December, 2021
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Looking Forward and Looking Back

As 2021 draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. We will continue in 2022 to present weekly articles (usually on Saturday or Sunday) on the blog and will re-post older articles weekly on the facebook page (usually on Wednesday or Thursday). If anyone has any ideas for a Glenmore related article please contact us at
The Munster Express back in the 1950’s challenged readers concerning their knowledge of Waterford by printing random photos of locations in the city. Can anyone identify the location of the old Glenmore farmhouse above and the location of the old pump below?
A couple of readers recently expressed delight at some of the links on the blog’s useful links page because they are homebound, and asked for recommendations for other links. Below are two history related you tube channels with links to selected videos on each channel.
If you enjoy other history related sites or channels, please share them in the comment section below or email and we will add them to the list.
Videos of Irish Farming Life—is a you tube channel. Don’t let the title of the channel put you off. In addition to videos depicting farming with horses and early tractors etc. there are a range of videos of traditional butter making, thatching, linen weaving and Irish whiskey.
The introductory video
Bygone Ireland part 1
Bygone Ireland part 2
Making Irish Whiskey at Old Bushmills Distillery
Separating Cream in a Traditional Irish Farmhouse
Traditional Irish Cooking: Making Champ
The History Guy—is another you tube channel which provides a large backlog of short videos (5 to 15 minutes) on a range of history topics. Below is a selection of some Irish interest videos that are available on this channel.
Dynamite Luke Dillon and the Welland Canal
Ireland in the Second World War
The Fairy Trial of Bridget Cleary
Arthur MacMurrough Kavanagh: A Remarkable Man
Firefights and a Funeral Procession: The Boston Riot of 1837
Thank you to all who helped this past year in supporting Hopefully 2022 will mark the end of the COVID scourge.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh