A – Glenmore Surnames
This page contains information on Glenmore people with surnames beginninng with A. Married women are usually found under their married surnames. Below are links to other Glenmore surnames pages for the convenience of readers.
A B C D E F G H I..J K..L M N O..P Q..R S T U..V W X..Z
This page was updated on the 17th of May 2024. Aylward Family of Rochestown
Mrs. Aide, of Rochestown [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mrs. Aide, of Rochestown, died on the 19th of June 1908.
Mary Archer, of Newtown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mary Archer, of Newtown, died on the 19th of June 1913.
Aylward Families in Glenmore Parish [DD Notebook 2, Interview of Nicholas Forristal, the Mill, of Graiguenakill, Glenmore in February 1970]
There are 5 townlands containing Aylwards: (1) Ballinclare (2) Parkstown; (3) Ballyfacey; (4) Newtown and (5) Graiguenakill.
(1) Ballinclare–there are two Aylward families in Ballinclare (1a) Tom Aylward (where Sheehys later were). Tom Aylward married Judy Hennessey of the Rower. Willie Gorman’s sife, (of Ballycroney) was a niece of Judy Hennessay and they often visited Ballinclare. (1b) Ned Aylward (where Aylwards are at present.) This Ned Aylward was married to Johanna Phelan, of Ballyfacey (a sister of little Dinny Phelan) living where George Conners is now. George Conner’s wife, Bridie Aylward, is a grand-daughter of Joanna Aylward née Phelan who was born in the house. Bridie Conner, née Aylward’s brother Jimmy Aylward is in the place in Carrigcloney where their great-grandmother came out of.
(4) Newtown–Johnnie Aylward was the last of the male line in Newtown. He married Kitt Larecy, of Robinstown. He was a blacksmith and left Newtown. Eventually he became clerk of the chapel in Glenmore. He had a sister who married a Ryan. The Aylwards had left Newton before Nicky’s rememberance. When Nicky was a chap going to school Old Johnnie Aylward was a feeble old man of about 80 years. Another sister of old Johnnie Aylward was married to James (the Cooper) Dunphy of Ballyverneen.
(5) Graiguenakill–the Aylwards of Graiguenakill had 12 Irish acres and the house stood just at the cross in about 14 paces up from the new line. The haggard? was common land. No wall was built around it. Micky Barron built a gap into it from the top field after the wall was built. Nicky Forristal was only 7 years old when the wall was built. Tinkers used camp in it always. There was an old kiln also situated in it and people used to sleep in the kiln. The last of the Aylwards in Graiguenakill tried to sell the place to Micky Kelly’s father or grandfather for £5 and he wasn’t able to raise it. Jim Barron’s father, of Carrigcloney (where Phil Hynes is now) got it after Aylward left.
Aylward Family of Rochestown, Glenmore [Article in the Gorey Guardian, Wed. 4 June 1997, p. 32]
Hannie McNamara née Aylward formerly of Rochestown, Glenmore, now residing in Islington, Surrey, England, spent a very enjoyed holiday with her sister, Nellie Grace, Scartnamore. Hannie emigrated about 25 years ago. She buried her husband about 12 months ago. During her holiday she visited her sisters Betty Stephenson, The Rower, Mary Fitzgerald, Flemingstown, Peggie Kehoe, Rochestown and her brother Jimmy Aylward.
Anastasia Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Anastasia Aylward, alias, Gaule, died 30 May 1882.
Bartholomew Aylward, native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in Munster Express, Fri. 19 April 1929, p. 8]
Due to the length of the obituary it has been placed on our obituary page which may be accessed by clicking on the “Roots” button on the home page and selecting obituaries.
Bridget Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary kept by James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Bridget Aylward was born on the 8th of December 1837.
Bridget Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary kept by James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Bridget Aylward, alias Power died Easter Saturday 22nd of March 1845.
Bridget Aylward (c. 1832-1916) of Parkstown, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, on Sat. 2 Sept. 1916]
DEATH OF MRS. BRIDGET AYLWARD PARKSTOWN—We regret to announce the death of Mrs Bridget Aylward, Parkstown, Glenmore which took place on Thursday. The deceased lady, who had reached the advanced age of 84 years, was mother of Mr William Aylward, merchant, O’Connell street and Thomas street, Waterford, and of Mr. Patrick Aylward, Parkstown. [Editor’s Note: Deceased was also the mother of James Aylward (c. 1869-1909) of Parkstown, Glenmore: Wed and Dead Within a Week, see blog post of 21 June 2020.
Brigid Aylward (c. 1876-1963) of Parkstown, Glenmore [Obit Munster Express, Fri. 15 Feb. 1963, p. 8]
Late Miss Bridget Aylward—The death at her residence, Parkstown, Glenmore on Saturday 2nd of February, of Miss Bridget Aylward, created deep regret in her native district and throughout South Kilkenny and Waterford City where she was equally well and popularly known. A most gracious, kindly and charitable lady, she had endeared herself greatly to all who knew her for these and her other estimable traits, not the least of which was her sterling neighbourly qualities.
A member of a widely respected and much esteemed family, she was sister of Mrs. J.P. O’Donovan, Couse, Co. Waterford, and of the late Mr. William Aylward, who for many years carried on a grocery and licensed trade at the corner of O’Connell St. and Thomas St. in Waterford, in the premises now in the ownership of Mr. Harney.
She was aunt of Sister Conrad (Butler), St. John of God Convent, Wexford; Mr. Thomas Butler, Parkstown; Mr. John Aylward, do; Mr. Cathleen McNally, New York; Nurse Josie Aylward, London; Mrs. S. Scally, Dublin; the Misses Bridget, Peggy, Nellie and Mary Aylward, Parkstown, and Mrs. Teresa Fitzgerald, London.
Followed by a very large and representative cortege, the remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church, where Requiem Office and High Mass were offered up on Monday. The interment, at which sympathisers were again present in large numbers, was made immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Rev. Fr. Dunphy, C.C., who was celebrant of the High Mass, also officiated at the graveside. There were twelve priests in the choir.
Edward Aylward of Ballinclare, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Edward Aylward, of Ballinclare, died in October 1908.
James Aylward, Mullinahone, Glenmore, [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
James Aylward, Mullinahone died on the 7th of March 1844.
Rev. James Aylward, Parish Priest of Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Rev. James Aylward, P.P. of Glenmore died on the 22nd of June 1878.
James Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
James Aylward was born on the 12th of June 1882.
James Aylward (c. 1869-1909) Parkstown Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
James Aylward, Parkstown, and Kate Gaul, Ballinooney, married 15th Feb. 1909, and James Aylward was buried that day the week following. [Editor’s Note: There are two blog posts concerning James Aylward, see blog post of 21 June 2020 AND the widow’s update blog post of 15 July 2020.
Rev. James Aylward, Parish Priest of Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Rev. James Aylward, P.P. of Glenmore died in hospital in Dublin in July 1974 and is buried in Glasnevin Cemetery.
Johanna Ayward née Ryan (c. 1923-1953) of Lismatigue, Huggingstown [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 30 Oct. 1953, p. 12]
DEATH OF MRS. M. AYLWARD—The death occurred at her residence, Lismatigue, Hugginstown, on Tuesday morning last, of Mrs. Johanna Aylward, after an illness of some weeks’ duration. Deceased, who was a member of an old and highly respected family, was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Lismatigue, and wife of Mr. Michael Aylward, do., who is a native of Ballinclare, Glenmore.
A poignant feature of her demise is the fact that they were only married last February, and the sympathy of a wide circle of friends will gout to the bereaved husband, parents and sister in the sad loss they have sustained. Her passing, at the comparatively early age of 30 years, is deeply and deservedly regretted in her native parish. The remains, accompanied by a large and representative attendance, were removed to Hugginstown Church on Wednesday evening, and interment took place in the adjoining cemetery on Thursday after Office and High Mass, on which the celebrant was Rev. M. Phelan, C.C., Hugginstown—R.I.P.
John Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 14, interview of John Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore, undated]
John Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore was married to Catherine Roche, of Scartnamore, Glenmore. They had the following children:
[1] Mattew Aylward, married in Ballyfacey to Mary Dowling of Jamestown. Had [1a] Margaret Aylward, [1b] Kathleen Aylward, [1c] Bridget Aylward, [1d] Daniel Aylward and [1f] Sean Aylward.
[2] Catherine Aylward married James Roche, of Haggard, Glemore. They had [2a] Luke Roche, [2b] Jack Roche, [2c] Laurence Roche, [2d] Pat Roche, [2e] James Roche and [2f] Matthew Roche.
[3] Edward Aylward emigrated to America, married there and had two children.
[4] Mary Aylward married Bartley Holden, of Clune, Glenmore. They had [4a] Margaret Holden, [4b] Joe Holden, [4c] Kitty Holden, [4d] John Holden, [4e] Walter Holden, [4f] Mattie Holden and [4g] Mick Holden. [5] Bridget Aylward married Michael Cody, of Ballycroney. They had [5a] Richard Cody, [5b] John Cody, [5c] Walter Cody and [5d] Michael Cody.
[6] Statia Aylward died unmarried in Ballyfacey aged about 30 years.
[7] John Aylward died unmarried in ballyfacey aged 44 years.
[8] Margaret Aylward married Adam Tobin, of Barrabehy, Mooncoin. Had several children. All except one, Richard Tobin died young. Margaret died at the age of 39 years.
John “Jack” Aylward (1890-1936) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 14 Feb. 1936, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. J. AYLWARD—The death occurred in Aut Even Hospital, Kilkenny, of Mr. Jack Aylward, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, at the comparatively early age of 45 years. Deceased, who had been ailing only a short time, was a well known figure in sporting circles in his native parish.
He was Captain of the Ballyfacey tug-of-war team, and both on and off the field was a kindly, big hearted Irishman who was beloved by all his neighbours, friends and old comrades of sporting circles. He was an extensive farmer who combined capable business methods with considerable agricultural experience, which was at all time at the disposal of his neighbours any time his help and advice were sought.
The news of his demise evoked feelings of profound sorrow in his native parish which was accentuated by reason of the very brief illness which preceded it. The utmost sympathy will go out to the bereaved brothers and sisters in the sad bereavement they have sustained.
The funeral to Glenmore was the largest seen in the district for a considerable time and was a striking testimony to the popularity of the late Mr. Aylward and the widespread sorrow evoked by his untimely passing. Requiem Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore parish church, after which the intermet took place in the adjoining cemetery.
John Aylward, of Robinstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 16, Interview of Mrs. Mary Reddy [née Walsh], Robinstown, Glenmore on 17 September 1974]
Mrs. Mary Reddy’s grandfather was John Aylward, who was married to Allie Larricey, of Robinstown, Glenmore. They lived in a house situated in the little three corner field bouncing the Creamery Field. He was the first of the family to become the chapel man of Glenmore.
He and his family then moved into the Chapel House [Sacristan’s House at the front corner of the churchyard across from Hanrahan’s.] The Chapel House then had a back door leading on to the Chapel yard. The Aylwards only had the bottom part of the house. The loft upstairs was then reserved for meetings of the Parish Committee. This arrangement continued to be the case until the Walsh’s time. Mary Reddy née Walsh was born on 1 June 1898 [and was the Glenmore Sacristan for years.]
At one time John Aylward owned the land in Robinstown on which included the land where the Creamery is built plus the plantation as at present. This land later on was owned by the Fitzgeralds of Aylwardstown (Mary Kirwan’s).
John Aylward and Allie Larricey, had the following children:
[1] Kate Aylward married William Walsh of Graiguenakill, Glenmore Village (on the Churn’s Hill where Phil Morrisssey lived in 1974). They had family.
[2] Mary Aylward married John Fitzgerald, Clerk of Ballybricken Chapel in Waterford. Had family including Tom Fitzgerald who still lives near Tramore.
[3] Richard Aylward emigrated to America, and settled in Brooklyn, New York, he married and had family. [4] James Aylward emigrated to American and settled near Brooklyn, New York. He married and had family.
[5] John Aylward died young of fever in the Waterford fever hospital.
[6] Michael Aylward died young of fever in the Waterford Fever Hospital. One brother got sick at first, and was confined in the Fever Hospital. The brother brother went to see him and he contracted the fever.
John Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Aylward began as a Poor Law Guardian in March 1855.
John Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward, of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Aylward was born on the 18th of November 1879.
John Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward, of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Aylward died on the 5th of December 1886.
John Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward, of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
John Aylward died on the 14th of July 1900.
John Aylward, native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 8 March 1929, p. 3]
Funeral of the Late John Aylward—The funeral of the late Mr. John Aylward from the Cathedral to St. Mary’s, Ballygunner, on Sat. morning last was touching tribute paid by a very large gathering to the memory of the deceased and exemplified the sympathy felt for his family on the passing of a much resoected member of the Waterford business community.
His remains were removed on Friday night from his late residence, Arundel Square, to the Cathedral, where, in presence of an extremely large congregation, Solemn Requiem Mass was celebrated on Saturday morning at 10:30. The celebrant was Rev. M. Sheehan, C.C., the Cathedral; deacon Rev. Nichols Walsh, C.C. Carrickbeg [7 more clergy were listed and the roles they played in the services.]
The remains were subsequently removed for interment, the chief mourners being: James, John, Bartholomew, and Bernard Aylward (sons); the Misses May, Ellen, Kathleen and Teresa (daughters); Bartholomew and James Aylward, Rochestown (brothers); Jas. Aylward, Edward Roche, John Roderick McKeown, Kate McKeown, Ballydwan; Mrs. Moore, Craun; Bridget Heffernan, Rochestown (cousins).
The funeral cortege included the Mayor (Coucillor E. Walsh), members of the Corporation, and many representatives of the professional classes and commercial interests of the city. Rev. M.J. Murray, C.C., St. John’s officiated at the graveside. John Aylward featured in our blog post of 9 October 2022.
John Aylward, of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express on Friday the 22nd of January 1954]
AYLWARD—January 20, 1954, at the County and City Infirmary, Waterford, John Aylward, Rochestown, Glenmore, County Kilkenny, to the inexpressible grief of his wife, son, daughters, brothers and sisters. R.I.P. Remains were removed to Glenmore on Wednesday evening. Office and High Mass at 10.30 this (Friday) morning. Interment immediately afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
John Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Sympathy Notice, New Ross Standard on Friday the 14th of February 1936]
BALLYCRONEY F.F. CUMANN SYMPATHY. At a specially convened meeting of the Ballycroney F. F. Cumin, Mr. P. Greene presiding, on the proposition of Mr. James Doherty, seconded by Mr. John Merrigan, a vote of sympathy was passed with Messrs John Holden, treas., and Walter Holden, Clune, on the death of their uncle, Mr. John Aylward, Ballyfacey.
John Aylward (c. 1872-1956) of Ballinclare, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, Fri. 3 Feb. 1956, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. JOHN AYLWARD—The death occurred rather unexpectedly at his residence, Ballinclare, Glenmore, recently of Mr. John Aylward, at the fine old age of 84 years. Deceased, who was a well known and esteemed figure in farming circles in the district, was brother of Mr. Michael Aylward, do., and the late Very Rev. Canon Aylward, P.P., Durrow, Laois, who died in December 1954.
He was also uncle of Mother Philomena, G.S.N.N., Marymount School, Los Angeles, U.S.A., Richard, Thomas and Margaret Aylward, Ballinclare, Glenmore, James and Bridie Aylward, Carrickcloney, do., Michael Aylward, Lismatigue, Hugginstown, Garda Ed. Aylward, Bridgetown, Co. Wexford, John Aylward, England, William Aylward, U.S.A., Mrs. W. Mcdonld, Milltown, Kilmacow, and Mrs. E. Kenny, Cussana, Carrigeen. Sincere sympathy will be extended to his brother, nephews, nieces and relatives in their sad bereavement.
Office and High Mass were offered up at Glenmore Parish Church, of which the celebrant was Rev. Fr. Greene, C.C.do. [and 16 other clergy listed] Interment took place subsequently in the adjoining cemetery in presence of a large and representative attendance of relatives and friends from over a wide area. R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Mr. N. O’Neill, Sallypark.
Katie Aylward, of Ballinclare, Glenmore [Article in the Munster Express on Friday the 10th of September 1937]
Glenmore Lady Professed in New York—Her many friends and relatives will be glad to learn that Miss Katie Aylward (in religion Sister M. Philomena) was professed on Sunday, August 29th, at the Sacred Heart Convent, ” Marymount, New York. Miss Aylward is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aylward, Ballinclare, Glennmore, and niece of Very Rev. R. Canon Aylward, P.P.. Durrow, Leix; she is also sister of Sister M. Alphonsus, Presentation Convent, Kilkenny; cousin of Rev. Mother Gerrard, Sacred Heart Convent Paris, and cousin of Mother General Columba, John of God s Convent, Kilkenny.
We join with her numerous friends and relations in wishing this distinguished young lady many years of happiness in her high calling. We wish also to congratulate her pa reins and relatives and the staff of the Sacred Heart Convent, Ferrybank, Waterford, where this young lady received her early education.
Mai Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Mai Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore died on the 28th of November 1971.
Margee Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore
Margee Aylward, alias Malone, died on the 8th August 1884.
Margaret Aylward (c. 1819-1895) buried at Glenmore (Death notice in the Wexford & Kilkenny Express, Sat. 30 Nov. 1895, p. 5)
DIED. Aylward—On Sunday, 26th inst. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. O’Flaherty, Barrack-street, Margaret Aylward, aged 76. Remains were interred at Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, on Tuesday, the cortege being large and respectable. R.I.P. [Editor’s Note–Margaret Aylward died of bronchites. The death register records her age as 68 and she was the widow of a farmer. Her daughter Margaret Geaherty was present when she died in Waterford.]
Mary Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Mary Aylward was born on the 4th of February 1841.
Mary Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore
Mary Aylward died 20-10-1884.
Mary Aylward (c. 1838-1908) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Death Notice in the Munster Express of 15 February 1908]
On Sunday, February 9th, Mary the dearly loved wife of Mr. James Aylward, Rochestown, Glenmore, county Kilkenny. Interment took place on Tuesday, at Glenmore, after Office and High Mass.—R.I.P.
Mary Aylward (c. 1838-1908) of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express, on Saturday the 15th of February 1908]
This lengthy obit is provided in full on the obituary page which may be accessed via the home page by clicking on the “Roots” button.
Mary Aylward (c. 1859-1939) of Haggard, Glenmore [Death notice in the New Ross Standard, Fri. 26 May 1939, p. 1]
AYLWARD—May 16th, at her residence, Haggard, Glenmore, Mary, relict of the late John Aylward. Deeply regretted. R.I. P. Interred in family burial ground, Thursday. Office and High Mass on Friday. [Editor’s note–per the death register the deceased died on the 16th of May 1939, aged 80, the widow of a farmer and her son-in-law John Byrnes was present at her death.
Mary Aylward née Irish (1882-1969) of Ballinclare, Glenmore [Obit in the Waterford News & Star, Fri. 27 June 1969, p. 1]
LATE MRS. M. AYLWARD—The death took place at Maypark Nursing Home, Waterford, of Mrs. Mary Aylward, Ballinclare, Glenmore, at an advanced age. A member of the Irish family, Ballinlammy, deceased was an esteemed figure in the farming community of the district.
The remains were removed to Glenmore Parish Church on Tuesday evening and were received by Rev. Philip Madigan, C.C., Glenmore, assisted by Rev. Wm. Brennan, P.P., Glenmore, Rev. John Hoynes, C.C., Callan, Rev. Wm. Daly, C.C. Kilmacow and Rev. Michael Mernagh, O.S.A, Nigeria. Burial took place in the adjoining cemetery after 10:30 Mass on Wednesday morning and there was a large and representative attendance on both occasions.
The late Mrs. Aylward is survived by her sons. Garda Edward Aylward; Richard Aylward, Ballinclare; James Aylward, Carrigcloney; Patrick Aylward, Aylwardstown; Thomas Aylward, Melville, Mullinavat; Michael Aylward, Kilmacow, and John Aylward, London; daughters, Sr. Alphonsus, Presentation Convent, Kilkenny; Sr. Philomena, San Francisco; Mrs, Bridie O’Connor, Ballyfacey; Mrs. Phelan, Milltown, Kilmacow; Mrs. McDonald, Mooncoin; and Mrs. John Roche, Rathinure and her sister, Mrs. William Murphy Davidstown.
Mattie Aylward of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [DD Notebook 8, undated interview of Mattie Aylward]
John Aylward (Matt’s father) was married to Margaret Roche from Ballyhobuck, Glenmore. His grandfather Matt Aylward, was married to ________________ Delahunty of Ballyfacey. Matt said that the Aylwards came from Knockmoylan, to Ballyfacey.
Maureen Aylward, of Ballyfacey, Glenmore [Notice in the Munster Express, Fri. 25 Nov. 1949, p. 6]
TEACHING APPOINTMENT—Miss Maureen Aylward, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Aylward, Ballyfacey, Glenmore, has been appointed teaching substitute at Slieverue National School.
Patrick Aylward (c. 1874-1941) of Parkstown, Glenmore [Obit in the Munster Express Friday 25 July 1941, p. 8]
DEATH OF MR. P. AYLWARD—Mr. Patrick Aylward, who has died at his residence at Parkstown, Glenmore, was an extensive farmer, and popular with all sections in the district. Deceased, who was aged 67 years, had been ailing only a short time, and the news of his passing came as a shock to his many friends. He leaves a widow and eight children to mourn his loss, and to whom sincere sympathy will be extended in their sorrow. The late Mr. Aylward was brother of Mr. William Aylward, O’Connell St., Waterford.
There was a large and representative attendance from the district at the removal of the remains to Glenmore Parish Church, where they were received by Rev. W. Brennan, C.C. Office and high Mass were offered up, of which the celebrant was Rev. W. Brennan, C.C. Glenmore, and the other clergy present were: Very Rev. Lee, Canon Coghlan, P.P. Rosbercon; Very Rev., Ed. Canon Brennan, P.P., Ferrybank; Rev. James Carrigan, P.P., Glenmore; Rev. P. Nolan, C.C., Tullogher; Rev. M. Doyle, C.C., Slieverue; Rev. P. Hally, C.C., Ferrybank; Rev. Edward Leahy, C.C., Rosbercon; Rev. T. Marnell, Chaplain, Belmont; and Rev. Fr. Phelan, Mullinahone.
Interment took place immediately afterwards in the adjoining cemetery, the last prayers at the graveside being recited by Rev. Fr. Brennan, C.C. As on the previous evening, there was again a large attendance from the locality and from Waterford City—R.I.P. Funeral arrangements by Mr. T. Power, Ferrybank.
Patrick Aylward (c. 1871-1941) of Parkstown, Glenmore [Email of 15 June 2023 of his grandson, Mark McNally]
Patrick and Bridget Aylward were my grandparents. Patrick passed in 1939 or 1940 when my mother was 9. Bridget passed on the same day as President Eisenhower and my mom was unable to get over to Ireland for the funeral in March 1969. The children of Patrick & Bridget Aylward: [1] Bridget “Diggie” Aylward, never married; [2] Stella Aylward Scully; [3] Josephine “Josie” Aylward; [4] Margaret “Peggy” Aylward, never married; [5] Mary “Mame” Aylward, never married; [6] John Aylward, never married; [7] Catherine “Kitty or Kate” Aylward McNally, died 8 March 2017; [8] Nellie Aylward Gill (lives in Wexford) and [9] Teresa Aylward Fitzgerald (London suburb). [Editor’s note: Patrick Aylward died on the 14th of July 1941 of pneumonia. He was 70 at the time of his death. Patrick on 1 Nov. 1917 married Bridget Doolan of Shambogh. Her father was Dan Doolan (farmer) and Patrick’s father was John Aylward (farmer). Bridget Aylward née Doolan (c. 1893-1969) died on 29th of March 1969 at the age of 76].
Philip Aylward, of Baillinclan (sic), Glenmore [note in the Clonmel Herald on Saturday the 21st of September 1833]
On Wednesday night [18 Sept. 1833] some evil-disposed persons removed part of the thatch from a dairy belonging to Philip Aylward of Baillinclan, in the parish of Glenmore, and robbed it of a quantity of butter.
Philip Aylward, of Knockmoylan, Ballyhale [DD Notebook 15, misc. notes]
Philip Aylward, of Knockmoylan, Ballyhale, died on the 16th of February 1867.
Richard Aylward, of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
“It appears by the Registry in the Baptismal Book of the Parish of Glenmore, that Richard Aylward, son of Thomas Aylward and Bridget Power of Ballyhabuck (sic) was baptised by the Rev. John Foran, CC. on may 25th, 1831.”
Richard Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Richard Aylward sailed to Boston on the 1st of April 1843.
Richard Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Richard Aylward sailed from Waterford, on the 15th of April 1848 with Captain Doody.
Stasia Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Stasia Aylward died on the 8th of March 1893.
Thomas Aylward, Ballyhobuck, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Thomas Aylward of Ballyhobuck died on the 14th of February 1854.
Thomas Aylward, Kilcollumb, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Thomas Aylward, of Kilcolumb, died on the 16th of December 1836, aged 59 years.
Thomas Aylward, Parkstown, Glenmore [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of
Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Young Thomas Aylward, Parkstown, died on the 19th of February 1865.
Thomas Aylward [townland not provided] [DD Notebook 2, Copy of Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore]
Thomas Aylward was born on the 30th of June 1844.
Tobias Aylward (1860-1923) native of Rochestown, Glenmore [Obit, Kansas City Times, 8 May 1923 p. 6]
Tobias J. Aylward Dies—Father of Kansas City Lawyers Stricken on Way to Work—Tobias J. Aylward, 60 years old, 3326 Wayne Avenue, died yesterday afternoon while o a Brooklyn street car on his way to work. It was believed heart disease caused his death. Mr. Aylward was going to work at the plant of the Kansas City Gas Company, Nineteenth Street and Indiana Avenue. He worked at night, having been employed as a civil engineer at that plant 38 years.

Mr. Aylward was born in Ireland. He came to the U.S. forty years ago. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Catherine Aylward, and 10 children. James P. Aylward, lawyer, chairman of the Democratic county committee, 1312 East 79th St., Joseph F. Aylward, lawyer, the home; Charles L. Aylward, 3 East 56th Street Terrace; George V. Aylward, lawyer, 4511 Genesee Ave.; John Aylward, the home; Frank E. Aylward, the home; Mrs. Leighton Darby, 6435 Wornall Road; Miss Alice Aylward and Miss Agness Aylward, the home; and Mrs. Brown Baldwin, Detroit, Michigan.
[Editor’s Note: The informant for the Missouri Death Cert was James Aylward who did not provide the name of the widow and stated the date of birth was “unknown.” The parents are listed as James Aylward and Mary Aylward née Aylward. The Glemore parish records reveal that Tobias was born on 30 November 1860 at Rochestown, Glenmore.]
Members of many Glenmore families moved into Waterford. The Waterford Library has a collection of on line local historical newspapers. etc.