Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

  • A Ballinclare, Glenmore Murder, Part II

    In our last post we published the accounts of the arrest of Michael Walsh of Ballinclare, Glenmore for the murder of his neighbour Simon PowerRead More

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  • A Ballinclare, Glenmore Murder

    Several years ago when Danny Dowling (1927-2021) was talking about the killer Henry “Bounce” Walsh he mentioned another murder that occurred in Ballinlammy and concernedRead More

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A Ballinclare, Glenmore Murder, Part II

In our last post we published the accounts of the arrest of Michael Walsh of Ballinclare, Glenmore for the murder of his neighbour Simon Power by poison in August 1849, his one day trial and the jury verdict of guilty on 24 July 1850. Today, we tell the rest of the story.


After the late jury verdict on Thursday, Baron Pennefather had the prisoner brought back to the court for sentencing on Friday. Before sentencing Walsh’s barrister, Mr. Harris, asked Pennefather what “course he intended to pursue on behalf of the prisoner, with regard to the point raised against the reading of the depositions of Power [the victim] at the trial…” Harris stated that he intended to argue the legality of admitting the depositions before the Court of Appeal.

“The Judge said he did not think there was anything in it, but he would give Mr. Harris any information in his power, if would wait upon him before he left Kilkenny. He would afford the prisoner time for having the point argued in his favour. The officer of the court then informed the prisoner in the usual form of the nature of the verdict against him, and asked him If he had anything to say why sentence of death should not be upon him. The prisoner, who exhibited no external emotion whatsoever, answered in rather husky and smothered accents—”God help me; I gave him the whiskey, but I had no harm in it. The Lord help me; I leave myself on your mercy” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

Judge Addresses Convicted Murderer Michael Walsh

Baron Pennefather replied—”Michael Walsh, you had a very fair and full investigation of your case; you have been ably defended by your Counsel; the Jury have paid the most anxious attention to the evidence, and every point which could be suggested as favourable to you was put forward by your Counsel, subsequently by myself to the jury. They, having considered all the circumstances of the case have come to the full consideration that you were Guilty—that you are guilty of a foul and deliberate murder.”

Addressing his sisters and workmen who testified for him the Judge stated, “You attempted to defend yourself by evidence which the Jury did not believe, and which was palpably untrue to every person attending the trial. The Jury have come to that conclusion which consigns you to the grave, and to which they were compelled to come by the evidence, which, being believed, was irresistible to show your guilt.”

“That the unfortunate Simon Power met his death by poison—by poison of a most deadly kind—poison of a mercurial nature, called corrosive sublimate—has been demonstrated by the opinions of men whose judgment the jury could not fail to rely on, and who expressed their opinion without any doubt as to the nature of the poison, and without any consideration but the assertion of truth. The only enquiry then to be made, was as to who had committed the fatal deed” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

“The jury have come to a conclusion discrediting the story told on your part, being constrained by other evidence to believe your guilt. I feel bound to say that I cannot disapprove of that conclusion, nor can any man who duly reflects on the evidence. The Jury was almost selected by yourself. The Crown did not use its prerogative in putting by a single name, while on the contrary you exercised the power which the law undoubtedly gives you, of putting by numbers of persons. It may then be said that the jury was much more of your own selection, but they were men of understanding and conscience, and they have done their duty by returning a verdict such as they were bound to do by the obligation of their oaths. It now only remains for me to pass sentence upon you” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

Murder Linked to Agrarian Violence

Baron Pennefather was just warming up and told the prisoner, “I have already had occasion this morning to observe on the fatal consequences of the agrarian outrages—they lead from one step to another, and if in the first instances property only be assailed, it comes shortly to this, that life itself is not safe from the attacks of those who desire to hold their land without paying the rent contracted for.”

“Unfortunate Simon Power went as a bailer to make a distress on you. There does not appear to have been any personal enmity between you; he was your neighbour, and you had never quarrelled—but such was the spirit entertained—such was the reckless disposition constituted—such was the wicked purpose conceived, that to strike terror into others—perhaps to defeat the distress made, you did not scruple to take away his life, because he discharged this trifling duty for your landlord, or his agent” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

“Is not this a frightful proof of the extent to which this crime has grown in this County? Is it not proof of the necessity of redressing it by the strong arm of the law, and that those who counsel this interference by attacks on property, be warned of the frightful consequences of proceeding further? You gave way to the plan you had settled in your mind, and regardless of the consequences, administered the deadly drug which produced the death of your victim under dreadful agonies” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

“Can there be any crime greater than this? and can a man who administered deadly poison in this this matter, hope or have the least expectation of receiving pardon in this world; and ought, he not turn his mind that future world to which he must shortly belong? Let me conjure you, then, to turn your mind to your God, and by repentance and contrition, endeavour to make atonement to Heaven for that crime for which your life has been forfeited to the laws of your country, and seek that mercy there, which this tribunal cannot allow” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

The placed the black cap on his head and stated, “It is now my painful duty to pronounce the awful sentence of the law, which is, that you, Michael Walsh, be hanged by the neck till you are dead, and that your body be buried within the precincts of the prison where you have been confined … and may the Lord have mercy on your soul” (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

The prisoner remained unmoved throughout the sentence and communicated with his solicitor for some moments before leaving the dock. We understand that the 23rd November has been named as the day of execution, in order to give time for the appeal (The Kilkenny Moderator, Sat. 27 July 1850, p. 2).

The Appeal

According to the newspaper account the appeal was taken because Mr. Harris, the prisoner’s barrister, objected during the trial to the admission of Simon Power’s depositions because he alleged them to be irregular. “Mr. Cooke, R.M., went to the dying bailiff, Power, and, in the presence of the  prisoner, took down a statement of the administration of poison mixed in whiskey, by Walshe. This statement was not made under oath; and when it was made, Walshe put a few questions to the dying man, which, with the replies, were added to the statement; and as the then stood, the dying man was sworn as to the truth of it—that is he was sworn after the statement had been taken, instead of being sworn before.”

This statement, so sworn to was read at the trial at Kilkenny, on the part of the Crown, against the prisoner. Mr. Harris, Counsel for the prisoner, objected to its admission, but Baron Pennefather allowed the document to be read, except one or two questions. He refused to give the document itself to the jury. The newspaper opined that “… the depositions,  its questions or answers, or its post swearing instead of ante-swearing, had no influence  except the remotest, in inducing the jury to arrive at a conviction that Walshe (sic) was guilty.”

Before sentence was passed, Mr. Harris, urged that the admission into evidence “of the informal deposition was illegal, and consequently a ground why Walshe should not be sentenced. Baron Pennefather, after some discussion, took a note of the objection on the record under which counsel might bring the question before the judges of criminal appeal.”

Murder Conviction Overturned

Three out of the five justices hearing the appeal that, “as the dying man was sworn after he made the statement instead of being sworn before, the deposition was bad; and should not have been used against prisoner; consequently, as illegal evidence had been received on the trial, the conviction should be reversed” (Kilkenny Journal & Leinster Commercial & Literary Advertiser, Wed. 20 Nov. 1850, p. 1).

On Saturday the 17th of November, just a week before Walsh’s execution date, Mr. Robins, the Governor of the County Gaol, “communicated to Michael Walshe the (to him) agreeable intelligence that he was to walk forth again a free man…Walshe, accordingly, left the prison, where, it was confidently presumed he would have been executed” (Kilkenny Journal & Leinster Commercial & Literary Advertiser, Wed. 20 Nov. 1850, p. 1).

The newspaper concluded, “And so it has been; and Walshe is now upon his farm once more! It is stated, on good authority, that since his conviction he confidently reckoned upon being set at liberty; and it is also the impression of many who have considered the circumstances of the case, that the poison was administered to the two bailiffs, one of whom suffered only temporarily, not with a view to their death; but only to lay them up for a few hours, or for a day perhaps, in order that, in their absence, some of the property distrained might be removed.”

Who Was Michael Walsh, of Ballinclare, Glenmore?

With no hint of his age it is difficult with any certainty to identify the prisoner Michael Walsh. We did locate Michael Welsh (sic) who was baptized on 25 September 1803 at Ballinclare, Glenmore, the son of John Welsh and Ellen Doherty. If this is the correct Michael Walsh he was 46 when he poisoned Simon Power. From the newspaper accounts there is no mention of a wife or children, just his two sisters. His sister Mary Power, who testified that she drank the whiskey may have been the Mary Walsh who married Robert Power of Ballinclar at Slieverue on 14 July 1837. Michael Walsh was one of the witnesses.

Another Michael Walsh (1803-1868) was baptized on 28 September 1803 at Ballinlammy, Glenmore, the son of Patrick Welsh and Catherin Shee. We were able to find that Michael, of Ballinlammy died 26 March 1868 aged 64. He was a married, farmer and Johanna Walsh (c. 1798-1870) was present at his death. This Michael (Ballinlammy) had a sister, Margaret Walsh (bapt. 5 April 1808).

Who Was The Victim, Simon Power?

The provision of his children’s names in the newspaper account of the trial aided in the tracking of Simon Power. The victim Simon Power was married to Mary Savage. When Walter Power was baptized at Glenmore on 27 February 1828 the family was residing at Ballyinguile. His sister, Catherine Power was baptized 9 October 1829 at Gaulstown, Glenmore.  Another brother, Michael Power was baptized at Ballyinguile on 24 December 1826, but he was not mentioned in the newspapers and may not have survived infancy.

In 1831, Simon Power, of Ballihibuck (sic), Glenmore married Mary Walsh of Ballinclar, Glenmore on 14 February. To this union, three children were born: James Power (bapt 22 March 1834 at Ballanguile); Joney Power (bapt. 21 Dec. 1835 at Ballanguile) and John Power (bapt 10 June 1837 at Ballanguile). It is not known if this Simon Power is the victim as none of these children were named in the newspaper accounts of the trial.

1901 Census

We could find no marriage record for Michael Walsh, of Ballinclare, nor could we locate a death record. However, death records only began being kept in the 1860’s. We do not know if Michael Walsh, of Ballinclare, remained in Glenmore or left the area. Perhaps as more of Danny Dowling’s (1927-2021) notebooks are transcribed we will learn how Michael Walsh, his sisters and workmen were treated after the trial and his release. We do know that by 1901 there were no persons named Walsh in Ballinclare or Ballinlammy, Glenmore.

Please send any corrections or additional information to

Dr. Kathleen Moore Walsh

For a list of persons executed in Ireland from 1835 to 1899, see, Richard Clark.