About Us
Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

Updated 31 Dec. 2022
The history of Glenmore is the story of its people, how they lived, spoke, worked, emigrated, sometimes returned, and the conditions they endured. For almost 7 decades the history of Glenmore was researched and recorded by Danny Dowling (1927-2021). This site is dedicated to highlighting and sharing Danny’s extraordinary work.
Danny’s work is edited and presented on the website and blog by Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh, of Rathinure, Glenmore. Louise Walsh, of Waterford, is our Artistic Director. Louise has taken the majority of our modern photographs of Glenmore and the photographs of all markers in St. James’s Cemetery, of Glenmore village. Technical support has been provided by Richard Lacey, of Waterford.
There are also a number of volunteers who identify typos, verify dates and facts, provide old photos and help untangle family tree branches. We are also delighted to present the work of others on our Guest Authors pages. We thank all contributors for adding to Glenmore History.
Our email is glenmore.history@gmail.com.