1821 Census Extract Rochestown, Glenmore
[DD Notebook 9]
Forstall, Pierce Edmond Farmer 40
John O’Kennedy Forstall, gent 36
Laurence Ennis, Ann Adderly. Servants (10-71)

Donovan, Ellen (alias Haberlin) Widow 53 67
Michael, son, Laborer unemployed 30 (born Sept. 1789)
Bridget, daughter 25 (born 31 Jan. 1795)
Margaret, daughter 7 (born 6 June 1813)
Pat, son 10 (born 10 Feb. 1810)
Mary, sister, flaxspinner 56 (10-71)
Howlet, John, tailor 34
Anty, wife 28
Mary, daughter, under 1 (
Esmond, Lumly Lettia[?], Farmer 46
Miss Frances Laffin 38 (
HELPFUL HINT: The National Archive has placed the 1901 and 1911 censuses online..
1841/1851 Census Abstracts–In 1909 an old age pension was introduced for eligible persons over 70 years of age. At that time the applicant’s age was verified by checks of the 1841 and 1851 Census records. Although the Census themselves do not survive the applications do survive. To search see, http://censussearchforms.nationalarchives.ie/search/cs/home.jsp