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The Public Execution of Henry “Bounce” Walsh in 1847

In our last blog we outlined the local story passed down in Glenmore concerning Henry “Bounce” Walsh, of Knockbrack, Glenmore, as well as the contemporary newspapers accounts of his 1847 murder trial. Today, we will outline the circumstances concerning his execution.
Henry “Bounce” Walsh was convicted of murdering John Walsh in July 1847. The Kilkenny Journal, and Leinster Commercial and Literary Advertiser, of Saturday the 31st of July 1847 on its front page, covered the murder trial. The judge charged the jury, who retired and returned in less than half hour with verdict of guilty. The prisoner heard the verdict with apparent indifference, and was removed from the bar to await his sentence at the end of the assizes. Throughout the trial it was reported that the accused seemed quite indifferent to the proceedings.
On Friday the 30th of July 1847, Henry “Bounce” Walsh appeared for his sentencing with two others, James Daniel and James Larkin, who were convicted during the assizes of the murder of Arthur William Prim. The trial judge addressed all three convicted men together and told them, “I cannot hold out to any of you prisoners, the slightest hope of a change in the sentences that the law obliges me to pronounce. I have no discretion whatsoever…I would conjure then to employ the short time that remains between the present moment and that in which they are to leave this world, in making their peace with God—repent for the crime that they have committed—and in the hope of that mercy which, through the merits of our Saviour, the Almighty, will show the repentant—in endeavouring to obtain the peace in the next world which they have forfeited in this one…” The convicted man Larkin requested of the judge, “The longest day you can give my lord.” The judge replied that he would provide sufficient time for the convicted murders to seek God’s forgiveness.
Upon hearing his sentence of death, Henry “Bounce” Walsh asked the judge if his father could have his body. The judge replied that was not possible as the law required that he be buried in the gaol yard. Henry “Bounce” Walsh then stated that Jones and another man in the courtroom that he pointed at were responsible for his death. It is not clear who Henry “Bounce” Walsh indicated were responsible for his death sentence. In the newspaper accounts there is no mention of a juror, witness or prosecutor named Jones.

The date of execution for Larkin and Daniel was set for the 25th of August and Henry “Bounce” Walsh was to be executed on the 1st of September. The Kerry Evening Post on Wednesday the 8th of September 1847 reported that Henry “Bounce” Walsh and the other two condemned men, Larkin and Daniel, had on “Monday week” attempted a daring escape from the jail. Given the fact that Larkin and Daniel were hanged on Wednesday the 25th of August the unsuccessful jail break involving the three convicted men, if it occurred, must have occurred at that time or prior to the 25th of August. It was also reported that after the unsuccessful jail break Henry “Bounce” Walsh was exemplary and penitent. “His attention to his religious duties has been intense and unwavering.” It was reported that he regretted involvement in the failed jail break and stated that Larkin had enticed his involvement. When he heard that the other two convicted men had been executed he is alleged to have stated that his mind was at ease and he could devote himself to “making peace with an offended Deity.”
In addition to the alleged jail break another unusual aspect of the newspaper account provides that as he was being prepared for his execution the condemned man joined in the prayers with “great fervency” his “knowledge of English was very imperfect.” An article in the Waterford Mail on the 8th of September stated that when he entered gaol he did not know the Lord’s Prayer, but by the time of his execution he recited it with fervor. It is not clear how much English Henry “Bounce” Walsh understood. For a fascinating account of the impact of the failure to provide interpretation and translation services to Irish speakers see, Margaret Kelleher, The Maamtrasna Murders: Language, Life & Death in Nineteenth Century Ireland (2018).
Henry “Bounce” Walsh was publicly executed on the 1st of September 1847 in front of the Kilkenny gaol in what was described as a mis-managed hanging. His hanging was covered in a number of newspapers across Ireland and England. The below account is taken from the front page of The Waterford Mail, published on Wednesday, the 8th of September 1847.
Execution of HENRY WALSH, (alias BOUNCE), for the MURDER at BISHOP’S HALL
On Wednesday another of those disgusting and barbarous exhibitions, a public execution, took place in front of our [Kilkenny] county prison. Walsh the unfortunate convict let under sentence of death at our last assizes for the murder of a man, also named Walsh, at Bishop’s Hall, expiated that fearful crime by the hands of the executioner. . .
About half-past one o’clock on Wednesday, the unfortunate criminal made his appearance in the corridor, preceded by the High and Under Sheriffs, and the governor of the prison—gentlemen who, we understand exhibited the greatest humanity and kindness to the unfortunate culprit, and throughout were most anxious that all the wretched men who suffered the extreme punishment of the law, should have every comfort and attention consistent with the duty and discipline of the prison, and the miserable condition of the criminals.
His step was firm and unshaken, and his countenance, serene, the colour remaining in his cheeks, and his eyes bright and steady. He joined with his two attending clergymen, the Rev. Messrs. Maher and Hennessy, in prayer, with great fervency, though his knowledge of English was very imperfect. On reaching the press room he prayed with them for a length of time, repeating the responses to the several litanies and penitential psalms with apparent devotion, particularly such portions as from the greater simplicity of the language he appeared to understand. The by-standers, who had heard that on his first entering the prison he did not know the Lord’s prayer, were much surprised at the decency, fervour, and firmness which he displayed all through. When told by the hangman to get up, he did so with readiness, displaying no weakness whatsoever; and he gave that functionary every facility in his power whilst pinioning his arms. He then walked forward boldly on the drop, having the usual white cap over his face, and being placed in the proper position, after standing a moment or two, the unhappy culprit turned his head half round to the pressroom, and exclaimed—“Will I be let spake (sic) a few words? There was no answer, as his meaning was not at once caught. He then repeated firmly—“Will I be let spake a few words, gentlemen?” It was at once intimated to him that he might do so; when he said in a satisfied voice, “that’s right.”
After obtaining permission to speak, the prisoner remained for some time beating his breast, and exclaiming in a low tone, “Lord have mercy upon me. He then in a loud and distinct voice, and leaning forward over the drop, exclaimed in Irish, “Wilshiev-in-shin?” (Are you there?) There being no answer he said in English—“Boys, are ye all there?” More than one voice from outside exclaimed, “we are, we are.” The unhappy man then continued as follows:–“Now, I’m goin’ to die, an’ I’m innocent. An’ I hope I haven’t a lie in my mouth goin’ before my God, bringing my poor soul before him. I wasn’t there, or hadn’t hand, act or part in it. I came up after—if I had been five minutes sooner I’d have saved his life and my own. I forgive all that swore against me,” (here he mentioned various persons by soubriquets, “living,” he said, “in Sliev-rhu,” and “father and brothers,” he continued, “don’t have any revenge in your hearts against them—I forgive them all. An’ boys, let ye all keep from bad company and drinkin’—and iv I was said by me true love I wouldn’t be here today. Let ye all pray for my poor soul (murmurs outside.) “An’ God be wid ye all now, neighbours.” According to other newspaper accounts the crowd cried out, “Lord, have mercy on your soul.”
Here the fatal bolt was drawn, but from the mismanagement the poor culprit, instead of being thrown off, fell on his back upon the board, so that the hangman was obliged to push him out from behind; and from the short and gradual fall the wretched man struggled very hard for some moments, appearing to suffer most poignant agony. During his struggles his father and two brothers who were on the green, beneath the drop, vented their grief in loud cries and exclamations. We were sorry to perceive that a large crowd had assembled to witness this brutalising exhibition, and that women formed a considerable proportion of the multitude, and some of those of a class which though humble, we had hoped did not contain the depraved or indelicate.
We are not advocates for the total abolition of capital punishments—in murder cases alone we think it necessary, but we agree with those who contend for private executions. Should such a barbarous “treat” we again offered to our citisens (sic) a more efficient apparatus of death should be provided than the strangling process which disgraced the execution on Wednesday. Kilkenny Moderator
It is not clear how much of the above account is accurate. For example, a condemned man’s arms were generally pinioned behind his back, yet in the account it is alleged that he beat his chest after his arms were tied. Almost every newspaper that covered the execution in detail condemned public executions. However, it was not until the Capital Punishment (Amendment) Act 1868 that executions were restricted to take place within the confines of prison walls. Shortly before this execution a short article appeared in the Kilkenny Journal and Leinster Commercial Advertiser (18 August 1847) concerning the number of capital convictions and death sentences imposed as reported in the House of Commons. For ease a chart of the information is provided below.
Years Covered | Persons Convicted of Capital Crimes | Persons Executed |
5 yrs prior to 1826 | 5,286 | 307 |
Next 5 years | 7,077 | 304 |
Next 5 years | 3,877 | 175 |
Next 5 years | 707 | 44 |
5 years ending in 1846 | 304 | 56 |
It is difficult to believe today that under the common law in the 19th century capital offences included a number of crimes in addition to murder such as rape and even some thefts. For an online list of Irish executions from 1831 to 1899 please see, Richard Clark. From this list persons executed in Tipperary after 1847 were reviewed but there is no apparent link to the Glenmore oral tradition that the real killer was discovered and executed in Tipperary.
Over the past week we received several queries concerning the victim, the executed Henry “Bounce” Walsh and possible links to local Walsh families.
The Victim—John Walsh
Danny Dowling yesterday was not able to shed any light on the murder victim John Walsh. Because the witnesses stated that he turned off the road near the Black Corner it is assumed that he was a resident of Kilmacow parish. There is nothing contained in any newspaper account regarding the age of the victim, whether he was married, had children, or was supporting a widow mother etc. John Walsh was a common name and without a townland or other information we have no way of determining which John Walsh was the murder victim.
The Link—Ned “the Mason” Walsh & Henry “Bounce” Walsh?
Danny stated that he believed that Henry “Bounce” Walsh lived in Knockbrack based upon what he was told over the years by Glenmore residents. Danny believes that this Walsh family, or part of this family, eventually moved to Haggard as this is where Ned “the Mason” Walsh and his brother Michael were born and raised.
The 1901 Census provides that Ned was 21(c. 1880) and Michael was 25 (c. 1876). Thus the men claiming kinship to Henry “Bounce” Walsh were born about 30 years after his execution. The parents of these two brothers were Michael Walsh (bapt. 9 Apr. 1841 at Haggard) and Margaret Walsh née Moore (c. 1849). Michael Walsh and Margaret Moore were married at Glenmore on 1 August 1870. Michael’s father is listed as Michael Walsh, deceased. Michael Walsh (1841) was the son of Michael Walsh and Mary Walsh née Aylward. Michael Walsh and Mary Walsh née Aylward were married at Glenmore on 12 October 1832 and the record indicates that they were both from Hagard (sic). Unfortunately the parents of the bride and groom are not recorded. The only Walsh listed in the 1833 Griffith’s Valuation in “Higgart” (sic) was Michael Walsh who had 21 acres. Thus, it appears that “the Mason” Walshes were in Haggard at least fifteen years before the hanging. We have not ruled out a family relationship, but we have yet to uncover the relationship link. It could be that Michael Walsh married into Haggard and was a brother, uncle or cousin etc. to Henry “Bounce” Walsh.
Other Possible Family Links?
Griffith’s Valuation was conducted in Knockbrach in 1829, and there were no Walshes recorded there. There is no Walsh listed in Coolnaleen, but there is a Michael Walsh in Ardbeg who had 42 acres. Also, in nearby Cat’s Rock, Walter and John Walsh had a joint holding of 120 acres. Danny explained that Ardbeg was the old name for Coolnaleen and just as the Catholic parishes changed in Ossory in 1842 the names of various areas have changed. Unfortunately, there is no obvious baptismal record for a Henry “Bounce” Walsh. No clues are provided in the newspapers as to his age. With respect to his family the newspapers reported that his father and two brothers attended his execution, but no further information was provided.
Lastly, an inquest into the death of a Henry Walsh, aged about 31, was held in Parkstown, Glenmore in December 1864. (Kilkenny Journal and Leinster Commercial Advertiser, 17 December 1864). The jury ruled that this Henry Walsh died of natural causes. It appears that he was born about 1833 and thus was about 14 when Henry “Bounce” Walsh was executed. Could this man who died in 1864 be a cousin or nephew? There are two potential baptismal records for the Henry Walsh that died in 1864. [1] Henry Walsh, baptized 11 March 1831 in Glenmore, the son of John Walsh and Antice Gill. [2] Henry Walsh, baptized 4 June 1835, at Rochestown, Mooncoin, son of Philip Walsh and Mary Smith.
Hopefully a reader will be able to provide further or different information concerning Henry “Bounce” Walsh.
Blog update—Long obituaries are being moved onto their own page which is located under the “Roots” button on the home page. Short obituaries and death notices will remain on the relevant family pages.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh