January, 2025
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A Glenmore Postcard [Updated]

In the early 20th century cameras became smaller and were more affordable. Film was purchased in chemist shops and the exposed film returned to be processed because few people had the chemicals, facilities or training to develop their own photographs. Often photos or copies of photos would be placed on thin cardboard postcards for customers by the chemist with the subject of the photo hand printed on the postcard. These post cards were very popular. However, the Glenmore post card above has “Post Office Glenmore” professionally printed (not hand printed) on the bottom left. Post cards of all descriptions were very popular in the early twentieth century as advertising of businesses or beauty spots and as a means of cheap communication.
Dating the Glenmore Postcard
The exact date of the photo is unknown. However, the photo is of the second Glenmore Post Office at Fluskey’s shop. We believe that Danny Dowling (1927-2021) enlarged the postcard and was able to identify the three people standing in front of the Post Office. Danny identified them as Maggie Holden of Weatherstown; Jim Power, the Postman; and Jim Walsh, Glenmore (uncle of Eamon Walsh). Special thanks to Martin Gahan for sharing the photo and the identification provided to him by Danny.
Dating the photo postcard is difficult because we just have a copy. We can not view the stamp affixed if any, the postmark if any, the other information on the back such as the producer’s name or, whether it was linen etc. The best clues come from what is depicted in the photo.

For example, one of the signs on Fluskey’s references a telegraph. The telegraph came when the railway link from Waterford to New Ross was being built through Glenmore in the first years of the twentieth century. Thus we know it was not taken before circa 1902. There also appears to have been graffiti on the walls of Fluskey’s on both sides of the door. Some of the letters that are still visible when the photo is enlarged appear to be “REPU” perhaps for republic or republican? (None of the other buildings appear to have graffiti.) From 1916 to the mid-1920’s the country was fighting for independence and then engaged in a civil war.
The dress of the people photographed appears to be after the First World War because Maggie Holden’s skirt is knee length. The two standing near the entrance to the other shop appear to be a girl and woman, but unfortunately they are too out of focus to be of much use in terms of their hair and dress. Two chickens in the road were also photographed, but wandering fowl in the Village continued well into the mid-twentieth century.
Glenmore Persons Depicted
The easiest to obtain information on was Jim Power, the postman. James “Jim” Power (1884-1947) was the son of Tommy & Mary “Main” Power née Walsh of Robinstown, Glenmore. James was born on 19 December 1884. In the Robinstown,1911 Census James is 24, single, living at home and employed as a postman. James Power never married and died 1 June 1947 in the County Home at Thomastown.

The man to the far right of the photo was identified as Jim Walsh (uncle of Eamon Walsh). The Eamon Walsh that springs to mind is the son of Bill Walsh (1912-1985) and his wife Peg Roche (c.1918- 2012). Bill Walsh (1912-1985) indeed had a brother Jim Walsh (1898-1958). Jim Walsh was Captain of the Glenmore Company of the old IRA during the War of Independence and was imprisoned. After Independence he joined Garda Siochana and married a Rosbercon Doherty and had several children. Jim Walsh died on 22 February 1958.
Unfortunately, we could not locate a Maggie Holden in Weatherstown. We do not know if Holden was her maiden or married name. If anyone has any information on Maggie Holden of Weatherstown please send it to us.
[Update 25 Jan. 2025: We were provided the following information. Maggie Holden was born on 13 August 1911 to Thomas Holden (c. 1870-1948) and his wife Hannie Duggan (c. 1877-1953). Thomas and Hannie were married in 1895 Thomas was from Gaulestown and Hannie was from Weatherstown. After they married they lived in Weatherstown in the house now occupied by John Murphy. Maggie Holden (b. 1911) was the youngest of the family, she married on 10 June 1942, Patrick Keogh who was from Wexford. Patrick and Maggie had two daughters Mary and Johanna and they both went to school in Ballyfacey. Patrick went to England and sometime later Maggie and the girls followed.]
Glenmore Buildings Depicted
The post office and telegraph were in Fluskey’s shop. This two storey building is now a home in Glenmore. To the left, Danny Dowling’s original and last home is mostly hidden by Fluskey’s. This house was a traditional two up and two down which later was extensively extended.
The next building to the left, which hosts a sign over the door, we believe was the Glenmore Dispensary. The store front to the left was up until circa 1904 Gaffney’s shop. Behind the shop was their mill. After the last Gaffney left Glenmore the premises were bought by P.N. O’Gorman. Eventually the Heffernan’s acquired it and Lizzie Heffernan married James K. Walsh of Ballybrahee. Lizzy JK as they were known built in 1937 a dance hall behind their shop. The Mill, dance hall, the shop and the attached house no longer stand.
Our best guess is that this photo was taken in the turbulent 1920’s.
Update: 23 Jan. 2025 Special thanks to Mick Breen for sending a clearer closeup of the group of three.

Please send any corrections or further information to glenmore.history@gmail.com.
To learn more about Fluskey’s see our post of 28 May 2020.
See our post of 25 April 2020 for further information on the Glenmore Dispensary.
For further information on Glenmore Post Offices see our post of 24 Nov. 2019.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh