Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

October, 2020

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Another Fenian Arrest: Patrick Culleton (1848- ) of Kilbride, Glenmore

In attempting to locate more information on Master John Fitzgerald, of Knockbrack, Glenmore it was discovered that at least one other Glenmore man was arrested in March 1867 on suspicion of being a Fenian. The arrest and detention of Patrick Culleton, of Kilbride, Glenmore clearly illustrates the fear authorities had of the Fenians and the fact that the flimsiest of evidence led to arrests and long detentions without trial.

The Waterford News and Star on Friday the 8th of March 1867 commences with “[o]nce again the Fenian bubble has come to the surface to disturb the face of the country, to retard its prosperity, and to give victims, it may be for the gallows, but certainly for the gaols and the convict ship.” It was reported that a “great rising” took place across the country on Tuesday the 5th of March. The “hungry… unarmed, deluded warriors, the dupes of mischievous and misguided men,” fought in many places, particularly in Tipperary. However, in all places the “insurgents” retreated on the first volley of the police or military. According to this article the Fenian plan was for the men to assemble in night in rural districts to be led by a Fenian military commander to attack a rural police barracks to obtain arms. Other articles report that the telegraph wires along the Waterford and Limerick railway was torn down in several spots and rumours abounded in Waterford that the bridge was going to be destroyed.

It was stated that several young men and boys departed from each of the cities of the South on the day before the uprising. The place of rendezvous of the Waterford Fenian contingent was in the neighborhood of Tory Hill near Mullinavat. After obtaining arms the group was to move up through County Kilkenny taking more barracks and securing more arms. Although it is not stated in the newspaper it seems likely that Fenians of South Kilkenny would also have joined the Waterford contingent. The newspaper surmised that the first attack of the Waterford Fenians was to be the police barracks at Kilmacow. Although the article does not explain why Kilmacow would be the target rather than the Mullinavat barracks the newspaper notes that in the field near the Kilmacow Barracks, 80 pikes wrapped in matting and a box of ammunition containing about 800 bullets was found on Wednesday. The pikes and ammunition were located on information given to Mr. Elliott, J.P. residing in the district.

According to the article the Fenians were frustrated because the Fenian commander did not appear. It was surmised that he was arrested on his way to the meeting point near Tory Hill. Some of the Waterford men, returned to Waterford on Wednesday, “sadder and wiser, it is to hoped, and impressed with the wickedness and folly of their first night’s campaign.” The police at Ferrybank, under “Constable Grant, arrested two of the last stragglers as they were making their way back, and they presented a pitiful spectacle, full of mud and filth, fatigued and heartsick, and just armed with one penny to pay the bridge.” The two arrestees were Thomas Byrne, aged 18, apprentice printer, living at high street and John Cahill, aged 16, a chandler. Other men were arrested as they re-appeared in Waterford City and several did not return and it was presumed that these men had joined another Fenian group.

On Friday the 29th of March 1867 the Waterford News and Star reported that Patrick Culleton, the son of a respectable farmer, of Kilbride, Glenmore, County Kilkenny was arrested under the Lord Lieutenant’s warrant and brought to Waterford City the previous Saturday. Patrick Culleton had been living in Waterford and employed as a draper’s assistant in Waterford City. “He absented himself on the night of the 6th, but having returned to his father’s house after the rebellion with which he was supposed to be connected.” On this evidence that he wasn’t in Waterford and was at his father’s home Patrick Culleton was arrested by five armed policemen and brought to Waterford City in handcuffs. At the time of Culleton’s arrest there were nine men in the Waterford gaol on suspicion of Fenianism.

It was also reported that James Cody was arrested in Wexford on board a vessel as “he had the appearance of being out.” He claimed to be a native of Kilmacow, and forced out of his house on the 6th to assist in a projected attack on Dangan. He escaped the Fenians and made his way to Wexford. Cody was taken to Kilmacow where he was not known then taken to Waterford gaol.

On Monday the Kilmacow police arrested three men, named Richard Power, Patrick Murphy and Joseph Whelan, on a charge of Fenianism. The men appeared to have travelled from a distance, “and consequently excited the suspicion of the police.” Mr. Elliott, J.P. committed them to Kilkenny gaol. On Tuesday the Kilmacow police arrested James  Power, Patrick Casey and William Gaule, laborers, residing in the Kilmacow area as they were “missing from the Argus eyes of the constabulary.” Mr. Elliott, J.P. admitted the three to bail. Not being visible enough to the local police appears to have been enough evidence of wrongdoing for arrest.

On Monday at Waterford, James Walsh, a labourer, was charged with having been on Sunday evening in Barrack street where he sought to induce two artillery men to desert the British army. Walsh told the two men that they should desert and go to America to join in the invasion of Canada under the green flag. Walsh was charged with “tampering with soldiers.” Walsh was committed for trial at the assizes, bail was accepted of £40 (Two sureties posted £10 each, and Walsh posted £20.)

The Waterford Prison Register of 1867 reveals that Patrick Culleton was prisoner number 54. It is recorded that he was 19 years of age and 5 feet, 9 inches in height. His eyes were described as dark grey, his hair was brown and he had a “fresh complexion.” His place of residence was recorded as Kilbride in County Kilkenny, he could read and write, and was employed as a draper’s assistant. He was committed on 12 March and 23 March on the charge of “suspected of being in treasonable practice,” and committed by “His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.”

Two other prisoners recorded on the same page in the Register were similarly charged. Stephen Farrell, aged 27, and employed as a tailor was also charged with “suspected of being concerned in treasonable practices.” William Kennedy, of the Glen, was aged 20 and a draper. He was charged with “being a member of the Fenian conspiracy.”

After languishing in the Waterford gaol four Fenian prisoners were transferred to Mountjoy Prison in Dublin in the first week of October 1867 (Waterford News & Star 11 Oct 1867).  Patrick Culleton, William Kennedy, Stephen Farrell and Michael Cosgrove were taken from the Waterford gaol with 30 armed police in attendance as well as the cavalry. A railway bus entered the jail yard, collected the prisoners and their guards and delivered the prisoners to the railway Station to catch the 12:40 train for Dublin. On emerging from the gaol the prisoner it was noted that the “prisoners were in the best spirits, were received with handshaking and cheers” of a crowd that assembled.

A photograph of Patrick Culleton was not found in the photos held by the New York City Library and no further information was found in the various newspapers. No head stone for Patrick Culleton (1848- ) could be located in St. James’ Cemetery which is adjacent to the Glenmore Parish church. It is not known if Patrick Culleton was one of the prisoners released from Mountjoy Prison and deported to the US.

The Glenmore parish records do reveal that Patrick “Colleton” was baptized on the 18th of July 1848. Patrick was the son of Michael “Colleton” and Ellen Morissy, of Kilbride. His sponsors were Edmund Ready and Nancy Mackey. Patrick had five known siblings. James “Colleton” was baptized on the 8th of October 1845. Mary “Colleton” was baptized on the 11th of April 1850. John “Colleton” was baptized on the 27th of March 1852, and Bridget “Colleton” was baptized on the 4th of February 1855. Lastly, Walter “Colleton” was baptized on the 19th of April 1857.

Hopefully a reader may be able to shed some light on what happened to Patrick Culleton or Patrick Culleton will be added to the growing list of items to be researched with the libraries and archives re-open.

The featured painting is St. Cornelius who was an early pope and martyr persecuted and killed for his beliefs that the Roman authorities feared.

Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh