Useful Links to Online Resources
In addition to on line resources listed on other pages of below are some online resources that may be of interest or useful.
[Updated 24th of Feb. 2025]
Irish Birth & Death Records (National Archives & Irish are available online and free of charge at .
The registries available are limited: births 1864-1923; marriages 1845-1948; and deaths 1871-1973. [updated] Several readers have expressed frustration attempting to search these records. Marriages in Glenmore are generally found in Waterford, Kilmakevogue registers. For births & deaths, please note that the majority of Glenmore parish was in the Waterford Poor Law Union. The most eastern part of Glenmore parish was in the New Ross Poor Law Union. Eventually Thomastown becamse the designated place of event reporting. Thus when searching for a Glenmore record commence with Waterford, then try New Ross and lastly Thomastown. Lastly, please note that deaths were generally recorded in the place of death rather than the place of residence. If a person was resident but died in Dublin, the death is recorded in Dublin, however, under the name or sometimes beneath the date the address of the resident may be provided.
Glenmore Parish Records (National Library of Ireland) Glenmore did not become a separate parish until 1846. Early records for townlands now found in Glenmore parish may be found in early Slieverue parish records . Adjacent Parish Records (NLI): Tullogher Mullinavat
For recent deaths of Kilkenny residents—
Glenmore Cemetery [There are several cemeteries in the parish of Glenmore. For old cemetery headstones see, “Roots.” The modern cemetery is adjacent to St. James Catholic Church in the Village of Glenmore. volunteers commencing 7 July 2020 began photographing and transcribing all markers in St. James cemetery. A map of all markers, photos, transcriptions in a PDF document was prepared by volunteer Louise Walsh. To access click on the “Roots” button on the home page and select the pages from the drop down menu.]
(Headstones photographed and transcribed by are also available online and free of charge on Find a Grave website at )
Selected headstones transcribed and photographed by Dr. Lyons are available online and free of charge at
For a you tube video from 2019 of Ballygurrim cemetery see, Paul Harney of G.R.G.U. (Glenmore Rural Graveyard Upkeep) available at . cited by others:
[1] John, Derek. “Victor O’Donovan Power (c. 1860-1933).” The Green Book: Writings on Irish Gothic, Supernatural and Fantastic Literature, no. 20 (2022): 60–68. Citing Danny’s recollections regarding Victor O’Doovan Power published on on 27 October 2020.
[2] Butter Museum (of Cork) (29 April 2022) produced a video concerning the Glenmore Creamery. Available on Vimeo. Also available on the Butter Museum’s facebook page. Video references Our post of 29 July 2020 featured Glenmore Butter stolen in 1916 during the uprising.
Kilmakevogue, Glenmore landlord papers see, Richard J.B. Hyland (2014) The Hylands of Conmoran: An Enterprising Catholic Family in Co. Kilkenny, 1816-1917 (PhD Thesis, Maynooth) available at
Kilkenny Archaeological Society The index for articles appearing since 1948 in the Old Kilkenny Review may be found on this webpage. Unfortunately the articles are not available on line. Daniel Dowling (1972) “Glenmore Brickyards: A Forgotten Industry,” p. 42. Daniel Dowling (1996) “Cardinal Wiseman and His Association with South Kilkenny,” p. 108.
National Folklore Collection–National School Collection, contains statements and local items collected in by school children in the 1930’s. Sometimes children attended the closest school which may have been outside of the Parish of Glenmore.
- Ballyfacey School, Glenmore–
- Bigwood School, Mullinavat–
- Listerlin School, Listerlin–
- Ringville School, Slieverue–
- Shanbogh School, Rosbercon–
- Slieverue School, Slieverue–
- Tullogher School, Tullogher–
A transcript (mostly in Irish) of Glenmore’s last native Irish speaker– Patrick Power, of Jamestown, is available at
General Glenmore Publications
- E. Farrell, P.P. “A Cursory Visit to the Old Churches of Glenmore” in (1879) Transactions of the Ossory Archaeological Society p. 201-203
- Feargus O’Fearghail, “Churches in Slieverue-Glenmore in 1662,” in (2001) J. Walsh (ed) Sliabh Rua: A History of its People and Places (Kilkenny: Slieverue Parish Pastoral Council)
- Pat Rossi, “Catherine Cardiff Emigrated from Glenmore, Ireland to Australia in 1869,” in (1999) 15 Irish Family History, p. 75-91
- E. Farrell, P.P. “The Good Old Priests of the Olden Times: Parish of Ida in (1879) Transactions of the Ossory Archaeological Society.
Danny Dowling Publications
- Co-Author with Jack Burtchall, “Social & Economic Conflict in Co. Kilkenny, 1600-1800,” in Nolan, William, Whelan, Kevin (eds) History & Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County (Dublin: Geography Publications 1990)
- “The Parish and the Church,” in J. Walsh (ed) (2001) Sliabh Rua: A History of its People and Places (Kilkenny: Slieverue Parish Pastoral Council)
- Daniel Dowling, “Glenmore Brickyards: A Forgotten Industry,” (1973) Kilkenny Archaeological Society, Old Kilkenny Review, pp. 42-51.
- Daniel Dowling, “Cardinal Wiseman and His Association with South Kilkenny,” (1974) Kilkenny Archaeological Society, Old Kilkenny Review, p. 38-44.
- Further publications by Danny Dowling are listed below under Waterford Library, Old Waterford Society: Decies
Census records–online searches may be undertaken of the 1901 and 1911 Cenus at .
1841/1851 Census Abstracts–In 1909 an old age pension was introduced for eligible persons over 70 years of age. At that time the applicant’s age was verified by checks of the 1841 and 1851 Census records. Although the Census themselves do not survive the applications do survive. To search see,
Kilkenny Heritage
National Archives,
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage has information on various buildings in Glenmore including: St. James’s Catholic Church, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny (Townland of Robinstown); Ballyfacey National School; Ballyfacey Forge (Townland Ballyfacey); Glenmore Bridge (Townland Cappagh); Kilbride Church (Townland Kilbride) and RIC Barracks (Townland of Robinstown) etc.
National Library of Ireland This site has information and directs to online resources for example, historical property records: Griffith’s Valuation; Tithe Applotment Books; Estate Papers. This site also has a newspaper database covering Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Placenames–The Placenames Database of Ireland, was developed by DCU and the Placenames Branch (Dept. of Tourism Culture, Arts, Gaeltaht, Sport and Media) available at
Co. Kilkenny–Irish names, for concise on line summary see, Owen O’Kelly (1887-1980) Place Names in Co. Kilkenny, geographical features, etc. Published by the Kilkenny Archeological Society available at .
Library of Ireland has a website with history/social history/geneology/folklore/people/places at Library of Ireland also has a collection of old books available including:
(1) John Johnson Marshall, Popular Rhymes and Sayings of Ireland (1924)—“Kilkenny Cats” (2) Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)
Irish Archaeology, has a lot of interesting articles including:
(1) “Mercenaries, Trade and Warfare: The New Ross Macehead” (2016) and
(2) “Wayside Funerary Crosses, An Ancient Tradition from Kilmore, County Wexford.”
Waterford Library has a collection of local historical newspapers, local history online, online newspapers etc.
The Waterford Library has put Danny Dowling’s (1998) Waterford Streets Past and Present on line.
Old Waterford Society: Decies–this journal available on line via the Waterford Library contains several articles written by Danny Dowling including:
- Daniel Dowling (1976) “Eviction of James Holden” (vol. 2, p. 24);
- Daniel Dowling (1983) “South Kilkenny in 1798 and the Role of William Gaffney,” (vol. 24, p. 14);
- Daniel Dowling (1983) “New Geneva,” (vol. 29, p. 32);
- Daniel Dowling (1986) “Piltown: Kildalton and its Past,” (vol. 32, p. 28);
- Dan Dowling (1990) “Tory, Rapparee & Highwaymen: Social Unrest in the 17th & 18th Century,” (vol. 43, p. 25). See also, Kathleen Laffan, (1994) “James Scurry (1790-1828) A South Kilkenny Scholar,” (vol. 50, p. 60).
- Daniel Dowling (2012) “Jim O’Meara,” Decies: Journal of the Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society [Jim O’Meara (1920-2011) of Ferrybank]
Decies is available on-line at
Ordnance Survey Ireland–between 1829 and 1842 the first large scale survey of Ireland was completed. OSI historical maps and information are available at .
Trinity University and University College Dublin have online collections as does the US Library of Congress. Trinity has the Down Survey Maps of 1656-1658 available at UCD has a collection of old maps available at
The US Library of Congress has collection of Irish maps available at .
Ask About Ireland has placed on line a copy of Taylor & Skinner’s, Maps of the Roads of Ireland Survey 1777 (1778) the Waterford to New Ross Road is on page 223 at

New York City Library, Digital Collection: Sea Charts as contained in The sea-atlas : containing an hydrographical description of most of the sea-coasts of the known parts of the world (c. 1701-1709)
- Nautical Chart in Sea Atlas–Co. Waterford coast and depiction of Barrow river to “Ross”
Parish Maps of Co. Kilkenny are available from the webpage below and are helpful in finding DEDs for townlands for the 1901 and 1911 census,_County_Kilkenny,_Ireland_Genealogy
Old U.S. Newspapers— Chronicling America 1756-1963 –Free online newspapers to search sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
[1] Butter Museum (of Cork) (2022) produced a video concerning the Glenmore Creamery. Available on Vimeo. Also available on the Butter Museum’s facebook page.
[2] Christmas 2022: Lighting the Glenmore Christmas Tree, see our post of 11 December 2022 or click here to go directly to the video.
Irish Ancestors Web Page for free online information and access to some records see,
Irish Death Notices–free obituaries/death notices of Irish people in Ireland and abroad on Ireland Old News website.
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet, invaluable for researching emigrants to the US. { is listed on Cyndi’s list.]