Thursday, May 16th, 2024
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The Flipside: Gowran Kidnappings

On the reverse or flip side of Mons. Paul Fitzgerald’s obituary (1938-2006) is a short article written by Sean Keane entitled, “Fr. Pat’s Donkeys Survive Kidnapping” (Kilkenny People, 19 January 2007, p. 9). The article has nothing to do with Glenmore, other than being in one of Danny Dowling’s (1927-2021) files. However, it is just the type of article Danny would have clipped and put in his Animal Antics file although strictly speaking these animals were not up to any antics in this case. See our post of 27 January 2023 for animal antics.
It was reported that Fr. Pat Dalton of Gowran, Kilkenny purchased two donkeys and a cow made of plastic, from a furniture wholesaler. A number of similar animal figures were sold at a parish auction. The plastic animals according to Fr. Pat were a source of interest to anyone passing and to the children going and coming from school.
Unfortunately, on a number of occasions Fr. Pat’s herd was kidnapped from the front garden of the Parochial House. “The life-sized figures have been through a terrible ordeal at the hands of mischievous pranksters in Gowran.” Fr. Pat reported that he had no intention of putting his animals in a safe place in “order to curb local high jinks.” Strangely no ransom demands were made which is surprising given that a number of similar animals were sold at the parish auction. Happily Fr. Pat’s animals were not harmed in any way. The animals were found in various parts of the parish and collected or returned to Fr. Pat. However, one of his animals was slightly injured when Fr. Pat himself dropped it after it was recovered.
One controversy that may have led to the animal kidnappings was thought to be about the road signs placed around the area lambasting Fianna Faíl and Labour over their failure to support a pedestrian crossing for the Village’s national school. Fr. Dalton stated, “I suppose they will now complain me to the ISPCA.” Fr. Dalton also stated that he had no intention of fettering his animals to stop them from wandering. He hoped that those responsible “would refrain from making asses of themselves and desist” from the kidnappings.
No further articles concerning the kidnappings were located, so perhaps the practice did stop.