Sunday, October 15th, 2023
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Mon. Wm. Heffernan (1895-1973): Native of Aylwardstown, Glenmore [Updated]

The Right Reverend Monsignor William Heffernan died 50 years ago this month in Epping, New South Wales, Australia at the age of 80. Mons. Heffernan was educated at the Glenmore National School and attended St. Kieran’s College in Kilkenny City. He was ordained in June 1919 for the Archdiocese of Sydney. After being ordained he left immediately for Australia and served in a number of parishes until he was appointed Parish Priest of Epping where he remained until his death (Fr. Michael Mernagh, “Go Ye Therefore” Pen Pictures of Glenmore Priests, Nuns, and Brothers of the Twentieth Century, Glenmore Memories (2000) p. 41).
According to Mon. Heffernan’s obituary in the Munster Express (Fri. 26 Oct. 1973, p. 16 ) he last returned home about 40 years before his death. Ship records reveals that Rev. William Heffernan departed England on 20 December 1933 on the ship Hobsons Bay, of the Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line, bound for Sydney, Australia travelling in third class.
The Heffernan Family of Aylwardstown, Glenmore
William Heffernan (1895-1973) was the 9th son of Michael Heffernan (1847-1924) and his wife Bridget Kennedy (1854-1947) of Aylwardstown, Glenmore. The couple married at Glenmore on 12 February 1879 and had a total of 14 children comprised of 11 boys and 3 girls. There were 18 years between the eldest and youngest of their children. The couple also helped raise two of their grand-children after their daughter-in-law tragically died young. They lived to see their children settled in Ireland, Australia, Chicago and England.
Grandparents of William Heffernan
Michael Heffernan (1847-1924) was the son of Patrick Heffernan (farmer) and his wife Alicia Irish of Aylwardstown. Michael’s parents were married on 7 February 1842 at Slieverue. At the time of the wedding Patrick Hefernan’s (sic) address is listed as Nicholastown.
Bridget Heffernan née Kennedy (1854-1947) was the daughter of Peter “Pierce” Kennedy of Rathinure, Glenmore and his wife Bridget Walsh, a native of Ballytarsnia, Mooncoin.
[1] Patrick Heffernan (bapt. 18 Jan 1880- ) per Bridget Heffernan née Kennedy’s obit in 1947 was living in London. A descendent posted that Patrick Heffernan married Ella née Rouse (1885-1951). Patrick Heffernan married Ella on 25 July 1908 at St. Michael’s of Aldershot Hamshire, Southhampton, Surrey, England. The couple had at least two sons.
[2] John Heffernan (13 June 1881—15 Aug.1951) married Mary Frehne, of Fahee, Kilmacow married on the 24th of July 1907. “They sailed for America, July 31at, 1907” (DD Notebook 2, Diary of James Aylward of Ballyhobuck, Glenmore).
Mary Frehne (1 Dec. 1880-18 June 1913) was the daughter of James W. Freyne (1841-1884) and Alice Ryan Freyne Mackey (1848-1920). See, our post of 12 Dec. 2021 regarding manslaughter of James Freyne at Christmastime 1884.
In September 1911, John Heffernan (29), his wife Mary (29), daughter Frances (2); and his brother Richard Heffernan (22) sailed on the Carmania. From the record it appears that John was returning to Chicago, “resident returning 120 D. Anseley Ave. Chicago, Illinois.” John was described as being 5 feet 9 inches tall, fair complexion, fair hair, with blue eyes. Mary and Frances are listed in the 1911 Census living with her brother James Frehne in Mullinavat. It is likely that John, Mary and Frances came home in 1911 and returned to Chicago with Richard Heffernan..
In 1912 the couple had a son Michael Raymond Heffernan (1912-29 March 1927). Shortly after Raymond’s birth Mary died in June 1913 at the Heffernan house in Aylwardstown of T.B. John left his children Frances and Raymond with his parents. He returned to Chicago to work. John married his second wife, Florence, née Populorum sometime about 1920. The couple had four daughters. In 1925, John brought his second family home, and at the age of 15 Raymond returned to Chicago via Canada with his father, step-mother and sisters. The family resided at 930 Mapleton Ave., Oak Park, IL. Raymond died tragically in 1927 per Danny Dowling’s notes Raymond was struck by a car.
[3] James Heffernan (10 July 1882-2 Aug. 1912) according to his death cert worked as a draper’s assistant. He never married and was being treated for heart disease for 18 months before his death. His sister Mary O’Connor, of Ballyfacey, was present when he died just 5 weeks after his sister-in-law Mary died.
[4] Peter Heffernan (31 Dec. 1883—17 Aug. 1966) married Margaret Quinn in 1920 and became a Garda rising to the rank of Garda Superintendent prior to his retirement in 1944. The couple had children.
[5] Mary Heffernan (9 May 1885-1 Sept. 1936). Mary married Patrick O’Connor (1883-1937) of Ballyfacey, Glenmore. The couple had a large family.
[6] Alice Heffernan (21 Nov. 1886—28 Nov. 1972) Alice married Edward “Ned” Roche (c. 1888-1969) farmer, of Rathinure. There were 8 or 9 children in this family.
[7] Thomas Heffernan (1888-1965) married into the Murphy farm of Kearneybay when he married on 28 April 1915, Catherine “Kate” Murphy (c. 1887 – 1961). The couple had several children.
[8] Richard Heffernan (6 June 1889*—4 Jan. 1947) immigrated to the US with his brother John in 1911. Richard was described as being 5 foot 7 inches tall, with a fair complexion, fair hair and blue eyes. Richard served in the US Army during WWI. He was home in June 1919 (in uniform) for his brother’s ordination. Richard married Marie Elizabeth King (1896-1966) on 15 October 1920 in Illinois. The couple had 6 children. *On some US records his year of birth is listed as 1893, but the Glenmore Parish records lists his date of birth as 6 June 1889 and his date of baptismal as 7 June 1889.
The 1930 US Census records that Richard was 41, his wife Marie E. was 34 years of age and had been born in Illinois. Richard immigrated in 1911 and in 1930 was working as a produce salesman. His brother Stephen Heffernan was living with them (age 32) having immigrated in 1926. In 1930, Richard and Marie had six children between the ages of 8 years and 5 months.
[9] Michael Heffernan (b. 7 Oct. 1890) was living in Kilkenny City when his brother Peter Heffernan retired in Feb. 1944. Michael Heffernan was married and was an undertaker. Although we were unable to discover the name of his wife we did locate an advertisement in the Kilkenny People (Sat. 11 June 1921, p. 9) “Michael Heffernan for cabinet making, upholstering, and French polishing, also Funeral Undertaking, at 6 Lower John St., (gate entrance) Kilkenny.”
[Editor’s update–17 Oct. Special thanks to Patty Lee Brown who found the marriage license for Michael Heffernan and shared it. On 11 February 1918 Michael (cabinet maker) of Michael St. Kilkenny married Teresa Byrne (nurse) of Dublin Road, Kilkenny. Michael was the son of Michael Heffernan (farmer) and Teresa was the daughter of Michael Bryne (farmer). The couple were married at St. John’s of Kilkenny City. The witnesses were Andrew Heffernan and Alice Byrne.]
[10] Bridget Heffernan (b. 22 May 1892)
[11] Andrew Heffernan (20 Nov. 1893—7 Sept. 1975). He married Bridget Roche (c. 1897-1987). Bridget Heffernan née Roche was a sister of Edward “Neddy” Roche who married Andrew’s sister Alice Roche née Heffernan. Andrew farmed the home farm and after he retired he and Bridget moved to Rochestown to their youngest daughter Mary Aylward.
[12] William Heffernan (26 March 1895-17 Oct. 1973) became a priest and spent 50 years working in Australia.
[13] Nicholas Heffernan (27 June 1896) per his mother’s obituary in 1947 was living in London. According to the Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007, Nicholas died aged 88 in July 1984. He is buried in Middlesex.
[14] Stephen Heffernan (15 Jan. 1898—Oct. 1977) emigrated to Chicago in 1926. In the 1930 Census he was living with his brother Richard and family. Stephen was working in the building trades. He married Agnes Kiely, and the couple had two daughters. According to his obit in the Chicago Tribune he was survived by his brother Nicholas Heffernan in England. See our guest author Brian Forristal for further information regarding Stephen’s activities during the Irish War of Independence.
Mon. Heffernan’s Work in Australia

Very little could be found regarding Mon. William Heffernan’s early work in Australia. Luckily, from the Australian, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980 we know that in 1934 Fr. Wm. Heffernan was living in Boolaroo, Hunter, New South Wales, Australia. We found a second entry which indicates that in 1949, he was living at 33 Oxford St., Epping, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.
The address 33 Oxford Street, Epping is the location of Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping. Our Lady Help of Christians was established on 15 June 1916, and the parish celebrated its centenary in 2016.
A triptych centenary cake records that Fr. W. Heffernan was Parish Priest from 1948-1973. From the dates provided on the cake it appears that Fr. Heffernan was their longest serving parish priest. During his 25 year assignment to this parish it grew substantially.

A year after Fr. Heffernan became the Parish Priest the parish had 920 parishioners. In 1956, the new primary school building opened with 337 pupils and an extension was added to the school in 1967. Extensions were added to the Church in 1969. The school continued to grow requiring a 2 storey extension in 1972 when pupils numbered 505. See, Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta, webpage (5 Aug. 2016) Parramatta was founded by the Sisters of Callan, Kilkenny, Ireland.
Fr. William Heffernan died as he apparently lived—quietly. His death notice was just a couple of lines. He is buried in Macquarie Park, Sydney. Unfortunately, the transcription of his grave marker incorrectly lists that he died in January 1973 instead of October 1973 (Sydney, Australia, Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1837-2003).
The inscription includes:
“Very Rev. Monsignor, P.C., P.P. Our Lady of Help of Christians, Epping. B. Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny 26 Apr. 1895. Ordained St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny 8 June 1919.”
Several full obituaries for the Heffernan family can be found on our H Surname Page.
The feature photo above was taken in June 1919 at William’s ordination. He is seated between his parents and several of his siblings and their spouses are behind him. The children are his nieces and nephew including Raymond. Michael Heffernan, late of Marian Park, Waterford gave me a copy of this photo.
The photo of the parish church of Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping, NSW, Australia is courtesy of the Epping Civic Trust.
Please send any corrections, further information or photos etc. to
Special thanks to Kerry who sent the exact dates of death of John Heffernan and his son Raymond.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh