Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020
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First Anniversary

It is hard to believe, but today is the first anniversary of the first post of Glenmore-History.com. The first post on 3 November 2019 was “Introducing the Glenmore Historian: Danny Dowling.” https://glenmore-history.com/introducing-the-glenmore-historian-danny-dowling/
Last week I asked Danny if he would like to send a message to his readers on this First Anniversary. Danny thought for a few minutes and said that he enjoys hearing from the readers all over the world who are from Glenmore or have Glenmore connections. He would like to encourage everyone to speak to and write down for their younger family members their experiences and anything they know or heard about their ancestors.
When we started last year, we had no way of knowing that a pandemic would impact on the world and close local libraries and the National Archives. Notwithstanding challenges we were able to publish 70 posts on a variety of subjects and on the website add pages dedicated to family information, obituaries, Irish words and field names, useful links and our biggest project was the recording of all inscriptions on over 500 headstones in Glenmore cemetery. Additionally guest lecturers shared their work for us to publish.

We hope that you have found the posts and pages interesting to date. In the coming year in addition to weekly posts we hope to record more headstone inscriptions and more information on Glenmore’s past and people. If you have any information, wrote an article or come across an article, or have an idea for an article we would appreciate you sending it to us at glenmore.history@gmail.com.
Thanks to everyone who helped and contributed to the success of Glenmore-History.com.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh