Blueshirt Sports at Weatherstown, Glenmore in 1934

We recently came across an article entitled “Blueshirt Sports at Glenmore,” in the United Ireland newspaper of Saturday, the 18th of August 1934 (p. 4). The newspaper the United Ireland was published by the proprietors of the Star Publishing Co. Ltd. and printed by Cahill and Co., of Parkgate, Dublin. It was published from 1927 to 1961 and until it ceased publishing 1,792 editions were published.
The article mentioned the Glenmore tug of war team which prompted a search for an earlier article on the Ballyfacey, Glenmore tug of war team. See, our post of 13 Nov. 2022 . We noticed that the Munster Express published on 13 July 1934 an article about a sports day in Weatherstown. The Munster Express covered some of the winners of some of the events, but made no mention of the fact that the event was associated with Blueshirts (Fri. 13 July 1934, p. 8).
The Munster Express covered the results of the sports day but made no mention of the fact that the event was associated with Blueshirts (Friday 13 July 1934, p. 8). In the next column in the same edition the Munster Express published an article that a “big Blueshirt parade, comprising 200 (men and women) took place at Hugginstown. Forming up near the village, the procession, headed by the local Blue Shirt Band, marched around the village, and forming up at the cross adjacent to the ruins of the old RIC barracks, were briefly address by Captain Quinn, Gowran. A large number of supporters were also present. The singing of the National Anthem and the Blue Shirt marching song concluded the proceedings, during which there was no untoward incident” (Munster Express, Fri.13 July 1934, p. 8).
The article in the United Ireland was not published until 18 August 1934. However, because the two articles name most of the same winners of events the two articles must be about the same event. It also seems unlikely that there were two sports days held in Weatherstown in the summer of 1934.
United Ireland Article
“Keen Contests and Large Entries–The Glenmore Blueshirt, sports, held at Weatherstown, were an outstanding success. Large entries were received for each event and keen contests were the order of the day. Hundreds of Blueshirts—men and girls—were present, and there was an extremely large attendance of the general public. The national flag and the blueshirt flag were prominently displayed on the field. A refreshment stall was run by the local Blueshirt girls in charge of Miss K. Freyne. Captain P. Quinn, leader of the Blueshirts in Carlow-Kilkenny was among those present.”
Captain Padraig Quinn (c. 1903-1980) native of Graiguenamanagh, Kilkenny
Padraig Quinn was the youngest survivor of the 1921 Coolbawn ambush. While it was reported that he was just 16 years old at the time of the ambush his obituary provided that he was born about 1903. In 2012 the Webley revolver that he carried during his War of Independence service was auctioned (Kilkenny People, 24 March 2012).

Quinn after service in the Free State Army in the 1930’s became one of Eoin O’Duffy’s most loyal captains, as part of the Kilkenny Blueshirt Division. He started as the director of the League of Youth (Blueshirt’s organisation) in Carlow and Kilkenny and in the fall of 1934 was attached to the head quarter staff in Dublin. He with four other members were arrested on 16 October 1934 and conveyed to Waterford Prison (Belfast Newsletter, Wed. 17 Oct. 1934, p. 11). Quinn was arrested with another prominent Blueshirt , Thomas Fitzgerald (of Old Town, Co. Kilkenny) for failing to “account to the Civil Guards for their movements on recent occasions when tree felling and cutting of telegraph poles occurred on the main roads in Co. Kilkenny.” Both men were sentenced to three months (Tipperary Star, Sat. 3 Nov. 1934, p. 10).
In 1937, Padraig Quinn was part of a brigade that left Ireland for Spain to fight alongside General Franco’s men. He took an active part in that war “and received the Bandero from General Franco.” When he died in August 1980 messages of sympathy were sent from Liam Cosgrave, T.D. and former Taoiseach and from the Spanish Ambassador to Ireland (Nationalist & Leinster Times, Fri. 29 August 1980, p. 7). For a recent short article on the Blueshirt movement see, Seán Donnelly’s “Michael Tierney and the Intellectual Origins of Blueshirtism, 1920-1938”
The Sporting Results: United Ireland
Fifteen events were listed in the United Ireland newspaper article. Unfortunately no townlands were provided and few first names.
100 yards, boys under 16 (1) Tom Byrne; (2) Stephen Walsh.
100 yards, ladies—(1) Miss Walsh; (2) Miss Cotterell
100 yards open—(1) T. Roche; (2) Larry Walsh
220 yards—(1) Larry Walsh; (2) N. Mullins
440 yards—(1) P. Roche; (2) T. Power
Half Mile Cycle—(1) Jim Cuddihy; (2) John O’Connor
Three Legged Race—(1) John Culleton and L. Walsh; (2) Jas. Fitzgerald and P. Ryan
Throwing 56 lbs—(1) S. Kenny, 21 feet, 4 inches; (2) M. Laracy, 20 feet, 10 ½ inches
High Jump—(1) M. Walsh; (2) L. Walsh
Long Jump—(1) L. Walsh
880 yards—(1) S. Phelan; (2) T. Power
Sack Race—(1) S. Walsh; (2) J. Hogan
One Mile Open—(1) S. Phelan; (2) J. Hogan
One Mile Cycle—(1) J. Cuddihy; (2) J. Malone
A tug of war contest was won by the Glenmore Team (United Ireland, Sat. 18 Aug. 1934, p. 4).
Sporting Results: Munster Express
“On Sunday the 8th of July 1934, at a Sports meeting held at Weatherstown, Glenmore, “under a beaming sun a huge crowd enjoyed themselves…There was a big number of entries and valuable prizes being offered for the different events.” Eight events were reported in the Munster Express with some townlands and first names of winners provided.
100 Yards—L. Walsh, Davidstown, Glenmore, and P. Roche, do., tied for first place.
220 Yards—L. Walsh, Davidstown, Glenmore, First.
440 Yards—S. Phelan, Ballincrea, First.
Three Legged Race—L. Walsh and John Culleton, Kilbride, Glenmore, First.
One Mile—Stephen Phelan, First.
High Jump—M. Walsh, Davidstown, First.
Half Mile Cycle—J. Cuddihy, Knockroe, First.
Tug-of-war—After a thrilling tug between Coolroe and Glenmore the latter were victorious (Munster Express, Fri. 13 July 1934, p. 8).
Glenmore Participants
(1) Laurence “Larry” Walsh (b. 20 Dec. 1909) was the son of Robert Walsh (farmer) and his wife Mary Walsh of Davidstown. Larry’s parents were married 19 September 1899 at Slieverue. Robert Walsh was the son of Patrick Walsh and Margaret Kennedy. Mary Walsh was from Carriganurra and was the daughter of Thomas Walsh and Mary Purcell. Wedding witnesses were Edward Vereker and Anastatia Walsh.
(2) John Culleton, of Kilbride, was born 18 October 1911. John was the son of James Culleton (farmer) Kilbride and his wife, Hannah Grace. John’s parents were married at Glenmore on 8 February 1904. The groom, James Culleton (farmer, aged 34) was the son of John Culleton (farmer). Hannah (aged 26 was the daughter of Patrick Grace (farmer). Witnesses at the wedding were David Walsh and Ellen Mullins.
(3) James Fitzgerald, of Weatherstown, was born on 30 November 1906 the son of Patrick Fitzgerald (farmer) and his wife Mary MacDonald. Patrick Fitzgerald of Weatherstown (farmer) married Mary Macdonald, of Ballintlear, Mullinavat at Glenmore on 5 February 1902. Patrick was the son of William Fitzgerald (deceased farmer) and Mary was the daughter of James MacDonald (farmer).
(4) John Hogan, of Haggard, was born 29 April 1904 the son of John Hogan (tailor) and Alice Manning. John Hogan married Alice Manning of Haggard on 6 November 1890 at Glenmore.
Why Weatherstown, Glenmore?
Although Weatherstown is closer to New Ross than the Village of Glenmore it certainly is not in the centre of the parish. When Captain Quinn was attempting to build the Blueshirt membership in Kilkenny he likely planned and held events where he already had support from the men he served with during the War of Independence and Civil War. Two men he served with in the War of Independence were killed at the Coolbawn Ambush that he survived. These men were Jack Hartley (1897-1921) of Weatherstown, Glenmore and Nicky Mullins (1893-1921) of Thomastown, whose father Laurence was a native of Gaulstown, Glenmore.
For more information on the Coolbawn Ambush and the Glenmore family connections of Jack Hatley and Nicky Mullins see our post of 20 June 2021 and our post of 30 May 2021 for further information and a photo of the men.
The featured drawing above is of one of the banners used by the Blueshirts. See our post of 22 November 2020 regarding Franco’s Glenmore Recruit who also went to Spain.
Please send any corrections of additional information to
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh
Hi. Interesting reading about the Blue Shirts. One of those participants in the tug of war, John Hogan, was the son of John Hogan and Alice Manning. Alice’s sister Mary is my great grandmother. She and Alice and their siblings were children of Bartholomew Manning , b 1815 in Haggard died 900 in Haggard; he married Ellen Hearns b 1817 in Slieverue died 1898 in Haggard.
My great grandmother came to America, married my widower great grandfather, raised his 3 yr old son by his first deceased wife then had seven children here in Newburgh, NY. Hogan also had several siblings some of whom came to America and have descendants here.