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What’s a Shebeen?

Over the years, Danny Dowling interviewed several local people concerning Glenmore drinking establishments. As previously reported in our blog of 4 January 2020 in about 1870 the then parish priest forced all three pubs in Glenmore Village to close. After the pubs closed Glenmore remained a dry parish until 1963. In addition to licensed public houses Glenmore had its fair share of síbíns or shebeens, particularly in the years following 1870. Today we are going to focus on the information Danny collected and a case that arose 114 years ago today when a Glenmore woman’s house was raided as a shebeen.
One of the pubs, operating at the time of the pub closures in Glenmore was known as Cashin’s. It was situated just in front of the present priest’s house and Mass was disrupted with drunken shouts, inappropriate conduct and the banging of mugs on the bar. Old Johnnie Hanrahan, of Glenmore Village, told Nicholas Forristal, of the Mill, Graiguenakill that when Johnny was a chap he brought beer out of Howlett’s Brewery in Priory Lane, New Ross, to Cashin’s Pub in Glenmore. Walter Power, of Jamestown, in his January 1955 interview revealed that another pub in the Village was in Peter Dunphy’s house in Robinstown. He was married to Nellie Grace, nicknamed Nellie Grawsheen and their house stood somewhere near Hanrahan’s shop. Margaret Walsh, in 1955, noted that her father David Walsh had a pub in the Village not too far from the Chapel.

Another pub just outside of the Village was identified in 1958 by Nicholas Forristal who stated that Cardiff’s had a pub in Graiguenakill in their house upstairs. Interestingly Father Delahunty whilst in Glenmore lived in Cardiff’s. Danny’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Dowling, of Jamestown, in January 1970, stated that Duggan’s had a public house in the Halfwayhouse on the “New Line” in Ballinaraha.
The shebeens identified were primarily outside the Village. In December 1969 Nicholas Forristal, stated that the local Whitefeet drank in a shebeen in Ballygurrim before their nightly escapades. The Whitefeet was a secret society that engaged in land agitation activities. The shebeen where the local Whitefeet drank was kept by Billy Walsh, nicknamed Billy Buíde. Billy Walsh used to say to the Whitefeet, “Drink plenty and it’ll make chickens of ye. It will strengthen your bones and put speed in your feet and make ye well able to whale the police.” Pat Coady, of Ballycroney, in November 1955 identified five “shanties” that operated in Glenmore including: Big Dinny Whelan had one in his house in Ballyfacey; Dick Young in Ballyveria; Tom Long in Moulerstown; Jack Hart in Darbystown and Johnny Scanlon in Knockbrack.

Paddy Foley, of Rahora, Tullogher in June 1970 provided more information regarding Tom Long’s shebeen in Moulerstown. It was in a house alongside Butler’s yard. Long was married to a Butler, of Moulerstown and the police used to drink in this shebeen. Danny identified another well-known establishment which was referred to as the Shanty. It was located off the High Road near Scartnamore and operated by a man named Kirwan. It was going strong during the building of the railway. The last known area referred to as a shebeen was located on a turn on the grassy lane that runs up from the Main Waterford-New Ross Road in Ballinamona. There was no building, just a lot of beer stored in the open allegedly for a Fete being held in Hanarahan’s field in Ballinamona. The Guards learned of it, raided and closed it in 1961 or 1962 at the time of the Fete.
In notebook 23 Danny listed a large number of newspaper articles that he found in old local papers. Perhaps not surprising given the fact that Glenmore parish was dry there are several articles listed concerning local people being charged, and often convicted, of operating a shebeen. One of the articles relates to a raid on the house of Mrs. Catherine Connolly, of Graiguenakill, 114 years ago today.
The New Ross Standard on the 13th of April 1906 printed an article entitled “What’s a Shebeen?” It was stated that Catherine Connolly was a poor woman who was being prosecuted by Sgt. Lynch, of the Glenmore RIC, at the New Ross Petty Sessions the previous Friday. Mr. R.C. Brehon, J.P. presided over the trial and sat with four other magistrates hearing the case against Mrs. Connolly “for exposing intoxicating drink for sale without a license, for otherwise being guilty of shebeening.” Three men were also being prosecuted for being on the premises for the unlawful purpose of purchasing drink, namely: Edward Kelly, Thomas Kelly and Patrick Carroll. Mr. Henry B. Langrishe, solicitor, represented Mrs. Connolly and the two Kellys. Pat Carroll defended himself.
Sgt. Lynch testified that on Saturday the 31st of March he visited Mrs. Connolly’s house at 9:30 p.m. with Constable Power. He asked Mrs. Connolly if she had any intoxicating drink and she said that she had a few bottles of stout. Armed with a warrant he searched the house and found 3 bottles of stout in a bed and a couple dozen empty bottles found throughout the house. In the kitchen he found a gallon whiskey jug that only contained a small amount of beer. In addition to the three men present in the house a chap named Scanlon was in the house but Sgt. Lynch testified that he did not believe that he went to Mrs. Connolly’s house for drink. Sgt. Lynch testified that he had the house under surveillance for some time, that two of the defendant’s had already been convicted of drunkenness and he knew them both to be “fond of drink.” From his observation and information received he was satisfied that the house was conducted as a shebeen.

Mr. Langrishe conducted a cross examination of Sgt. Lynch. Among other questions the solicitor asked, “Is a shebeen usually stocked with 3 bottles of stout?” The Sgt responded, “it might be.” The solicitor then asked if 14 empty porter or beer bottles and 5 empty whiskey bottles are proper stock for a shebeen. The Sgt. responded, “I suggest that from all appearances it is an improper stock of porter and bottles to have in a cabin of a poor woman.” The Sgt. went on to explain that he had been watching the house for 15 days before serving the warrant. He saw a van from Waterford call to the house 3 days a week. It came on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. He believed that Mrs. Connolly received her liquor stock from this van. When asked what type of van it was the Sgt. Lynch stated it was a bread van.
Constable Power was called to testifiy and corroborated the evidence of Sgt. Lynch. During cross examination Constable Power admitted that Sundays are the best business days for shebeens generally because public houses are not open on Sundays. He went on to state that there is no public house in the district any day of the week. He also agreed that there would be no more than a penny profit on a bottle of stout. It would take a long time for Mrs. Connolly to earn enough selling three bottles of stout at a time to pay a £50 fine for shebeening.
The defence called Mrs. Connolly who denied the charges. She testified that the three men were neighbour boys. Edward Kelly came to her home every night. Tom Kelly worked with her son in Waterford and Pat Carroll stopped by that night. Sgt Lynch on cross examination asked her why she put the bottles in bed rather than in a press. She replied, “Sure I just left them out of the way.” She explained that the empty bottles were from when her father was on the bed and the empties were waiting for the peddler. She could not state how far she lived from Slieverue or Ross, so Sgt. Lynch advised her that her home is 7 miles from Slieverue. Her solicitor inquired of Sgt. Lynch if 3 bottles of stout are a curiosity when found 7 miles from a public house.

Tom Kelly testified that he worked with Mrs. Connolly’s son in Waterford and stopped to visit her. Both he and Pat Carroll denied that they bought or received any drink from Mrs. Connolly. Pat testified that he was only in the house 3 minutes when Sgt. Lynch arrived and he did not bring, buy or receive drink in the house. The last person to testify was Edward Kelly, he corroborated Mrs. Connolly’s testimony, and admitted that he was fined the previous June or July for drunkenness. When asked if that was the first time he was drunk Edward Kelly replied, “It was the first time I was fined.”
At that point Mr. Brehon interposed and stated there was no need to proceed further as he believed that there was absolutely no case for the Crown. All summons were dismissed on the merits. The 3 bottles of stout which were present in court as evidence were returned to Mrs. Connolly who asked what she should do with them. Her solicitor, Mr. Langrieshe helpfully advised her to go outside, draw the corks and give a drink to each of the men. “This remark greatly tickled the assembled gods, who rushed out in a body after the Glenmorites to see the interesting operation performed.” “The exodus caused such a commotion as interrupted the business for some minutes.”
The featured scene above is entitled Irish Petty Sessions Court printed in the Feb. 1853 Illustrated London.
Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh