. DENIS DOYLE—The death occurred at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Doyle, Rathinure, Glenmore, of Mr. Denis Doyle, at the age of 72 years. A native of Sparrowsland, Macmine, Co. Wexford, he was attached to the staff of CLE. as goods guard at Waterford and Enniscorthy for twenty years, and was subsequently appointed station-master at Aylwardstown, Glenmore, where he had been for a period of twenty-two years, until his retirement on pension in 1948.

He was father of Mr. Dan Doyle, Mooncoin, Mrs. Doyle, Rathinure, Miss Anna and Miss Lily Doyle, both of whom are attached to the nursing staff at Dundrum Mental Hospital. He was also brother of Messrs Luke Doyle, Rathgarogue, Co, Wexford; Dan Doyle, Enniscorthy, Joe Doyle, Wales, and Ed. Doyle, Ballyvereen, Glenmore. His wife, the late Mrs. Doyle predeceased him some years ago. The late Mr. Doyle, who had been ailing only a few days, was an esteemed and respected inhabitant of Glenmore, and the sympathy of his many friends will go out to the bereaved family and relatives in the sad loss they have sustained.

The remains, accompanied by a large attendance from Glenmore Parish, and also from County Wexford, including a number of former colleagues of C.I.E, were removed to the local parish church on Friday evening, where the coffin reposed overnight. On Saturday morning, Requiem Mass for the repose of his soul were offered up at 9 a.m., the celebrant being Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore. Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery in presence of a large and representative attendance of relatives and friends.—R.I.P. [For further information and photos see the blog post 4 March 2021.

Ellie Doyle, of Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 31 Oct. 1958, p. 12]

            WEDDING AT GLENMORE—The marriage was solemnised at St. James’s Parish Church, Glenmore, on Tuesday morning last, of Mr. John Sutton, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Peter Sutton, Rahard, Mullinavat, and Miss Ellie Doyle, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Doyle, Glenmore. The ceremony (with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing) was performed by Very Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., do assisted by Rev. J. Murphy, C.C. do., and Rev. J. Murphy, C.C., Mullinavat. Best man was Mr. Pete Sutton, Narabane, Kilmacow, brother of the bridegroom, and the bride was attended by her cousins, the Misses Eva and Margaret McBride, Newtown, Glenmore.

A reception was subsequently held at Dooley’s Hotel, Waterford, which was attended by fifty guests, and the newly wedded pair later left for the South and West of Ireland on the honeymoon. The bridegroom, who is attached to the staff at Clover Meats, Waterford, is well known in Gaelic circles, and won the All-Ireland Hurling Championship with Kilkenny last year, as well as three Leinster titles in 1953 minor football title with Bigwood in 1945, and a Junior Football/ 57 and ‘58. He also won a county 1956. He visited New York with Championship with Kilmacow in the Kilkenny senior hurling team last May. The bride was attached to the staff at P.N. O’Gorman, auctioneer and merchant, Rosbercon. Both received many valuable presents on the happy occasion.

J. Doyle, Stationmaster of Aylwardstown [Notice in Munster Express, Friday 21 March 1947]

Aylwardstown, Glenmore railway station
Aylwardstown, Glenmore railway station

         STATIONMASTER RETIRES: Mr. J. Doyle, stationmaster, Aylwardstown, Glenmore, has retired after a long number of years of service. A native of Wexford, he was a popular figure amongst the traveling public and a wide circle of friends. He has been succeeded by his son, Mr. Denis Doyle.

Previously the following article appeared in the Munster Express (Fri. 28 June 1946, p. 6) STATIONMASTER RETIRES—Mr. D. Doyle, stationmaster at Glenmore, has retired on pension after approximately 40 years’ service.

Maryanne Doyle (c. 1883-1922) of Gaulestown, Glenmore [Death Register]

Maryanne Doyle died on the 14th of Feb. 1922 aged 39. She was the wife of William Doyle, farmer, Gaulestown.  She died of an embolism 3 days after giving birth.

Mary Doyle, native of Gaulestown, Glenmore [Death Notice, Sunday Independent on Sunday the 9th of August 1987]

MARY DOYLE (57 Ellesmere Avenue, N.C. Road, Dublin and formerly of Gaulestown, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny) Aug. 8, 1987, Mary; deeply regretted by her loving brothers, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. R.I P. Remains will be removed this (Sunday) at 7.30 o’c. from Power’s Funeral Home to Glenmore Church.

Mary Doyle, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Munster Express, Fri. 11 April 1969, p. 3]

Crossword winners—Among the winners of cash prizes in a Dublin Sunday newspaper crossword competition was Mrs. Mary Doyle, Coolanleen, Glenmore.

Nellie Doyle, of Glenmore [Marriage announcement in the New Ross Standard on Fri. 31 Oct. 1958, p. 12]

MR. SUTTON & MISS DOYLE. The wedding took place in Glenmore Church on Tuesday of Mr. John Sutton, the well-known Kilkenny, Leinster and All-Ireland hurler, third son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Peter Sutton, Rahart, Mullinavat, and Miss Nellie Doyle, only daughter of Mrs and the late Mr. Michael Doyle. Glenmore. The ceremony, with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing, was performed by Very Rev. W. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore; assisted by Rev. Father Galvin,  C.C., Mullinavat, and Rev. J. Murphy, C.C., Glenmore.

The bride wore a full-length gown of blue brocade with matching headdress, and carried a bouquet of carnations and maidenhair fern. Miss Eva McBride, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore pink brocade. The best man was Mr. Peter Sutton, brother of the bridegroom. Forty eight guests  attended the reception in Dooley’s Hotel, Waterford.

Patrick Doyle, native of Glenmore [Notice in Waterford News on Friday the 27th of January 1865]

Of Patrick Doyle, native of Glenmore, County Kilkenny, who left for America almost two years ago. Any information respecting him will be thankfully received by his sister, Mrs. Mary Powers (maiden name Doyle). Direct to her, to No. 12 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.

Peter Doyle, of Coolnaleen, Glenmore [Wedding Announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 22 Nov. 1946, p. 8]

            GLENMORE WEDDING—The marriage was solemnised at St. James’s Church, Glenmore, of Mr. Peter Doyle, Coolnaleen, and Miss Mary Roche, Haggard. The ceremony was performed by Very Rev. Wm. Grace, P.P., Glenmore. Mr. Thos. Doyle, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Josie Roche. The bridegroom is a native of Listerlin, Mullinavat, and son of Mrs. and the late Edward Doyle, do. He has been residing at Coolnaleen for some time past, where he has taken over the farm formerly occupied by his relatives, the late Richard and Mrs. Grace. The bride is daughter of Mrs. and the late William Roche, Haggard, Glenmore.

Mrs. T. Doyle née Bridget Coady (c. 1901-1943) of Carrigcloney, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express on Friday the 10th of Nov. 1943]

Death of Mrs. T. [Thomas] Doyle—It is with feelings of deep regret that we record the death of Mrs. T. Doyle, Carrigcloney, Glenmore which took place at a nursing home in Waterford last week. The sad event cast a gloom over the district. Her demise is rendered all the more poignant by the fact that she leaves a baby a week old. The deceased was held in the highest esteem by all with whom she came into contact, and this was testified to by the large attendance at the funeral on Saturday and Sunday, and again at the Office and High Mass on Monday.

Deceased was wife of Mr. T. Doyle, and sister of Daniel, Kitty and Eily Coady. She was niece of the late Rev. T. Freyne, C.C., Gathbawn; and the late Rev. M. Coady. She was also grand-niece of the late Archdeacon Coady, P.P., Castlecomer, and sister-in-law of Rev. A. Doyle and Rev. J. Doyle, U.S.A.

The chief mourners were: Mr. Thomas Doyle (husband); Mr. Daniel Coady (brother); Misses Kitty and Eily Coady (sisters); Mrs. Fitzgerald, Knockbrack (aunt); Mrs. D. Coady, Mrs. W. McCarthy, Mrs D. Hogan, Mrs. E. Doyle, Mrs. M. Doyle (sisters-in-law). Mr. E. Doyle, Mrs. M. Doyle, Dournane; Mrs. R. Doyle, Carrick Mr. M. Doyle, Waterford (brothers-in-law); P. and A. Coady (nieces); D and M. Coady (nephews); The Freyne family, Ballyfacey; the Coady family of Weatherstown; the White family, Mullinbeg; the Hayden family, Grigunamanagh; R. Hayden, Waterford; Mrs. E. Furlong, Dublin; Mrs. Phelan and family, Mullinahone; Fitzgerald families, Knockbrack, Fahee, Flemingstown, Moulerstown; the Crowley family, Polerone; the Doherty families, Coolnaleen and Ballinlammy; the Woods family, Earlsrath; the Freyne families, Ballyhmin and Thomastown (cousins).

Mass cards were received from the following: Her sorrowing husband; her loving sister, Eily; Danny, Bridie and Kitty, Hannie and Mike; Neddy and Mary Joe; Richard; Willie and Johanna; Dick and Ellie; Sean, Billy and Denis; Denis, Andrew, Maureen and Helen; John and Catherine Irish; Richard Hayden; Peg Barron; Thomas Dunphy; William and Mrs. Doyle; Dick and Bridie Murphy; Pat and Ellie Barron; Margt. Walsh and family; John and M. Phelan; the Crowley family; Mr. and Mrs. L. Dillon; Peggy and Mary Irish; the Dunphy family etc. [Editor’s note–Bridget Doyle née Coady died after a caesarian of cardiac arrest.]


The Old Duggan’s of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of his mother, Hannah Dowling of Jamestown, Glenmore on 11 December 1977]

(1) Peter Duggan married Honor Walsh, of Robinstown (where Jim McBride is now). They had no family. They died about 55 years ago and they were around 80 years of age when they died. They had 10 Irish acres. Peter Duggan left the place to his nephew Michael Murphy of Ballinlammy, Glenmore. The land was later sold for £100.
(2) Larry Duggan emigrated to America and married there. Larry came home on holiday and was found drowned in St. John’s Pill in Waterford. He is buried in Glenmore. He had two daughters, Margaret and Ellie, and two sons one of whom was a soldier.
(3) Margaret Duggan married in Ballinlammy, Glenmore to Martin Murphy. She was his second wife. She died in May 1905, aged about 82 years. She had four sons (Michael, Martin, Richard, Patrick,) and two daughters (Mary and Judie). [These are the grandparents of Hannah Dowling née Murphy the interviewee.]
(4) Richard Duggan married in Kilbride to Kitty ______. Had the following children; (4a) John Duggan married at Kilbride to Statia Norris, Tinnakill. They did not have a family.  John was a shoemaker by trade, and he died about 1931 aged about 68. (4b) Richard Duggan married in Flemingstown, Glenmore to Anne Butler of Flemingstown. He was a shoemaker by trade. Richard & Anne had four children: Mary (Dody), Margarett (Agsie), Lena and Richard. (4c) James Duggan married and lived in Mullinavat. He had one son Dick. James was shoemaker by trade, but he didn’t like it and gave it up. He was aged over 60 when he died over 40 years ago. (4d) Mary Duggan married in Coolnaleen, Glenmore to Stephen Berrigan. They had nine children. Mary Anne Berrigan (went to America), Katie (Mrs. Cahill), Agsie (Mrs. Bailey), Biddie, Ellie (Mrs. Colger), Richard (dead), Stephen, James and Martin (who went to America).

The Duggan’s also owned where the Forristals of the Halfwayhouse are now. They had a public house there. [Editor’s note–Death Register–Peter Duggan, of Ballinaraha, died on the 29th of June 1910. He was a widower, aged 78, and present at his death was his nephew Richard Duggan, of Flemingstown, Glenmore]

Mrs. Anne Duggan (c. 1856-1938) of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Obit in the New Ross Standard on Friday the 29th of July 1938]

This is a long obituary and may be found on the obituary page. The obituary page may be accessed via the home page under the roots button.

Anne Duggan, of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Article in the New Ross Standard on Friday the 3rd of August 1951]

On Holidays.—At present home on holidays from England is Miss Anne Duggan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duggan, Flemingstown, Glenmore. She is a student in the Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth, Hendon, near London.

Laurence Duggan (1832-1905) of the US, formerly of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, Waterford City Registry]

Laurence Duggan, widower, aged 75 years, farmer, date of death 23 January 1905. Accidental drowning. Inquest held 26 January 1905. Certificate received from George J. Mackey, J.P. and W.R.Ward, J.P. Registered 28 January 1905 in Waterford City Registry.

According to Hannah Dowling, Larry was home on holiday for about a week when he fell into the St. John Pill and drowned. He had been in the US for 50 years. [For details concerning his life and drowning see blog post of 18 April 2020. ].

The Duggans, of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Mrs. Hannah Dowling, or Jamestown, Glenmore on 18 January 1970]

(1) Peter Duggan was married in the home place to Honor Walsh, of Robinstown, Glenmore. Peter Duggan was a medium sized man. A nice man. He lived for a couple of years after Michael Murphy, of Ballinlammy. Peter died in Ballinaraha. “He kept going until the last, only a couple of days sick.” He was 75 or 76 when he died and comfortable. He is buried in Glenmore cemetery.
(2) Margaret Duggan married Martin Murphy, of Ballinlammy, Glenmore.
(3) Dick Duggan lived in Kilbride, Glenmore; he was a shoemaker.
(4) Larry Duggan spent 50 years in America. He is buried in Waterford in 1905 and died aged 75.

Mary Duggan, of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Munster Express,  Fri. 22 June 1962 p. 7]

Home from the States—at present home on a holiday from the US after an absence of many years, is Mr. Walter O’Gorman, Luffanny, Slieverue. He is brother of Messrs.  Michael O’Gorman, do; John O’Gorman, Granagh, Kilmacow; Joseph James O’Gorman, England, and Mrs. Mary Duggan, FLemingstown, Glenmore. He is uncle of Rev. John Duggan, St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, and Rev. Nichols Duggan, recently ordained at St. Marys Cathedral, do, for Sacramento USA. He is bother of Messrs. Michael O’Gorman…

Fr. John Duggan & Fr. Nicholas Duggan, sons of Richard and Mary Duggan, of Flemingstown, Glenmore [New Ross Standard of Thursday the 24th of August 1989]

Fr. John Duggan, Ph.D. M.E.D., has been elected to the prestigious American Psychologists Association, which has affiliations throughout the U.S. and Canada. His brother, Fr. Nicholas, has been appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Sacramento. Both are sons of the late Richard and Mary Duggan, Flemingstown, Glenmore.

Rev. Nicholas Duggan (c. 1937-2018) native of Flemingstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Sacramento Bee on 5 October 2018]

This obituary and photo is available on the obituary page. The obituary page may be accessed via the home page under the “Roots” button.

Pat Duggan, of Ballinraha, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Pat Duggan, of Ballinraha, died on June 30th, 1910.

Patrick Duggan, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Patrick Duggan, of Weatherstown, died suddently on Monday the 13th of December 1907.

Peter Duggan of Ballinaraha, Glenmore [DD Notebook 4, interview of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Dermody, née Murphy of Crowbally, Ballyhale on 3 February 1973]   

Peter Duggan of Ballinaraha died in 1911, aged about 80 years. He was married to Honor Walsh of Robinstown, where McBrides are now. He had a bit of land—a couple of fields. They had no family, and the wife died before Peter. Mary Walsh, sister of Honor, at home not married and died in Ballinaraha. Another sister married to Knox of Ballylaw. They were the parents of Pat Knox of Ballinaraha. Another Walsh sister married in the Kilmacow/Mullinavat area. The above Mary Murphy Dermody was born on the 24 April 1905.

Richard Duggan, of Kilbride, Glenmore [Wedding announcement in the Munster Express, Fri. 28 Feb. 1930, p. 8]

            SOUTH KILKENNY MARRIAGE—A very pretty and interesting wedding was solemnised at the parish church, Slieverue, on Wed. morning. The contracting parties were Mr. Richard Duggan, Kilbride, Glenmore, and Miss May O’Gorman, Luffany, Slieverue. Rev. Fr. Dunne, C.C., performed the ceremony, and the best man was Mr. James O’Hanrahan, New Ross, while the bride was attended by Miss K. Coady, Luffany.

When the ceremony had concluded the party motored to the Granville Hotel, Waterford, where a sumptuous breakfast was partaken of. The happy couple subsequently entrained for the Metropolis, where the honeymoon is being spent. Both bride and brideroom are well known and extremely popular throughout South Kilkenny, and were the recipients of numerous and costly presents on the happy occasion. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Duggan many years of connubial bliss.

Tom Duggan, of Weatherstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore, on 17 January 1970]

Tom Duggan, of Weatherstown, was not married. He had a farm in Weatherstown and owed £2-10-0 rent. He was evicted. Old Bill Mackey paid £50 to the Land Commission and got the land. Previously Old Bill Mackey had sold his 14 Irish acres of land to Pat Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown for £300. He then lodged with Jack Doherty, of Rosbercon. Stayed there while the money lasted and when it was drank up, he returned to Weatherstown to Duggan’s place. Tom Duggan was a harmless, poor man. He used to work with the farmers but was constantly drinking. He died n St. Patrick’s, Waterford. Dick Dunphy and his mother Bridget brought Tom Duggan to be buried in Glenmore. Nicky Forristal made his grave. Tom Duggan used to work with Patsy Dooley. Tom Duggan died about 1936 or 1937.

Tom Duggan had the following brothers and sisters: (1) Neddy Duggan worked with Morrissey’s of Waterford; (2) Bridget Duggan married Jamsey Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore; (3) Lizzie Dunphy went working to Waterford; and (4) Patsy Duggan died a young man, unmarried in Weatherstown.

Tom Duggan, of Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express, Fri. 12 Jan. 1979, p. 17]

Track Success—el Rono (It’s a Champion) owned by Mr. Tom Duggan, Glenmore, followed up its recent success at Waterford Greyhound Track by winning again at the same venue on Saturday night last. The winner was backed down to a strong favourite at 4/6.

Trudy Duggan, late of Duggan’s garage, wife of Mick Duggan now residing in New York is spending a short holiday in the Glenmore area and also a visit to Tullow, Co. Carlow where her mother resides but her main highlight was as a sponsor of Granddaughter Kathy Duggan at her recent First Communion.


The Dull family of Mullinavat [DD Notebook 15, DD notes]

The following were members of the Dull family, of Mullinavat:
[1] James Dull;
[2] Mollie Dull married Pat Mackey, of Mullinavat. They had at least three children: [2a] Larry Mackey; [2b] Kitty Mackey and [2c] Nan Mackey.
[3] Patrick Dull died at age 19.
[4] Richard Dull;
[5[ Mick Dull;
[6] Katie Dull married Deegan and they lived in London and had family.
[7] Tom Dull lived in Mullinavat. He had six children: [7a] Tom Dull; [7b] Larry Dull; [7c] Jim Dull in London; [7d] Katie Dull; [7e] Mrs. Connolly; [7f] Johanna Dull.


Alice Dunne, of Glenmore Village [DD Notebook 26, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 13 March 1967]

Dunnes one of the oldest families in Glenmore Parish. Alice Dunne’s mother was Allie Brophy, of Slievecorrig, who was a sister of Val Brophy. Alice’s father was Jamesy Dunne. Jamesey Dunne, had a sister Catherine who married Robert Fluskey, of Glenmore. Robert Fluskey was a native of the Milebush and he came to Glenmore from John Egan’s of Waterford. Catherine Dunne was Robert Fluskey’s second wife and Jim Fluskey’s mother.


Ellen Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit New Ross Standard on 11 July 1941]
This obituary is long and may be found on the Obituary Page which is accessed via the home page under the Roots button.

Ellen Dunphy (c. 1856-1941) of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 4 July 1941, p. 8]

            DEATH OF MRS. E. DUNPHY—We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Ellen Dunphy, which sad event occurred rather unexpectedly at her home at Ballyverneen, Glenmore, on Tuesday last. Deceased, who had attained the great age of 85 years, was a native of Weatherstown, and came of a well known family, the Malones. She was mother of Mr. John Dunphy, a former chairman of Kilkenny County Board, G.A.A., and one time prominent footballer with his native Glenmore, and also of the late Mr. R. Dunphy, Customs and Excise. Her husband, the late James Dunphy, died some years ago.

The late Mrs. Dunphy was the embodiment of all that go to the making of the ideal type of Irish womanhood, now sadly passing from our midst, and was an ardent and most exemplary Catholic. Sincere sympathy will go out to her bereaved son in his sad loss. The remains were removed to the local Parish Church at 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening, and the representative cortege was expressive of the great respect for deceased and her family. Interment took place on Thursday after Office and High Mass, of which the celebrant was Rev. W. Brennan, C.C., Glenmore—R.I.P.

James Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [[DD Notebook 8; Interview of Nicholas Forristal (Nicky the Miller) on 17 Nov. 1974]

James Dunphy, Ballyverneen, was married to Ellen Malone of Weatherstown. James died in 1881 of TB as a young man. His wife, Ellen was 18 years of age when she married and aged 21 when her husband died. James and Ellen had the following children;

(1) John Dunphy  lived in home place in Ballyverneen. He was married to Ellen Forristal of Ballyverneen, and had four children: (1a) Seamus Dunphy; (1b) Maudie Dunphy; (1c) Mary “May” Dunphy and (1d) Richard Dunphy.
(2) Richard Dunphy was the eldest of James and Ellen Dunphy. Richard died unmarried as a young man in about 1908.

James Dunphy, cooper of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [[DD Notebook 8; Interview of Nicholas Forristal (Nicky the Miller) on 17 Nov. 1974]

Old Dick Dunphy’s brother James was a cooper by trade, lived at the brow of the River Barrow, at the Tory Quay, in Ballyverneen. He had a small dwellinghouse there with a coopers workshop. He had over 20 acres of land upon which he later built a new dwellinghouse. He later got broke and had to leave his house and small farm, and went to live in the small house in Gruiguenakill, Glenmore Village, later occupied by Peggy Gaffney (now John Hennessys). Here he lived and carried on his trade. He died suddenly at Mullin’s of Gaulstown, whilst on his way to Waterford, with a load of sallies for basket making.

This James Dunphy was married and had one son James, and 2 or 3 daughters (who went to America.) James sometime after his father’s death when young went to Liverpool, but some relative of his there sent him home. He accordingly came home on a coal boat, arriving in Waterford on a Fair Day in Ballybricken. Barefooted he went up to the fair and met his Uncle Dick [Dunphy], who took him home with him to Ballyverneen. He stayed with him for some time, and then went to work for some of the local farmers. He next went to work in Waterford, and eventually became a head man on the docks there.

He was married to a girl from around Slieverue and had a couple of sons and daughter—all of whom went to America. He wife was very fond of drink, so much so that she used to pawn the bedclothes for it. She eventually got completely cured of it. James was a respectable, comfortable, abstentious man, and an ardent supporter of the Glenmore Football Team with which he went everywhere. In the end of his days he lived in the Holy Ghost Home. He died about 1946 and is buried in Glenmore cemetery. His wife was dead years before himself. Mike Rockett, publican of Slieverue, had charge of the funeral arrangement with whom he was apparently connected.

James Dunphy [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

James Dunphy died 16 February 1881.

James Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 20, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill, Glenmore on 13 October 1974]

James Dunphy, of Ballyverneen married Mary Grace. They were the parents of at least 7 children. [1] Mary Dunphy, was the eldest and died unmarried in Ballyverneen when she was 16 of 17.
[2] Dick Dunphy;
[3]Tom Dunphy;
[4] Pat Dunphy and [5] Lizzie Dunphy who married Jim Mernagh of Ballyverneen and they lived in Castlecomer. Lizzie and Jim had3 children [5a] Jack Mernagh; [5b] Jim Mernagh and [5c] Alice Mernagh; [6] Margaret Dunphy went to England, worked in hotels and was still alive in 1974;
[7] Bridie Dunphy who became a nun in one of the strict orders possibly Carmelites in England and still alive. Youngest of family. Bridie Dunphy before becoming a nun when she was about 26 worked for a period in Dublin for some well to do people. These people were the meanest of the mean. Bridie had to live on the leavings from their meals.
[Editor’s Note: Per Father Mernagh’s article in Glenmore Times (2000) Bridie Dunphy (1902-1978) Bridie secretly entered the enclosed Cistercian Order of Nuns at the Holy Cross Abbey in Wimbourne, Dorset in 1931.]

Maryann Dunphy, native of Glenmore District [Obit in NEW ROSS STANDARD of Friday the 7th of Feb. 1936]

GLENMORE LADY’S DEATH IN AMERICA. The death has occurred at the ripe age of 80 years in Belmont, Massachussets (sic), U.S.A., of Miss Maryanne Dunphy, a native of Glenmore district, and a member of a most respectable and popular Co. Kilkenny family. She was related to Mr. John Dunphy, P.C., Ballyverneen, and a sister of Mrs. Dunphy, Waterford, whose husband held a prominent position in the Clyde Shipping Co. for a great many years and retired some few years ago. The deceased, who was very charitable, was held in great popular esteem in the States.

Nora Dunphy of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obituary in the New Ross Standard, Wed. 22 May 1996, p. 24]

The death took place recently at the Community Hospital, New Ross, of Miss Nora Dunphy, Ballyfacey, Glenmore. Funeral from Cooney’s Funeral Home to St. James Church, Glenmore on Tuesday evening and burial took place on Wednesday morning after Requiem Mass. The celebrant of the mass was Rev.. Willia, Dalton, C.C., Ferrybank, cousin of the family, assisted by Rev. Liam Barron P.P. The readings were by all her nieces and nephews. The late Nora was daughter of the late Michael and Mary Dunphy, Ballyfacey, aged 68 and unmarried.

She had been in good health up to 5 months previous to her death and always helped on her brother’s farm and lived a very quiet life. She was a very good living person and always attended her religious duties and very popular with her neighbours. Sincere sympathy to her brother Richard, nephews, nieces, sister-in-law, relatives and friends.

Patrick Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [Wedding Notice in the Munster Express, on Friday the 7th of December 1934, p. 8]

WEDDING BELLS—The marriage was solemnised at the parish church, Glenmore, of Mr. Patrick Dunphy, Ballyverneen, and Miss Mary Roche, do. Rev. Dr. Gibbons, C.C., Glenmore officiated at the ceremony. Mr. R. Dunphy was best main and the bridesmaid was Miss Mary Maddock. The contracting parties are very popular in the locality, and their numerous friends wish them many years of health, happiness and prosperity in their wedded career.

Patrick Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [ Notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 10 Oct. 1952, p. 6]

Left for England—Mr Thomas Roche, Richardsland, Glenmore, and Mr. Patrick Dunphy, Ballyverneen, do, left on Monday last for Bolton, England, to take up employment.

Richard (Dick) Dunphy of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8; Interview of Nicholas Forristal (Nicky the Miller) on 17 Nov. 1974]

Richard (Dick) Dunphy of Ballyverneen, had a brother James Dunphy, who was a cooper by trade. The said Dick Dunphy, was married to Joney Hennebry, of Dunkitt, Kilmacow. Both Dick and Joney lived to old age. They had at least, the following children: (1) James who married and lived in home place. (2) John. Died unmarried. Died a young man of TB. (3) ______ at least one daughter who went to America.

Richard Dunphy, of Ballyverneen, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]

Richard Dunphy, of Ballyverneeen, died on the first of April 1908.

Dunphy, March 24, STEPHEN DUNPHY, native of Glenmore, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 315 Columbia St., Brooklyn, thence to Calvary Cemetery on March 26, at two o’clock. [We located a Stephen Dunphy in the parish records bapt. on St. Patrick’s Day 1822. The son of James Dunphy and his wife Catherine Duigan. The New York Death Register provides that the deceased was about 62 years of age, married, died of typhoid pneumonia, was a merchant and lived in the US for 34 years. Per the 1880 Census he was 55, his wife was Margaret was 50 and the couple had four sons and a daughter. Stephen was employed as a grain merchant.]


John Durney, of Bigwood, Mullinavat [DD Notebook 24, March 1980]

John Durney, born in Bigwood was ordained to the Priesthood in the Lateran Basilica in Rome, on the 23rd of December 1899, and said his first Mass in the College of Propaganda in Rome on the 24th of December 1899. He was an Augustinian.


Thomas Dwyer ( c. 1850-1932) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 27th of May 1932, p. 8]

Death of Mr. T. Dwyer—the interment took place at Glenmore of Mr. Thomas Dwyer, who passed away at his residence at Ballyfacey at the fine old age of over 80 years. The deceased had been in feeble health for some time past. He was an upright and affable disposition and enjoyed a wide popularity in the district, where he was well known. The funeral to Glenmore was largely attended. R.I.P.

Margaret Dwyer née Hurley (1910-1980) of Ballyveria, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 19 Dec. 1980, p. 29.]

Late Margaret Dwyer, Ballyveria, Glenmore–The death occurred at her residence in Ballyveria, Glenmore on Wednesday, 10th December of Mrs. Margaret Dwyer (she was the last surviving member of the Hurley family, Knockbrock, Bigwood). She was wife of the late Michael Dwyer who died in 1968 and who worked for a long time with British Rail and was in her 71st year.

She was mother of Paddy Dwyer, the Rower; Thomas Dwyer, Sydney, Australia; Steph Dwyer, Cappagh, Kilmacow and Michael Dwyer, Gusserane, Co. Wexford. She is also survived by her daughters, Mrs. Lily O’Brien, Waterford and Kathy Flavin, England. She is also survived by 30 grandchildren and by three great-grandchildren, and by her daughters and sons-in-law. Her remains were removed to St. James’ Church, Glenmore and following Requiem Mass on Friday was buried in the adjoining cemetery after Fr. T. O’Connor had celebrated Mass for her soul. To her sons and daughters, we extend our deepest sympathy. May she rest in peace.

Michael Dwyer, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Wedding announcement the Munster Express, Fri. 10 Feb. 1939, p. 8]

               WEDDING BELLS—Congratulations will be extensive to Mr. Ml. Dwyer, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, and Miss Tierney, Inistioge, on their marriage, which was solemnised at the parish church, Inistioge. Rev. M. Doyle, C.C., D.D., do., officiated at the ceremony. The best man was Mr. Thos. Ryan, Ballyfacey, and the bride was attended by her sister. Both are well known in their respective districts, and their many friends wish them every success in their future career.

[Can’t find your ancestor? The National Archieves provides a good, free, online resource for searching the 1901 and 1911 Irish census .]